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The Coroner and Autopsy Report / Re: WTH Is This?
« on: November 29, 2009, 01:38:24 AM »
Quote from: "ILuvUMoreMJ"
He's now posted this photo. I'm sure it's probably fake, but it turns my stomach just thinking it could be real....

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WTH??? It was done on footage? sorry if I am having a moment here but what does that even mean? Also very convenient how he stresses out the fact it's not best quality because it was done from a gets cut out!

I agree with you it is probably a fake! It makes my stomach turn thinking people can do these things only to get attention!

The Coroner and Autopsy Report / Re: WTH Is This?
« on: November 29, 2009, 01:13:05 AM »
Quote from: "Crescendo"
he could possibly just want his 15 min of fame and what better way than to appeal to Mj fans who are in mourning and curious about such things as this.
one should be careful when puttin a video on youtube, they could end up being famous :roll:  remeber the Chris Brown wedding dance :roll:

so i wouldnt believe much of what this guy has to say. though i didnt hear it i just read the summary.

Haha! Can you actually imagine this is exactly what happened to this guy! He tried to play with people's emotions and he got called out by the FBI...

 agree with Jade there can't be a video of an autopsy because Michael is simply ALIVE!!! ;) Thanks for posting the videos here Alive.

I had to add this I for got the most important part!!! WTH would pay the $2.00 to watch a fake video...sorry real or not I am not paying $2.00 not much money at all is just the principle behind it in my opinion! :)

Criss Angel / Re: Cris Angel's beLIEve
« on: November 28, 2009, 07:42:01 AM »
Definitely a very interesting blog and thanks for sharing this with us! I think is worth to take a look with an open mind. I also agree with the coincidences maybe being a bit too many! Humm! :?  

The PT Barnum References / TMZ=Brick man! Re-Post from MJKIT
« on: November 28, 2009, 04:30:29 AM »
Barnum+Michael Jackson+ Brick Man=TMZ (maybe???) ;)

I am re-posting this here because it's part of the Barnum theory and because I still believe this to be the case. Now, whether; TMZ is willingly playing the role of the Brick man for Michael, or they are simply being taken along for the ride...I just don't know!  But one thing is certain...Since June 25th TMZ has not STOP reporting news on or about Michael Jackson!!! It does make one wonder as to why they are the only ones who are so adamantly publishing articles and stories on their site almost on a daily basis! IMHO...Willingly or not they are part of it all. ;)

I have been Reading all the possible theories posted in this site. A lot of great ideas have been contributed which is how we have been able to come up with great theories. I think if I am not mistaken, and please correct me if I am wrong, that P.T. Barnum was introduced to us by Shikster(thank you). He  kept hinting to read study up on P.T. Barnum and I think a few of us did.

We have all seen how TMZ is the first to report everything and anything related to Michael’s case. We/I have wondered why is TMZ the first with the breaking news, when they are not a reputable source of news or entertainment for what matters lol
Okay! So here is my theory on what the correlation is between P.T. Barnum and our dear TMZ.

Bec, mentioned the story about P.T. Barnum and “The brick man”. I remember reading about it but didn’t make much of it, until bec mentioned how Michael could have used himself when he was at the 02 arena whether it was him or a double, as “the brick man” in order to call attention out to himself and the weird behavior he presented (which later would make sense to people given all the drug allegations). In order to understand “the brick man” you need to know what Barnum did with “the brick man”. So

here it is:

One day a plump beggar came by for a handout. Instead, Barnum offered him a job at a dollar and a half a day. He handed the puzzled beggar five ordinary bricks. “Now,” said Barnum, “go and lay a brick on the sidewalk at the corner of Broadway and Ann Street; another close by the Museum; a third diagonally across the way… put down the fourth on the sidewalk in front of St. Paul’s Church, opposite; then, with the fifth brick in hand, take up a rapid march from one point to the other, making the circuit, exchanging your brick at every point, and say nothing to anyone.… [A]t the end of every hour by St. Paul’s clock show this ticket at the Museum door; enter, walking solemnly through every hall in the building; pass out, and resume your work.”

The beggar moved off with his five bricks, and began his idiot’s play. Within half an hour, more than five hundred curious people were following him. In an hour, the crowd had doubled. When the brick-toting pied piper entered the Museum, dozens bought tickets to follow him. This continued throughout the day for several days, and Barnum’s business showed a satisfying increase. Here is the link where I got it from: ://

Okay, so Barnum used/hired a beggar to do the work for him in luring the people/audience. So you may wonder where does TMZ fit into this “Brick man” theory. Well allow me to try to explain.

TMZ has been the first to report everything related to Michael Jackson. TMZ was the first to report Michael was “dead” only minutes after he had supposedly “died” when not even CNN or other major news casters would. I do remember I was at work and I read on the Yahoo headlines that Michael was in a coma, yet when I logged into TMZ web page it clearly stated Michael was “dead”.

TMZ first to show the alleged “death certificate”, no other major news site, but TMZ.
TMZ first to have the picture of the ambulance
TMZ first to report the drug allegations
TMZ first to state that the case will be treated as a “homicide”
TMZ were there live when the “Police/Coroner” were requesting documents from Dr. Kline’s office.
TMZ first to report an arrangement will be made between Katherine Jackson and Debbie Row(Spell check)
TMZ were also live and first to break news about Dr. Conrad Murray’s office being raid
These are just a few of the updates TMZ has provided to the public and other media in general.

Now, IMO if we take Michael’s admiration for P.T. Barnum and this whole thing being a hoax than TMZ is our Brick man!
Barnum hired a Beggar to lure his audience. Unfortunately when we hear the word beggar we have a bad connotation of that person. Right? I am not trying to offend anyone but:
Beggar = someone who is inadequate, someone who might be perceived as not likeable due to their appearance or what they represent.

TMZ = Not a reliable source for news, inadequate to produce credible reports, not liked by many including celebrities. Yet now they are the “go to” for anything related to MJ ‘s case

Now, in order for Michael to pull the greatest show/hoax on earth, he would have needed the help of the media but not all the media.
Just like the brick man lured his audience by going in circles exchanging his brick, so does TMZ keeps luring us by providing us with all the information first, to keep us interested in what the final outcome will be in the case. We are all anxiously awaiting the results of a toxicology report to see what it will be. I wonder why TMZ keeps pushing the drugs so adamantly when we have heard so many people close to Michael state that they never saw any indications of drug abuse. IMO TMZ is Michael’s brick man. We also have to take in consideration that Harvey Levin who is the senior producer for TMZ is or used to be a lawyer.
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Levin being a lawyer and the producer of a tabloid can be a good reason on why Michael might have chosen TMZ to be his “Brick Man”. IMO If this is a hoax Michael planned everything to the extreme and to perfection and that includes legal advice. However, it doesn’t hurt if Michael could ally himself with a man who is not only involved in the media but who has a law background as well that could prove useful and resourceful.

I mentioned it before on a different thread and I do believe and agree with Souza's movie theory but I also think there are other reasons for having faked his death, other than for just the movie. Yes, I do believe a movie or some kind of special project will come from this after all Michael has made it known how much he has been wanting to direct.

IMO all that is going on with TMZ is just a way to lure the public and have their attention for the final bang! Which will be the biggest hoax ever and the biggest publicity stunt for a movie.

Not sure if anyone noticed but in the memorial when Gordy Berry spoke he stated that he felt as the “King of Pop” was not enough for Michael Jackson but instead he thought of him as the “Greatest entertainer” Somewhere along those lines. Those words struck me as a strange thing to say at that moment. But after being introduced to P.T. Barnum it made perfect sense. Barnum is considered to be the “Prince of entertainment” and Michael will be the “King”.


Starts at minute 8 and ends around minute 8:15 (but if you listen carefully starting at around minute 7 you can get a lot of insight as to who Michael wants to be. Which I think goes along with Barnum.

Here are a few of the similarities I found on MJ and Barnum (I know it doesn’t go w/TMZ but I thought they were interesting and I wanted to share)
Barnum/MJ= financial problems or so it is alleged in MJ's case (for both bad investments and spending)
Barnum/MJ= Case litigation
Barnum/MJ= Public humiliation
Barnum and Bailey circus and the circus in town before the memorial
Now Barnum toured doing lectures and this is how he was able to come out of debt and get his reputation back.

Could it be that in Michael's case this hoax could be his lecture tour? Getting out of debt and gaining his reputation back (we know it was tainted by the media).

Let me know what you think if you agree or disagree. I just wanted to put my two cents and contribute my thoughts and findings, with help from everyone who has contributed to the forum. Sorry if it is too long or if is not understandable, if you have any questions please let me know.

References & Similarities / Re: my simple theory it's really just for love
« on: November 28, 2009, 04:10:36 AM »
EXCELLENT post! I agree with you about it being all for L.O.V.E. I am also one who believes in the Barnum theory being part of it all! I can't add much to it because I am with you on the same page! ;)

 During that same Gordy speech you mentioned, Gordy also mentioned how he thought the "king of pop" was not enough for Michael and how he thought of him as "The Greatest entertainer" to ever lived! Barnum was consider to be the Prince of entertainment Michael will be the King!;)  Here is the video of Gordy's speech I think it gives us great insight as to who Michael is! The part I made reference to starts at about 7min. But the whole speech is worth listening to... just my opinion!


Thanks for posting this! ;) Also the "old man's disguise" was mentioned by Marlon during his speech on the "Memorial". He maybe likes to dress as an Old let's keep our ayes open for all the older looking man around the Jacksons and around Kenny! ;)

He stated on several occasions  how he loved to wear disguises so he wouldn't be recognized. I think he once even said his disguises were so good that not even his own mother would recognize him! ;)

Introduce yourself / Re: MJ is alive!!!!
« on: November 26, 2009, 06:37:20 AM »
Quote from: "Smelly"
Quote from: "Banessa"
Quote from: "Smelly"
Yep Ban, me too, me too lol.  :mrgreen:  :P  :D

 :lol: We weren't the only ones check out how many views it has LMAO! We are Just the only ones who were either brave enough or too foolish to admit to it. :lol:
Let's pretend it because we are brave enough :lol:
C'mon guys, there are 40 views on this thread last time I checked, go on, admit it, you thought DA TROOT was in here lol!

I agree with you definitely lets say because we are brave! "DA TROOT was here"  :D Uuh I like that smilie picking it's nose! gross but cute :lol:

@Andrea Don't feel bad welcome to were only the brave dare to post  :lol:

Introduce yourself / Re: MJ is alive!!!!
« on: November 26, 2009, 06:09:33 AM »
Quote from: "Smelly"
Yep Ban, me too, me too lol.  :mrgreen:  :P  :D

 :lol: We weren't the only ones check out how many views it has LMAO! We are Just the only ones who were either brave enough or too foolish to admit to it. :lol:

Introduce yourself / Re: MJ is alive!!!!
« on: November 26, 2009, 05:51:33 AM »
Quote from: "Smelly"
Quote from: "Banessa"
Quote from: "ammichelis"
He is alive....
Michael love you so much...
I am waiting for you!

HAhaha! Like, iMISSYOUMJ stated, you also had me thinking you had evidence.  :lol:
I agree he is ALIVE In my opinion he is more ALIVE than ever!

Lol!  :lol:

LMAO  :lol: Hey there, I should've known huh? ;) You too? :D  

Other Odd Things / Re: TNZ's Myspace & Twitter Pages
« on: November 26, 2009, 05:17:14 AM »
They are very good with their blogs and you can definitely tell they put a lot of effort and dedication in their work and what they present us with. Good for TNZYou are not allowed to view links. Register or Login They are very interesting indeed! You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login  

Introduce yourself / Re: MJ is alive!!!!
« on: November 26, 2009, 04:59:19 AM »
Quote from: "ammichelis"
He is alive....
Michael love you so much...
I am waiting for you!

HAhaha! Like, iMISSYOUMJ stated, you also had me thinking you had evidence.  :lol:
I agree he is ALIVE In my opinion he is more ALIVE than ever!

He certainly seemed excited about his life, turning 50 and performing. Thanx for posting the interview! Funny how he laughs about not having been contacted by the AARP, yet! :lol:

Michael Jackson News / Re: ***breaking news*** best evidence yet
« on: November 26, 2009, 12:57:48 AM »
Hey Badkolo thanx for posting this here. I guess this is the message everyone was expecting Jermaine to give, during the conference. I totally agree with you about Michael's image being restored. As a matter of fact I don't think anyone had done much, to resurface the false allegations, until now.

My opinion, Jermain made these statements for a reason and I hope after his comments more awareness is brought to the issue so more people can be enlightened with the truth about the allegations of child molestation being false! Michael was hurt deeply IMO and it's only fair he gets the vindication he deserves! ;)

Michael Jackson News / Re: "Spread between the lines"-tnz
« on: November 26, 2009, 12:44:26 AM »
Quote from: "misha86"
Quote from: "Banessa"
I very much Like TNZ and their blogs are amazing and are thought provoking. Regarding the letter/post... I'm sorry but I don't believe it to be a direct message from Michael or to be 100% real. I do believe however, Michael does love his family, there are more people than we know who are involved in this and not everything we see, hear, and or read has to be the truth! Especially not with all the MJ fakers going around taking advantage of fans. My opinion is that when Michael is ready to return he won't do it by sending subtle messages through open letters or by recording his voice on a video (Fake voice impersonators) but with a big BAM!!! Which no one will be expecting! ;) I will believe it until I hear it and see Michael himself saying what he has to say!

I personally don't take things literally and I like to look beyond the obvious before I make up my own mind about things. Remember and this is only my opinion but Michael was deeply hurt by everyone who took at face value everything they read and heard about him on the tabloids and from the media. I'm not saying stop looking for clues or messages but lets be a bit more cautious and rational as to what we choose to believe and take for clues!    

 The people over at TNZ are amazing and are doing a great job!   Their best advice is to always read between the lines ;)

I agree with you about everything not being a clue...for instance i dont believe in cassandra or derek...

I don't believe them either ;) I do agree with you there are a few people or groups giving out clues but definitely not everything or everyone is. I also agree with the poster (Sorry can't remember who exactly [Juliet?] ) but I also don't take everything at face value, because I don't and I won't allow some charlatans play with my feelings and my emotions just to give them a good laugh! I do believe Michael is capable of doing everything and anything he wants. I believe him to be a man who is able to get as angry just as much as he is able to be nice and charming. He is a human and humans, thankfully have flaws, imagine how boring if we were all perfect!Therefore, humans are unpredictable, we never really get to know everyone, especially someone like Michael , who only allowed us his fans see what he wanted us to see. Hope no one takes offense by my comment as my intention is not to offend anyone! On a different note I think the fellows on TNZ are only trying to get people to see beyond the obvious, like they say "read between the lines" and for us not to take everything literally. They are all about giving us information but for us to make the ultimate decision based on our own judgment! ;)

Michael Jackson News / Re: "Spread between the lines"-tnz
« on: November 25, 2009, 05:11:36 AM »
Quote from: "SPAKKLE29FUL"
there is plenty of room for everyone in my padded cell feel free to enter :lol:  :lol:

 :lol: Thanx! Will do :lol:

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