
Mj's signature 1998

Started by dragonflylilies, April 11, 2010, 01:43:57 PM

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Since the double theory has been brought up again and people are more open to it now,  I would like to bring up something that has been bugging me since i saw his autograph with 1998 and three zeros under it.  He has said that he signed like that because that is when he is going to die.  
Maybe he meant that is when the double was going to take over for him and that could have been the year that the double took over for him.  I don't know, just a thought.  I don't think I have read that anywhere on this forum, so if it was discussed please delete.



April 12, 2010, 02:18:39 PM #15 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "XspeechlessX"

Quote from: "jill"

This may be a little off topic but it came to my  mind when thinking about this signature.  Does anyone know if he was planning any concerts in 1998 that got cancelled?  I have a hunch about something.

Nope.. none that I know of....  :?
the HIStory tour ended in october 1997 so that would mean that 1998 would be something new.... but did he know that when he startet to add this to his signature?? i dont think so. Or maybe he did plan it and did not intend to tour again after 1997. the start of something new.  Mj started to sign this way in the 80's, and i dont think he planed  things 10 years in advance.....

but if he did... then in 1998  Paris was born.
1998 Grammy Awards performance of Man in the Mirror

i also found this


Well, some of you have written me and told me what you read about the significance of the "1998." It seems that years back, a fortune teller or some sort told Michael that he needed to write the "1998" with his signature. If he didn't, he wouldn't live past that year! Michael followed this instruction for a while, but then realized that this probably wasn't true and so stopped the practice.



Hi everyone! Lately I've been stumbling upon a lot of pictures about items signed by MJ in various years, which all include the number 1998 (and three dots). I've heard a story about a fedora, that he signed in 1995, when the recipient asked him: ´"Why 1998?" he answered: "That's the year I'm going to die." Did he really believe that or is there something else behind that number?



Well, as no-one has answered, I did some research myself. In one forum, someone suggested that years back, a fortune teller or some sort told Michael that he needed to write the "1998" with his signature. If he didn't, he wouldn't live past that year! Michael followed this instruction for a while, but then realized that this probably wasn't true and so stopped the practice. Someone else said that MJ wanted to have a family by the time He's 40 and that would be 1998. I think these are both quite reasonable explanations.



Black synthetic blend concert worn jacket from Jackson's first tour as a solo artist, his September 12, 1987 through January 24, 1989 Bad World Tour. The jacket features black straps with silver buckles and silver zippers, the signature look of Jackson's Bad era. This concert jacket features a "Michael Bush, Dennis Tompkins" label and is signed on the back in silver sharpie market "Love Michael Jackson 1998" with his signature three 0's over an arrow design. Jackson often signed "1998" as early as the 1980s. Some speculate that he did so believing that it would be the year of his death. Jackson donated this jacket to Tony Martell, to benefit the T.J. Martell Foundation.


and then this

Here is the image of Barnum, creator of the world's most famous circuses, being an explicit homage to this cover very "circus". The bust is in the jacket lapel a pin with the number "1998? and if we add 1 +9 +9 +8 the result is 27 (the seven positive number in numerology) and adding 2 +7 gives 9 (the other number positive).


"This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning." – Sir Winston Churchill


April 13, 2010, 06:26:02 PM #16 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Tink.I.Am"

Quote from: "XspeechlessX"

Quote from: "jill"

This may be a little off topic but it came to my  mind when thinking about this signature.  Does anyone know if he was planning any concerts in 1998 that got cancelled?  I have a hunch about something.

Nope.. none that I know of....  :?
the HIStory tour ended in october 1997 so that would mean that 1998 would be something new.... but did he know that when he startet to add this to his signature?? i dont think so. Or maybe he did plan it and did not intend to tour again after 1997. the start of something new.  Mj started to sign this way in the 80's, and i dont think he planed  things 10 years in advance.....

but if he did... then in 1998  Paris was born.
1998 Grammy Awards performance of Man in the Mirror

i also found this


Well, some of you have written me and told me what you read about the significance of the "1998." It seems that years back, a fortune teller or some sort told Michael that he needed to write the "1998" with his signature. If he didn't, he wouldn't live past that year! Michael followed this instruction for a while, but then realized that this probably wasn't true and so stopped the practice.



Hi everyone! Lately I've been stumbling upon a lot of pictures about items signed by MJ in various years, which all include the number 1998 (and three dots). I've heard a story about a fedora, that he signed in 1995, when the recipient asked him: ´"Why 1998?" he answered: "That's the year I'm going to die." Did he really believe that or is there something else behind that number?



Well, as no-one has answered, I did some research myself. In one forum, someone suggested that years back, a fortune teller or some sort told Michael that he needed to write the "1998" with his signature. If he didn't, he wouldn't live past that year! Michael followed this instruction for a while, but then realized that this probably wasn't true and so stopped the practice. Someone else said that MJ wanted to have a family by the time He's 40 and that would be 1998. I think these are both quite reasonable explanations.



Black synthetic blend concert worn jacket from Jackson's first tour as a solo artist, his September 12, 1987 through January 24, 1989 Bad World Tour. The jacket features black straps with silver buckles and silver zippers, the signature look of Jackson's Bad era. This concert jacket features a "Michael Bush, Dennis Tompkins" label and is signed on the back in silver sharpie market "Love Michael Jackson 1998" with his signature three 0's over an arrow design. Jackson often signed "1998" as early as the 1980s. Some speculate that he did so believing that it would be the year of his death. Jackson donated this jacket to Tony Martell, to benefit the T.J. Martell Foundation.


and then this

Here is the image of Barnum, creator of the world's most famous circuses, being an explicit homage to this cover very "circus". The bust is in the jacket lapel a pin with the number "1998? and if we add 1 +9 +9 +8 the result is 27 (the seven positive number in numerology) and adding 2 +7 gives 9 (the other number positive).


thanks for posting this. maybe the HOAX started in 1998. 8-)


December 31, 2010, 01:28:51 PM #17 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

If this is a mathematical equation

1998 (down arrow) 666^ divided by 4.

It says 1998 (arrow means and/or) 666 to the power of (assuming 1 since there is no number) divided by 4

666x666= 443556        (4+4+1+5+5+6=27)

443556/4=110889        (1+1+0+8+8+9=27)

The date November 8, 1989
This is the date they tore down the Berlin Wall

In the book "Dancing the Dream" Michael has a short story called Berlin 1989.

'They hated the wall, but what could they do?  It was too strong to break through. They feared the Wall, but didn't that make sense?  Many who tried to climb over it were killed. They distrusted the Wall, but who wouldn't?  Their enemies refused to tear down one brick, no matter how long the peace talks dragged on.  The Wall laughed grimly. "I'm teaching you a lesson," it boasted.  "If you want to build for eternity, don't bother with stones. Hatred, fear and distrust are so much stronger."  They knew the Wall was right and they almost gave up.  Only one thing stopped them.  They remembered who was on the other side.  Grandmother, cousin, sister, wife.  Beloved faces that yearned to be seen.  "What's happening?" the Wall asked, trembling.  Without knowing what they did, they were looking through the Wall, trying to find their dear ones.  Silently, from one person to another, love kept up its invisible work. "Stop it!" the Wall shrieked. "I'm falling apart." But it was too late. A million hearts had found each other. The Wall had fallen before it came down.'

In my interpretation "The Wall" is the illuminati. Nobody had the courage to tear it down, or expose it. As they think building for eternity is through hatred, fear and distrust. The ones unfortunately trapped by them thought their was nothing they could do until they realized they had their families and that love can tear down anything. So through this love of "dear ones" the wall is being torn down and they don't even know it. Michael is depending on his family and friends to help take down the illuminati.

Could it be that he wrote this on the "Dangerous" album to warn us of the danger?

Also the down arrow in logistics means no monotonic decreasing.  The true values of each number will remain the same. So if 1998 is equivalent to 27 and 666^1 is equivalent to 27 and that number divided by four is 27 it means the true values of ear are 27 27 27.
If you mirror image that it looks like TS TS TS.

Right Away Won\'t You Baby Tendoroni You\'ve Got To Be Spark My Nature Sugar Fly With Me


December 31, 2010, 09:22:00 PM #18 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I was told to post my post here.
So..here is a link to my post I posted elsewhere.


Right Away Won\'t You Baby Tendoroni You\'ve Got To Be Spark My Nature Sugar Fly With Me


January 01, 2011, 01:13:21 AM #19 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I read also that Michael thought he was going to die in 1998. I don't remember where, but I'm positive it wasn't just a rumor. And it would make since to why he signed "2009" on some of his last autographs ... since he "died" that year. I wonder if anyone still has those pictures  :?:

June 25, 2009 - The Day I Woke Up


January 02, 2011, 05:20:43 AM #20 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

This is news to me considering that when he did the Brass-hole's (Brashir's) interview, during that shopping trip  when they were looking at that coffin he asked MJ about death and he was like "Hell bleeping no, I'm gonna live forever..." I got the impression that death (as it pertained to MJ), wasn't something he felt comfortable discussing. In fact, I thought that when he signed his auto and added a date that was his way of validating the authenticity of his scribe (If that makes sense). He didn't sign them often so.....

I guess I have learned something new.  :o

Quote from: "backstager"

I read also that Michael thought he was going to die in 1998. I don't remember where, but I'm positive it wasn't just a rumor. And it would make since to why he signed "2009" on some of his last autographs ... since he "died" that year. I wonder if anyone still has those pictures  :?:


Quote from: backstager on January 01, 2011, 01:13:21 AM

I read also that Michael thought he was going to die in 1998. I don't remember where, but I'm positive it wasn't just a rumor. And it would make since to why he signed "2009" on some of his last autographs ... since he "died" that year. I wonder if anyone still has those pictures  <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

I'm reading the book "Jacko, his rise and fall", it says that MJ told Elizabeth Taylor à few years before 1998 that hè Can predict his own death and Hè Will die in THE year 1998. That 's why hè added THE year 1998 to his signature.

Is THE mystery now solved?  ;D


If MJ truly said he was going to die that year, he was spoofing people.

In 1996 during the History World Tour in Prague he came on stage in a spaceship with the number 2040. which is the date of his death added.
2009 + 25 + 6 =  2040

We all know he told Lisa Marie he was afraid he would die like her father.
During Elvis's last concert in June 1977, he came on stage to the orchestra playing the theme to the movie 2001:A Space Odyssey which also is the sum of his death date.
1977 + 16 + 8 =  2001
MJ has to have planned that copying the death date addition clue.

Why would he be thinking he would die when his son was just a baby and Paris just born that year? I also heard that he gave that year because he said by that year he planned to be married and have at least 2 children, which came true.