Sooooo, I bet this thread will be clicked like crazy, hahahahaha! Don't stop reading, you might click away smiling ;)
Let me explain. Because I think the gay story is a bit weird, I decided to step in my time machine and see what this all could mean. After all Arnie is also the one that came up with the Urination Explanation that was absolutely hilarious but not very believable. Let's have a look at the TMZ article again:Arnie Klein: I Did Not Betray Michael JacksonOriginally posted May 2nd 2010 12:08 AM PDT by TMZ StaffDr. Arnold Klein -- Michael Jackson's long-time best friend and physician -- tells TMZ he did not betray Michael Jackson by claiming to TMZ that MJ had an affair with Klein's office manager ... and he's freaked out that he's getting "a lot of horrible death threats."

Klein and office manager Jason Pfeiffer were featured on "Extra" a few days ago -- during the interview Pfeiffer claimed to have had a romantic relationship with MJ.
Klein called in during TMZ Live last Friday, and said Michael was gay and Jason was "the love of his life."
On Saturday, Klein told TMZ he does not believe he betrayed Jackson because Jackson never tried to hide his sexuality. We called Klein out on his statement, because it seems to us MJ went to extreme lengths to keep his sexuality a secret.
Klein told us Saturday, "Was he gay? Yes." He then went on to say his declaration is meant to shoot down rumors that Jackson was a pedophile. And, Klein says, as far as he knows, Jason's alleged two-month relationship is the only gay relationship Jackson ever had.
Pfeiffer says, "Michael was not ashamed of his sexuality."
Klein and Pfeiffer say they have received numerous "horrible death threats" since their statements became widely public this week. They have both been in touch with the FBI and now say they have bodyguards.
Read more:"Klein called in during TMZ Live last Friday, and said Michael was gay and Jason was "the love of his life.""
I remembered something about the original meaning of the word 'gay', so I did a search and oh how we have to love Wikipedia sometimes...
QuoteThe term gay was originally used to refer to feelings of being "carefree", "happy", or "bright and showy"; it had also come to acquire some connotations of "immorality" as early as 1637.
According to the dictionary:
Quote1. having or showing a merry, lively mood: gay spirits; gay music.
2. bright or showy: gay colors; gay ornaments.
3. given to or abounding in social or other pleasures: a gay social season.
4. licentious; dissipated; wanton: The baron is a gay old rogue with an eye for the ladies.
5. homosexual.
6. of, indicating, or supporting homosexual interests or issues: a gay organization.
1. gleeful, jovial, glad, joyous, happy, cheerful, sprightly, blithe, airy, light-hearted; vivacious, frolicsome, sportive, hilarious. Gay, jolly, joyful, merry describe a happy or light-hearted mood. Gay suggests a lightness of heart or liveliness of mood that is openly manifested: when hearts were young and gay. Jolly indicates a good-humored, natural, expansive gaiety of mood or disposition: a jolly crowd at a party. Joyful suggests gladness, happiness, rejoicing: joyful over the good news. Merry is often interchangeable with gay: a merry disposition; a merry party; it suggests, even more than the latter, convivial animated enjoyment.
2. brilliant.
Definition of lively: Endowed with or manifesting life; living.
So I guess we can all agree on the fact that Mike is gay.
Now this: : Jason was "the love of his life."
Jason Pfeiffer, let's see what we can make of this. Pfeiffer is German for whistler (
According to Thesaurus, a synonym for whistler is:
Quote2. whistler - someone who makes a loud high sound
signaler, signaller - someone who communicates by signals
And a search on Jason gives something interesting as well. Jason was the love of Medea's life. For those that do not know who Medea is, here is a very short description of the play by Euripides:
Medea is an ancient Greek tragedy written by Euripides, based upon the myth of Jason and Medea and first produced in 431 BC. The play tells the story of the revenge of a woman betrayed by her husband (Jason). Euripides'
characterization of Medea exhibits the inner emotions of
passion, love, and vengeance.
I don't think we have to take the story literally, but I thought the short description I gave you was pretty interesting.
Maybe I am looking a little too much into it, but since we know Mike loves old stories, I am sure he knows the story of Medea. I am also sure he knows the original meaning of gay and this makes a little more sense to me then an alleged boyfriend spilling the beans after more then 10 months. And if Mike really is gay, the story about Jason being his only gay relationship doesn't make sense. With all the confidentiality agreements in his life, I am sure he would have had more boyfriends in his life, and if they would think he is really dead, I am sure at least 1 of them would have called Diane Dimond on June 25 2:27PM to negociate and if Dimond pays that amount of money for a fake ambulance picture, I am sure she would pay at least DOUBLE for this story.