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Hoax Videos / Re: Breaking news: Michael Jackson's Vendetta
« on: November 18, 2010, 11:19:29 PM »
OP- You're video is amazing! I especially loved the line, "yes I created a lie, but because you believed it you found the truth in yourself." (paraphrased) That one statement is so profound and sums it all up for me. Funny how I could watch that movie, but that line never isolated itself to me and resonnated with the hoax. I wonder when all is revealed and we look back, how many other profound truths we will find that were right before our eyes and ears all along?!? Again, amazing work. Thank you for sharing!

Michael Jackson News / Re: Larry King announces he's ending nightly show
« on: November 18, 2010, 09:04:38 PM »
I did not see that LKL when the producer was on so I had not heard that! My fingers are crossed that Mario gets the bump!! ;)  I really think some sort of show on Michael has to be done before the end of his run. There is too much in the news lately and it has been such a big part of Larry's show and blogs for the past year. I'm anxious to see what comes of this.

Great to meet you!!

Michael Jackson News / Re: Larry King announces he's ending nightly show
« on: November 18, 2010, 03:15:13 PM »
If you google "larry king last show" several sites come up with quotes from Larry that say his last show is going to be Dec. 16th and his last guest is Mario Cuomo; who was also his 1st guest.  Something could still happen on the 14th, but a Michael comeback would obviously othershadow any other show he would do. In another words; what would be the point of having any other guest on after Michael Jackson makes his comeback!! I would think he would do something regarding Michael considering the traffic that this has given his blogs and ratings. I guess time will tell. I also remember reading that Larry will continue to do special programs for CNN after his show ends, so this part of the story is probably far from over :D

Michael Jackson News / Re: Larry King announces he's ending nightly show
« on: November 18, 2010, 02:33:10 PM »
12/14 is the release date for Michael the album?!? There was alot of speculation at why the album was being released so late into the holiday season; from a sales perspective it didn't make sense b/c there will obviously be a huge demand. This does shed an interesting light on the date. As Souza stated 77 weeks after 6/25. Also 14 is divisible by 7. Could that make a 777?

TMZ Articles / Re: Conrad Murray Wrongful Death Suit Tossed ... Almost
« on: August 07, 2010, 02:22:37 AM »
To edit my above post: Civil=money damages Criminal=Jail time; either one can be tried in a federal court. The facts are the same though. Joe's case is a civil one for money. The DA/prosecutors case is the criminal case that would put Murray behind bars if convicted. If Joe's case is thrown out that doesn't mean that Murray won't have a  criminal trial.

TMZ Articles / Re: Conrad Murray Wrongful Death Suit Tossed ... Almost
« on: August 07, 2010, 01:54:11 AM »
This doesn't even make sense. Joe filed a civil suit against Murray. It was wrongful death, but it was a civil suit meaning that it was for money. Civil=money Federal=Jail Time.  The federal suit, the one that could land Murray in jail, is filed by the DA's office and reads "The people of California vs. Conrad Murray. So the judge may be throwing out Joe's civil case, but that has no bearing on the involuntary maslaughter case. Maybe this is another test in not believing everything we read in the media.

I took a look on Amazon and noticed in the decription of the book that their are 700 never before published photographs. First, I was struck by another 7 (700)photographs. Secondly, this seems like an enormous amount of photographs for one photo session in Paris in 1999. Even if it was every frame that he took on that day (which to me is what the 12 released images look like; frames one in succession after the other, rather than separate poses) it would be an enormous amount of shots. I will be interested to see if a more detailed review comes out and if this has been approved by the estate.

A thought I've had about the blue eye pictures.. .to me they look like a flip book used in animation. If you put the images one after the other and flip the pictures it looks like it would animate; like Michael goes from a state of sleep to awake; from death to life?!

Another Elvis connection!!

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It seems Elvis was a devoted follower of Yogananda :D I'm going to daydream for a moment and imagine Elvis being a part of the service today at Forest Lawn (right next to the empty crypt of Michael)! Okay back to reality :)  Seriously though, once again we connect the dots and have a some interesting connections. There is just no logical way that these things are all coincidences!!

Surprise, Surprise TMZ is reporting on Yogananda's followers visiting the Mausoleum and the mention the screen over the crypt. So greatful that they answered my earlier question of why Yogananda's followers are allowed in when MJ fans are not :D  One more question though; When FL was trying to keep MJ fans out for the anniversary it stated that relatives of others buried there (most notably Clark Gable) did not want fans desecrating the space by coming to pay their respects to Michael. So now the Gable family is cool with Yagananda's followers coming en masse like they have done for years according to TMZ??? What's up with that TMZ?

Quote from: Dancer
A friend from this forum here found an update on facebook:

"Southern California Fans" facebook site
Just returned from the walk-a-thon and visiting Michael. Security did confirm that it is a black "curtain" in front of Michael. They are preparing for many followers of yogananda to visit this week who is also buried in Holly Terrace. The curtain is only temporary and will be removed. {amy}[/quote

I wonder why they would allow followers of yogananda into Holly Terrace when fans of the others interred there are not allowed entry? I thought the FL policy was that only approved family members and friends were allowed visitation? Or maybe the purpose of the it is to get fans investigating the life of yogananda? He does have some interesting parallels to Michael.

TIAI ~ 2010 / Re: TIAI 7/29
« on: August 02, 2010, 02:25:12 AM »
Something that I have been thinking about alot is the last tweet that Jermaine made on the All Jack5ons twitter. It was made on Easter Sunday of this year and he was wishing all of the fans a happy Easter from his family and himself. It seemed odd because Jermaine is a Muslim and Islam does not celebrate Easter and the other major religion within the family is Jehovah's Wittness and they also do not celebrate Easter. It is also interesting that it was the last tweet made on that account (so it can still be seen and is not buried under other tweets).  Based on these reasons I think that Jermaine was bringing attention to the idea of resurection.  Also the tweet was made at 1:12pm on April 4th. (444). A study of the numerology of 444 shows that that sequence means "angels are among us." Could he be hinting at a resurrection and communinicating that Michael (an angel) is still among us??  :D BTW I am convinced that Michael is alive and well but it is always nice when Jermaine confirms it!! :D

Another SEVEN :lol:

Thanks for linking the on the other post! I tried to look on the others boards but didn't see it posted yet. They could have went up the same time, i guess :)  After so many days of silence there have definately been a few breaking stories today, maybe we are entering a new phase!! Fingers crossed  :D

I do believe as you do that a key part of this is to clear his name! It could be that the stories were bogus or it could also be away to clean house so to speak and find out what Drs. could have had ulterior motives. Looks like at least one was acting in an unethical manner. Time will tell!

Michael Jackson News / 7 Dr.'s will not be charged in Jackson case
« on: July 28, 2010, 08:53:14 PM »
The Fox News ticker is reporting that no charges will be brought against SEVEN Dr.'s involved with prescribing medications to Michael Jackson. It states that one Dr. will be turned into the CA Medical Board for prescribing to a Jackson alias but will not face any criminal charges. The name of that doctor has not been released. No story is on their website yet, it is only on the breaking news ticker on the cable tv channel. I will check back throughout the night and post story when it becomes available.

Michael's Impersonators / Re: RED BRACELET
« on: July 11, 2010, 07:06:44 PM »
Elizabeth Taylor gave him the bracelet as a gesture of support durring the trial. THis is one link to a story about it; it was widely reported at the time.

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