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General Hoax Talk / Will you still hold out hope for a return ??
« on: April 29, 2011, 12:21:21 PM »
Just wondering....How will you personally feel in July if Michael doesn't return? Will you feel like
he has really passed OR that he is still alive but never returning? Will you feel satisfied that he is
alive and left us clues but we may never see him again?? Will you still hold out hope for a return on
a later date??

I already know what I will think. I will just assume that Michael is still alive and he wanted to leave us
clues but he is not coming back.  :|  At that point, I really worry that my hope for a return will fade.

How do you feel about it??

Look at the 30 second mark of the video...Real clear shot of the garbage cans.
As narrow as that street is, you would think they would have moved those cans on
the 25th.  This video is from Saturday, June 27th!!
With all of the traffic and fans stopping by those couple of days to pay respect, it just doesn't
 make sense that the cans were still there taking up so much space.
Something doesn't sit right with me about this video.   :?
(Sorry the sound is so low for some reason)


Looked to see if this has been posted before couldn't find anything...

Who is knocking on Michael's bedroom door during the 911 call?? Would this mean that his door was
locked??  :?  Or was this room service from the Beverly Hills hotel that some claim the call came from?  8-)


Other Odd Things / "A Star is Killed" movie trailor...(very odd)
« on: April 08, 2011, 09:08:10 PM »
Came across this odd trailor for a movie that is supposed to be about a "star" who is murdered.
It's so obvious that they are talking about Michael.
Sorry if this has been posted before...


Maybe Michael's Bam will be subtle. Or maybe it has already happened. This video makes me wonder if
we are searching too hard. Maybe "Green Man" is all we are ever gonna get.
In 1990 a man who resembles Elvis shows up as an extra in a scene from "Home Alone" and the resemblance
is uncanny. Was this Elvis's BAM 13 years after his "death"??


Katherine Jackson / Whats stopping you from believing Katherine?
« on: March 26, 2011, 05:24:46 PM »
Here is a question I often ask myself and I wonder about the rest of you too...

WHY don't we believe Katherine that her son has passed?? Under normal circumstances if the mother
says her child is dead than he is dead. Why can't we just believe her and trust her and put this to rest??
After all, it is Michael's mother and she would know best right???  
What about you?? Are you surprised that you still believe even after Katherine's book??  
No matter what the family has said or done, I still believe.

Toward the end of this video a reporter asks Michael some questions about his upcoming
career. He oddly had the same response to her as he did Geraldo..."Umm, Film!"  He goes on
to tell her that he has a movie coming out that he is directing.
This footage is from 2002. More proof that this hoax was in the works YEARS ago. Unless of
course, there was another movie that Michael directed that we missed??  8-)
Also, its awfully odd that Michael is planning movie projects at the same time that he is angry
with Mattola and the record companies. Looks like good old fashion revenge to me!!!
Listen closely around 2:14:


Others / What does Heather Mills know? This is interesting ......
« on: March 15, 2011, 03:04:52 AM »
Check out this video from Paul McCartney's X-wife Heather. Apparently she knows a secret about
Paul that is "beyond belief"....and the public just "wouldn't accept it". Could it be related to Michael?
The Beatles catalogue? The Illuminati?  Or is Paul NOT really the "REAL PAUL?" My mind goes crazy with the
possibilities... :shock:  

I give credit to MJhoaxlive's blog for this finding...

Here is another one.. Listen at 1:38 "I have a box of evidence..."

Pictures & Videos of Michael / For those of you losing faith......
« on: February 25, 2011, 11:02:02 PM »
There is still a huge possibility that he is alive...Don't give up yet.  We have come to far to give up.
TRUST in his plan!  BeLIEve  :)



In 1985 Prince released his 7th album "Around the World in a Day"
I couldn't help but notice some of the strange artwork on this album....Looks like an
album full of future premonitions to me!
Prince and Michael. 2 great musicians and artists of our time who always seems to be
trying to warn us of government and media control through their art. How did they know???

Here is 'Around the World in a Day ' album art circa 1985: Left side
Notice the airplane in the sky (911!)  the weeping woman, a stray dog, and birds flying astray.

Now here is the right side of the album:
Notice the "boy with the balloon" (remember the balloon hoax??) We also have an old man with a cane
(another old man!) a man with a surgical mask (kind of Michael's trademark look) and a mysterious figure
in black! (Reminds me of Janets look lately??)
 SO much symbolism here. To top it off we have a ladder leading to the sky which represents going
 to a higher place.  The message:  "Life is going to get bad people!" Keep in mind, this was 1985!

The balloon boy up close:

The weeping woman : (She's the one with the airplane above her head!)

Here is also an earlier album from Prince from 1981 with messages for us.  "Controversy"

So do the artists of our time have privy to information that the general public never get until its too late??
Remember Prince's words about Michael?? 

"He may know something none of us know....just wait it out...."

Did ANYONE happen to get a copy of all of those creepy tweets that Midnightmlk was tweeting?
These would be from April 09' to June 09'. They were about Michael and how he was in danger??
I can't stop thinking about what that could have been.   :?    
If you have them could you post them in this thread?? I can't seem to find them on the forum
here and I would love to read them again. Or if they are on the forum somewhere can someone
give me a link to the thread??  

Thanks in advance!!   L. One

Miko Brando / Miko Brando recalls Pepsi incident- (Warning graphic scene)*
« on: February 20, 2011, 09:13:18 PM »
Out of all of the people around Michael, I really believe that Miko is one of the few that could be trusted.
In this interview (shortly after June 25th, 2009) Miko recalls how he helped Michael during and after the
Pepsi incident. He also says (around 3:20) that he never saw or suspected any heavy drug use as a result.

Sorry if this has been posted before...Just thought it was a great interview.. ;)
(Click on the youtube link if it doesn't come up)


Pictures & Videos of Michael / Michael's " Doo Doo " jacket!! Funny!!
« on: February 18, 2011, 11:47:24 AM »
Either I am seeing things or in this pic of Michael he is wearing a jacket that has
the embroidered letters "Doo Doo" on it .  8-)   ;)
Who is he with here and does anyone know when this was?? 

I guess the 'dodo bird' is DEFINITELY connected!  :lol:

The O2 Press Conference / The speech in a whole new light...
« on: February 04, 2011, 03:35:10 AM »
Watching the 02 conference speech is one thing. When you just READ the speech it becomes
even clearer that Michael was trying to tell us something!  What Michael says is so odd that it even left the announcer scratching his head at the end.  I went through the whole speech and wrote exactly what Michael
said and even noted some very odd body language. He was definitely trying to tell us that "THIS WAS IT" as
as he repeated it 9 times! It seems as if he was more excited about this being the end of him performing,
rather than that he was giving a concert!
So here we go....the press conference word for word:

Michael walks out and wipes his mouth ( kinda like boxers do before a fight!)
Goes to podeum and first says.."I love you so much"
"Thank you all.." Then fist pumps and starts saying "This is it, This is it"
"But, I, I , I  just wanna say that um, These (puts up 5 fingers with palms
facing outward) "These will be my final show performances in London!"
(Touches sun glasses as if to push them up) "This will be it, this is it and when
I say this is it, it really means this is it because......(laughs an evil kinda laugh as if
he is hiding something puts his hand on his chest to indicate that the words are coming
from his heart.) "I'll be performing the songs my fans wanna hear (scrunches up shoulders
as if to make himself appear smaller) "THIS IS IT! I mean this is really it! (Puts up palm
facing outward again) "This is the final, this is the final curtain call...OK? and Umm...
I'll see you in JULY" ( smiles big and takes a step back laughs again...snickers)
"And (swallows nervously and puts up hand to crowd again) I LOVE YOU, I really do, you
have to know that I love you so much! (Shakes head) "Really, from the bottom of my heart!"
(puts hand on chest again) "THIS IS IT and SEE YOU IN JULY!" (He then puts his arms up
in a "V" if a victory sign!)
Michael starts to exit then turns back around....he now has a different demeanor! He now seems
angry as he puts up his fist to the air, shows his teeth, and throws his head back!
He regains composure, switches back to pleasant Michael, throws the crowd a kiss, waves goodbye
and exits the stage!
After Michael is gone the announcer comes back to the podeum.."And there we go, thank you very
much one more time ladies and gentleman for the King of Pop..MICHAEL JACKSON! "
Then he makes a very strange face..."Was that weird for you too?"

Dr. Conrad Murray / The original Dr. Murray client list and testimonials
« on: January 15, 2011, 03:31:32 AM »
I saved this from the old forum!!
Lots of info about Murray from patients and friends....

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