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General Hoax Talk / WHY ARE WE HERE??
« on: January 07, 2010, 05:07:13 PM »
I don’t know if anybody has asked these questions before,
But I need to know…
Why are we here,  why are we reading this information?

I’m 26 years old and I’m black and I live in America, and most people know if anything can go wrong it will go wrong in America. There is so much going on here that I cant even wrap my head around it, racial tension is growing again and its not just black and white, its black and Asian and white and Mexican people HATEING each other, Politians are more corrupt than ever and now people are losing the ability to think for themselves, America and other nations as well we are headed for self destruction. We are relying on people who are in the fore front of the  entertainment world and CNN to tell us what we should do and how we should feel and what we need to be, We look to the wrong people in the entertainment industry and or politicians who slap on big smiles and lie to us right to your face, and we don’t even see it. There are so many lies and so much confusion, and confusion is only there because we have lost the ability to feel like we can make our own decisions.  There is so much hate and darkness and there are people in the background who want us to blindly follow them to what I call hell on earth.

But not all are that way. Some have voices who will try and educate us, but they are forgotten or there message is lost in ARGUMENTS between the masses.
When I first heard about Michael in June, like most, I was so very heart broken. I never saw him in concert except on TV and I never met him, but I love him. I cried all the time, but something within me told me to look for more. And by sheer accident I came across this site. I came to this site for   solace, I was looking for like minded people who believed in Michael and what he represents. I wanted to be around people who actually LOVE, and who LOVE Michael for what he tried to tell us.

So I ask you again why are we here?
Are we here to argue with each other , to get mad and say awful things to each other when we don’t like what another person posts? Are we here to talk shit about each other and for what I cant FUCKING understand talk shit about MICHEAL.  MICHEAL !!!! The very person we are here on this site for!!! I HAVE SEEN IT!!!  Are we here to say that “ you can’t understand Michael fully because you’ re not black? Or what ever else PEOPLE POST ON THIS SITE. I don’t know if you all can see what you are doing. What you all are saying on this site, what you all are saying to each other. And so the fuck what if he was an illuminate slave, he didn’t lie down and take it he did the best anyone can ask for , he tried to fight back and stand up for himself even when he was drugged up poisoned in court depressed or on stage singing his heart out, he did more than I can say for some of you. AND so what if he never returns he doesn’t owe us anything, especially how people have been behaving on this site.
YOU people who tarnish not his memory but his existence.

MO and SOUZA, you continue to put the facts out there and  you continue to connect the dots as best you can . LET IT BE SAID RIGHT HERE AND NOW YOUR DOING A GOOD JOB  AND A SERVICE TO THOSE WHO WANT TO KNOW MICHAEL AND UNDERSTAND MICHAEL AND LOVE MICHAEL !!!!!

This hate has to stop, the shit you all come up with must stop, other wise this site will become nothing more than a tabloid, which is not its intended purpose.
We need to come to this site for knowledge and love. We don’t always need to agreed and if you have a concern, ask, but we don’t have to be belligerent and brutal, and we don’t have to be mean spirited and claim to know more and then not disclose knowledge. If you have something worth sharing then share it , but if not then go away and leave the people who want to know, or want to come together alone.

 Michael said it was up to us to make the change. I have commented before that we needed to come together. With all our differences we need to come together and stop separating ourselves. We have to get over or personal issues and look at the larger picture, we are in this together. We need to become a LEGION OF LOVE.  We must respect each other we must become a stronger force against the illuminate or whoever seeks to destroy us, weather you believe it or not. DON’T BLINDLY FOLLOW, OPEN YOUR EYES. We must do this or it has all been for nothing.
I LOVE YOU ALL , peace

Introduce yourself / Hi im erica from america
« on: December 22, 2009, 10:53:27 PM »
i just found out about all this 2 days ago i read all the forums and posts and redirects i 2 days and i was floored.   :o
i felt robbed on june 25. i cryed and prayed and life just changed me. i was never old enough to see him in concert and most of the videos ive see and the songs i heard were form tapes my parents gave me, and when he anounced he was going to the O2 in london, i couldent go because i just became unemployed, so i could not fly there from america, and i had no money so at the time when i found out he had "died"  i felt bad that i wasnt a true fan that i didnt sell every thing i had to just go and see him, that maybe i didnt try hard enough to show my love.  My soul loves Michael, and i was hurt, however i didnt know anything about this website, and any of the info or possibilities that i would find out here, so purely by accident i came across all this and i just have to say, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, I love you thank you!

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