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Others / Snoop talks MJ on Larry King.....
« on: March 26, 2010, 10:22:10 PM »
Today Snoop was on Larry King.  He had some nice things to say about MJ.  He said that MJ could never do wrong in his eyes.  He said that he love MJ because he always was about helping people.  He cared for people more than he did for himself.  He also stated that he is a close friend to the Jackson family.  I didn't know that Snoop was that close to MJ and his family.  Snoop was also involved with the We are the World remake.  Another thing I noticed during the show was at the bottom of the screen it said Is Lady Gaga the next Michael Jackson?  That kinda of irritated me.  I'm like Lady Gaga is no where near MJ status sorry.  She does have some talent but she's not all that like people make her out to be.  I personally think she is a little too vulgar at times.  She likes shock value.  MJ was not that type of performer whatsoever.

Pictures & Videos of Michael / Pic of MJ two days before death???????
« on: March 25, 2010, 04:19:19 AM »
I typed in photos of Michael Jackson after death and this photo showed up.  I never seen it before.  It says that this photo was from a video shoot for a promotional video that MJ was shooting for This is it.  It says the pic was taken two days prior to the 25th of June.  I don't know but if so MJ looks heavier in this photo and healthy.  He looks more heavier than in the movie.  I don't know if this is true?  What do you guys think?  Has anyone seen this pic before?  His hair is straight instead of curly.  It came from a website

Other Jackson Family Members / Check out Dealz MJ's nephew
« on: March 23, 2010, 04:40:37 AM »
Here's a new video of MJ's nephew Dealz.  He's a rapper.  He mention his uncle and family in this video.  Also talks about new tv show coming out soon.  I thought the song at the end of video is kinda interesting too.  Just to let you know this is a raw video so he does say n**** and s*** in it.  What do you guys think about this?  


Dr. Conrad Murray / What if Murray really is dirty?
« on: March 22, 2010, 11:33:06 PM »
In regards to MJ's death being a hoax I think alot of us on here thought Murray may have actually helped MJ instead of murder him.  However, I was just considering the fact what if Murray really was a dirty doctor and other doctors are involved? What if he was hired to do harm to MJ but MJ found out?  Maybe Murray is being set up by MJ and his people and he doesn't know it?  All I know is something isn't right so I'm just starting to consider other options but I still can't say MJ is dead because there just been too much weird stuff that has happened over the last 9 months.

Other Odd Things / Jackson Family Secrets.....
« on: March 20, 2010, 07:28:36 AM »
I was just browsing and I happen to type in Jackie Jackson's name and I read that his ex wife passed away in 1997 from a brain anuerysm but there was a rumor that it may have been a suicide.  I never heard that before.  I also heard another of his ex girlfriends committed suicide.  Some girl named Shadow she was like a rich socialite or something.  I didn't even know his ex wife was dead.  I don't know if these stories are actually true because the media does lie but if so this is eerie.  I know Tito's wife also died I think she drowned or something and Latoya's ex husband also passed away.  I think I also read somewhere that Latoya's ex tried to fake his deathe before he actually died.  Another thing Jermaine and Randy both have children by the same woman.  I just recently read about that.  So some of their kids are brothers/cousins.  Janet kept her marriage a secret for 8 years.  Joe their father has a love child a daughter from an affair he was having.  Also Omer Bhatti may be MJ's secret love chid.  I'm not trying to put the Jackson's on blast or anything but if all this stuff is true then man I can definitely seem them keeping some secrets in their family.  I'm not putting them down or anything because all families have things that only the family knows.  But if they can keep secrets like this then it's possible to keep the hoax as a secret.

Michael Jackson News / Kirstie Alley statement on Larry King.....
« on: March 18, 2010, 08:56:09 PM »
I'm watching Larry King and I found this statement that Kirstie Alley said as interesting.  She was talking with Larry about tabloids and how they always lie about how much she weighs.  She is constantly a target.  Larry asks why doesn't she sue them?  She said she hates the paparazzi and she also said that in the United States that these tabloids are allowed to make up stories that are not true but in the UK they can't do that kind of stuff.  I was like wow.  They also showed footage of her leaving a place and there were like 20 paparazzi shoving cameras in her face.  She said they even try to film her when she takes her kids to school.  These people are relentless.  I think she looks good for her age.  She is like 60 years old.  Just imagine if it's that bad for her how bad it was for MJ and his kids.  If I were a celebrity I would straight have some mace waiting for them and give them something to really talk about.

This Is It / I finally saw This is It.....
« on: March 15, 2010, 01:15:06 AM »
I finally had a chance to see the movie this weekend.  I thought it was good but very different from what I expected.  I thought MJ would be dancing more in the movie but he really didn't do that much.  He danced to Smooth Criminal, Thriller, and Beat it, Billy Jean and some random dance moves here and there.  I was surprised when he did Billy Jean he didn't even do the moon walk.  I also noticed that when he has on the orange pants he is off in his dancing and he sings ahead of the music.  It's like he was having an off day.  From my observation MJ seem to be in good health but I can tell that all the years of dancing has affected his legs.  He doesn't flow in his dance like he use to but that could be attributed to age and the fact that he's been out the game for awhile.  However, he's still a good performer.  I think this movie was to showcase MJ's creativity anyway and not his performance.  The vision he had and the direction he gave was great.  I love when he tells Orianthi to play the guitar and he guides her with his voice and tells her it's her time to shine.  I also like the interaction with MJ and Michael Beardon the keyboardist.  MJ tells him to slow down the song so that it sounds like the record.  You can tell that they had a real friendship like that's his homeboy because he's not afraid to speak his mind and joke around with MJ.  He's like you need to do the sound check yourself and something about putting some booty into it.  Then MJ like that's funny and Michael Beardon like yeah you know what I'm talking about.  That was cute.  I like the interaction with the lady that sings with him too on I can't stop loving you.  That girl can sing.  There were 5 things that stood out to me in the beginning the dancers are crying but not about MJ passing their just crying because they are thankful for the experience to work with him.  Also they showed the J5 segment why wasn't his brothers there during rehearsals since they were suppose to be a part of the show?  Also when MJ is in the circle with Kenny O.,Travis Payne, Michael Beardon and the dancers MJ's all giving a special message while Kenny O. looks down all emotional.  Also Michael Beardon and Travis Payne look emotional too while MJ is talking like they know something.  Then at the end I notice they don't mention anything about MJ's passing they just say the movie is dedicated to his kids and then it says I love you Michael.  Lastly they thanked the O2 arena for what he didn't actually perform there.  I just found those things interesting.  Anyway I don't think there were doubles in the movie.  I think it was all MJ.

I saw tweets for Elizabeth Taylor today and she was going off because she was mad at the media for saying mean things about Kathy Ireland on the Oscar pre show.  Wow she said it was an injustice because they were talking about the way she looked.  This is an injustice????  Kinda ironic she mad about this and calls it an injustice but no tweets about injustice when Murray was being arraigned for Involuntary manslaughter for her best friend MJ supposed death.  Now if this really happened to MJ you would think that she would go off about that.  Here's her tweets:

DameElizabeth    When is someone going to stop the yellow press from lashing out at people who no more deserve it than the Dalai Lama!
about 23 hours ago via web
Reply Retweet  DameElizabeth    I am boiling to the point of eruption at the injustice of those statements.
about 23 hours ago via web
Reply Retweet  DameElizabeth    I have never seen anyone epitomize glamour and grace and professionalism like she did.
about 23 hours ago via web
Reply Retweet  DameElizabeth    These rags said, to quote them, “She was either stoned or drunk and looked pregnant” – what???? They must be the ones on drugs.
about 23 hours ago via web
Reply Retweet  DameElizabeth    I heard that some scum magazines, print and internet trashed Kathy Ireland on Oscar Red Carpet night.
about 23 hours ago via web

Others / Jeffrey Daniels taught MJ moonwalk.....
« on: March 10, 2010, 04:55:33 AM »
MJ is famous for the moonwalk but he was taught the dance by Jeffrey Daniels.  Jeffrey created the move which was originally called the backslide.  MJ was mesmorized when he saw Daniels do this dance and he taught it to MJ who took it to the next level and debuted it on Motown 25.  So without Jeffrey Daniels MJ wouldn't have moonwalked.  The moonwalk made MJ famous for sure even though he was already a star but this made him a mega star.  Daniels was a dancer on Soul Train and then sang with the group Shalimar.  This is just a little history for those who don't know.  Good to gives props to the ones behind the scenes.  I think Jeffrey Daniels is a cool dude because he never made a big deal about MJ making a dance move that he created famous.  MJ also admitted himself that he learn alot of dance moves from kids in the hood. Here's some footage of Jeffrey doing his thing.

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Pictures & Videos of Michael / video sampler of MJ.....
« on: March 09, 2010, 02:25:37 AM »
I saw this video on youtube.  It's a mix of some of the songs he did while in concert.  I like the parts with the females.  It shows his flirty side.  MJ got a thing for women's hair he always touching women's hair when he hugs them or appears to be smelling it.  He like them full body hugs too. :D
Here's the link:
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Michael's Will & Family Trust / Maculay Culkin Godfather.....
« on: March 07, 2010, 02:11:03 AM »
When someone chooses a person to be their child's godparent doesn't that mean that the God parent is making a pledge to be a part of the child/childrens lives?  That's what I thought.  I know Godparents step in and lend a helping hand when needed and they are there to provide support to the parent.  They also buy gifts and everything for the child/children, etc.  So with that being said don't you think MJ would have added Maculay into the mix involving the care of his children since he is the Godfather to Prince and Paris in his will?  Especially with his mom being 80 yrs old and Diana Ross is in her 60's.  They were really good friends and he is like 30 years old now so he should be responsible enough.  He's at a good age for that responsibility and he probably have more energy for it.  Plus Katherine got all the other grandkids around too.  If I had kids and something happen I would want the Godparent to step in.  I think asking someone to be your child's Godparent is like the ultimate compliment.  Their saying that they put their trust in you with their child.

Michael's Impersonators / Valentino as MJ on Martin funny.....
« on: March 06, 2010, 02:58:30 AM »
I was watching this episode of Martin today when he goes to Hollywood and he keeps running into MJ(Valentino) and they keep getting into altercations with each other.  I like this because it's comedy about MJ but in a tasteful way instead of some comedians who made rude jokes about him like Katt Williams on Pimp Chronicles.  Katt Williams was so mean talking about him.  I think MJ would have found this episode of Martin funny too.

Here's the link:
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Lisa Marie Presley / Funny clip with MJ & Lisa Marie.....
« on: March 03, 2010, 03:37:10 AM »
MJ makes me laugh on this clip when his messing around with Lisa.....

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James Brown / Godfather of Soul and king of pop.....
« on: March 01, 2010, 03:59:36 AM »
This has nothing to do with the investigation I just wanted to give props to James Brown who paved the way for MJ. I was watching some footage of James Brown.  He was an awesome performer, and great showman just like MJ.  When I watch him I can definitely see the influence he had on MJ.  The way James Brown holds the mic and stomps his foot when he sings remind me so much of MJ.  James Brown also had some outstanding foot work which I see MJ took some of it and made it his own.  Even the way James Brown sing with so much emotion and soul, and the way he make up his own words.  MJ did the same thing.  They both were known for their unique style and fashion.  James with the permed out hair and polyester suits and the cape, MJ with the curly hair,glitter socks,glove and jacket.  James Brown also gave pride to the Black community with his song I'm black and I'm proud which was needed at that time.  MJ also made songs to encourage people to better themselves and care about humanity. I think sometime it's nice to give due to the people that paved the way because without James Brown there may have been no MJ as we know and love.  MJ was also influenced by Fred Astaire and Jackie Wilson who was also a great dancer.  Some think he was greatly influenced by Elvis but that's not the case.  It's good to know who actually influenced such a great artist.  I know there are some younger fans on here that probably aren't familiar with these artist.  I am 34 so I know of them.  I think the old school artist had so much class and showmanship than artist of today.  Especially the Motown artist.  MJ had mad love and respect for James Brown.  He cried when he spoke to James Brown personally on the BET awards about how much he admired him and how much he had an influence on him.

Janet Jackson / Janet's ticked off at Jermaine.....
« on: February 26, 2010, 02:23:02 AM »
Today Wendy Williams talked about Janet Jackson during her hot topics.  She said that Janet is upset with Jermaine for running off at the mouth.  I guess she's mad because he's been going around telling people that she's going to fill in for MJ and perform with J5.  Wendy was also making a comment about the things that Jermaine say never come to pass.  She was joking about this old pic of the Jacksons where they're on a boat and MJ and Janet are the only ones focused on the camera and everyone else is looking around.  She was using that photo as a symbol basically saying that the Jacksons are all over the place except MJ and Janet.

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