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Other Odd Things / Re: TMZ Reports MJ Estate Challenges Michael's Mom
« on: December 10, 2010, 04:13:44 PM »
Blanca and McClain just want all the money and profits for them selves remmember they get paid about 1.2 just for handling MJ estate and they get to pay them selves first.

Yeah right they are not thinking about MJ's children,
I wish his mom had full hold over the estate.

Other Odd Things / Re: How, Where??
« on: December 08, 2010, 11:19:44 AM »
Sorry guys Teddy Riley was lying on opran when he said that the cascios track is MJ voice it is not.
the only thing that teddy said was true is that mj like controversary the rest was lies.
I am ashamed of TR because he is a good record producer and i followed him for years and years now he is selling his soul.

Why didnt Frank speak much, i will answer that for you because he and mj had a fallen out and he did my wrong. We all have our opionions however if you just became a mj fan about 3 maybe even 4 years ago.

You still have a lot to learn.

Hoax Videos / Re: Cascio Family/Teddy Riley Oprah interview
« on: December 07, 2010, 04:03:02 PM »
The interview was good, however Teddy Riley was lying and I know this because I followed Teddy Riley for a long, long time and he knows that those tracks that the cascion are claiming are MJ voice is not so.

Teddy whole demeanor when he answered O's question was not true and it showed on his face and in his movement. Why he will lie I do not know only he does.  I understand he said he want to keep MJ's legacy alive, we all agree but if it is not him then we the fans are being misled.

If you are a true MJ fan and followed MJ's music from young like I have 47 years you MJ's work  MJs voice and his music you feel it when he sings you feel it through your soul.  Those song that the Cascio say is MJ's voice, I did not feel it. there is something missing and it is not MJ.

The lies continue.

Hoax Pictures / Re: small mole on the cheek
« on: November 19, 2010, 09:40:29 AM »
Yes certain pictures show the mole that was surgically removed, however it all counts on the type of makeup and the lighting if any at that particular time.

Hoax Videos / Re: Love Train Michael Jackson Part 1
« on: November 19, 2010, 09:35:50 AM »
I noticed that with Blanket while watching the show the day it came on.

I laughed and said good for you oprah, he just gave you his spit to shake. She did even notice either he was telling her that is what he think of her. And acted as if he really did not want to be around her.

Other Odd Things / Re: Pepsi incident = HOAX, CONSPIRACY, (UN)LUCK?
« on: November 19, 2010, 08:59:16 AM »
MJ was burned and it was not a hoax, I mean most of you people on hear neve even followed him or knew what he was about.

Reading to much into nothing.

Other Odd Things / Re: How to do a Chakra Reading with a Crystal Pendulum
« on: November 19, 2010, 08:09:16 AM »
You contradict your self you say you can or it can answer either yes or no, however when you ask about nwo or illuminati it no. Then you state he was in no danger. I dont get that.

I do not believe you. there are other things that you say that is contraditicting

Other Odd Things / Re: never can say goodbey
« on: November 17, 2010, 09:00:49 AM »
It is and basically was a love song. I heard that song when I was 12 years old.
You guys are reading to much into nothing. Sometimes the things you guys post on here make no sense or you do not have common sense.

I know some of you are very young and just started following MJ. But please do not complicate things no more than they have to be.

True MJ fan and follower since 1966.

Hoax Pictures / Re: ELIMS
« on: November 12, 2010, 01:11:22 PM »
That was MJ at the O2 arena. I do not know why you people say it wasnt.

I can see the younger generation between 1- 25 saying it is not becasue they really did follow MJ
The older Generatin like my self who has followed him since 9 or 10 our selves know the real thing.

Other Odd Things / Re: IMO Oprah Interview Proves Michael is Alive
« on: November 11, 2010, 10:43:48 AM »
That may be true however I disagree with you when say children cannot think for themselves until about 20, you are wrong.

As far your young children all parents want to shelter and protect their children, however you need to let reins go on your children because if you look at half of the children whom was sheltered fromt eh world they did not or do no come out all the great.

Other Odd Things / Re: " The Truth About Mauras Lies "
« on: November 10, 2010, 11:25:23 AM »
Not bashing Maura, however she is not a nice person I written to her on a couple of occasions, if you do not agree with her she lets you have.

She came off as a very rude, disrespectful inidivial when all I did was ask her a question in response to one of her videos.

I do not watch her videos becasue when she went off on me for a question I realizied  a person that goes off on someone for a question and mean she was mean. It kind of freaked me out.

Oprah Winfrey / Re: Where's the compassion O?
« on: November 10, 2010, 11:18:32 AM »
MJboogie agree with TOTALLY.

You guys thing one show one statement , you don't what she was talking about she could have met when they were living in vegas before they came back to LA, You act like you are going to learn so much from one air showing. I thought you people are intellingent.

Wake up.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Is Oprah Really That Bad?
« on: November 09, 2010, 12:46:06 PM »
She did not and still does not care, because if she did she would have made a difference.
She is a self serving b*tch.

Glad to see her gone.

Michael Jackson News / Re: Katherine Jackson Lies...
« on: November 09, 2010, 12:38:33 PM »
She did know the children you talk to much about nothing.
And so what she has some of her grandchildren still living with her. Just shows how much of a grandmother she is.  You dont know what happened if the services said that other children can stay.

Shut up haters, haters always in other peoples business, what is going on in your life that you have to meddle others.

you are probulary raising, killers, thieves, liar and murderes.

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