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Quote from: "DancingTheDream"
Quote from: "voiceforthesilent"
Quote from: "DancingTheDream"
I hope someone comments on this, because for me that clip of MJ on the red carpet with Diane is a real give away to his feelings.

I've seen that video before and it's a give away for me too. I've never seen him look so happy as when he was around her.

Its the first time i have seen it today and it took me by surprise.  

Lol.. and MJ is trying to keep his cool by putting one of his hands in his trouser pockets to look relaxed!  :lol:

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This concert footage where she invites him onstage makes it pretty obvious too I think. She brings him up near the beginning, referring to him as "MY BABY" and then again at 2:48.... "I love you........ I love you."   I think that was for her, not the audience.  :cry:  And I don't think she meant "My Baby" in a motherly way at all, just my opinion.

She dated Gene Simmons for a while then I remember reading somewhere that MJ refused to attend her wedding to Arne Ness b/c he found it too difficult. Don't know if that's accurate but sounds reasonable if he had been really hurt by her.

Actually the metal sign isn't founded on anything that controversial, even though it's been blown up into a controversy since the 80's. Most credit Ronnie with being the first to use it - he said it was based on the old Italian hand symbol for the "evil eye" - either giving it to someone, or protecting yourself from it, the hand sign being representative of both possibilities.

Of course, Gene Simmons tries to take credit by saying he started it when he had to figure out a way to hang onto his bass pick while also waving to fans on stage.  :roll:

There is a metal documentary somewhere on youtube where they actually discuss this.

RIP Ronnie.

Quote from: "DancingTheDream"
Yes..  and that aint Kleins office, is it????

Maybe its true...   why were people so quick to silence Jason???

Okay, I'm going to try to say this again another way.

Klein's  office is on the opposite side of the same building complex as Anastasia's. I'm pretty sure they share the same underground garage space. (And that first BG looks like MJ's Alvarez, so that plus the amount of paps there leads me to believe MJ - or a double - was there.)

In other words... sometimes MJ was just a man trying to get back to his car.

I think people are getting worked up over this video for no reason.

I believe Anasatasia's is in the same building complex as Dr. Klein's office, with the salon on the Bedford Drive side and Dr. Klein's of the Roxbury Drive side. Jason was probably just leading the entourage down to the garage.

Or maybe everybody popped over to Anasatsia's first for a nice eyebrow wax ;)

TMZ Articles / Re: Michael Jackson's Dad -- 'He Was Not Gay'
« on: May 04, 2010, 09:27:36 PM »
I see what you're saying, but also consider that a doctor has no business speaking about a patient's personal life in any way. Any breach of patient confidentiality is a betrayal, especially when the doctor is also supposed to be a friend.

A wrongful death claim is usually only done in conjunction with or after a criminal proceeding. And it's about addressing monetary los.

Fictional example: If a drunk driver hits and kills my dad, he may be convicted of involuntary manslaughter and serve a little time in jail. That is the criminal aspect. But my family would suffer not only the emotional loss, but the loss of economic support that my dad provided. So the law allows a civil charge to be brought by the family against the idiot driver to  address this economic loss.

Here's the catch with Joe's suit - he cannot go into civil court and argue that the family has lost money since MJ died. They estate is raking in loads and Katherine is named in the will. God knows Murray doesn't have any money to hand over... so why is Joe doing this?? Maybe in the hopes that he can bring out more details about MJ's death (or "death").

I guess maybe to some. Criminal cases are all generally about whether a person should be put in jail or not (or probation).

Civil cases address situations where someone has been wronged in some way, but where no crimes were technically committed... things like employment discrimination, violations of freedom of speech rights, and in this case "wrongful death." In a wrongful death case the plaintiff charges that the defendant wrongfully ended a relative's life and as a result they face economic losses they want the defendant to be held accountable for.

I think a number of other countries have civil courts to address such issues that do not fall into the category of criminal.

The wrongful death suit is a civil court case in which money for damages is sought. It is separate from any criminal court case.

Hoax Pictures / Re: Michael Jackson Casket Mystery Solved TMZ
« on: April 10, 2010, 09:51:01 PM »
If what TMZ says in this article is actually true, the use of the SWAT fan suggests to me that this could all be a witness protection situation. Just sayin'.

Quote from: "virgo75"
If we knew for a fact he was alive we wouldn't be on here or searching for signs that he's alive.

Nor would we feel compelled to overanalyze an elderly couple's wardrobe choices.

It's just as likely as another poster said - Katherine is elderly. Shopping is probably a pain in the ass for her. She probably has special occasion clothes, maybe 6-7 nice suits and a few gowns that she uses for specific occasions. Why does this suit HAVE to be a clue? She's not wearing the gold broach she wore during the trial... does that MEAN something as well?

Why are people here punished for objectively acknowledging the possibility that MJ did indeed die? If we sign on here, are we obligated to just tow the line and agree with every preposterous connection people choose to create??

This is a hoax discussion forum.... discussion seems to be the operative word. We discuss the merit or lack of merit regarding all possibilities. Where does it say were are all obliged to blindly follow one line of thinking?

If someone from the Jackson family or MJ's concert staff laid a FART on camera, some people here would swear up and down that it was intentionally released as a clue - a metaphor for MJ being released from the clutches of the media.

A little objectivity is a good thing.

Michael Jackson News / Re: TMZ TODAY 4/4....MICHEAL KILLED HIMSELF
« on: April 04, 2010, 03:20:49 PM »
This is a defense tactic. The defense does not have to PROVE anything. The prosecutors have the burden of proof. The defense's only job is to show that there is a reasonable doubt. They will suggest that it's POSSIBLE that MJ could have killed himself, and if the jury believes that it's POSSIBLE, then that is enough reasonable doubt for them not to convict.

Other Odd Things / Re: COULD THE HOAX BE A HOAX?
« on: March 24, 2010, 09:44:33 PM »
I agree that the original question is a legitimate one. Some say all the "facts" point to a hoax. All the same facts could easily point to murder. And no, that doesn't mean the processes following a murder would be neat and tidy as one suggested.

Covering up a murder is  probably messy business - one that requires the paying off or blackmailing of certain officials and others involved. It would also involve the manipulation of information, pinpointing a fall guy, etc. The same way a hoax would likely also require the paying off of certain officials and others involved, the manipulation of information, etc. Either way, it's a lot of work, with a lot of room for human error and miscommunication.

I don't think a "hoax of a hoax" would be orchestrated to cater to a small group of people... rather a contrived hoax is more likely to be useful for misleading fans re any possible loose ends or inconsistencies in a murder cover-up, while at the same time inspiring them to purchase more merch. Whether a hoax or a murder, you can trust that someone wants all the fan money they can generate.

By the same token, most of this might also apply to a witness protection action.

Nothing about any of this is certain, and it's probably supposed to be that way, whatever the truth is.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Thome is related to Jermaine's wife Halima!
« on: March 24, 2010, 08:32:32 PM »
After watching many of the Jackson dynasty episodes via youtube, I find it interesting that Jermaine's emotions re MJ seem so contrived and fake. Yet when he starts whining about staying with Motown and breaking up the original J5, he get's so upset he can hardly control himself. If MJ isn't really dead, then it makes some sense. But it seems equally possible that if MJ is dead, Jermaine just really is that self-absorbed. Tito and Jackie seemed to shed genuine tears re MJ in one of the episodes though. Neither of them strike me as being good actors either.

When I watch vid of the Jermain's statement at the hospital, announcing MJ's "death", then Thome says something.... he just looks really shell-shocked to me. Shocked b/c he got punk'd?  Not sure.

As far as how seedy and incestuous all these business/family relationships seem, I'm no longer surprised. There seems to be a tremendous amount of dysfunction at work.

Quote from: "ABeautifulMind"
Yes, the world has suffered enough, it's now trying to repair itself. The Earth is a Living Thing

I guess I don't look at it as the Earth is suffering, there is simply a cause and effect process going on. We are gradually destroying the environment that allows our species and other species to survive here. To borrow a statement from George Carlin - The Earth isn't going anywhere.... WE are.

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