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Messages - B-LIEves

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Tohme Tohme / Re: Could MJJ have been forced into hiding?
« on: December 28, 2009, 07:47:38 PM »
I'm not really sure about the Illuminati Theory. Maybe they did force him to hiding and there was/is some kind of conspiracy going on. I remember him mentioning in an interview there was a conspiracy against  him and he couldn't say more. The only thing that makes me doubt it was a notorious group that forced him into hiding, is the way his family is acting because they don't seem too upset whenever Michael is brought up in an interview. If I knew one of my family members had to be forced into hiding because there was a plot to put him in danger, I would be upset. Maybe that's just me.

But, what if...

He went into hiding for his own safety because he is about to expose the truth about any conspiracies against him? What if his family is hiding him away in safekeepings (as mentioned by Jermaine) to make anyone conspiring against him or wanting to cause harm to him to believe he is dead?

I don't want to dismiss any theories which could possibly be the truth and I want to keep an open mind. I think it's a fine line to whether he was forced or if he chose to do it for his safety. As long as he is okay that's all that matters.  :)

Other Odd Things / Re: DONUT QUEEN (is it a clue?)
« on: December 27, 2009, 12:22:34 AM »
Can someone bring me up to speed on this donut queen picture? Where did this pic originally appeared? I've never seen it before. Btw, THOSE TREES SCREAM EARTH SONG and I SCREAM MICHAEL!!! Lol. I bet someone might of pointed that out already. But help with info on this image is much appreciated! =D

Other Odd Things / Re: is Michael coming back on Christmas????
« on: December 25, 2009, 12:05:10 PM »
Quote from: "knowhesalive"
It could be plausible... Right now danish TV2 is showing The Jacksons a movie... Hmm seems like alot is going on today... Michael please stop your hide and seek... Come out come out where ever you are

I'm also watching The Jacksons. Hmm interesting how they show it today. Not only that, I also agree alot seems to be going on. Did you see the new preview for the movie Book of Eli (I think that was the title)starring Denzel Washington? However, the preview highlights the word BELIEVE because the name Eli is in it. It comes out on Jan. 15th. I wonder if there is a connection? Any thoughts?

My apologies if this was posted already.

LMAO. I couldn't help but post! :lol:

If anyone needs some fish, I live near, not one, but TWO lakes! I'll supply the artillery!  :lol:

Quote from: "still beLIEve"
I´m so in!!
Check this page.... it´s not mine... but I think it´s a great idea.... all together sending love at the same time!

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I love you Michael!


COUNT ME IN ON THE ARMY! I've been trying to spread love, but people just think I'm losing my mind. I'm going to continue on with loving kindness to others and spread the msg about the nwo.

For those who are spiritual or looking for a way to spread LOVE:
I've been doing this for a year and I feel great everytime I do it. Here is a meditation DEDICATED on HEALING THE WORLD...

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"It is also an instrument of world and community service that eventually harmonizes the earth by blessing it with loving-kindness, peace, joy and goodwill." MTH

I apologize if I'm not supposed to post this type of stuff. I just think it's relevant to part of the message. =) PM me if you have any questions!

Other Odd Things / Re: YOU SHOULD SEE THIS. I'm crying so bad at the moment
« on: December 19, 2009, 08:48:17 PM »
I was 50/50 about a comeback, but lately I'm leaning more towards the idea he wont. Sometimes I think of myself as selfish in hopes that he will, but now I think differently. He has given so much to the fans and to the world over the decades with his music and humanitarian work and I think the time for him to be free has been long overdue and he truly deserves it. If anything I think it's time to give back by respecting his freedom and continuing to spread his message of L.O.V.E. Awesome post Liberian Girl, that was a great find! Happy Holidays to everyone!

Other Odd Things / Re: HE'S COMING BACK OR NOT? PLS read and SHARE
« on: December 17, 2009, 10:43:59 PM »
I was watching Moonwalker last night and after watching it again I realized Michael has an ongoing theme with a lot of his videos/short movies. Transformation seems to be the underlying theme.

Moonwalker-transformation into a car, larger than life TRANSFORMER robot, spaceship
Thriller-werewolf, zombie
Ghost-skeleton, giant monster
At the end of these movies he's also resurrected.

He's also known for the disguises and being someone else other than the King of Pop.
So IMO, I think he will return, but not as the King. Maybe he's on a mission to transform his identity, possibly into a director. Or maybe the message of transformation is trying to tell us to change something about ourselves into something positive so we can change the world. I'm not sure and I don't want to ramble on, so we'll just have to wait and see.  :)


Pictures & Videos of Michael / Re: The Gold Pants for Ladies
« on: December 16, 2009, 10:57:18 PM »
AHHH I WAS LOOKING ALL OVER FOR THIS POST! THANK GOD I FOUND IT! I started blushing, grinning, and giggling to myself!   :shock:  Yeah, those gold pants need to make a comeback somehow.  :lol:

Hoax Videos / Re: Look closely at Paris!
« on: December 16, 2009, 07:17:53 PM »
Quote from: "mjssoulmate"
Quote from: "MJ_ForeverandAlways"
She does look like she is taking something out of her ear, not sure I am seeing her talking into her purse though I do think I see her lips moving slightly. What else caught my eye was right after Janet held her hand and it showed just a little bit of Blanket, did anyone notice where he was looking before they pulled him behind Paris? He was looking up at something or maybe someone? Liberian Girl?? Michael directing from above? Just my thoughts :)

I always wondered what they were looking at.  There is a pic of the three kids looking up in the same direction.  Can't find it, but here some others.[attachment=2:3bjp6ccg]kids 1.jpg[/attachment:3bjp6ccg][attachment=1:3bjp6ccg]paris.jpg[/attachment:3bjp6ccg][

So maybe we don't see her fiddling with something in her ear, but thanks for posting that pic of them. It looks like on the back of the memorial booklet that Paris is holding, there is a picture of MJ and it looks like it's a scene from TII. Hmm something strange or I'm seeing things.  :shock:

« on: December 14, 2009, 08:36:08 PM »
Quote from: "Loes"
Quote from: "LucyLocket"
I really do believe that there are at least two different shoots of the funeral.  Remember the movivng trash cans/tree?  Also, in some versions, there is a tour-type bus in behind the flowers/greenery/piano.  On other versions, it is not there.  Also, the terrace/entry area of the mausoleum building is in some shoots but it is not there in others (the video seems to be shot from the other side of the building).

Yes the tourbus! I have a picture here.

In other photo's and also video there is a big building at the same spot.

Here's a video where you can see the building very clearly at 3.19 and more.
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I'm so confused about this.
Some people told me it was from a different angle, cameralenses blablabla, but I don't buy that.
Are we wrong ore do we see this right?

Big question is still why they did it twice? Makes no sense!

I remember seeing a picture of the family in a tour bus. If that is the tour bus that the family arrived in, then how can they also arrive in Rolls Royce? Maybe I'm just confused, but yes I believe there were TWO locations involved in the filming!

Other Odd Things / Re: The Secret - Its time to wake up!
« on: December 12, 2009, 06:19:08 PM »
Quote from: "Pammy"
I knew that some of you would laugh about it but it works for me. Each man to his own ;)

Some of you are still asleep some are awake. As i said before i believe this is really the truth about life.

The meaning of life is to have Love in your heart.

@CC: Thank you so much for the poem from Michael. I love "dancing the dream". Everyone should read it!

Remember Light Man from This is it??? ....... ;) Think about it.

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Pammy, I appreciate your post! :)  I agree, there are some who are still asleep and it may be hard for them to grasp ideas of The Secret and other spiritual beliefs, which is why there are people like you to help others awaken and to continue spreading the message about LOVE-Michael's message to the world. I'm not trying to impose my beliefs or offend anyone, I just think we should keep the message in mind. One of my spiritual teachers once told me..." Life begins and ends with the heart. " If it comes from the heart, then anything is possible; just look at Michael Jackson and his accomplishments.  ;)

Quote from: "cutierose"

I think this is the painting from the Opus  :)

Yay you found the picture. I could not find it when I tried googling it.

To help some understand I would suggest Googling some links on the Archangel Michael. Then try to relate it to our loved MJ and see how the two overlap. It will help you come to your own truth.

Quote from: "doreentbird"
Quote from: "B-LIEves"
AHH this makes sense. I forgot what channel I was watching yesterday, but they were talking about the book Michael Jackson's opus and there was a picture of MJ as the archangel. I have to find it the picture. I think there just might be a lot of truth behind THIS.

is this the one you are looking for?  :P  :P

No, no, no. In the book it has a picture of Michael surrounded by other angels and he looks like he did in the You Are Not Alone vid. I tried googling it, but no luck. I'm still searching. Thanks for your help though! If you find it before me, post it!

AHH this makes sense. I forgot what channel I was watching yesterday, but they were talking about the book Michael Jackson's opus and there was a picture of MJ as the archangel. I have to find it the picture. I think there just might be a lot of truth behind THIS.

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