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TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI March 9
« on: March 25, 2011, 01:20:43 PM »
Quote from: "suspicious mind"
ok were we not told there was an iv in the leg? was it pulled at some point during murry's clean up efforts? if not would paramedics need to start a new one or would they use what was already there?  bare with me please if i am slow on this  :oops:

Whereever the IV was, why wasn´t any IV line to be seen when they arrived at UCLA?
You see, I get hooked on this... :?  
And the paramedics weren´t in a hurry, when they drove the stretcher through the UCLA entrance.
As far as I know, Doc Murray didn´t want to pronounce Michael dead until they arrived there, so they should continue their efforts in CPR. Why then a slow, romantic walk through the gate and no hurry?

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI March 9
« on: March 25, 2011, 03:07:09 AM »
Thanks ladymedic for your great post!  :D
Made me see some points in a new light. But there are still some things remaining:
You are right, there needn´t be IV lines in the arm, where a vein hardly can be found when circulation breaks down.
It makes more sense to put the IV canula supraclavicular ( in the neck ), sorry I only know the German terminus for it.
But: shouldn´t there any IV line be seen anyway?
And: the pad which fixes the IV line on the neck looks exactly the same as on the amb photo in 1985, a comparison can be seen on youtube ( sorry I still don´t know how to transfer youtube here ). This only makes sense when there exist prepared equal-sized pads from the factory.
If not, it´s only fixed with a white tape. Then, why does it look exactly the same as in 1985?

There are still some other things that still seem odd to me.But first I have to go to work. Babys are waiting... :mrgreen:

Love & Peace

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI March 9
« on: March 24, 2011, 05:01:09 AM »
You are right, there was an upgrade in CPR. Thanks for the information! :D

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI March 9
« on: March 24, 2011, 04:46:07 AM »
Sorry I have to correct myself:

It´s not the ankle, it´s the wrist joint! :oops:

Just got my  dictionary...

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI March 9
« on: March 24, 2011, 04:40:58 AM »
Quote from: "navibl"
The one thing that has always bugged me about the paramedics and particularly the one standing, is the placement of his ONE Hand.  This may have been brought up before, but  I haven't read the discussion if there was one. If you look up, proper hand placement for CPR, the hand is suppose to be in the middle of the chest.  This guy looks like he almost has his hand on the patients shoulder.  Maybe he took guidance from Conrad!!

This leads me to believe they are not the "real thing", Which reminds me of the old Coke commercial....hmmm

I´m going back to the medic stuff, because that´s more my thing than the tec stuff.
The hand´s placement seems ok to me, because the ankle has to be in the middle of the sternum, between the nipples. There are some good videos on youtube where they show proper CPR basics. ( Sorry I still don´t know how to post youtube stuff here... :cry:  )
But there are some things that bother me:
Normally you do the CPR with TWO hands, twisted together. You pump maybe 20 times, then you take a break, and a second person ( in this case the paramedic on the right side ) pumps O2 into the body, 2 or 3 times. Then you start the heart treatment again. You aren´t allowed to do both things at the same time.
So, what do we see on the pics:
1) the left paramedic has only one hand on the chest and turns away.
2) The other one has an intubation bag which is not squeezed, and not on the way to be squeezed.
3) The manual blood pressure is off, ok you could mention that maybe the blood pressure is recorded digitally. But the monitor is off.
4) I still can´t see any IV equipment, as I posted some pages ago.
5) I can´t see ECG pads, there should be two on the chest underneath the clavicle ( one on each side ) and one on the left side of the thorax. The ECG could be watched on the monitor, but the monitor is off.
Ok you might mention that maybe there is no ECG in amb #71, but when I as a normal midwife am able to buy a portable ECG, this should be possible for an ambulance´s standard equipment as well.

My conclusion: when the left paramedic takes a break, the other one should squeeze the O2 bag. But he doesn´t.
That means:
1) the pap got the part of a second where nobody does anything ( very unlikely )
2) the situation is staged.  

Well, one subject of this thread is: are there real paramedics, or actors?
I still can´t proof it, but I think they are not real, because they forgot a lot of important things. This wouldn´t happen to real paramedics.

Please don´t hesitate to correct me if I am wrong.

And why aren´t we allowed to see at least a part of their faces, a chin, a nose, don´t know!
The edges of the pic are too clean.

Michael Jackson News / Re: RIP Elizabeth Taylor:(
« on: March 23, 2011, 06:22:53 PM »
Have you seen this video on youtube, when she arranged Michael´s first christmas?
I loved her so much for that. What a wonderful woman!

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI March 9
« on: March 23, 2011, 06:59:46 AM »
Quote from: "Gema"
Back to the 4 pics presented:

Seems like every one has some type of pattern withing the image (near the drawer).
Could it be the reflection of the photographer?
Back to point zero!

When you compare the 4 pics you will notice that no one is as sharp as the other one. It´s seen best at this sign the left paramedic wears on his arm. In 1 or 2 pics it´´s kind of wishy-washy, in another pic it´s quite clear to be seen.
Same with the "leaf pattern" at the  left side of this arm. In one pic ( the one with the sharpest sign ) the pattern is not to be seen with the naked eye.
My idea is: could this  "pattern" be just dirt or a water pattern on the window, as you get it when you wipe a window?
Just a thought, it came into my mind as I wiped my car window this morning and in the sunlight I could see a shadow like this on my window.
I hope you get what I mean.

I didn´t post for a few days because I hoped this exhausting discussion about fun to be ended.
Dear friends, PLEASE could we stop it now, although I´d like to read everyone´s opinion about it and I´d love to continue laughing my head off because it´s refreshing.
But as Souza already wrote, it´s better to join other threads with personal things.
If you write down your opinion somewhere, maybe you could show here where to find it? This would save space in this topic, and the ones who want to know can easily find it.


TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI March 9
« on: March 20, 2011, 04:41:49 PM »
Quote from: "Yulia"
This is NOT a game

As far as I´m concerned I´m well aware that all this is not a game. But having fun sometimes prevents me from getting lost in spheres that are not good for my brain. Having fun keeps me on the ground.Us all having fun doesn´t mean we don´t take things seriously, nevertheless.
I say this with respect and love.

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI March 9
« on: March 20, 2011, 04:25:16 PM »
Quote from: "_Anna_"
Quote from: "TS_comments"
Quote from: "Grace"
Do I remember we were out for a proof that would stand a trial? ...
Yes, Grace, that is exactly one of my reasons for posting this.

We do want to enjoy this investigation, and get some laughs now and then--and use our imagination, etc.  However, we also need to be careful not to confuse the fun and imaginary with good solid evidence that will hold up in court.

Souza was right, I merely cropped the rectangle handle part of the Ambulance1.jpg

Are we SURE that the leaf-pattern is Photoshopped into the picture?  Is there good, SOLID evidence that leaf-pattern overlaps the handle?  Or could the mind be imagining a leaf-pattern overlap, just as others (who did not know the source of the cropped picture) saw several other things in it?

Here it is again.

I'm sorry but I am always straight-forward, as I don't like under any motive to be played with. I ask you now to please tell me: is this what people have to look for? To see faces and messages and maybe words or anything in a blurred thing? For instance if you look at the clouds now you most likely will see some face or shape or even words in them. You can see anything. This situation is too serious to play games. At least that's how it is for me and always has been. Do you think people should search for faces in cloud-like photos?

I hope to not be taken as being harsh, but I'm being serious here, and I hope you understand this. It all is based on respect.

Well, maybe we should remember what TS asked us. He/she/it :roll: asked:"Do you recognize this?" That means to me: do you recognize the photo, and not, what´s in it...
nevertheless it was fun to see and find some things in it, just as you said: it´s like watching the clouds...

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI March 9
« on: March 20, 2011, 07:57:40 AM »
@wishingstar: thanks for your warm welcome!
@ TS: never mind because we are joking a lot about this, but this is really difficult stuff!

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI March 9
« on: March 20, 2011, 07:40:09 AM »
Quote from: "TS_comments"
Does anyone recognize this?

I looked at it in a darkened room and I also can see MJ´s face in the upper half. That´s a bit spooky, a bit similar to the Shroud of Turin... :?
Ok maybe it´s because I´ve already had a glass of Prosecco, let me have another one and I´ll tell you where the white rabbit is... ;)

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI March 9
« on: March 13, 2011, 12:01:24 PM »
I got my focus on the pics that were made at the arriving at UCLA.
Photos 1 and 3 are obviously the same, the only difference is less background in no. 3.
The thing that is disturbing me on these pics is, that obviously nobody is in a hurry. I am working in a hospital, and when I see the paramedics coming in with an emergency, especially with a seriously ill patient, they hurry up a little bit more! :shock:   that means: at least the upper body of the guy with glasses and dark hair should be leant a bit more forward.
The pics are obviously made within 1 or 2 seconds. Paramedics in a hurry should have done more moving during that time...
I am also missing a person who holds up an i.v. bottle. I hope you know what I mean. One normally drives the stretcher, one continues intubation, one carries the i.v. bottle. On all photos they seem too relaxed. combined to the suspiciously slow driving backwards of the ambulance in Carolwood Drive that brings me to the conclusion:
1) they are transporting a person who is already dead
2) they are transporting a person where emergency is not necessary - because this person is not in danger.
In any case this would mean: the ambulance pic that shows MJ is fake anyway.

What I don´t understand is that the paramedics weren´t aware for such a long time that the patient is MJ. Well, I´m just a midwife and no paramedic, but nevertheless I was involved into some cases of emergency concerning pregnant women who started labour at home which became dangerous; although you are in a hurry and the patient is in the center of your interest, you are at least a bit aware of the things that surround the scene - personal things, photos, furniture...
and nobody noticed anything? :ugeek:

Love & Peace

TIAI ~ 2011 / Re: TIAI March 9
« on: March 13, 2011, 11:34:31 AM »
Quote from: "VeryLittleSusie"

On these photos - MJ on the stretcher entering the hospital - we can se at least 2 paramedics in dark blue suits....  :?
And i guess Murray is there in the white T-shirt...

I think that all these footage was staged before and handed over to the press/television as the finished material. It was not filmed by CNN as far as I know... (I might be wrong)
They could have easily film it before June 25 and then send it to the media to publish.  Nowadays, nobody bothers to verify the material, we can observe the copy-paste journalism in bloossom...

Introduce yourself / Hi from Germany!
« on: March 12, 2011, 12:58:25 PM »
after joining this site and reading your posts for a couple of weeks, you all seem so familiar to me already, that I decided to become a registered user. This forum is absolutely great and full with obviously very intelligent people! It´s good to find out that there are lots of people around the world who got the same feeling: that there is something wrong with the whole story.
 MJ was a part of my youth, and after his passing away ( or whatever... ) it was as if a part of my youth had gone.
To be honest - I still don´t know what to believe... will he come back or not?
Well, there is already someone we are waiting for him to come back, since 2000 years  :mrgreen:  ,
it´s more THE BIG IDEA I believe in, the idea of love, respect, and the absolute absence of violence. This idea personifies from time to time, name this idea Jesus, Buddha, Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Michael Jackson... It has to appear as a person, otherwise people would probably forget about it.
Ok let´s leave the spiritual side now, I like the logical side as well! I found users here who prefer the tec side of the hoax (   :?:  :?:  for me  ) and users who are more into medic things. With a medical background this part will be mine as well.
Hope my English is ok - please don´t hesitate to correct me if I should be completely out of the line.
Love & Peace!

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