This is exactly what I have been feeling as well. You see if this is indeed a murder I like many of you am highly perplexed by the Jacksons family, we all know how they were non stop until justice was served for Tito's X-wife right?
Then we have AL and Jesse quiet as mice! Come one! What is going on? Seriously are they trying to make it seem like MJ was responsible for his own death. Like MJ wanted to die? Could this be? :( This is why I can't seem to let this go and here we are back almost to June again! Still no MJ. It does seem like a hoax would be too much u know ! Like all of this is gone too far to be a hoax. The Trial, judges, court docs! ect.ect.
I wonder what will happen. ......its been a long road since June and I am losing hope. :cry: I can't believe all of the stories that has come out about MJ since his absence. If he is alive my heart aches for him imagine MJ watching all of this! and what he feels when he hears or sees this nonsense! :cry: Would you want to come back?