
Michael Jackson's Children Make Videos

Started by ladylee1979, May 12, 2010, 05:36:27 PM

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May 12, 2010, 05:36:27 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Videos of Michael Jackson's children Paris and Blanket have been posted on YouTube by an unknown source.

Video footage of Michael Jackson's children has been released.

Leaked webcam clips of the late 'Thriller' star's youngest kids, 12-year-old Paris and eight-year-old Prince Michael II - known as Blanket - have been posted on video sharing website YouTube, mainly showing the youngsters singing and dancing.

In one, Blanket is seen displaying his 'Star Wars' light sabre skills with a friend, while a four-second clip of Paris sees her looking at the screen and saying: "Monkey, please help."

In another, she is seen lip-synching and dancing to a rap track.

As yet it is unclear where the nine videos have come from.

The siblings - and their older brother Prince Michael, 13 - are now under the care of Michael's mother Katherine Jackson.

Their aunt, Rebbie Jackson, revealed recently they group enjoy nothing more than a game of Pictionary together.

She said: "Her favourite thing as a grandma is for everyone to come over and play games; especially Pictionary. Everyone gets involved and we all act silly. She's a mother every day and she always supports the kids."

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