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Messages - Mélodie

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Français / Re: La musique History.
« on: May 16, 2010, 04:17:22 AM »
Oui , peut être ! Il me semble que quelqu'un a déja posé cette question mais ça devait être sur MJHD
On a pu recueillir quelque date mais je ne me souvient pas qu'on avait trouvé quelque chose d'important
Je te le dit si je retrouve ça

Wow ! c une super bonne idée whatyourheartsays !!
Moi malheureusement j'habite pas à paris et le 25 il me semble que c un jour de cour donc je pourrais pas être présente, mais j'aurais tant aimé être là !!

Français / Re: Petite question sur les topics
« on: March 20, 2010, 08:39:12 AM »
Salut =)
J'ai pas bien compris ta question =S mais je vais essayer d'y repondre quand même ! ^^ ( TIAI ) est un site qui n'as pas de page propre , il change de page tous les jours ou presque , et de temps en temps il fait des " update " sous le nom de TS pour expliquer pourquoi il a choisi ces pages wed . ( j'explique mal je sais >.< ) . Si tu etais sur le vieux MJHD , TS ,et donc TIAI, est la même personne que S.T.U.D.Y.
Voici le blog d'une fille qui a annalisé et répertoirié toutes les redirections de TIAI depuis le début ( ça a commencé en novembre je crois ) =>  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

J'espère que t'as réussis à me comprendre , c pas toujours évident ^^

Français / Re: pub This is it
« on: March 03, 2010, 04:15:25 PM »
Quote from: "Cameron"
En coloc je matte pas beaucoup la télé :D
Quelqu'un à un lien vers cette pub ?

Elle n'y est pas sur YouTube . Je ne l'ai vu qu'une seule fois mais si je me souviens bien elle est courte et ils ne montrent pas grand chose , quelques images du film pi la la fin ils disent un truc du genre " en vente le lundi 1 mars , le mythe et toujours là "

Quote from: "lovemj4everandever"
Well, good for u my friend, i respect ur opinion...don't get me wrong, i'll be the first one screaming ''HE'S BACK'' if he does it!!...but at this point, there's so many legal/justice/court/police/investigation things involved that i personaly doubt that MJ would comeback to face all this circus...but i hope i'm wrong! :|  

I respect yours, too.  I truly do but I disagree with you on every point.  I have always thought that the concerts were never meant to be.  Michael contacted DiLeo in early 2008 about co-producing a movie.  The kind of movie that had never been done before.  Michael supposedly contacted AEG in the summer of 2008 about the concerts.  They began contractually planning it in the fall of 2008.  The Allgood contract was signed (on purpose) in late fall of 2008.  Announcement for concerts was made on 03/05/09.  There were already concerts scheduled at the 02 and tickets had been sold in the fall of 2008 that would have made some of Michael's shows almost impossible to perform on certain dates.  Allgood sued in May of 2009.  This was all Michael's master comeback plan.  His death has been the greatest comeback!  As far as agencies involved, I completely disagree.  There are no agencies involved except maybe the DEA at Katherine Jackson's request since Michael was going to be "dead" for close to a year.  Why not add another good cause to the saga by bringing criminal doctors down at the same time?  We have never seen anyone in uniform give any kind of statement regarding his "death."  Only Craig Harvey who gave one brief press conference on June 26th and Craig Harvey is a freemason.  William Bratton who was chief of police at the time is also a freemason and resigned suddenly in October.  Conrad Murray is a freemason.  Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Firpo Carr are freemasons.  Firpo Carr is also a "top dog" at the LAPD and in my opinion has been the "unnamed source" since June 25th at the LAPD.  Conrad Murray has not been charged with anything.  If you look him up at the sheriff's website, you will see that there is no charge entered and no bail.  The court room appearance was staged by Michael.  The court room was set up backwards from protocol.  Defendant/plaintiff on wrong sides of the courtroom.  The "courtroom" did not have the required seals or flags as mandated by the state of CA.  The judge had a TOY yellow taxi cab on one side of him, a clone from The Wiz, and a yellow ragdoll on the other side of him.  The charges were not read because Conrad and his attorney waived the reading of the charges.  Michael Jackson's name was not mentioned at the hearing.  The DA's website has a charge posted there but the charge in reality does not exist.  According to the CA penal code, one can be charged with involuntary manslaugher by one of two ways 1) an unlawful act or 2) a lawful act in an unlawful manner.  If you read the charge posted on their website, he is charged with both.  It cannot be both.  It has to be one or the other.  The charges as they have them listed cancel each other out.  Therefore, they do not exist.  The website also has a "disclaimer" stating that they are not responsible for the accuracy of anything listed on their website.  The DA made no statement on camera which was highly unusual.  Tom Sneddon certainly made a statement on camera as do most DAs when they are prosecuting high profile cases.  The DA never mentioned Michael Jackson's name at the hearing and again, the charges were not read (because they legally do not exist).  Everything that the media has reported since 06/25/09 has been from unnamed sources.  EVERYTHING.  It is like Michael always says "if you hear a lie often enough, you start to believe it."  The media has reported "sources from the LAPD said this" and "sources from the DAs office said that" and "sources close to the investigation said this".  The truth is none of this is really happening.  There are no agencies involved whatsoever and there is no investigation going on whatsoever except for maybe the DEA at Katherine's request.  This is all just my opinion, but I am a very firm believer that this is really the truth.  I don't believe anything from unnamed sources...EVER!  I learned that from Michael himself.  The "courtroom" appearance was definitely staged and not real.  The footage that was released to national TV stations only showed a close-up of Conrad at the defendant's table.  It was selective footage to make it look real.  Michael knows how to play the game.   The media did it to him for years!  They used selective footage and sound bites to "create" what they wanted the public to believe.  Michael is doing the same thing now.   I could go on and on and on and on for pages and pages but I will stop at this.  However, I do respect your belief that he is not returning.   :D  :D[/quote]

So truuue !! I just love what you said !! You got the point ! :D
thank you lovemj4everandever =DD now i'm sure he will come back !!
L.O.V.E. <33

Michael Jackson News / Re: We Are The World - Latin Version
« on: March 03, 2010, 05:23:26 AM »
Is it a spanish version of " what more can I give " or " we are the world " ??

Français / Re: L'embleme de Neverland O_O
« on: February 25, 2010, 01:04:36 PM »
Voila le j'ai mit sur ALL ODD THINGS ^^

Other Odd Things / Neverland emblem O_O
« on: February 25, 2010, 01:04:02 PM »
Hi everyone =)

I'm a young french girl and I don't have a good english . I've already posted this thread in the french part of this forum but I want to share what I've found with y'all . If someone can make a better translation of my french post please feel free to do it :  You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Here's Neverland emblem :

After seeing the last video of Maura  [ You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ] I started to do some research about what is written on this emblem . What I've foung is very .. strange  :shock: :

    "DIEU ET MON DROIT" is the motto of the British Monarch :
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     and " HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE " is the motto of "The Most Noble Order of the Garter": You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
here's the list of this order's members : You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Why Michael chose thoose mottos ??

What do you think ?

L.O.V.E. <3

Quote from: "mjjveritas"
Melodie, I was only three years old when Watergate happened but I still know about it. I always think it's a lame/silly point of view when one uses the excuse/reason for not knowing modern history. I wasn't alive when World War Two was happening but I still know about it. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login I'm sorry if this sounds harsh but it's how I feel.

 I'm only 15 and I'm french . I don't know all about american history =/ Ive already heard about Watergate but I didn't know what it was . Btw I know who was Richard Nixon   ;) .  Thank you for answered my question

L.O.V.E. <3

Sorry but what is Watergate ??
 What happened that day ?  I wasn't born in 1972 =S

Français / Re: sondage...où en êtes-vous???
« on: February 25, 2010, 06:32:39 AM »
100% vivant !! je n'ai jamais été aussi sure de moi =)

30 % qu'il fera un comeback sur scène

70% qu'il se montrera aux yeux du public

Français / L'embleme de Neverland O_O
« on: February 25, 2010, 05:06:32 AM »
Voici l'emblème de Neverland :

Après avoir vu la dernière vidéo de Maura [ You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login ] j'ai décidé de faire quelques recherche sur ce qu'il y a écrit sur cette emblème. Ce que j'ai trouvé est vraiment .. bizarre  :shock:  :

    DIEU ET MON DROIT , c'est la devise de la monarchie Britanique :
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en anglais : You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

     et " HONI SOIT QUI MAL Y PENSE " c'est la devise de l'ordre de la jarretière qui existe depuis 1348 !!  :
en français : You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
en anglais : You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Voici la liste des membres qui en font partis : You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Beaucoup de roi , de prince et de gens important en font partit ou en ont fait partit  , comme Napoleon III  !!  Cet ordre existe toujours .
Je me demande pourquoi Michael a choisis ces devises pour l'emblème de son ranch , il n'est pourtant pas marqué comme membre de cet ordre  :?  
J'ai envoyé un message à Maura pour savoir ce qu'elle en pense .

Je pense pas avoir un anglais assez bon pour mettre ce topic sur "All odd things "( ou autre )  :roll:  . Donc si quelqu'un pense que c important et veut le faire partager aux autres membres , pas de souci  :mrgreen:

J'attends votre avis
L.O.V.E. <3

Français / Re: où sont les fans français ?
« on: January 22, 2010, 03:50:49 PM »
Perso, si rien ne se passe d'ici Juin 2010 , je lacherais prise et je ne passerais plus mes journées sur les forums de hoax je viendrais y jeter un coup d'oeil de temps en tant pour voir ce qui se passe mais je prendrai du recul, car pour moi ça voudras dire qu'il ne reviendras pas avant quelques années. Je continurais à y croire jusqu'en 2012 je pense .
En fait tout depends de ce qui arrive d'ici là , le moi de Janvier promet d'être interessant !! =)

Français / Re: Le dernier épisode des J5
« on: January 17, 2010, 03:07:27 PM »
Oui j'ai essayé de m'inscrire mais le forum bug =S

Michael Jackson News / Re: Follower of MJJ_2010
« on: January 17, 2010, 04:36:51 AM »
Oooh I'm french and I'm 15 too =((
But I think it's just a rumor , I can't find anything about this here in France.

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