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This is It ~ DVD & Blu Ray / Re: no smooth criminal lean?
« on: February 28, 2010, 01:35:02 PM »
Quote from: "tabloidburn"
Quote from: "city.gal1"
Quote from: "tabloidburn"
there is a short moonwalk together with the dancers in the smooth criminal-bit. let's look out for the lean. michael had that patented, anyone doing that now these days somewhere? they would have to have permission from michael to do it!

--Actually, the patent on the "lean" ran out in 2005 because nobody paid the fees to "keep it going".

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thx for that, didn't know that. although it's a tabloid source, that might be reliable info. patents do run out...funny he didn't extend that...but i guess he was preoccupied, since that was the year of the trial, too. or someone in his office wasn't paying attention.

I don't think that "USA Today" is considered a tabloid but regardless, I have read that the patent ran out in several places.  If you look around the web you can find the info.

Quote from: "Loveneverfeltsogood"
Dear Michael:
As you can see you don't have to worry about hiding yourself, we won't be able to recognaize you even if you scream your name while doing a moonwalk  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Oh this was too funny -- and probalby true! LOL :lol:

Quote from: "rowdyangel"

All I can say is WTF is going on???  My head is spinning.  It's got to the point where I don't know what Michael looks like any more.  He could be any one of the pictures in the OP but I'll be damned if I know which one. :?

Some people need to start answering questions about this doubles thing once and for all.  I can see how it's driving people crazy.  It messes with our minds and makes an already complicated situation even more difficult to understand. :evil:

I had to laugh when I read this...I know exactly what you mean.  Just when I think that I've made up my mind I go and second guess myself.  I've been feeling like my head has been spinning for a long time!  :)

This is It ~ DVD & Blu Ray / Re: no smooth criminal lean?
« on: February 28, 2010, 12:51:53 PM »
Quote from: tabloidburn
there is a short moonwalk together with the dancers in the smooth criminal-bit. let's look out for the lean. michael had that patented, anyone doing that now these days somewhere? they would have to have permission from michael to do it!

--Actually, the patent on the "lean" ran out in 2005 because nobody paid the fees to "keep it going".

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BAD / Re: Why Dirty Diana is Diana Ross
« on: February 26, 2010, 12:24:39 PM »
MKM, really good thoughts on the lyrics -- never thought about them in this fashion. Thanks for your insight.

MJDHI Announcements / Re: Let's do it one more time...
« on: February 26, 2010, 12:11:48 PM »
Hi Mo & Souza,  I'm not sure what is really going on because I don't get a chance to check the board very often and have been less involved since you switched board formats.  What I wanted to say is this, I so much appreciate that you have this place to discuss all things MJ "death" related.

I did not consider myself a fan either (since the Thriller days), I had my own life to live and didn't much pay attention to MJ over the years.  However, since the "death" I had noticed inconsistencies right away.  One would think that these are blatently obivious if a person that did not "follow" MJ could notice them.  It still stymies me that the media is not picking up on these things or if they are, not reporting them for whatever reasons.

While I do not always agree with the various theories you put out there, I always marvel at the amount of work/thought that the two of you put into them.  (Where do you find the time?)  And even if I don't agree with a theory as a whole, you certainly do make good points at least in part -- things that make you go hmmmm.

I'm glad that you are able to let any bashing of you guys "roll down your back".  Please continue to do what you do.  I don't understand why some feel the need to bash others just because of a difference of opinion, etc. -- just agree to disagree.

Anyway, I want to let you guys know that you and the site are much appreciated.  I say keep the theories, discoveries, conversation, and even the disputes coming!

Michael Jackson News / Re: Arnie's Fashion Show- A tribute to Haute Couture
« on: February 25, 2010, 12:57:39 PM »
This is way too funny, ROFL!  thanks for the levity and humor  :lol:

Michael Jackson News / Re: Michael sings live at Paul Anka's concert!!!!
« on: February 25, 2010, 12:52:38 PM »
Quote from: "neversaynever"
Wasn't Paul Anka saying that  this song was "stolen" from him? Didn't he go to court to get royalities on this song? I doubt this song was part of his set list before. Interesting.....  :| He was just here in concert - sorry I missed it.

Actually, PA made an agreement with the estate for royalties.  See here for details:

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Other Odd Things / Re: drivers license
« on: February 10, 2010, 02:01:15 PM »
I'm not sure that when they are saying that they identified the body by looking at his DL necessarily meant that MJ, or anybody there, physically had it on/with him/them.  They could have just looked up his info on the state's database which would have his driver license photo, etc. on it.  After all, the coroners dept is a governmental agency and would have access to the info, not to mention PD.

Thanks you Mo and Souza for your updated blog -- you really put a lot of research into your theories and I must say doing a really good job.

With regard to some of the things that you've pointed out I must say that the Beyonce number is the one that I really saw all of the MJ connections when I first saw the performance on TV.  I thought it "weird"...the soldiers, crotch grabbing, etc.  Very reminiscent of MJ.  The Lady Gaga performance, I thought was "weird" as well when I first saw it especially when the intro number mentioned mind control.  Of course the tribute was strange in and of itself as well.

It was interesting to see your clips, notations, theories, interpretations, etc.  It brought home to me how much more strangeness there was to these performances than I initially realized.

Is this the first time that we are hearing that MJ and Michael Flatly were friends?  While I knew that MJ stayed in Ireland I didn't know that he stayed with MF.

Thanks for the heads up on the show, should be interesting.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Does this guy at the grammy's look familiar
« on: February 05, 2010, 01:05:23 PM »
Quote from: "Loes"
Some man have noses like this one ...  :lol:  :oops:
(think about the actor from Streets of San Francisco, I can't remember his name right now).

But it made me laugh ...  :D

The actor you are thinking of is Karl Malden and he did have a big nose just like "grammy guy". The nose didn't get me as much as the hands/clapping.

Here is an interesting breakdown of some of Jay-z's videos, etc. with regard to occult symbolism:

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And here is his response to his involvement with illuminati:

Karen Faye / Re: Karen Faye Spouting Off on Facebook... Again.
« on: February 02, 2010, 01:17:16 PM »
I'm not going to be pro or con on Karen Faye but here are a couple of tidbits that make me think perhaps she is right when she says the children were exploited.

According to various things that I have read and seen reported on TV, it was Katherine that was upset supposedly that no one from the Jackson family was invited to the Grammy Tribute.  It was then that the idea of the kids accepting the award came about.

As far as the actual acceptance speeches, it was reported yesterday that supposedly Paris did not want to speak but Katherine asked her to "say a few words".  (BTW Prince wrote his own speech and did not read it from a teleprompter.)

In reading various books and such with regard to MJ's life, I have come across many statements with regard to Katherine that say that she is not the shrinking violet that she is portrayed as, and was in fact, a driving force behind her children's careers.  Remember, she is the one that applied pressure to MJ to take part in the Victory tour.  He didn't want to but because his mother told him that the brothers  really needed him he did -- I have read in many places that this is something that he really did not want to do.

So maybe KF has a point.  I know that there is school of thought that MJ is behind the kids' appearance for safety reasons of course that could be true as well.  Who knows?

Other Odd Things / Re: Video of "Earth Song Tribute" Rehearsal!
« on: January 31, 2010, 01:38:56 PM »
Who was supposed to have released this rehearsal footage?  Weird that "they" would do that.  

I have to say watching this video I can't tell you how many times the little hairs on my neck stood up and got the chills -- can't put my finger on it as to why.  It's not because we hear MJ's voice, there's something else there, I just can't figure out what exactly.

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