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Messages - LiteEyeZ22

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Quote from: "Arianna_07"
Quote from: "LiteEyeZ22"
Ok here u pple go again misunderstanding me! The lady claims during the early Jackson 5 days they got raped right before performing......cmon Mike was wat 10 11 12 do u really think he got raped then right away go on stage and performing the way he did....he was a lil dynomite on stage u would think that young and smallbu would b able to see it....i never said he could not get over it laters years READ MY WHOLE FUCKING COMMENT NEXT TIME......maybe he did, which I highly doubt, but if so then thas sumin idk who can function that well just after getting raped...thas my fucking point so before yall attck me. And call me stupid read my fucking comments and stop kissing Sousa ans mo's ass....u dnt have to agree with everything they say an im not even trying to b disrespectful but pple calling ne dumb without even doing their own research r low minded and fucking retarded b.c I believe in my own beliefs and not sum1 elses......I standby what I believe in until proven otherwise WITH FACTS.....with that being said if ur gonna ban for expressing my opinion then so be it but to all u who dnt wana think for urselves go suck mo and souza I'm not mad about the thread b.c we each have a mind of our own and choose wat to believe and have our own opinions...I am however mad at the fact that u and kother pple r bashing and trying to bring dwn my opinion based on a theory thas not even proven as fact.....and with that being said i think this will b my final posting on this topic nd idc yall cus bash it all y'all want cuz ill stick to my belief.....

Nd u to m w.e ur name is who quoted me on his heart how about u go back and read my dann comment before u reply.......I said since MJ as y'all claim was under mind control everything he did wasnt him....his music his heart...that it was him who touched others Hearts but the pple who control him....thas wat I fucking sais so get it straight....and as ive stated 1000 times......I do have a open mind about the illuminati in general(u dnt have to conncet MJ with the illuminati to have an open mind about them).........I'm done here

Hi LiteEyeZ22 ;) wooow....U know wht??? I think U just had ur own "demonstration of freedom"-  of speech and expressing ur own mind here! My hat of to that! Why ?? bcz I feel we must NOT be afraid to express our minds (bcz we might get banned if we don't think like most of ppl around here)!
So LiteEyeZ22...I supported ur comments from the beggining  bcz we think alike :); so far ;)

Well firstly I know I said I wouldnt post on this topic anymore but i can't help I mean y R we all here? to figure out Michael Jackson's case right? Well ayway I cant but to come back and c pples thoughts :-D
Secondly, thank u Arianna i stand by u as well n I like ur research u have done..I wish i was on my computer so i can break all my thoughts down b.c its hard to do on my phone...but thank u again...Thank u You also to Mjthelegend for ur kind words...
Lastly to *Mo* I did Apologize for my behavoir...and I explained the idk what u meant by that post under me b.c i thought it was over, i know I didn't have to cuss and what not and I didnt say f this and f that....but w.e that doent matter what matters is is everything ok now that i cleared everything up? And also I don't think Arianna is provoking anything i simply think she is stating her opinion and agreeing with me and having my back

To mjthelegend:
Idk y i can't send a pm from my fone or maybe it did and idk but just in case it didnt go thru hopefully u check here..but heres wat I said......

Thank u gonna try and send a message again lol........but thank u for that I'm not gonna leave b.c to me that'll b me being weak and letting pple see that im weak.....your post was a very good arguement and ive enjoyed it.....thank u so much for understanding me and backing me truely means a lot to me:-)....thank u and God Bless you with Lots of L.O.V.E....lets c if this pm works lol

I'm jus a really sensative person which is y I reacted like that and which is y I wanna leave....but I guess since its all understood now im cool....I'll post when necessary

Ok, no problem I did not state that an on that parti am sorry.......however that gave YOU no right to call my comments useless and w.e b.c every1 is entitled to their own opinions!!!! And sry I didnt make myself clear b.c I am working from a cell phone and not a computer thas y im trying to limit things and I really didnt want to post here I do apologize for that my comment was totally tooken the rong way wat I meant was how can a child perform the way he did right after getting raped.....nd I thought pple would get my tezt b.c ive stated child but fine, I'll take that....i needed to word the comment a lil more.....and I do apologize also for the cursing and everything b.c thats really not me..I was just angry that pple were trying to be-little me and make me feel stupid and not letting me express my opinion.....I want to beak my whole opinion down but I can't b.c im working thru my fone so I had to give a summery and was Rushing....which is y its so crammed n jumping from subject to subject n many mistakes but its w.e.. I guess im just not gonna post on this forum anymore seeing that i cant express my opinion w.o getting bashed...I'll post on a more friendly take it or leave I'm just done with the drama and arguing b.c thas really not me and wat im here for.......

P.s mjthelengend......thank u for your wonderful pm...ive been trying to send one bac to U but I dnt think it went not on a computer so its hard from my fone...but I just want to thank u it really meant something special to me....Thank u so much :-)....u know they say great minds think alike ;-)

Quote from: "misha86"
Quote from: "LiteEyeZ22"
Ok here u pple go again misunderstanding me! The lady claims during the early Jackson 5 days they got raped right before performing......cmon Mike was wat 10 11 12 do u really think he got raped then right away go on stage and performing the way he did....he was a lil dynomite on stage u would think that young and smallbu would b able to see it....i never said he could not get over it laters years READ MY WHOLE FUCKING COMMENT NEXT TIME......maybe he did, which I highly doubt, but if so then thas sumin idk who can function that well just after getting raped...thas my fucking point so before yall attck me. And call me stupid read my fucking comments and stop kissing Sousa ans mo's ass....u dnt have to agree with everything they say an im not even trying to b disrespectful but pple calling ne dumb without even doing their own research r low minded and fucking retarded b.c I believe in my own beliefs and not sum1 elses......I standby what I believe in until proven otherwise WITH FACTS.....with that being said if ur gonna ban for expressing my opinion then so be it but to all u who dnt wana think for urselves go suck mo and souza I'm not mad about the thread b.c we each have a mind of our own and choose wat to believe and have our own opinions...I am however mad at the fact that u and other pple r bashing and trying to bring dwn my opinion based on a theory thas not even proven as fact.....and with that being said i think this will b my final posting on this topic nd idc yall cus bash it all y'all want cuz ill stick to my belief.....

Nd u to m w.e ur name is who quoted me on his heart how about u go back and read my dann comment before u reply.......I said since MJ as y'all claim was under mind control everything he did wasnt him....his music his heart...that it was him who touched others Hearts but the pple who control him....thas wat I fucking sais so get it straight....and as ive stated 1000 times......I do have a open mind about the illuminati in general(u dnt have to conncet MJ with the illuminati to have an open mind about them).........I'm done here

1( watch you tone when you address people!  :roll:

Thank u Arianna! And for the record no i dnt know Mike personality but his heart and his personality and his lyrics is where I get my belief from...ive never stated facts ive stated by beliefs and never said Mike didnt or dont I said I dnt believe or think dnt say i think I KNOW mike cuz honestly none of us here do!! I base my beliefs on what is presented to me thru MICHAEL HIMSELF...nd wat I c is a Strong Smart Amazing human being who had no childhood nd who every1 wanted a piece of at the age of 11 and as got older he was faced with adolescence, racism, money, power and every1 just wanted him but couldnt have him so wat happens "he's gay, he don't wanna b black, he's a freak, he's weird" but yet he still came out on top! I dnt think a child who has been raped would able to function the way he did and then never speak of it? I'm srry but i just dnt buy that ladys story....and thas my BELIEF AND OPINION.........Thanks again Arianna

where in this post did you meantion what that other lady said :roll:  :roll:  :roll:

so explain to me how ANYONE was going to know that you were being were speaking of a SPECIFIC incident that was meanting many post before this one??????????? :roll:

so before you come in here dropping F-bombs and claiming no one read you post how about you read your own fucking post and make some sense!!!! there is no way anyone was going to connect that statement to that article....

2( who said that any one of the people who replied to you have not done any research? i cant speak for others but trust me i have read and watched plenty on the topic and like other heard about this long before the blog, souza and mo ARE NOT THE FIRST PEOPLE TO STATE THIS ABOUT MIKE and they are not the only ones either :roll:  and if you did your own reseach you would know that

3( :lol: @ you calling someone retarded? and telling people to go suck mature are you? and who says we dont think for our selfs? just because someone agrees to something that you dont we are "followers" to souza and mo and because YOU disagree,without any evidence, we are "retarded" :roll:

4( you keep saying this is not a fact...duh..hints the term theory, when you have a theory you support that theory with evidence as presented...UNTIL it has been debunked it not a FACT NOR IS IT FICTION

5(honestly, i could careless what you believe and dont believe BUT if your going to not believe have evidence to support why, not just because you said so and you feel cool by calling people "retards"

6(If you want people to stop misunderstanding you gather your thoughts and post them in a CLEAR,LEGIBLE AND COMPLETE post instead of jumping from one subject to the next and expecting everyone to know what you mean :lol:

7( and i hope this is your last post because your post are useless, your negative and the name calling is uncalled for, the person said what you said was stupid,and it was in the context in which it was presented, not you and yet you felt bashed, but its ok for you to use foul language towards us,call us names and for us to "suck it"?

Awwwww by trying to bring me down make u feel important?? Its ok If u dnt have a mind of ur own, it'll get better.....and u said I never mentioned the lady trying reading my post again sweety....double feel cool now because u jumped on the ban wagon of pple who attack 1 person?? And I dnt have to wath myvtone ima grown ass woman and can say wat the fuck i please......but I like how u tell me to watch my tone but yet u go and follow my footsteps I'm glad I had an impact on u...r u done attackin me now?? And thank u for that comment my post r uselwss....well wen u stop kissing ass and state ur own belief with ur opinions and research then come and say my comments r useless...until then y r u even here oh i know to bring pple dwn to make urself feel good..get a life mama....

Quote from: "mjthelegendlives"
Quote from: "~Souza~"

I would like to know your thoughts on how you think this would not be possible though, because I would love this theory to be completely debunked because I dont like it either. I would rather have proof he had a good childhood without abuse and that he did not have Dissociative Identity Disorder. So if you can debunk, please do so.

Souza, I have some points written in my PC's hard drive for about two weeks, but been hesitating to post them, because this is quite a huge topic and it will require lots of reading, researching, and analyzing.   Possibly mind control does exist, but I don't know if it is as horrible as it is explained in your posts.  With all due respect,  after much thought, and because you have asked to post what others believe,  I will post what I wrote.  Of course, this is not meant to debunk your theory, because so far none of the comments I have read have absolute proof if MJ has been or hasn't been under mind control or Illuminati control. Our comments have been based only in theories and personal  opinions.  Maybe my thoughts will change later on, but for now I still stand on what I have written.  It's a long post, but here goes...

I've read this theory a few times already.  I do believe the Illuminati existed.  I don’t believe  that they are still an organized group, using Hollywood to take over the world.  There is no concrete proof that this is a real organization that still meet up at  a certain place.   The Illuminati was disbanded by the end of the 18th century. Some say it is a secret society, yet it is spread all over the internet, books, movies…  What I do believe is that there are power and money hungry individuals who would do anything for money. Yes, the real master behind this all is greed for money and power.  

I believe MJ was sadly controlled as a child, yes, but by his own father.  Joe wasn't successful at being a musician himself.  But, he did whatever it took to make the boys successful. MJ was physically and  mentally hurt by his dad.  He had to do things perfectly, or he would beat little MJ.  Michael lost his childhood because he had to make his frustrated father famous and millionaire.  

Though I've seen Mo and Souza have done quite some research to prove their point,  I have to ask what is the purpose of subjecting little MJ into MK-Ultra?  What did they want from him?  As far as I’m concerned, MK- Ultra, MK-NAOMI, and MK-Delta projects' purpose was to interrogate resistant subjects.  They would drug them to extract information during world conflicts.  Yes, I've read it was used in the entertainment industry, but again what would be the purpose?  To spread an evil message?  Anyone with no regards would do that for money.  

 Some of the points our Admins include in their theory are right on the money, but some can be debatable. Known effects of these MK projects were: illogical thinking, amnesia, shock, confusion, poor ambition and working efficiency, distortion of eye sight and hearing, among others.  I've searched, but cant find out if these effects lasted only during the mind controlling session.  In my opinion, these effects could last for quite a while.   How could MJ dance, sing and remember the lyrics for his songs?  

The images that were used in TII, may have another meaning. At least  some of them do.   The trees, flowers and butterflies may  represent the beauty of our nature in Earth song, which is being destroyed by us.  He wants to remind us how beautiful our Earth is...don't destroy it.

Ancient symbols and letters...they represent the different religions and beliefs.  We are the world, we are the children.  We all should be united as one?

Spider webs, aliens, monsters, snakes, demons, robots ...all part of a show, his performance, doesn't necessarily have a  mystical nature.  

The sunglasses...have you heard of uveitis? It sometimes occur with vitiligo, and it is also related to stress.   Symptoms of uveitis may include:  eye redness, blurred vision, and increased sensitivity to light.  Enough reasons to wear sunglasses the whole time.  Another reason could be…he just liked the sunglasses.  They make him look good, btw.

I don’t know whether MJ’s vitiligo was triggered by any medication, but I know stress did trigger it.  According to Dr. Deepak Chopra, one of MJ’s friends, there has been research that suggests that if children have experienced physical, verbal, mental, emotional, or sexual abuse, they can develop autoimmune disorders, like vitiligo and lupus,  in their adulthood. He said that MJ was never sexually abused, but he was traumatized verbally and physically in his childhood.

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I have other thoughts on why he couldn’t be mind-controlled. Lets see how can I organize my thoughts…. In 1982, Thriller recordings begin, but MJ has been quite a while practicing his dance moves.  QJ and MJ’s relationship begins to strain.  The album is not gonna be a hit like Off The Wall, Michael.  I think Billie Jean doesn’t fit in the album, says QJ.  MJ disagrees, and QJ says it wouldn’t sell, but stubborn Michael Jackson THREATENS to cancel the album’s release, if he didn’t include Billie Jean.  Does this seem like someone who would be easily controlled?  Not likely.

MJ was always aware of social issues such as racism.  Have you heard the lyrics of “Can you feel it”?  Well this is why I believe The Black Panther Party is another debatable subject. Maybe he did join, but was it because he wanted to fight or expose mind-controlling?  Michael breaks loose from his controllers and is able to fight with the panthers according to Mo and Souza's theory.  Who were his controllers? Berry Gordy controlled the Jackson’s career until the break down in 1976.   So he was fighting against his own brothers?  The purpose of the Black Panthers was to fight for black people's rights.  I don’t know what roles did Berry Gordy  and Quincy Jones played in MJ’s career during these eras, besides producing music for the J5 and MJ.  (Someone please enlighten me on this, since I’m not very aware of how album productions work.  Aren’t the company and producers the same?) Please read this article about MJ’s relationship with BG.

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About MJ having alter egos…I wouldn’t even dare to go there, as I am not a psychologist or psychiatrist.  Actually I’ve read  that some professionals continue to be of the opinion that Dissociative Identity Disorder does not exist.  This skepticism is sometimes due to questions about why many more individuals who have endured the stress of terrible abuse as young children do not develop the disorder, why more children are not diagnosed as having DID, and why some DID sufferers have no history of tremendous trauma.  

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My opinion is that if, and that’s a big IF,  MJ did have a “split personality” , that would be little MJ and MJ the man, the artist, the businessman, the father… He had his flaws like we all do. Do we behave the same way everywhere? Or with different groups?  I work with children, and believe me, my attitude, approach and behavior is different compared to the one I have when I’m among adults.  The same goes when I’m among the elderly or when I’m with my friends…I behave differently. Does this imply that I have a split personality? Maybe I do…hehe.

Little MJ - wanted to compensate the childhood he had lost.  He worked so hard to fulfill Joe’s wishes of becoming famous …

In my opinion…Susie doesn’t exist, and if she does,  the proofs we have are subjective.

A man wearing make up? Did you know it was quite cool to wear it during the 80’s?  Especially the heavy eyeliner.  Michael used it also to cover his scars and vitiligo.  But he wore false eyelashes?  People with vitiligo may have premature graying of the scalp hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, and beard. This should explain the tattoos on eyebrows and the thick mascara.  He wore lipstick and eyeshadow sometimes, true, but well, guess he needs it after a thick layer of foundation.
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Female double in TII - no proof,  just speculation…

Disguised as blond lady - no proof really, just our thoughts

High voice - trademark ( he sold a lot music with it, didn’t he?)

Wearing women’s clothes -  this is the one thing I couldn’t explain, and besides the tight pants, I seriously wouldn’t have noticed if someone else had not pointed it out.  He wore  a men’s suit coat with it in some occasions.

If MJ was a victim of mind control…I don’t know, for sure, as I said above, I am guessing he wasn’t.   I believe he is a victim of his dad’s frustration, and (I hate saying this) a victim of his own success.  His money and his catalogue are magnets for leeches and fame-crawlers.  Maybe he was guilty of trusting these leeches too fast.

 Michael fought, yes, against racism, war, pollution through his songs.  He also exposed someone in 2002. "The record companies really do conspire against the artists, especially the black artists.“ Remember those words?  He has been fighting against something we cant see.  Greed, lies and lust for power. All I wanna say is that they don’t really care about us…He’s trying to open our eyes…Do not rely on your government.  Remember President Ronald Reagan’s famous words…“Government is not the solution to the problem, government IS the problem.”  MJ also said don’t wait for the government for a solution.  He did his job, and here we are exploring every single word he said.

 So now, Illuminati or no Illuminati, what we have to do is spread the LOVE, and fight for our children and for  a better tomorrow, not because MJ says it, but because it is our duty.  Oh and let’s figure out this hoax!

PS - I’m in no way saying Mo and Souza’s theory isn’t plausible.  Just saying that the clues they present as signs of  mind control may have a different meaning when applied to MJ.  

Edit** And then again, my thoughts can all be just my desire to believe that MJ didnt go through all this, because I cant endure the pain, but if he did he has all my love, and all my respect.  Blessings.

Excellent....and with this being posted i feel no need to argue or post anymore

Ok here u pple go again misunderstanding me! The lady claims during the early Jackson 5 days they got raped right before performing......cmon Mike was wat 10 11 12 do u really think he got raped then right away go on stage and performing the way he did....he was a lil dynomite on stage u would think that young and smallbu would b able to see it....i never said he could not get over it laters years READ MY WHOLE FUCKING COMMENT NEXT TIME......maybe he did, which I highly doubt, but if so then thas sumin idk who can function that well just after getting raped...thas my fucking point so before yall attck me. And call me stupid read my fucking comments and stop kissing Sousa ans mo's ass....u dnt have to agree with everything they say an im not even trying to b disrespectful but pple calling ne dumb without even doing their own research r low minded and fucking retarded b.c I believe in my own beliefs and not sum1 elses......I standby what I believe in until proven otherwise WITH FACTS.....with that being said if ur gonna ban for expressing my opinion then so be it but to all u who dnt wana think for urselves go suck mo and souza I'm not mad about the thread b.c we each have a mind of our own and choose wat to believe and have our own opinions...I am however mad at the fact that u and other pple r bashing and trying to bring dwn my opinion based on a theory thas not even proven as fact.....and with that being said i think this will b my final posting on this topic nd idc yall cus bash it all y'all want cuz ill stick to my belief.....

Nd u to m w.e ur name is who quoted me on his heart how about u go back and read my dann comment before u reply.......I said since MJ as y'all claim was under mind control everything he did wasnt him....his music his heart...that it was him who touched others Hearts but the pple who control him....thas wat I fucking sais so get it straight....and as ive stated 1000 times......I do have a open mind about the illuminati in general(u dnt have to conncet MJ with the illuminati to have an open mind about them).........I'm done here

Quote from: "Arianna_07"
Hi *Mo*.
I can't prove u wht I feel, can I? I feel that this theory is NOT connected in any way with MJ!
In fact, it's not a very "flatering" theory for MJ to be associated with! controled, DID, raped,etc! DISGUSTING, just like LiteEyeZ22 said in his/her comment!
And if u read LiteEye you will understand thrue her/his statement the exact way I feel about all this!
Asking me to prove u are wrong, it's not my intention to do this!
How can I prove u are wrong, if you cannot prove that ur theory is based on TRUE facts???
You created ur theory based on infos u have found on the internet??? how genuine/true or far fetched are the infos we get on the internet?? Now I would like to see ur argumentation

Thank u Arianna! And for the record no i dnt know Mike personality but his heart and his personality and his lyrics is where I get my belief from...ive never stated facts ive stated by beliefs and never said Mike didnt or dont I said I dnt believe or think dnt say i think I KNOW mike cuz honestly none of us here do!!  I base my beliefs on what is presented to me thru MICHAEL HIMSELF...nd wat I c is a Strong Smart Amazing human being who had no childhood nd who every1 wanted a piece of at the age of 11 and as got older he was faced with adolescence, racism, money, power and every1 just wanted him but couldnt have him so wat happens "he's gay, he don't wanna b black, he's a freak, he's weird" but yet he still came out on top! I dnt think a child who has been raped would able to function the way he did and then never speak of it? I'm srry but i just dnt buy that ladys story....and thas my BELIEF AND OPINION.........Thanks again Arianna :-)

P.S. ima girl hee hee :-D

Quote from: "*Mo*"
Quote from: "LiteEyeZ22"
Quote from: "*Mo*"
Quote from: "LiteEyeZ22"
. . .ok to me I don't believe in this theory because pretty much his behavior cud b explained excluding this whole mind control business.....and the Alter ego? wow! That theory is shot dead imo opinion once it was stated his "female" alter ego took over when nurturing blanket! Honestly its called good parenting! My father and ny grandfather nurtured me wen I was lil so they got alter egos too?? that doesn't make sense imho.....the whole "little Mike" umm have u seen his childhood? wat do u expect? He can joke around and play with kids and have sleep overs AND nurture them as a parent all at the same time.....He was resonsible
Mike knew how to play the game, his soft sweet voice was his public voice that he puts on as stated many times and after pretty much history I dnt think he cared whether to use it or not b.c after history he started becoming more and more angry and more aggressive with words/lyrics nd that dnt need a soft in my humble this theory is out the window for me....especially since people r always saying its hard to control ya

And as for the raping thing ive read that b4 and I'm absolutely disgusted!! Do u guys honestly think Joe would allow that? Yea he might've beaten the shyt outta them but taking it that far? infact do think Kathrine would allow this? HELL NO......cmon the lady found out because she happened to forget to close the door? Wat a load of u think they r able to perform after getting raped?? That is so horrifying and disgusting that sum1 wud scoop that low for their 12min of fame nd try bringin shame to the family's name!!! Absolutely disgusted smfh!!!! But pple I guess have their own opinions but that raping story u can tell thas bs....

Btw I will not deny the fact that I do have an open mind about the Illuminati....could Mike have been controlled by them in EARLY (til thriller era, maybe evn b4) yrs? possibly

You say you have an open mind about the Illuminati, yet you reject the methods the Illuminati uses to program people..?  That I do not understand.  Did you research it?  How do you think people get programmed?  By promising cookies when they 'behave accordingly'?  I read about how it's done, step by step, and I ended up seriously emotionally disturbed, literally being sick to my stomach.  I would like to ask you to do some research about this, and then come back and tell me if you stand with what you wrote in your reply...

Yes i have done research on them which is y I keep an open mind about it and Which is y I stated its possible mike could have been involved in the early yes prior to thriller and bmaybe even including thriller.....i DO NOT however agree to the fact that he had all the alter egos and that he was being mind controlled (after thriller) MJ stated several times himself that it is hard to control him as well as other pple have stated this.....I never said I rejected THIER methods I'm rejecting the fact that they were used MJ....cmon being raped right before performing thas the dumbest/disgusting theory ive heard ! And the alter egos r easily explainable as ive stated above.......and wat i mean by having an open mind about illuminati bout MJ related as stated its possible thriller era and b4 he was involved and in later years he fought against them...there's no denying his lyrics nd words were war but it cud also b something else only Mike knows......I'm just saying pple need to stop diagnosising him with far fetched theories.....thas all most of his behavoir is explainable w.o mind control/Illuminati relation

You are contradicting yourself.  You state "Yes i have done research on them which is y I keep an open mind about it" but in the next sentence you state "i DO NOT however agree to the fact that he had all the alter egos".  

If you have researched this then you would know that their methods are designed to create alter egos (read Dissociative Identity Disorder), and that these alter egos are programmed.  Mind control is all about alter egos.

TrustNoOne has posted excellent info about deprogramming, please read those, then you will probably understand what happened and what it takes to get deprogrammed.

Ok maybe ur misunderstanding me......i have an open mind about the Illuminati in general like whether they even exist or not.....wat I DO NOT agree with is Michael having alter egos, being raped, and being controlled period....maybe prior to thriller he was being jus controlled but thas about it for me..I understand thas the way they program pple but I dnt agree that Michael was one of just because he's a powerful black male he was under mind control? And it wasnt his music and his heart that touched pple?? Cmon that doesnt make sense......and thas my belief and clearly we have two different opinions so it makes no sense to go back and 4th b.c I'm not going to brainwashed and that gullible to believe this i'll take my chances on my belief nd if just so happens I'm rong I cud deal with it....

Quote from: "*Mo*"
Quote from: "LiteEyeZ22"
. . .ok to me I don't believe in this theory because pretty much his behavior cud b explained excluding this whole mind control business.....and the Alter ego? wow! That theory is shot dead imo opinion once it was stated his "female" alter ego took over when nurturing blanket! Honestly its called good parenting! My father and ny grandfather nurtured me wen I was lil so they got alter egos too?? that doesn't make sense imho.....the whole "little Mike" umm have u seen his childhood? wat do u expect? He can joke around and play with kids and have sleep overs AND nurture them as a parent all at the same time.....He was resonsible
Mike knew how to play the game, his soft sweet voice was his public voice that he puts on as stated many times and after pretty much history I dnt think he cared whether to use it or not b.c after history he started becoming more and more angry and more aggressive with words/lyrics nd that dnt need a soft in my humble this theory is out the window for me....especially since people r always saying its hard to control ya

And as for the raping thing ive read that b4 and I'm absolutely disgusted!! Do u guys honestly think Joe would allow that? Yea he might've beaten the shyt outta them but taking it that far? infact do think Kathrine would allow this? HELL NO......cmon the lady found out because she happened to forget to close the door? Wat a load of u think they r able to perform after getting raped?? That is so horrifying and disgusting that sum1 wud scoop that low for their 12min of fame nd try bringin shame to the family's name!!! Absolutely disgusted smfh!!!! But pple I guess have their own opinions but that raping story u can tell thas bs....

Btw I will not deny the fact that I do have an open mind about the Illuminati....could Mike have been controlled by them in EARLY (til thriller era, maybe evn b4) yrs? possibly

You say you have an open mind about the Illuminati, yet you reject the methods the Illuminati uses to program people..?  That I do not understand.  Did you research it?  How do you think people get programmed?  By promising cookies when they 'behave accordingly'?  I read about how it's done, step by step, and I ended up seriously emotionally disturbed, literally being sick to my stomach.  I would like to ask you to do some research about this, and then come back and tell me if you stand with what you wrote in your reply...

Yes i have done research on them which is y I keep an open mind about it and Which is y I stated its possible mike could have been involved in the early yes prior to thriller and bmaybe even including thriller.....i DO NOT however agree to the fact that he had all the alter egos and that he was being mind controlled (after thriller) MJ stated several times himself that it is hard to control him as well as other pple have stated this.....I never said I rejected THIER methods I'm rejecting the fact that they were used MJ....cmon being raped right before performing thas the dumbest/disgusting theory ive heard ! And the alter egos r easily explainable as ive stated above.......and wat i mean by having an open mind about illuminati bout MJ related as stated its possible thriller era and b4 he was involved and in later years he fought against them...there's no denying his lyrics nd words were war but it cud also b something else only Mike knows......I'm just saying pple need to stop diagnosising him with far fetched theories.....thas all most of his behavoir is explainable w.o mind control/Illuminati relation

. . .ok to me I don't believe in this theory because pretty much his behavior cud b explained excluding this whole mind control business.....and the Alter ego? wow! That theory is shot dead imo opinion once it was stated his "female" alter ego took over when nurturing blanket! Honestly its called good parenting! My father and ny grandfather nurtured me wen I was lil so they got alter egos too?? that doesn't make sense imho.....the whole "little Mike" umm have u seen his childhood? wat do u expect? He can joke around and play with kids and have sleep overs AND nurture them as a parent all at the same time.....He was resonsible
Mike knew how to play the game, his soft sweet voice was his public voice that he puts on as stated many times and after pretty much history I dnt think he cared whether to use it or not b.c after history he started becoming more and more angry and more aggressive with words/lyrics nd that dnt need a soft in my humble this theory is out the window for me....especially since people r always saying its hard to control ya

And as for the raping thing ive read that b4 and I'm absolutely disgusted!! Do u guys honestly think Joe would allow that? Yea he might've beaten the shyt outta them but taking it that far? infact do think Kathrine would allow this? HELL NO......cmon the lady found out because she happened to forget to close the door? Wat a load of u think they r able to perform after getting raped?? That is so horrifying and disgusting that sum1 wud scoop that low for their 12min of fame nd try bringin shame to the family's name!!! Absolutely disgusted smfh!!!! But pple I guess have their own opinions but that raping story u can tell thas bs....

Btw I will not deny the fact that I do have an open mind about the Illuminati....could Mike have been controlled by them in EARLY (til thriller era, maybe evn b4) yrs? possibly

Hoax Pictures / Re: Leaked TII picture??
« on: January 07, 2010, 02:58:45 PM »
:D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

Sorry This picture thru me off the actual subject.....Wooo MJ is hot Mmmmmmm ok srry what were we talkin about??? Ahh yes this picture looks from history but hey with MJ he could just make his photos look like he took them yesterday with all this technology....I'll tell u one thing tho if this picture happens to show up in this is it dvd/blu ray ima xtra excited(i dnt even know y lol) :D

Hoax Videos / Re: Video of MJ in casket? False right?
« on: January 07, 2010, 02:37:45 PM »
:roll:  :roll:  :roll:

lmao 1st of All i think they Photoshoped the Head seperate from the body because it looks weird...but neway gosh pple who make these damn videos needs to get a life...quite honestly smh i laugh at such rubbish

Other Odd Things / Re: Have you seen Kenny Ortega´s twitter??
« on: January 07, 2010, 01:50:06 PM »

Thas how my Face is now...clearer?  :|  :|  :|  :|  :|  :|  :|  

Why in the Hell would they Nominate a Funeral well memorial rather??? was James Brown, Elvis, Kenndy, MLK's funeral/Memorial Nominated...Even Considered Nominations?????? lmfao wow either this is just Highly disrespectful (if hes dead) well to me at least i mean what joy is in a funeral? Or this Is just One of The Biggest Best Movies Ever!!!  :D  Well Thank You KO for clearing up that Michael is the Star in all Of This Film making  :D  "Bravo Michael"??? Hmmm Kenny lolz Thank You  :D

Other Odd Things / Re: Chicago Tribune doubts MJ's death...?
« on: January 07, 2010, 12:41:28 PM »
Quote from: "dirtydiana2009"
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So apparently the Chicago Tribune has a poll on their website called: Is Michael Jackson Alive?
76% of people say yes, with 1045 responses.

How weird is that???

This doent work for me can some1 help me

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