
Joel Osteen and Murray -- Joined in Prayer

Started by ~Souza~, May 09, 2010, 03:25:01 PM

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Joel Osteen and Murray -- Joined in Prayer
Originally posted 44 minutes ago by TMZ Staff

Dr. Conrad Murray was a guest at Joel Osteen's church in Houston, TX this morning -- and we're told the two shared a prayer together.

Sources at the Lakewood Church tell TMZ Murray met with Joel and his wife Victoria before Osteen gave his sermon.

Osteen has acknowledged that Murray is going through a "hard time" -- which is one of the reasons he was invited to the service.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0nSwrTMt6



May 17, 2010, 03:48:03 AM #15 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "loma"

Quote from: "tabloidburn"

With all that security, it's almost as if Murray has a meeting with ... nevermind.

:D Oh.. I love that.

haha yeah...me too 8-)  ;)

I love you Michael...as much as you love super soaker fights!!! xD


May 19, 2010, 04:31:07 AM #16 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Im_convincedmjalive"

Quote from: "2good2btrue"

Joel Osteen exposed.

Joel Osteen is an Evengelist isn't he??

Do you remember his wife hit a flight attendant and was charged.??

He has unconventional ways of teaching the faith hasn't he?

The man is kinda contraversial himself.

He has appeared on LK live and seems to have just as much people against him as he does following him.

Sound familiar???



I am late to this party but, I will tell you this and everyone else who pays attention:

You are absolutely on the right track here, I believe that with my spirit, This man Joel Osteen is a FRAUD!! He is a demon in disguise. I believe the clues given by TMZ do lead to this exposure. Good job on picking that up.

Again I feel that in my spirit, and today I came back to this article to see if anyone had picked up on the clues because if they hadn't I sure was gonna say something. I would like to point out the fact that this Joel Osteen's church is similiar to Scientology in the sense of it having such a HUGE following, and influence on people. At the end of the day, it is ALL ABOUT the MONEY!!

Using the word of God to lead people, if it is done in a deceptive way, ie: using it to gain money, will eventually be exposed, the "troot will prevail"

Keep digging folks.


That's very interesting although I have not researched Joel Osteen that deeply but I have an open mind. I have seen many of his sermons and I don't really find anything wrong with his message, but that's my personal opinion.

As a side note in reference to the incident with his wife and the flight attendant, I must say that we are all human and we make mistakes. In the end God is the judge, not us.

Views on faith teaching methods are very subjective. Just because methods of teaching faith seem unconventional to some does not mean that it should be labeled as negative. Michael is the King of Unconventionalism (for lack of a better word). He did things that most, if not all, would not do. He stayed away from traditionalism and created his own style. That's what creates excellence and it also attracts people to you. Joel Osteen has a different style of teaching faith. It's not traditional. It's new and fresh. People are looking for a change so they are attracted to this.  Even so, I do not feel that I am in the position to condemn him and his methods.

I attend a church by the name of Bay Area Fellowship in Corpus Christi Texas and it has a rather large following as well. I just do not see the logic behind why having a 'large following' is an indication of deception. If that's the case, we should all just stop being Michael's fans and stop spreading his message due to his use of deception to make so many people of all ages from around the world admire and follow him. Michael has an even larger following that both Joel's church and the church I go to combined. I just fail to see the logic in this. Call me blind if you will.

I mean no offence and I do agree with you in that we must dig in search for the truth. It is the very basis upon which this investigation exists.

Ah well, anyway, here is the real reason why I wanted to post on this thread.

I just noticed this article. (Yes I'm slow heh)

I decided to post a comment on TMZ for this article. (or one of them concerning this 'church prayer meeting')

Here is the comment I posted a while ago:


Thank you for the interesting bit of information TMZ!

Heh... "With all that security, it's almost as if Murray has a meeting with ... nevermind." ...I don't even have to comment on that. lol

And for all you people judging Conrad Murray:

I don't see why it's a bad idea for Joel to do this. When Michael was accused of molestation, he also went to a church for prayer. I find it quite fascinating how similar Michael's case and Dr. Murray's case are to each other. >>

Michael Jackson was accused of child-molestation; He was thought to have been in a room alone with children; He was deemed guilty by the court of public opinion; He went to church for prayer; He was then proven innocent.

Conrad Murray is accused of killing Michael Jackson; He is thought to have been in a room alone with Michael Jackson;  He is deemed guilty in the court of public opinion; He goes to church for prayer; He is....well, some of you may get my drift.

Don't you see how short-sighted you are being about this? How can people have double standards? You are so quick to judge this man, yet you swear that Michael was innocent at the same time. Michael was innocent but so is Conrad Murray.

When Michael was accused falsely, the media maimed him and made speculations that lead people to believe he was guilty even before the trial. The same thing is happening here. OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE!!!

Michael Jackson is alive and Conrad Murray will be proven innocent.

I send L.O.V.E. to you all.


I see this TMZ article more as a way to further solidify the parallels between Michael Jackson's case and Conrad Murray's case. I could be totally wrong but that's the first thing that popped into my mind. Here is an excerpt from my TMZ comment just incase you missed this part:
Michael Jackson was accused of child-molestation; He was thought to have been in a room alone with children; He was deemed guilty by the court of public opinion; He went to church for prayer; He was then proven innocent.

Conrad Murray is accused of killing Michael Jackson; He is thought to have been in a room alone with Michael Jackson;  He is deemed guilty in the court of public opinion; He goes to church for prayer; He is....well, some of you may get my drift.

Just research Steve Harvey and Michael Jackson. There is some stuff on YouTube of Michael's visit to a church during his trail. Steve also talks about it.

Stranger In Chi-town

May 19, 2010, 05:24:01 AM #17 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "WhiteNight"

Quote from: "Im_convincedmjalive"

Quote from: "2good2btrue"

Joel Osteen exposed.

Joel Osteen is an Evengelist isn't he??

Do you remember his wife hit a flight attendant and was charged.??

He has unconventional ways of teaching the faith hasn't he?

The man is kinda contraversial himself.

He has appeared on LK live and seems to have just as much people against him as he does following him.

Sound familiar???



I am late to this party but, I will tell you this and everyone else who pays attention:

You are absolutely on the right track here, I believe that with my spirit, This man Joel Osteen is a FRAUD!! He is a demon in disguise. I believe the clues given by TMZ do lead to this exposure. Good job on picking that up.

Again I feel that in my spirit, and today I came back to this article to see if anyone had picked up on the clues because if they hadn't I sure was gonna say something. I would like to point out the fact that this Joel Osteen's church is similiar to Scientology in the sense of it having such a HUGE following, and influence on people. At the end of the day, it is ALL ABOUT the MONEY!!

Using the word of God to lead people, if it is done in a deceptive way, ie: using it to gain money, will eventually be exposed, the "troot will prevail"

Keep digging folks.


That's very interesting although I have not researched Joel Osteen that deeply but I have an open mind. I have seen many of his sermons and I don't really find anything wrong with his message, but that's my personal opinion.

As a side note in reference to the incident with his wife and the flight attendant, I must say that we are all human and we make mistakes. In the end God is the judge, not us.

Views on faith teaching methods are very subjective. Just because methods of teaching faith seem unconventional to some does not mean that it should be labeled as negative. Michael is the King of Unconventionalism (for lack of a better word). He did things that most, if not all, would not do. He stayed away from traditionalism and created his own style. That's what creates excellence and it also attracts people to you. Joel Osteen has a different style of teaching faith. It's not traditional. It's new and fresh. People are looking for a change so they are attracted to this.  Even so, I do not feel that I am in the position to condemn him and his methods.

I attend a church by the name of Bay Area Fellowship in Corpus Christi Texas and it has a rather large following as well. I just do not see the logic behind why having a 'large following' is an indication of deception. If that's the case, we should all just stop being Michael's fans and stop spreading his message due to his use of deception to make so many people of all ages from around the world admire and follow him. Michael has an even larger following that both Joel's church and the church I go to combined. I just fail to see the logic in this. Call me blind if you will.

I mean no offence and I do agree with you in that we must dig in search for the truth. It is the very basis upon which this investigation exists.

Ah well, anyway, here is the real reason why I wanted to post on this thread.

I just noticed this article. (Yes I'm slow heh)

I decided to post a comment on TMZ for this article. (or one of them concerning this 'church prayer meeting')

Here is the comment I posted a while ago:


Thank you for the interesting bit of information TMZ!

Heh... "With all that security, it's almost as if Murray has a meeting with ... nevermind." ...I don't even have to comment on that. lol

And for all you people judging Conrad Murray:

I don't see why it's a bad idea for Joel to do this. When Michael was accused of molestation, he also went to a church for prayer. I find it quite fascinating how similar Michael's case and Dr. Murray's case are to each other. >>

Michael Jackson was accused of child-molestation; He was thought to have been in a room alone with children; He was deemed guilty by the court of public opinion; He went to church for prayer; He was then proven innocent.

Conrad Murray is accused of killing Michael Jackson; He is thought to have been in a room alone with Michael Jackson;  He is deemed guilty in the court of public opinion; He goes to church for prayer; He is....well, some of you may get my drift.

Don't you see how short-sighted you are being about this? How can people have double standards? You are so quick to judge this man, yet you swear that Michael was innocent at the same time. Michael was innocent but so is Conrad Murray.

When Michael was accused falsely, the media maimed him and made speculations that lead people to believe he was guilty even before the trial. The same thing is happening here. OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE!!!

Michael Jackson is alive and Conrad Murray will be proven innocent.

I send L.O.V.E. to you all.


I see this TMZ article more as a way to further solidify the parallels between Michael Jackson's case and Conrad Murray's case. I could be totally wrong but that's the first thing that popped into my mind. Here is an excerpt from my TMZ comment just incase you missed this part:
Michael Jackson was accused of child-molestation; He was thought to have been in a room alone with children; He was deemed guilty by the court of public opinion; He went to church for prayer; He was then proven innocent.

Conrad Murray is accused of killing Michael Jackson; He is thought to have been in a room alone with Michael Jackson;  He is deemed guilty in the court of public opinion; He goes to church for prayer; He is....well, some of you may get my drift.

Just research Steve Harvey and Michael Jackson. There is some stuff on YouTube of Michael's visit to a church during his trail. Steve also talks about it.

Yeah. Bascially as far as I can see, Joel Osteen is a nice guy who wants to help people out financially and spiritually. My aunt watches his shows almost every Sunday.

Gina Jackson

May 19, 2010, 08:28:05 AM #18 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "mjintrigue2012"

Quote from: "~Souza~"

Why "hard time" instead of just hard time? If this would all be true it would be a very hard time for the doc and the "" would make no sense.

I think that it might be the "slang" version of "hard time", referring to the upcoming trial?

How about take a look at the history of the "PASTOR JOEL OSTEEN" and discover that he is an expert in marketing: :idea:


Joel's teaching are nothing short of sweet bread for the pew sitters.  He admits that he does not want to talk about anything negative.  Sin, hell, God's wrath onto the UNBELIEVERS at the end time are not part of his vocabulary.  He admits that he just wants people to feel good and to feel good about themselves.  The sad part of this is that he then should have become a counselor not a preacher.


"Before you judge me, try hard to LOVE me."
"I am happy to be alive!I am happy to be who I am!

"Do not judge a man until you\'ve walked 2 moons in his moccosins"
"Beat me.Hate me.You can never break me, will me,thrill me!You can never kill me!"
"They ain\'t seem nothing yet & the best is yet to come!"


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