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Re: A response to MJAlive999
January 17, 2010, 12:57:23 PM

I hear and appreciate what you are saying.  Many people are uninspired, unmotivated, discouraged or don't lack the confidence to live out their dreams...especially in this economic climate.  It's a complex issue, but fortunately this next generation of kids are especially ambitious and are doing incredible things.  I was just talking to a teenager the other day, and he expressed to me that he wanted to be the president of the country someday.  He is extremely bright, motivated and a hard worker, and with the right preparation, I have no doubt that I will see him active someday in the national political system as a presidential candidate.  He is already making significant changes in his local community.  I could tell you many, many other stories  like this.  I am fortunate enough to see many kids, and adults alike, fulfill their Dreams and accomplish the so-called "American Dream".  I believe in the "Dream" wholeheartedly, as I have lived it myself, coming from a family that didn't have much in terms of resources and support.  Blood, sweat, and tears pay off.  It just takes education, mentoring and cultivation of one's God-given talents to help one aspire to reach his or her Dreams, and the determination, perseverance, and resilience to NEVER give up, because there are lot of people and factors that can be discouraging.  

This is a good conversation.  Thanks Sarahli for the dialogue.  Take care.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."  Margaret Mead



Re: A response to MJAlive999
January 17, 2010, 01:08:23 PM
".....- I personally feel that after Obama was elected, this country started moving in a direction that most people thought was going to be a very positive and fresh new approach. Now many are starting to realize, even those who voted for him, that the country is actually moving in a very scary direction...towards socialism and maybe even worse! (police state, communism, nwo, etc). I see that with my own eyes and it scares the living daylights out of me. I don't want my country, the FREE country that I grew up in, to change in that direction. I don't want the government having control over my life."

BINGO!!!  I have done some research on this and found his background as well as who he chooses to follow and surround himself with VERY unsettling.  It stinks to high heaven IMHO.  I hope the American people wake up because this is for real.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: A response to MJAlive999
January 18, 2010, 02:15:07 AM
please do not try and blame the troubles of the world on OBAMA give the man a chance he has only been in office a yr. he is still in the process of trying to clean up the horrific mess that bush left. its going to take longer than a year to clean up 8 yrs of mess.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: A response to MJAlive999
January 20, 2010, 08:18:07 PM
Michaelangela wrote;
Dear SomethingReal,

Reading your post made me realize that we are from such different worlds and everything that bonds us is media and english language. Your knowledge of socialism is different then mine, you've been told different. Socialism has nothing to do with NWO, NWO is more like imperialism ???, and socialism is something for people, nation, they own everything, everyone is taken care of... you probably think and asociate socialism with something bad because they told you that in your country....believe me....it's not like that. It's hard to create the system that is good for everyone, but the best one is the one that is good for people and environment, capitalism is good for few and is bad for environment. US media created and made other systems look bad on the other hand I would never live in the US...and SomethingReal, can please pm me so we can talk about communism/fascism....if you want  
We are all feeling that MJ is sending us message about something, my biggest thought is MEDIA, they can create everything and control everything it's like making a movie. We have to be careful, we have to spread love, don't judge something you don't know anything about, just because they told us so.....We have to love each other, respect each other and fight against media brainwashing. All we can do for MJ is to boycot tabloids, TMZ (they are making money from his name as well), try and wash his name, at least for his children.
SoemthingReal it's all for L.O.V.E., that's why I posted this

I agree with you, risking criticism I declare I'm no socialist demon like us to see, and I explain that to me is a socialist
          Be Socialist means be committed - happily committed - body and soul with an equal and just world. Means working with humility in transformation - firstly - and selfish old man carrying inside. Mean disgust for the "honey" and capitalism's own privileges. Means go dying old man and giving birth again. Means use all means available to transform charity in justice. Means widen the heart and open wide to the deep love for mankind, by nature ... for life. Finally, means that outrage becomes way to banish poverty, injustice and the terror of the face of the Earth. Means not rest while a single injustice, an exploited worker, a peasant hopeless mission and personal life that mission. There is no other way of experiencing true socialism that being humble and simple. We must Expel the heart prejudice, the old resentments, selfish behavior patterns to go placing, heart inside, the new values. The new man is personal, internal, deep, poignant, painful delivery as whole but bright and full of life as delivery task. Feeds with what comes from outside but the essence is the same man inside. The doctrine, reading, living experience and the orthopraxy anyway, nourish the fertilizer does with the plant, but always change will be internal, must be internalize deep, Substantive and essential. Being Socialist Abandoning the heart means attachment to the criteria and patterns rooted by years of capitalist Ideological manipulation, means assume nudity to Undertake the way without return, generous and detached in pursuit of the new man.
           If the word, gesture and conduct are exclusive and is the heart. Who nest in their hearts love, peace, resolution and determination can only be free of itself and get freedom. Good and simple man will be compliant with simple pleasures, have some hands always open to give everything and give himself. The noble heart always finds the common good have cost you without effort, so naturally as his breath.

      "Well, you say?       :mrgreen:
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: A response to MJAlive999
January 21, 2010, 01:16:19 PM
I think that people hate is the U.S. government, not its people, and say that;

The more fundamentalist thinkers and American political actors in the mid 1990s designed a strategy aiming To ensure and maintain in the 21st century American hegemony worldwide in the financial, political order and Primarily military. The plan is to turn us into the single planetary superpower and was defined in the "project for the new American century". The creators of this conception are noted Neoconservatives extremist who occupied important positions in the Reagan and George Bush administrations father and son, such as: Dick Cheney, Jeb Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Dan Quayle, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Elliott Abrams, John Bolton, Richard Perle and other no less fundamentalist and dark characters of the Republican far right in the United States.
Overall this plan aims to establish, if necessary by force of arms, a new international order with U.S. head so as to maintain their supremacy unilateral, since for them the dominance of U.S. interests is being breached systematically, which constitutes a serious threat to its national security and therefore need to apply means of containment to prevent the collapse of their hegemony, then requires the creation of a political system and global security led by the government and U.S. military forces in order to ensure: the openness, stability and the globalization of markets, security and freedom of world trade and unrestricted access wherever they are to energy sources and raw materials needed to boost its economy and its allies control of all major social political movements opposed to their interests in the domain expansion of financial and industrial capital of transnational corporations and their control of media and information worldwide.
To crystallize these plans are supporting a growing without limits its military resources, Increasing warlike operations Alleged covered in his interest in international values of freedom and democracy-building and a ruthless and permanent media to justify their actions, hide their crimes and discredit all opposing interests campaign.
The element that would ensure the implementation of this strategy is based on the use of military force, which is necessary to: 1 -. The expansion of the defense budget which has reached almost irrational limits on the George Bush (750,000 million in 2008), in order to expand and modernize the military capability; 2 -. Expansion and consolidation of the military presence abroad (Central Asia, Balkans, Caucasus, Africa, Latin America, Middle East and Eastern Europe) to ensure territorial control, immediacy and mobility of military resources against possible developments, 3 -. Absolute and OTAN transformation into a punitive and deterrent mechanism to ensure the interests of the empire and its allies and 4 -. Phasing out of the international legal framework to replace the medium term for a system to maintain the primacy of U.S. policy and grant him the right and the unilaterally intervene militarily in any country, using enough excuse biased trial of the Empire and its authorities (doctrine of preventive war) discretion.

Implementing this strategy required a dramatic insane factor and impressive envelope Which justify its execution, so were the events of 11 September as the Catapult launched its implementation, developed the Theory of the fight against terrorism as the perfect mechanism to Implement in practice the process. Combat terrorism policy was Conceived as a war front and universal, Which involved not only military but also political, economic and technological and serious regard the overlapping Way To ensure and enforce the continuity of American hegemony.
This immoral political elite used and uses the mechanism of the lie as primary to modify awareness and perception of citizens about the political reality and world events with the intention of sticking together to justify their methods and practices of domination, it exposes so element ideologues of Leo Strauss When the American conservative right raises:

"The essential truths of society and history must be maintained by an elite and not Disclosed to those who lack sufficient strength to take the truth, only a group Recognize the truth and is reserved for Yes, Providing them an understanding and guarantees them a power that others do not Possess.
Under the scheme of this aberrant ideology, the Government of George w. Bush and his hawks of the Pentagon invaded Afghanistan and Iraq covered in Combating terrorism This would Thereby Ensure complete control of the Middle East and the dominance of the immense Iraqi oil resources of Central Asia from Afghanistan, give us political and military prestige Which would Strengthen its influence at the international level, with Which its aspiration of consummate their continuity and planetary domain would pave towards consolidation strategy.
Are envision difficult times motivated the depletion of natural resources and the environmental problems of climate change, Which Will be the most likely cause of an impressive economic and food crisis will ever view that endanger the current scheme of production and capitalist domination And which could cause extreme Solutions covered in the immense military power that they hold in haras maintain racial superiority Indiscriminate use and survival of their society to the detriment of other countries. We have time avoid this lurid future that not far from becoming a possible reality :o
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: A response to MJAlive999
January 21, 2010, 01:37:57 PM
Quote from: "bubaliciousjlb"
please do not try and blame the troubles of the world on OBAMA give the man a chance he has only been in office a yr. he is still in the process of trying to clean up the horrific mess that bush left. its going to take longer than a year to clean up 8 yrs of mess.

I think he's part of and continuing the problem IMO.  Personally I do not want to walk in lock step to the Obama doctrine.  The people of Massachusettshave spoken and others will follow.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: A response to MJAlive999
January 21, 2010, 02:14:26 PM
I really don't know what to say about all this. Please don't bash me, i just want to tell what i feel and feel free to correct me where i'm wrong. Firstly, i don't think Michael would fake his death to give us any message. How many people believe in the hoax?? Just a few in comparison to the non believers. Wouldn't one anticipate if Michael Jackson fakes his death and gives some clues that only his truest fans would get, there would be just few people who would believe in it? Why would Michael take such a big step to send this message, if there is any, knowing that perhaps only 10-15% of his fans would believe it? Aren't we giving more space to the haters to bash us and Michael with these NWO/illuminati theories? Won't the haters laugh their asses off that Michael Jackson faked his death to give this message when there's no one to believe him? If Michael would announce with something like a worldwide press conference that these people are planning to ruin the world, with all the safety possible to have, the world would listen. Some would believe, some would not. But that isn't possible cause they would kill him if he did it. But who in the world would even think that Michael Jackson faked his death to warn us about illuminati? Not everyone is his fan. Let's say 50% people of the world are his fans, 10% believe he's alive. And 7% people are believing in these theories. So what is it that this 7% people are going to do to stop the NWO? Wouldn't Michael know that these few people are not gonna be able to do anything? When i see people talking about these things like they are given all the 100% true proofs that this is the reason, i feel lost cause all these are just speculations! I'm not saying this can't be his message, i repeat i am not saying this can't be his message but HE didn't tell this to us so i don't think we should go with this with our eyes closed. We can take this as a possibility. About the religious stuff, i would believe it if i could see it happen. But when i think about these theories, i honestly feel the non believers have strong enough reasons to laugh at us. We can ofcourse take things as possibilities but not as facts like "see! this is his message! i know cause i'm a true fan!" i have also noticed that those who believe in the illuminati theories get mad at us who keep asking when he's coming back. WHY ON EARTH WOULDN'T WE ASK THAT????? We ask that cause we want to be SURE that our hero is alive and safe, we don't want him back to do shows and entertain us! I wish everyone had respect to each others views and try to understand that wanting him back is NOT selfish. *peace to all*
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: A response to MJAlive999
January 21, 2010, 04:28:38 PM
I've been going through numerous "what if"s in my head since June. Here's one to offer you a viewpoint about Michael faking his death to make his point across.

"Firstly, i don't think Michael would fake his death to give us any message. How many people believe in the hoax?? Just a few in comparison to the non believers."

Suppose he faked his death to make a point, to open our eyes to things happening in our world. I believe that he was full aware of the system, nwo, global elite's agenda- whatever we should call it. He tried to speak his mind in some of his songs, and tried more "aggressively" in each new album. But he wasn't successful in that sense. People were generally more interested in his persona and life outside music. And the media did it's best to ridicule him... or perhaps to shut him up. A classic way to suppress opinions is to ridicule them. When there's no other argument to give, put the ridicule card on the table. Mass media did that all the time and the sheeple bought it.
In his profession as a musician, entertainer - it is probably particulary difficult to suddenly start speaking your mind because so many people expect them to just entertain, to offer escape from the stresses of everyday life. An example, see what happened to Dixie Chicks when they spoke their mind:
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And especially difficult for Michael, because he was constantly ridiculed by the masses just being who he was.

"Won't the haters laugh their asses off that Michael Jackson faked his death to give this message when there's no one to believe him?"

If the haters or non-believers bash, just let them. Who cares. The point is no more whether Michael faked his death or not, with a message or not. Fact is these things are happening in the world irrelevant to if Michael is dead or alive. This thing is beyond him. And the things have effected the lives of the bashers too, but they only see trees, not the forest.

Michael's 'death' has definitely opened many eyes. TIAI made a big effort in this. I don't know who's behind it and I don't really care; the agenda is more important. I hope more eyes will keep opening, raindrops start rivers.

"Let's say 50% people of the world are his fans, 10% believe he's alive. And 7% people are believing in these theories. So what is it that this 7% people are going to do to stop the NWO?"

Believe me, a LOT of people have become and are becoming aware of the nwo without anything to with Michael. I am one example. I'm quite new to this knowledge. Now I see people wake up in Ytube and in my country too. Some have been awake for decades and ridiculed - like David Icke and Rauni-Leena Luukanen. I'm still not ready to take in all the depths of their message, but I have an open mind and freedom to study and decide.

It's true that many eyes have opened but now question "Now what?" "What do I do now to stop it?" I am questioning this myself and studying. But for me, there's no going back to sleep that's for sure. First I was terrified, but now I've somehow I feel there's no need for fear.

Hope this offered something you were looking for.


Michaelangela, BlessHisHeart, paula-c - loved your posts!
Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 04:44:57 PM by NightOwl
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Re: A response to MJAlive999
January 21, 2010, 04:30:49 PM
You know even some fans just believe that Michael died because of Dr Murray/Propofol and are therefore not researching the truth about his "death". What they're being told by the media is sufficient for them. I don't bash them they have other things to do but this shows how the medias are a danger.
I really think that the major (or at least one of the major) weapon in this world are the medias because they can easily hide the truth, twist it and print lies, engrave them in people's mind. They only show us a piece of the puzzle, the piece they want us to see. The other pieces of the puzzle are hidden so that we cannot even have the material to find the big picture. See how hard it is to find the truth if we rely on them ! That's why I think the internet can become a second-power, we've been manipulated since a long time ago and it's really time for people to see it and admit it.  Now I know that only a few people are aware of what's going on behind the curtain (not only Michael's fans but other people too) and I'm definitely sure that we need a media earthquake (sorry for this regarding Haïti but I like to say it that way) for people to wake up. I'm not yet 100% sure that it is Michael's reason for having faked his death but this NWO coming is a reality and it just cannot be ignored. Look, thanks to Michael we're talking about it, it's a good beginning and I'm sure the best has to come.
Love you more Michael !

God Bless You
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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We are here for you Michael and will always love you whatever happens.
'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
"You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself. I have given you the hearing, the eyesight, and the brain, and you are responsible for using them."



Re: A response to MJAlive999
January 21, 2010, 10:29:16 PM
SomethingReal, a very well written and well thought out post.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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