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Messages - mjbusterdion

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TMZ Articles / Re: Michael Jackson's 'Breaking News' -- The Real Deal
« on: November 07, 2010, 06:51:47 PM »
Wow after reading that line im nearly after having heart failure.. When in TMZ history has HARVEY personally come on to the website to write its usually TMZ staff and on a sunday in LA when he is off usually on weekends, he stated that before on TMZ live.. This is really turning into something big i'd love the video to show breaking news and MJ pops up saying Im back... Could MJ really be preparing for his return.. Sony wouldnt have given TMZ that track first, im guessing its someone else... aaaaaaaaaahhhh im so excited

Other Odd Things / Question about new album "Michael"
« on: November 07, 2010, 04:10:12 PM »
Hey everyone,

It's been awhile since I wrote on here but i have been keeping up2date on the forum, regarding MJ new album due for release in December..

In all of Michael's previous albums, he has personally chosen songs to go on the albums that have some sort of hidden messages about the various people that are trying to ruin him, since "Sony" are after handpicking the album tracks for this new album outta hundreds of tracks if they feature the same sort of messages in the new songs won't this be a 100% sign that in fact MJ is alive and he chose the songs because surely Sony wouldn't pick up on them messages because it was messages also that Sony was out to ruin him..

I dont know if im saying this right so please forgive me!!!


Other Odd Things / MJ Official Website..
« on: July 23, 2010, 07:47:53 AM »
Hey i think this is very weird.. I signed up to mailing list early last year.. Yesterday i received this email from them..

from   Michael Jackson <>
date   22 July 2010 11:20
subject   Welcome to the world of Michael Jackson we'll be in touch soon
Signed by
hide details 22 Jul (1 day ago)

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I received a different email last year just saying thanks for joining Anyone else think this is weird that they seem to be sending these emails out again but look at the bold writing.. Surely if he was dead they would have changed all that...

Other Odd Things / Various Court Documents
« on: July 03, 2010, 12:17:38 PM »
Hey guys,

just wondering if this adds to the hoax.. We all know MJ name is Micheal Joe Jackson not Joseph.. I managed to get hold of some court documents that when he was arrested for the 2005 thing his name is down as Michael Joe Jackson but there is 2 other documents from Raymone Bain that were thrown out?? could this possibly be because she had Michael Joseph Jackson on it???

Other Odd Things / 20/20 Interview
« on: June 27, 2010, 07:11:58 PM »
Ok guys if this has been already posted please redirect im only half way thru the program and already im seeing some weird things..

1. Dr.Murray stated to the police that he called Paris & Prince to see there father lying dead with his eyes and mouth open..
2. Neverland is being restored??? (What for could MJ possibly go back there 2 live)
3. Randy from AEG stated Michael gave him a hug and said that he can take it from there at the last rehearsal
4. Dr. Murray never performed CPR before but yet he's a doctor
5. Dr. Murray performed CPR with one hand??? Ain't 2 hands supposed to be used
6. Also i picked up on this Dr. Murray was supposed to have supporters there at the last court appearance but only MJ supporters were shown. TMZ later released a picture showing Murray's supporters praying in church could this just be a random picture of people in church because Dr. Murray is a actor and why would he have supporters turn up to support him if its all fake.
7. One of his dancers said that the last 2 rehearsals they did before he died he was at his best??? Maybe because he knew this footage would be used for this "MOVIE"
8. Im sure they showed the autograph dated 24th June 2009, I believe he signed the full date on it because he knew that the next day he would be "Gone"..
9. His make up artist Karen Faye and Michael Bush etc done work on him em is it just me or is it a bit weird that he "DIED" on june 25th, his memorial was July 7th and his burial was 3rd September... Wouldn't a body be starting to break down and were these people lifting him in and out of a coffin to put make up etc on before he finally was put to rest 70 days after he died..

Just want some input what ye think ...

June 25, 2010 / How do we know were this is not a test??
« on: June 26, 2010, 09:54:11 AM »
Ok guys have to let this out..

Yesterday alot of people taught Michael was going to BAM.. Ok media right now is focusing on the world cup and other things for ex there was 1 clip about MJ on the biggest news channel in the UK and Ireland Sky news about him, maybe it was the same everywhere else except USA..

We have to realise that he wouldnt have done it on his year anniversary it wasn't the right time, people were mourning all over the world and the family had to do there part again.. We know his kids never showed up in Gary, they were busy by the pool in Hawaii prob with there father.. His own mother and father never went near the "grave" but were able to do loads of TV interviews and are able to attend parties today, but yet millions of millions of fans worldwide were in pieces, some fans like myself couldnt even hear the name MJ without breaking down, even people that never met the man were affected badly but his family are sheading no tears.. Latoya shead more tears talking to Bubbles than she has since MJ died and she keeps claiming "HE IS HERE" Also where was Marlon?? Its not right if he was dead, that is why after i slept last night and taught about it all i realised its all a hoax, MJ is def alive..

I admit yesterday after seeing the unveiling in Gary that I said ok they have his death date on it so he is dead but after thinking about it, its a piece of stone that can be removed at anytime.. People are coming on here because he didnt BAM yesterday and saying ok he is dead but how do we all know that this is not a test from michael to see who really has faith in his plans, could he really had enough time in a year to put together a plan to take out such powerful people???..

Also if you knew months b4 that your life was in danger would you really plan to do 50 dates in the 02 where there was a risk that he could have been killed on stage no.. There was 2 much laughing at forest lawn for me 2 believe he is gone and also he was taken to UCLA under a false name, how many people in this world have no idea who Michael Jackson is??????? TMZ even stated that this trial is like no other why?? Because its a hoax..

Sorry i had to get that out, can i also thank everyone for helping me get thru yesterday this forum helped me so much

L.O.V.E xxxxxxxx

TMZ Articles / Re: Randy Jackson Angry, Missing Michael's Kids
« on: June 25, 2010, 04:26:39 PM »
Yeah TMZ said the kids are still in Hawaii..

TMZ Articles / Re: Katherine Jackson to Joe: Don't Drag Me Into This!
« on: June 25, 2010, 04:18:02 PM »
OK guys can i ask a question which i know is stupid but its bugging me.. Ok MJ mom wants no part in the lawsuit could it be possible MJ dad is not in on the hoax for a reason ok..

Everyone went to the hospital to visit MJ "Body" but Joe has stated numerous times that he never saw the body he went straight to the Encino home, could MJ have told his mother that he didnt want Joe to know in case he gave it away!!!

I know its a stupid question but id like someone else view..

TMZ Articles / Re: TMZ Live -- Michael Jackson Mania!
« on: June 25, 2010, 04:14:22 PM »
Ooohh now to wait and c what the fantastic Mr Slip Up Jermaine says on LKL... Wow this is brill

TMZ Articles / Re: TMZ Live -- Michael Jackson Mania!
« on: June 25, 2010, 03:57:32 PM »
Quote from: "Hazzely"
Someone asked what do they think about the results and the controversies in the autopsy report but they said they didn't understand the question and avoided it..
Sure.. ;)

Yeah i seen that he just didnt know what to answer cause they know its FAKE.. Well done whoever sent that in lol x

TMZ Articles / Re: TMZ Live -- Michael Jackson Mania!
« on: June 25, 2010, 03:42:34 PM »
Did Harvey just say sorry this is just a crazy production day bout MJ??

TMZ Articles / Re: Katherine Jackson to Joe: Don't Drag Me Into This!
« on: June 25, 2010, 03:39:35 PM »
Quote from: "CC"
STREISAND? RELATED TO BARBARA WHO WAS PARTICIPATING IN THE NEW Watw???? i´m missing some things here... i don´t remember read that name before... i´m lost!!! so much info... :ugeek:

Yeah katherines lawer is barbara streisand cousin TMZ stated before ..

TMZ Articles / Re: Dr. Conrad Murray Saves A Life on MJ Anniversary
« on: June 25, 2010, 03:18:08 PM »
A report in today's Sun newspaper has stated that Dr. Murray has indeed signed up to do a reality show and his lawyer confirmed its true after all the legal stuff is sorted.. Seems to me his reality show is going to be exciting with all the lives he's saving....................NOT

June 25, 2010 / Re: Do we lose hope
« on: June 25, 2010, 02:39:36 PM »
Quote from: "mjfansince4"
Quote from: "mjbusterdion"
Ok i just watched all that Live stuff and the unveiling of the statue with the death dates on it?? Does this mean he is really dead and not gona come back.. I really need someone to give me hope here as im n a bad way???

a monument can be taken down just as easily as it was put up. it could also be changed or mark the era of a new beginning. i'll be damned if some monument tries to sway my belief after a year of all the clues, signs and lessons.

we knew this day would be hard. KEEP THE FAITH.

i think june 25th is not the bam, but our final exam. it's michael's test for us. we have to show him that no matter what, we believe.

we can do this because he's doing this. it's all for love. don't lose hope. this is it.

Thank you so much, just been a very hard day & seeing all that made me go into overdrive.. I didn't expect him to BAM today to much going on but I hope so soon. Thank you again xxxxx

June 25, 2010 / Do we lose hope
« on: June 25, 2010, 02:29:46 PM »
Ok i just watched all that Live stuff and the unveiling of the statue with the death dates on it?? Does this mean he is really dead and not gona come back.. I really need someone to give me hope here as im n a bad way???

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