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Messages - ballongiraf

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im from denmark.
No one was booing because of what she said - they were booing because they had paid a lot of money to hear her SING - not TALK. They say she spent a LOT of time talking about random stuff - anything from Jesus to MJ, basically. Add to that that she was out of tune and couldn't remember the lyrics. Another reason why they booed.
The reason for people leaving was 1: because she couldnt sing, and 2: because she asked them to. She said that "if you dont wanna listen to my speeches, then you better leave" - so they did :)

Introduce yourself / Re: Hi from Denmark
« on: May 13, 2010, 08:57:41 AM »
Im from Denmark too  :D


Quote from: "Liberian Girl Heehee"
to sources close to Forest Lawn who are saying the guy in the crypt is not Michael and did not look like Michael

i sure hope Forrest lawn employees didnt look inside the coffin - i mean, MJ supposedly "died" in june and was burried in september = yikes  :shock:

Twitter ~ Not verified but (probably) real / Re: Arnold Klein Twitter
« on: April 07, 2010, 09:22:36 AM »
Quote from: "MeandMyShadow"
Quote from: "bec"
To clear something up, there's no way to attach a bottle (drug vial) to an IV line. It's just silliness to even suggest.

No, the drug must be drawn up from the vial into a syringe using a needle. Then the syringe is attached to the IV port and the contents injected.

The only way to get drugs out of a vial is to use a needle. They are sealed vials with a rubber cap which a needle pieces through to draw up the fluid.

There is only one other method, occasionally utilized for particularly thick injectable liquids and that is to cut an "x" in the rubber vial so that the syringe tip can be inserted directly into the vial and the liquid drawn up that way.

But there is no way on gods green earth for a bottle to be attached directly to an IV line.

True, but I guess the point is, he could draw it up through a needle and then insert the syringe into the iv port.  So, he technically would not need to stick himself with the needle.  Perhaps that is what AK was saying, he would not stick himself with the needle.  But, he wouldn't need to with the IV already in place in his leg.

Do I think he did that?  No, of course not.  But, that is only my opinon.

no, that's not the point. The point is that there's no way he would be able to self-inject the remainder of the 200 ml propofol. Yes he could've drawn it up in a syringe as bec described, but once propofol enters your body, your out cold within seconds. He would not be able to stay awake long enough to inject all the remaining propofol. And, he was found lying flat on his back and the propofol bottle was no where near his hands. The IV was in his leg = he'd have to sit up and have the leg with the IV bended to reach the IV port, and taken how quickly propofol knocks you out, he wouldn't have time to self inject 200 ml propofol, put the bottle and syringe back and lie down flat on the bed.

This Is It / Re: Another dancer's testimony about Michael on TII
« on: March 07, 2010, 01:43:44 PM »
Quote from: "techdiva"
Hello Guys,
On rehearsals: “Michael would come in occasionally in the beginning. ... He didn’t start rehearsing with us until we moved to the Staples Center. He was killing it, going full out, doing slides and everything—it was crazy. ... ”

how interesting! Now we have confirmation that the scenes in TII were in fact shot in the span of a few days, seeing as they didnt move to staptles until june 22nd or so...

Other Odd Things / Re: MJJC forum offline
« on: March 06, 2010, 11:35:54 AM »
Quote from: "MJLover1990"
I know there are alot of people on MJJC who are believing Michael is alive just like we. They are waking up. But I don't know if it is because of that why they shut down the site.

it was shut down because "people dont respect MJ".......

another thing: it says in the autopsy report that MJ slept for several hours that night. The only people in that bedroom was murray and MJ. The only person, who could've told the officials that would be murray. He contradicted himself in that police questioning. MJ slept for several hours, yet he gave MJ various drugs at various times during that night because MJ couldnt sleep.

TMZ Articles / Re: TMZ live stream now!!!
« on: February 08, 2010, 02:39:17 PM »
when was he supposed to show up?

TMZ Articles / Re: TMZ live stream now!!!
« on: February 08, 2010, 02:27:11 PM »
Quote from: "onemorechance"
TMZ has just obtained a copy of the full L.A. County Coroner's report in the death of Michael Jackson -- which until now was under seal. The conclusion is clear ... Propofol killed the singer.
The Coroner's report was under wraps until the criminal complaint was filed and it will be a centerpiece in the prosecution of Dr. Conrad Murray on charges of involuntary manslaughter.

It doesn't feel right... :(

tmz also "obtained a copy of the autopsy report" a few months ago, remember? same old story...

Other Odd Things / Re: A BURIAL WITHOUT A BODY?!!!
« on: January 30, 2010, 12:32:08 PM »
Quote from: "Bee Bee"
But that was before the burial, Joe saying that. So... He was just being a dumbass, as usual.

correct me if im wrong, but didnt Joe refer to the casket at the 7/7 memorial being empty?

Other Odd Things / Re: Where is Michael Jackson?
« on: January 30, 2010, 12:17:07 PM »
Quote from: "akiraka"
Quote from: "ballongiraf"
Quote from: "akiraka"
Quote from: "itsall4love"
I don't get the attitude of some of the posters regarding this thread.
Wondering about where Michael could be right now is not like we're hunting him down. It's because we care.

TRUE !!! Love you!

We all know that Michael sent us all the time messages through his words. From 2001 and earlier, in interviews and speeches told us some remarkable things. Why now we must talk about this? Why not then??????

because he didnt hoax his death in 2001 - that's why.

Are you serious???
Now, because we have a hoax, you can hear his voice, his words and messages?? Isn`t some kind of opportunism?

that's not what i meant  :roll:
Back then his words and his messages were very clear and people (the fans at least) paid attention to them. Now that the hoax is here it seems as if the message has been drowned by the constant need to find him, to get bamsdays, to follow "insiders" who offers "possible return dates" etc. What i meant was that the hoax outshines the message, unfortunately. It didnt back in 2001 - hence my comment

get it now? :)

Other Odd Things / Re: Where is Michael Jackson?
« on: January 30, 2010, 10:24:25 AM »
Quote from: "akiraka"
Quote from: "itsall4love"
I don't get the attitude of some of the posters regarding this thread.
Wondering about where Michael could be right now is not like we're hunting him down. It's because we care.

TRUE !!! Love you!

We all know that Michael sent us all the time messages through his words. From 2001 and earlier, in interviews and speeches told us some remarcable things. Why now we must talk about this? Why not then??????

because he didnt hoax his death in 2001 - that's why.

I don't mind some fun now and then, but we also gotta understand that Michael didn't go through the hassle of hoaxing his death only to pop up at the grammys/certain dates/at someone's front door and go "im back - BAM"... ya know? If you hoax your death, there's a serious reason, and it shouldn't be taken lightly.
Does this mean that we can't have a lighthearted thread now and then? Absolutely no, but on the other hand it wouldn't hurt to consider that talking about possible hiding places could put MJ in harms way. I notice how many of you say "we're not gonna hunt him down". No, you may not - but others may. You don't know who reads this board, you know. I'm certain that MJ knows how loved he is, and he knows how much we miss him, - which makes understanding his actions even more important. When he's ready to hoax his death, knowing how much sadness it'll bring his fans and what a great impact it'll have on MJ's family the least we can do is try to understand why he did it.
We dont even know if he'll ever be back. When we dont even know that, i find it - interesting - that so many of you spend so much time on finding BAMSdays, important dates etc. If you feel in your heart that MJ is alive, if your intuition tells you that, if all the clues and inconsistencies tells you that, then why not try to focus on the WHY instead of the WHEN?

TMZ Articles / Re: Dr. Murray Set To Be Charged
« on: January 29, 2010, 02:41:49 PM »
WOW... total deja-vu moment while reading that article. Nothing but a repeat of the 24789374 articles we've been graced with for the past 7 months...


they seriously want us to beleive that frantic efforts to save Mj went on in that neat and perfectly clean room? Excuse me while i laugh......  :lol:

Ok, im done laughing. When i worked in the ER and we got cardiac arrest patients in, the room looked like WW3 had errupted......

Quote from: "AnnieIsNotOK"
Murray currently resides in Texas. There are rumblings that the Los Angeles District Attorney's office is preparing to criminally charge Murray in connection with Jackson's August 2009 death from "acute propofol intoxication."

Mike died in august, all of a sudden? LOL

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