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TMZ Articles / Re: Conrad Murray -- Just What the Doctor Ordered
« on: July 31, 2010, 12:07:11 PM »
He is too relax.......and i love this thing! :P

Hoax Videos / is mike in this video?
« on: July 21, 2010, 10:24:23 AM »

This video was post on Andromeda's facebook page You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login what do u think about?

Other Odd Things / Re: Painting: Family reunionby Kingofpopart
« on: July 19, 2010, 05:43:52 AM »
Quote from: "ibelieveinmj"
Strange portrait.... and why the number '33' on the robot's arm ???
The 33 is the highest degree of Massoneria

TMZ Articles / Re: MJ Tomb -- Defaced with Hidden Messages
« on: July 13, 2010, 10:22:49 AM »
Quote from: "*Mo*"

When looking at the page info I noticed the following file name of the picture TMZ used for this article:

The word 'mausoleum' is misspelled -> masoleum.

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1.    Masoleum
Masoleum comes from the fantasy game Might and magic.
It means the home of liches.
Powerful magicians

2.    Masoleum
Masoleum came from the fantasy
Pc game of Might and Magic.

Masoleum is the home for Vampires !
There lives the vampires !
It's a Masoleum !

Liches: In modern fantasy fiction, a lich (sometimes spelled liche, cognate to German Leiche "corpse") is a type of undead creature. Often such a creature is the result of a transformation, as a powerful magician or king striving for eternal life uses spells or rituals to bind his intellect to his animated corpse and thereby achieve a form of immortality. Liches are depicted as being clearly cadaverous, their bodies desiccated or even completely skeletal. Liches are often depicted as holding power over hordes of lesser undead creatures, using them as their soldiers and servants, and thus are a threat both individually and as leaders of belligerent forces.
A lich should not be confused with a zombie. While both are reanimated corpses, the difference lies in their intellect. Whereas a zombie is incapable of distinguishing friend from foe (only living from undead), a lich is usually as intelligent as a regular human - if not more so.
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Might and Magic (MM) is a series of computer role-playing games from New World Computing, which in 1996 became a subsidiary of The 3DO Company. The producer of the series was Jon Van Caneghem.
Might and Magic is considered one of the defining examples of early computer role-playing games, along with the Bard's Tale, Ultima and Wizardry series.[1]
The original Might and Magic series officially ended with the closure of the 3DO Company. The rights to the Might and Magic name were purchased for USD 1.3 million by Ubisoft,[2] who "rebooted" the franchise with a new series with no apparent connection to the previous continuity, starting with the games Heroes of Might and Magic V and Dark Messiah of Might and Magic.
The majority of the gameplay takes place in a medieval fantasy setting. The player controls a party of player characters, which can consist of members of various character classes. The game world is presented to the player in first person perspective. In the earlier games the interface is very similar to that of Bard's Tale, but from Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven onward, the interface features a scrolling three-dimensional environment similar to that of Doom. Combat is turn-based, though the later games allowed the player to choose to conduct combat in real time.
The game worlds in all of the Might and Magic games are quite large, and a player can expect each game to provide several dozen hours of gameplay. It is usually quite combat-intensive and often involves large groups of enemy creatures. Monsters and situations encountered throughout the series tend to be well-known fantasy staples such as giant rats, werewolf curses, dragon flights and zombie hordes, rather than original creations. Isles of Terra and the Xeen games featured a more distinct environment, blending fantasy and science fiction elements in a unique way.
Although most of the gameplay reflects a distinctly fantasy genre, the overarching plot of the series has something of a science fiction background. The series is set in a fictional galaxy sector of a galaxy, where planets are overseen by a powerful race of space-travelers known as Ancients. In each of the games, a party of characters fights monsters and completes quests on one of these planets, until they eventually become involved in the affairs of the Ancients.
The first five games in the series concern the renegade guardian of the planet Terra, named Sheltem, who becomes irrevocably corrupted, developing a penchant for throwing planets into their suns. Sheltem establishes himself on a series of flat worlds known as nacelles (which are implied to be giant spaceships) and Corak, a second guardian and creation of the Ancients, with the assistance of the player characters, pursues him across the Void. Eventually both Corak and Sheltem are destroyed in a climactic battle on the nacelle of Xeen.
The sixth, seventh and eighth games take place on Enroth, a single planet partially ruled by the Ironfist dynasty, and chronicle the events and aftermath of an invasion by the Kreegan, the demonlike arch-enemies of the Ancients. It is also revealed that the destruction wrought by the Ancients' wars with the Kreegan is the reason why the worlds of Might & Magic exist as medieval fantasy settings despite once being seeded with futuristic technology - the worlds have been 'cut off' from the Ancients and descended into barbarism. The first through third games in the Heroes of Might and Magic series traces the fortunes of the Ironfists in more detail, though none of the sci-fi elements appear in the Heroes series.

Talking about "hidden messages"?  I think we got one here!  :lol:

I also would like to give my little contribution ..
in fact there a masoleum to Forest Lawn and this You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Draws a pyramid therefore observes, as we are concerned, the Illuminati. I know that probably does not make sense what I wrote but I tried :mrgreen:
Sorry for my english

Hoax Videos / What did talk about the B.G.?
« on: June 27, 2010, 05:36:39 PM »
What are u means? what is the game plan?


TMZ Articles / Re: Jackson Compound on Lockdown for Anniversary
« on: June 24, 2010, 01:22:45 PM »
Quote from: "Serenitys_Dream"
Quote from: "Puff"
Jackson Compound on Lockdown for Anniversary
Originally posted Jun 24th 2010 12:45 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

The Jackson family compound in Encino is gonna be locked down tighter than Fort Knox on the anniversary of
Michael Jackson's death ... because we're told the LAPD is preparing for an onslaught of MJ faithful.

According to the LAPD, there will be 30 to 40 officers -- some uniformed, some undercover -- patrolling a one
block area around the Jackson home on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

We're also told other precautions will be taken -- including "no parking" signs around the house and a ban on
all MJ merch sales in the area ... the same rules that will be enforced at Forest Lawn Cemetery.

The LAPD says 3,000 to 4,000 shirts were confiscated last year after Michael died -- so you've been warned.

I write this post with some trepidation. I do not wish to upset anyone but it is what I found. I am not saying that what I have deciphered is definitive nor whether I even believe it or not. I am only posting what seems to be in the acronyms in this article, please understand. I ask that if you can see different message in the acronyms please post it.

The article posting date:
Jun 24th 2010 12:45 AM
6 - 2 - 4 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 5
5, 6, 11, 44, 222
I have posted about these numbers before so to read about their properties please visit the link:
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5 + 6 = 11
Now we have 11:11 or 1111
There is quite a bit of information about 11:11 and it has been connected with Revelations 11:11 from the Bible.
Revelation 11:11 (King James Version)
11 And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them.
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Revelations 12 Has also been connected to the Egyptian Goddess Isis which has come up several occasions in this adventure.
Revelation 12
1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
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6 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 = 27
2 + 7 = 9
Again the number 9

30 to 40 officers
3 + 4 = 7

3,000 to 4,000 shirts
3 + 4 = 7

The Number 7 - Philosopher, sage, wisdom seeker, reserved, inventor, stoic, contemplative, aloof, deep-thinker, introspective, spiritual, faith, esoteric, exotic, unusual, hidden, seeking perfection, ethereal, other worldly, enigma.
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The Number 77 - Wise counsel, body as temple, mystical powers in action, purity in mind, body and spirit, Master Mystic, loving detachment, holy emptiness, turning away from the masses and towards Spirit, Presence, conscious union with God, mystical marriage, electricity of Awakening, universal intelligence.
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We are all aware that the number 7, 77, 777 have been significant in Michael's life and this adventure.

The use of the word Lockdown to describe making the Encino Compound protected from fans entering does not seem to fit as Lockdown is to prevent things from GETTING OUT NOT IN.

Lockdown - There are several definitions for the term lockdown, the most common of which pertains to a state of containment or a restriction of progression. A lockdown is an emergency protocol to prevent people or information escaping, which usually can only be ordered by someone in command.
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Another article is that I did not decipher is linked in this one by these words: same rules. I will Decipher it first before continuing with this one.

Quote from: "Serenity_Dreams"
Michael Jackson Anniversary Plans -- Denied!
Originally posted Jun 22nd 2010 12:23 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

Michael Jackson fans making extravagant plans for the anniversary of his death need a Plan B -- because
Forest Lawn Cemetery and cops are putting the kibosh on most of the celebration.

A rep for Forest Lawn -- where MJ is buried -- tells TMZ fans will be allowed into the park on June 25, but not into
the mausoleum itself. And the news ain't so good for these special requests:
- Releasing doves (DENIED)
- Releasing balloons (DENIED)
- Performing Jackson songs and dance routines (DENIED)

Sgt. Tom Lorenz says the Glendale PD has its own no-no list: no camping out the night before, no parking
around Forest Lawn 24 hours prior, and no street vendor sales of anything ... including MJ merchandise.

The Forest Lawn rep says fans who behave will be allowed to pay their respects.
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The article posting date:
Jun 22nd 2010 12:23 AM
6 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 3
3, 6, 11, 22, 222

3 x 6 = 36 - Represent the devil or Satan, as well as the Evil which it Personifies.
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I take this to mean that Michael is working against this Evil.

6 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 = 21
2 + 1 = 3 - Trinity, Union of Divine plus Human, Manifestation, Positive, Negative and Neutral, Expression, Subconscious Mind/Imagination, Creative, Optimistic, Enthusiasm, Expressive, Charming, Humor, Fun, Attractive, Friendly.
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The word DENIED appears in the article 3 times and once in the title so 4 times in relation to "Anniversary Plans" this suggests that there is no reason to have an "Anniversary of his Passing" because he is Alive.

The Forest Lawn Logo
I did not notice before but the Logo for Forest Lawn looks like gates (Gates of Heaven), with a figure in front whose arms are outstretched. This is a pose that Michael frequently did and was referred to by some as his "Crucifixion Pose". This logo also looks similar to a CROWN


MJA - Modern Jesus Army(Army of love,  L.O. V. E.)
The Modern Jesus Army
Forgiveness for the guilty. Healing for the hurting. Freedom for the addicted. friendship for the lonely. Hope for the despairing. Home and family for the lost. Fullness for the empty.
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PD - Program Directive
Directive - serving or intended to guide, govern, or influence
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MFA - Medium Frequency Active
Medium Frequency - A radio frequency or radio-frequency band in the range 300 to 3,000 kilohertz.
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Active - in operation; capable of activity
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ST - Satellite Transmission
I believe he is saying that there will be a Global Satellite Transmission just like V did in the movie V For Vendetta.


Okay now back to the original articles acronyms.


JC - Jesus Christ
First Acronym Found
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LA - Los Angeles
First Acronym Found
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Los Angeles - Spanish for "The Angels" this city is also called "The City of Angels".


TMA - The Messiah Arrives
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WT - World Tour
Some kind of World Tour after the return but I don't feel this is a concert tour necessarily, maybe more of a spreading his message kind of tour.

So there it is. I tried to find other meanings but nothing seemed to fit. Please don't get angry with me I did not put the acronyms in the TMZ articles. I just deciphered them. It is not my message, I am only the messenger.

are u a part of FBI???? :lol:  :lol:


SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, CA – The King of Pop is expected to make a special appearance on the anniversary of his “death.”

Michael Jackson’s “death” was mourned by millions around the world. The world lost an icon, an innovator and a legend that will never be replaced. As his anniversary approaches, special tributes will be appearing across the globe.

In his hometown of Gary, Indiana, Katherine Jackson will unveil a monument outside the house where the Jackson 5 began their singing career. A memorial and candlelight vigil will follow.

All nine Madame Tussauds wax museums – from Shanghai to Washington D.C. – are creating special tribute exhibits.

In New York, the Apollo Theater’s marquee will feature a special MJ message, and Jonelle Procope, president and CEO of the Apollo Theater Foundation, will speak briefly on Friday morning about Michael Jackson to honor his memory and celebrate his lifetime of artistic achievement.

While all those memorials will certainly be wonderful and very special, Weekly World News has learned of perhaps the biggest celebration of them all. Our investigative team has discovered that the King of Pop, Micahel Jackson himself, will be holding a special celebration at Neverland Ranch.

WWN broke the story that it was widely believed that Michael Jackson may have faked his own death. Jackson, fed up and disheartened with the path his life had taken, felt as though the only way to get a breath of fresh air was to fake his own death. Rejuvenated and mentally refreshed, Jackson is believed to be organizing a special event back on his Neverland Ranch. Taking a one-year hiatus was exactly what the doctor ordered.

The event is believed to include everything imaginable. There will be a carnival available for the kids to enjoy, outdoor activities will entertain adults and there will be performances from various artists throughout the day. The King of Pop himself might even treat everyone to a performance.

“Our sources believe that Michael Jackson will host a special celebration at Neverland Ranch on Friday – a year after his ‘death,’” said WWN correspondent Buzz Donovan. “While he feels terrible that he had to resort to such drastic measures, it was the best option at the time to allow him to continue as an entertainer in the future.”
Tags: michael jackson, michael jackson tribute, michael jackson anniversary, michael jackson anniversary of death, michael jackson faked his own death, neverland ranch, neverland ranch ceremony, neverland ranch celebration
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NOTE: the death beatween "" :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:

Hoax Pictures / Re: Michael Jackson's photo on TMZ
« on: June 24, 2010, 04:05:55 AM »
I think we should focus more on the way .. I think is a message

Hoax Pictures / Murray clothes...
« on: June 23, 2010, 12:49:03 PM »
check this photo..

the same pants, the same shoes, the same t-shirt maybe these photos may be part of a photo shoot done the same day? IT'S ALL ON STAGE!

Ps sorry for my english im italian :)

Hoax Pictures / Michael Jackson's photo on TMZ
« on: June 23, 2010, 12:42:04 PM »
Hey guys, see what i found on tmz...
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......and see the title JACKO IS BACKO!! Maybe it's for..JACKO IS BACK?!?! ;)  ;)

TMZ Articles / Re: Katherine & MJ's Kids -- Pilgrimage on Anniversary
« on: June 19, 2010, 04:09:42 PM »
Quote from: "heisinme09"
Should there be any doubt that this is a major clue! Scroll below.....

Quote from: "*Mo*"
Katherine & MJ's Kids -- Pilgrimage on Anniversary
Originally posted 53 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

TMZ has learned Katherine Jackson and Michael Jackson's three kids will not be in
L.A. to commemorate the one-year anniversary of MJ's death.

Sources connected with the family tell TMZ the gang will be at Michael's
birthplace -- Gary, Indiana -- where they will observe the day.

We're told Katherine is set on Gary because she feels it is a "family point of connection" -- and it's just too crazy in L.A.

Our sources say Katherine, Prince, Paris, and Blanket
will keep things private with relatives and friends in Gary.

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T  + L  +  S  + B  +  W  +  C  + O + W
20 + 12 + 19 +  2  +  23  +  3  + 15 + 23 = 117.....1 + 1 + 7 = 9
2 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 1 + 5 + 2 + 3 = 36....3 + 6 = 9

i'm sorry but i didnt understand your reasoning :?:

i'm italian so I apologize for my English ;)

The organizer of this event is a person already known in various Italian forum for impersonating someone who knows many things, but it is actually a fake that has tried to mirror on this event saying that Michael is alive, she is contact with him, that Michael will never return but there was the possibility that this was the 25th in Roma.everything has been said during a conference, given only a few people, in Milan for sponsoring the event contribution.
Some fans have done, including many believers have done to notify family of the incident. And always the same fans started the initiative to not participate in that event, because a rip-off
I hope that u understand me...  ;)

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