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Messages - Dontwalkaway

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« on: January 03, 2013, 07:02:57 PM »
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A poem for you Michael.  For all you have done and continue to do.

M agical,marvelous,magnificent, and musical
I nspiring,ingenious,inventive
C harming,clever,crafty,caring
H ypnotizing,helpful,hopeful,honest,historic
A dmirable,angelic,artist,ambitious
E xcellent,electric,energetic
L ovable,loving,likable, and wants liberty,leader

J oyful,joyous, brings joy,jubilant,joker (I mean that in a good way)
A mazing,always there for us,adorable,amiable,awesome
C ute,cunning,creative and a good cook (especially with french toast)
K ing,kind
S o talented,spectacular, superb,stupendous, star,spiritual,smart
O ffers help and love to others,original
N ever gives up,loves nature,novel

And that's not the end of the list !  Love You More Michael

This is wonderful Dontwalkaway!
L.O.V.E and Peace x    :icon_e_smile:

Agreed! Amazing poem Dontwalkaway!  :th_bravo:
  L.O.V.E. x             :bearhug:                      :bearhug:

Thanks guys.  Love and Peace to You Too       :-*

« on: January 02, 2013, 07:14:27 PM »
A poem for you Michael.  For all you have done and continue to do.

M agical,marvelous,magnificent, and musical
I nspiring,ingenious,inventive
C harming,clever,crafty,caring
H ypnotizing,helpful,hopeful,honest,historic
A dmirable,angelic,artist,ambitious
E xcellent,electric,energetic
L ovable,loving,likable, and wants liberty,leader

J oyful,joyous, brings joy,jubilant,joker (I mean that in a good way)
A mazing,always there for us,adorable,amiable,awesome
C ute,cunning,creative and a good cook (especially with french toast)
K ing,kind
S o talented,spectacular, superb,stupendous, star,spiritual,smart
O ffers help and love to others,original
N ever gives up,loves nature,novel

And that's not the end of the list !  Love You More Michael


Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: January 02, 2013, 02:53:34 PM »
Thanks for the poems Front. 

Sorry to hear about complications but I'm praying that it all works out.  Time and patience is needed if we are going to defeat the dragons. 

"Names Revealed While in Disguise "  ?  hmmmmm...........

What photos/videos were seen recently ?  Drivers License, Pablo, Murray in Court,Spike Lee ??   

Love You All          :icon_cool:

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: January 01, 2013, 08:10:35 PM »
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@DWA, @Wishy & @BTC: thank you for your comments!! Sorry for not quoting your respective messages from previous pages, I just don't wanna fill so much space, I just wanted to tell you , I LOVED them as always!! and I LOVE you !!

Love You Too Sim, and the whole MJ family.  Thanks Souza for the music you put on the site.   


Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: January 01, 2013, 01:13:39 PM »
I was thinking about that too Ellyd.  TS does talk about the Jewish holidays,feasts and festivals so maybe he is using the Jewish calendar/creators calendar ?   I don't know, but he does mention January 1, 2013 ?    Maybe we have to wait for Roshashanah and the fall festivals ?  Maybe we have to follow the creators calendar, the feasts and festivals.  I was trying to study it a while back on the sister site. It was set up that way eons ago so we would know what is going on for the end times.  Since we are in different time zones, maybe we have to use "Jerusalem times".  The times of the new moon, full moon in Jerusalem.  There's a website that can help with this called WorldClock.

 :icon_idea:                :beerchug:

These are appointed times.     
For example, That's why Good Friday/Easter and Passover are at the same time.  Only a few people realized what was happening at the time (2,000) years ago. 

So what is "before the end of 2012" per definition and per our understanding?
Is it really Dec 31 / Jan 1 as we think or do we err because the basics of our logical / emotional thinking are fixated?

The Biblical year has 360 days and starts with a new / crescent moon when the sun causes barley to grow and begin to produce grain in the ear.
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year and will fall on September 5, 2013.
since days in the Hebrew calendar begin at sundown, the beginning of Rosh Hashanah is at sundown at the end of 29 Elul
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This ^^ moves "close to midnight" or 12:21 p.m. to completely different timings, too.

« on: January 01, 2013, 11:22:14 AM »

Happy New Year Michael and Everyone. 

Love You For All Time


Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: January 01, 2013, 10:27:14 AM »
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OK now in California it's 02:26 a.m.
TS said the hoax is planned according to California time zone. And that BAM will be by January 1st. So starting from now, there are still 22 hours.... We'll see...At least TODAY we'll know one way or the other: BAM or no BAM! lol  :icon_lol: :bowdown: :affraid: :icon_bounce:

That's right Sim.  It's only about 8:00 a.m. in California right now.  We are all in different time zones so we really have all day today.  Also, sometimes things happen and it takes a while for us to find it.  We are spread out throughout the whole world.    So, Keep the Faith. 

This is BIG and will effect the whole world so we have to be patient.  It's better to have the plan work out than to just meet a deadline.  This may go piece by piece just like Kenny Ortega said in This Is It.
 Remember TS giving us information about Noah and the ark.  It happened in stages. 

On the first day of the first month the water receded.  So maybe something will occur today or the near future to make the water recede ?  The water went down but Noah couldn't leave the ark yet. 

So, Michael I'm still here for you.  I'd rather you take your time than "drown".

Love You All



TIAI ~ 2012 / Re: TIAI December 27
« on: December 28, 2012, 11:37:43 AM »
Great Interpretation Sim and others.  I'm wishing for SUCCESS for MJ on this mission.  This would also most definitely "Change The World".    The corrupt media is so powerful and manipulative.  Think about wars,war on terrorism, elections etc.etc.etc.     


Your army is here for you Michael.  Love You.

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: December 27, 2012, 07:36:12 PM »
Interesting thoughts about the full moon.  Remember the feasts and festivals that TS talked about ?  They follow sabbath days and the new moon.  Maybe we should look up holidays/festivals and sabbaths and the new moon dates ?  Remember the feast of trumpets, Yom Kippur, feast of tabernacles ?  The feast of tabernacles is called the "Feast of the Full Moon".  Maybe this is important.   He probably taught us that for a reason.  Also, all the dates regarding Noah and the ark.  One thing that I remember is that the water receded on the first day of the first month.  I think he left the ark or there was mud on the 27 day of the second month.  The  windows of heaven opened up on the 17th day of the second month.  The ark rested on the 17 day of the seventh month. 

So maybe 2012-2013 is following what Noah did ? The times of the end will be just like in the times of Noah.   One thing I remember that was coincidental was that Sukkot/tabernacles was on October 1, 2012.  This goes along with the tops of the mountains were seen during the tenth month, the first day of the month.  And for the feast of tabernacles a temporary shelter is built.  The ark was a temporary shelter.     The calendar was different than ours so I don't really know. 
The waters receded during the first month on the first day of the month so will "waters" recede for us on 1/1/13 ???

I just looked up the date for the feast of tabernacles 2013.  It is September 19-20.  Danismjking listed September 19 as having a full moon.

Also, the "Watchers" were present during the time of Noah.  Will it be the return of the "watchers" during the end times ?   The question is who are the watchers ?  Angels/ET's/fallen angels/Nephilim/Giants ?      :affraid:          :WTF:

I think you're right about this being a "Thriller" @DanisMJKing     

TIAI ~ 2012 / Re: TIAI December 27
« on: December 27, 2012, 06:20:12 PM »
 :LolLolLolLol:  You guys are so funny.  This is fun. Those are just some of the things that go through my mind after watching all this time.  Doesn't it seem like something BIG or important may happen during Murray's appeal ?  There's also the trial with AEG.   
@Sim, You want us to continue this scenario.  IDK, nothing pops into my head right now except that a lot of things could come out at the appeal.  Only the hoax doctor knows and it does seem like the plan is under control !  I'll just stay in the waiting room and "keep watchin". 

Love You All   :icon_razz:


TIAI ~ 2012 / Re: TIAI December 20
« on: December 27, 2012, 04:47:38 PM »
TouchedbyanAngel,MJonMind,SimPattyK, Wow Great Posts.  I love all this.  Sim, great connections with pictures.  I don't know how you do it.  It's interesting how all these prophecies have similarities especially with the number 7.   Think about all the sevens in the book of revelation.  I think the 7 stars in the Pleiades, Orion, and Jupiter are important.  I'll have to look at all this again !   

Love You All           :bearhug: 

TIAI ~ 2012 / Re: TIAI December 27
« on: December 27, 2012, 03:41:32 PM »
Thanks TS, interesting tweets I_deed !

It seems like the next episode of the Conrad Murray trial is about to start soon.  Will it be televised ?  Will the media be all over it ?   

During the trial I had visions of Conrad Murray taking his mask off and everyone being shocked !   It seems like something shocking may happen at the appeal ? 

"Keep Your Head Up" because we're going "Hollywood Tonight" to reveal what's "Behind the Mask".   


Unless, I'm just dreaming   :icon_geek:


TIAI ~ 2012 / Re: TIAI December 20
« on: December 25, 2012, 08:58:50 PM »
Thanks for posting that article @TouchedbyAnAngel.  I don't think it's crazy at all.  I really liked it.  I've been looking at these types of articles about prophecies on and off the last few years.  I don't thinks it's a coincidence that all these prophecies come up with nearly the same dates.  It goes along with astrology.  This death hoax is happening around the same time also.  This is what I've been thinking all along.    It's very interesting what they say about the seven stars of the Pleiadies and the stars of Orion.  What do you think about all the messages from the Pleiadians ?  Have you seen them on face book and youtube and other places on the internet ?  I hope their for real, I really do because the planet needs help.  I never understood the design on the jacket (pictured above).  Are you saying that it is the V shaped space craft going through the black hole/passage way ?  :omg:    And I don't even doubt it anymore !  I've been trying to study and read the bible and other things these past few years.   Some things I thought were completely fake aren't.  We have to dig and search for the truth because it's been hidden/manipulated for so long.

Here's one of the messages from Alaje the Pleiadian. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login         

Love You     


TIAI ~ 2012 / Re: TIAI December 20
« on: December 24, 2012, 11:57:23 PM »
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TS/Front's track record is very strong to excellent, which gives me strong confidence. But that we are not understanding the way he means is a very strong possibility.  Though he likes to trick us in his words, doesn't mean he is an out and out fake or liar. Just because MJ pranked people he knew sometimes, didn't mean he was generally a liar or hurter of people.  TS/Front said not to go just by their words but by the evidence we have accumulated over all this time.  Our faith in TS/Front/Back/Michael is resting on a strong foundation of the proofs laid down by our forum in great detail on accessible threads, 3 1/2 years of our intensive labor. Do we discount this as nothing?  Now we have some few steps requiring some trust in him, or like going through a dark tunnel for a little bit.  But that light will be coming soon.  Can we be strong for him?  TS has put so much time and effort in all his investments here on this forum. What are we afraid of?  Looking like fools (too late for that)? Being left high and dry (too late for that)?  We (at least the ones who have been here all this time since the beginning) have really gone too far to go back, and most of us would not just abandon this journey. I know I won't, as long as Souza keeps this forum going. There is a core group that is going to be faithful no matter what.   If we truly love Michael, where else is there to go--another forum? Hardly.  TS will come through as he said, but we must allow for that trickery of meaning behind his words, or reading between the words/lines.  If we believe MJ truly hoaxed his death, we know he's been operating by stealth and incognito for many years, so why would this be any different.  He's doing it for LOVE, he doing it for the fans, and he's doing it for the planet.  History will be affected--this is no small potatoes.  What stuff are we made of?  When the going gets tough, the tough get going. And all that talk.  Love you guys, and I want to bolster your faith. I truly believe we are on the right track here on this forum, with TS and Front.  Let's cheer him (them) on, and support him!  We have no idea how ridiculously blessed we really are here!  MJ here! Simply magical!!  (MJonline) :icon_e_wink:

Thanks MJonMind.  Great Pep talk.  I'm here for as long as it takes.  No quitting for me.   I think you're right.  This isn't only for us.  It's for the whole world. No small potatoes like you say.  That's why I joined the army of love, to help heal the world.  So, we can't quit until it's done. 

Back/Front discussions / Re: Official back & Front thread
« on: December 24, 2012, 11:30:18 PM »
TuTcurse on Today at 01:19:33 PM
The light of the world? I don't think you should call Michael that. Maybe I'm being a bit over religious but I dont think you should consider another human, who cuts in bleeds in that sense at all.
MJ once wrote in a note, “Have mercy, for I have been bleeding for a long time now.”  Also didn't Jesus bleed a whole lot? Just saying.

Yes, Jesus bled a whole lot because not too many believed him during his time either.  Just saying. 

MJonMind,  the giant statue of MJ in the temple does remind me of the giant statue of Apollo now that you say it.  I wouldn't have thought of that by myself.

Happy Holidays Everyone.

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