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MJ seen in Germany, Bad Malente
April 11, 2010, 01:14:42 AM
Don't know if this is a trustworthy source but the story is very touching and the man who allegedly has seen him gives some detailed descriptions (clothes, ring, nose etc.):

Enjoy! (German and English version (google translator):

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Wir verbrachten dieses Jahr unseren Familienurlaub in Ostholstein (Bad Malente)drei Wochen, von Ende August bis Mitte September.

Natürlich haben wir den Tod des großen Künstlers und Entertainers Michael Jackson in den Medien mit verfolgt und wir alle weinten sehr und waren zutiefst bewegt als die Trauerfeier für den King of Pop im TV ausgestrahlt wurde.

Meine Familie und ich sind allesamt MJ Anhänger des “gemäßigteren Lagers”. Meine Frau und ich seit fast 25 Jahren! Die Kinder durch unseren Einfluss.

Ich habe Michael auf zwei Live Konzerten (Köln Müngersdorfer Stadion 1992 und München Olympiastadion 1998) gesehen. Habe ihn verehrt ja ich gebe es zu, auch geliebt.

Ich sage das alles um Ihnen einen Einblick zu verschaffen das ich sehr wohl erkennen kann wer Michael Jackson- und wer ein Double ist.

Ich bin zu 100% sicher das Michael Jackson lebt und zwar hier in Deutschland! Wir haben ihn zweimal in Bad Malente und einmal am Timmendorfer Strand gesehen und ich erkläre ihnen auch gern alle Details. Leider, dass muss ich gestehen haben wir keine Beweisfotos machen können. Obwohl meine Kinder (14 und 16 Jahre) sowie auch meine Frau und ich ein Photohandy besitzen.

Das erste Mal als wir ihn sahen war vor einer Apotheke im Zentrum von Bad Malente. Er sah umwerfend aus und er hatte genau diese Aura die mir schon damals bei den Konzerten so extrem auffiel. Er stieg gemeinsam mit einer Frau (ca. 40 mittelblond, langes Haar) aus einem schwarzen Audi A6. Er trug eine schwarze Jeans, schwarze Stiefelletten mit einem relativ hohen Keilabsatz, ein weißes V Neck T-Shirt und ein langärmliges schwarzes Hemd.

Seine Haut war sehr glatt und auffallend hell, sie wirkte sehr zart. Seine Lippen waren nicht geschminkt. Ich folgte ihm in die Apotheke und hielt mich ca. 2 Meter neben ihm auf. Er roch wahnsinnig gut, das fiel mir auch auf. Ein schwerer…fast süßer Duft.

Die Frau, welche ihn begleitete gab ein Rezept ab und er schaute mit fast kindlicher Naivität die zuckerfreien Bonbon Tüten die es in den Apotheken gibt an und flüsterte der Frau etwas ins Ohr. Ich betrachtete seine Hände, welche immer wieder die verschiedenen Bonbontüten griffen. Es waren eindeutig SEINE Hände, seine Fingernägel! Er hatte an der rechten Hand einen auffälligen großen goldenen Ring. Eine Art Siegelring mit einer eingeprägten Krone auf der Ringkopfplatte. Den kannte ich nicht, weil ich diesen Ring nie zuvor an ihm sah.

Plötzlich traf mich sein Blick und ich wäre am liebsten auf ihn zugegangen um ihn zu umarmen. Mann, diese Augen, Wahnsinn!!! Er trug keine Sonnenbrille. Die Aviator hing an seinem Shirt Ausschnitt. Ich konnte also direkt in seine unbeschreiblich schönen Augen blicken und ich bekam echt eine Gänsehaut, selbst jetzt erfasst sie mich wieder, beim Schreiben dieser Zeilen. Seinen scheuen aber sehr intensiven Blick versuchte ich mit einem beruhigenden Lächeln zu erwidern und ER erwiderte mein Lächeln so wundervoll und süß das ich spürte wie mein Herz fast aus meiner Brust sprang.

Ich war mir nie im Leben in etwas so absolut sicher das er DER Michael Jackson ist wie in diesem Augenblick. Verstehen Sie? Ich wollte diese Situation nicht zerstören und ihn auf gar keinen Fall dumm ansprechen. Konnte es aber nicht lassen mich ihm langsam zu nähern. Seine Begleiterin war aber leider schon am Bezahlen. Mit einer fast elektrisierten Bewegung wandte er sich um und beide verließen die Apotheke. Ich folgte und sah seinen Gang, er war fest, leicht federnd. Er sah zwar sehr zierlich aus aber trotzdem fit und gesund.

Er war ein Stück größer als die Frau, ich schätze dass er ca. 1,75-1,80m groß war. Die Stiefelletten hatten einen ca. 3-4 cm hohen, einem Westernstiefel ähnlichen Absatz.

Sein Haar war schulterlang, tiefschwarz, etwas strähnig. Vielleicht kennen Sie dieses Martin Bashit Interview. Als Michael mit diesem Reporter einkaufen war. Genauso waren seine Haare an diesem Tag in der Apotheke.

Natürlich betrachtete ich mir auch seine “sagenumwogene” Nase. Also die sah nicht aus als ob sie runterfällt. Wie von der Tabloid Presse so oft behauptet wurde.

Sie war eben so wie man sie kennt, wie alle Fans sie kennen. Spitz und frech nach oben gerichtet. Auf der einen Seite (ich meine es war die linke, bin mir aber nicht mehr zu 100% sicher) war am Nasenflügel ein kleines rundes Pflaster zu erkennen. Mir gefiel diese feminine Nase schon immer an ihm. Sie passte einfach in sein schönes Gesicht.

Unter anderen Umständen wäre ich auf ihn losgestürmt um ihn nach einem Autogramm zu fragen. Doch nach allem was man heute weiß wollte ich mich, noch dazu als Fan, zurückhalten und ihn bloß nicht erschrecken.

Das zweite Mal als wir ihn kurz sahen war eine Woche später auf dem Parkplatz des REWE Supermarktes in Bad Malente. Wir wollten gerade rein gehen als Michael und sein Gefolge von 3 Personen fast fluchtartig den Markt verließen. Es waren noch zwei Männer dabei und wieder die bereits erwähnte Dame. Sie liefen sehr hastig, diesmal zu einem schwarzen Range Rover. Die Männer stopften (man muss es so nennen) Michael in den Wagen und erst dann halfen sie der Frau die mit den Einkäufen später am Auto angekommen war. Der Einkaufswagen war brechend voll. Ich stellte mich an meinen Opel und zündete mir eine Zigarette an um zu beobachten was alles eingekauft wurde. Einer der Männer setzte sich schon in das Auto ans Steuer während der andere und die Frau alles im Kofferraum verstauten.

Es waren überwiegend Lebensmittel, aber auch Weißwein konnte ich erkennen und viele Süßigkeiten, vor allem wieder Bonbons wie Werthers echte und nimm zwei. Aber auch M&M’s und Bahlsen Kekse.

Wassermelonenstücke (eingeschweißt auf so einem kleinen schwarzen Tablett), mehrere Tüten Chicken Wings (die kanadischen, die es nur in den REWE Märkten gibt) Reis, Äpfel aber auch Waschmittel und Weichspüler wurden eingepackt. Ich ließ den Rover nicht aus den Augen und befand mich ca. 4-5 Meter entfernt auf dem Parkplatz. Meine Frau hatte sich wieder in unser Auto gesetzt und beobachtete das Treiben von da aus. Unsere beiden Kinder waren an diesem Tag nicht mit dabei und waren sehr enttäuscht als wir ihnen von unserer erneuten Begegnung mit Michael berichteten.

Die Frau stieg nun ins Auto und der zweite Mann brachte den Einkaufswagen weg. Plötzlich ging das hintere Fenster runter und Michael schrie dem davonlaufenden etwas hinterher. Ich konnte deutlich Michaels Stimme erkennen und es war englisch. Er wollte noch Kaugummis, die man offenbar vergessen hatte als sie den Markt so gehetzt verließen. Ich blickte ihn wieder direkt an und weiß nicht ob er mich erkannte, aber ich wünschte es mir und ich lächelte ihn wieder zu. Diesmal schenkte er mir sein göttliches breites Grinsen und ich konnte seine schneeweißen Zähne bewundern. Er ist immer noch wunderschön dachte ich bei mir und war regelrecht hingerissen. Meine Frau weinte vor Aufregung und ich hatte Mühe sie wieder zu beruhigen. Sie wollte zu ihm. Doch ich redete es ihr sofort aus. Wir müssen ihn in Ruhe lassen. Wir sollten dankbar sein das er hier in Deutschland ist und er will seinen Frieden haben. Das müssen wir akzeptieren. Auch wenn es mein allergrößter Wunsch ist diesen Mythos, dieses unerklärliche androgyne Wesen näher und persönlich kennenzulernen muss ich mir klar darüber werden das er für die Öffentlichkeit nicht mehr existieren will! Was ich absolut nachvollziehen kann und auch verstehe.

Auch deshalb habe ich so lang mit mir gerungen diese “Sichtungen” bekannt zu machen.

Als wir ihn dann am vorletzten Urlaubstag nochmals am Timmendorfer Strand im Seeaquarium trafen kippte meine Frau bald aus den Schuhen. Soviel Glück zu haben ist schon der Hammer. Weil wir auch dieses Seeaquarium besuchen wollten. Es waren die gleichen Begleiter bei ihm wie Tage zuvor auf dem REWE Parkplatz. Einer der Männer kaufte Michael eine Tüte Eiscreme. Was ich so süß fand war das er ihm sie auch noch auspackte. Man ging überaus fürsorglich und liebevoll mit ihm um. Das beeindruckte uns sehr. Diesmal sahen wir seine wundervollen Augen nicht. Diese hatte er hinter seiner schwarzen Aviator Brille versteckt. Diesmal hatte er ein knallrotes Cordhemd an vorn offen und wieder ein weißes T-Shirt darunter. Auch trug er wieder eine schwarze Hose. Er sah hinreißend aus und benahm sich sehr unbeschwert und wirkte fröhlich, alberte herum mit seinen Begleitern. Wir machten den Rundgang im Seeaquarium sozusagen im Schlepptau von Michael Jackson. Achteten aber stets darauf ihm und den Personen um ihn nicht zu nahe auf den Pelz zu rücken. Die beiden Männer hatten nämlich ihre Augen überall und ich bin mir sicher, dass es Ärger gegeben hätte wenn wir fotografiert hätten.

Die Tüte Eiscreme war Michael wohl zu viel denn er reichte sie, als er den oberen Teil abgeschleckt hatte seiner Begleiterin, welche wohl sowas wie eine Friseurin zu sein schien, denn immer wieder verlangte er das sie ihm sein Haar in Ordnung bringen soll. Dies tat sie auch immer wieder. Sie zupfte ständig an ihm herum. Ich fand das so süß!

Nach dem Rundgang kommt man automatisch ein einen Raum wo man Souvenirs kaufen kann und dort war bereits eine Schulklasse. Kinder von ca. 11-12 Jahre. Vielleicht 20 an der Zahl. Wir konnten gut erkennen wie nervös und hektisch Michael sofort wurde. Nicht unbegründet denn die Kinder wurden sehr rasch auf das Quartett aufmerksam und schon tönte es aus allen Ecken MICHAEL JACKSON und immer wieder M I C H A E L Rufe.

Einer der Männer die Michael begleiteten sagte auf deutsch, dass es nicht Michael Jackson sei. Doch die Körpersprache von Michael verriet etwas ganz anderes. Er verstaute den Plüschhai und die kleine Plüschmeeresschildkröte in eine Tüte und verlies hastig den Shop.

Ich habe zu keiner Sekunde auch nur den geringsten Zweifel gehabt das es sich bei dieser Person nicht um Michael Jackson handelt, deshalb habe ich diesen Menschen auch als “Michael” bezeichnet.

Was Sie davon halten weiß ich nicht. Doch mir war es ein Bedürfnis Ihnen unsere wunderbaren Erlebnisse zu schildern. Ich denke Sie freuen sich ebenso darüber wie wir. Denn unser Michael Jackson hat, diesen Eindruck vermittelte er sehr deutlich, nun ein sehr schönes und Sorgloses Leben.

Wie wir im Nachhinein erfahren haben ist im Bad Malente am Kellersee das Gut Rothensande, besser bekannt aus dem TV Filmen “Immenhof”. Dieses große Anwesen, so sagten uns die Vermieter unserer Ferienwohnung, sei erst vor kurzem für 2,5 millionen Euro an eine Person aus dem Ausland, welche unbedingt unerkannt und unbenannt bleiben wollte, verkauft worden.

Man kann jetzt viel Spekulieren. Wir wissen definitiv nicht ob der Audi oder der Range Rover zu diesem Gut gefahren sind. Die Leute werden denken dass es sich um einen ganz hervorragenden Doppelgänger handeln wird. Aus diesem Grunde bewegt sich Michael wohl so relativ frei in der Öffentlichkeit ohne große Verkleidungen etc.

Niemand wird es wagen ihn direkt anzusprechen, weil alle wissen und denken das Michael Jackson Tod ist. Es kam in allen Medien und was da kommt wird bekanntlich immer geglaubt  ;)

Aber richtige, langjährige Jackson Anhänger wie meine Frau und ich lassen sich niemals durch ein Double veräppeln und sei es auch noch so gut. Wir wissen, dass nur ER diese einmalige Ausstrahlung besitzt, welche nicht zu kopieren ist.


We spent our family vacation this year in East Holstein (Bad Malente) three weeks, from late August to mid September.

Of course we have the death of the great artist and entertainer Michael Jackson in the media followed and we all cried a lot and were deeply moved as the funeral of the King of Pop was in the TV broadcast.

My family and I are all MJ followers of the "moderate camp". My wife and I for almost 25 years! The children of our influence.

I have seen Michael on two live concerts (Cologne Müngersdorfer Stadium Munich Olympic Stadium in 1992 and 1998). Have honored him yes I admit it, even loved.

I say all to provide you with an insight that I can see very well those who Michael Jackson and who is a Double.

I am 100% sure that Michael Jackson lives and that here in Germany! We have it twice in Bad Malente and once seen on Timmendorfer beach and I also like to tell them all the details. Unfortunately, I have to admit that we can make no photographic evidence. Although my children (14 and 16 years) and my wife and I own a photo phone.

The first time we saw him was in front of a pharmacy in the heart of Bad Malente. He looked amazing and he had this aura that just struck me at that time at the concerts so extreme. He got together with a woman (about 40 medium blond, long hair) from a black Audi A6. He wore black jeans, black boots Latvians with a relatively high wedge heel, a white V neck T-shirt and a black long-sleeved shirt.

His skin was very smooth and remarkably light, they looked very soft. His lips were not made up. I followed him to the pharmacy and took me about 2 meters on his side. He fell madly smelled good to me also. A heavy ... almost sweet aroma.

The woman who accompanied him were from a recipe, and he looked almost childlike naivete, the sugar-free candy bags which are available at the pharmacies in the woman and whispered something in his ear. I looked at his hands, which repeatedly attacked the different candy bags. There were clearly HIS hands, his finger nails! He had on his right hand striking a large gold ring. A kind of seal embossed with a crown on the head plate ring. I did not know, because I never saw that ring on him.

Suddenly his eye fell on me and I would have liked approached him to hug him. Man, those eyes, madness! He was not wearing sunglasses. The Aviator shirt hung on his neck. So I could look directly into his eyes indescribably beautiful and I got a great goose bumps even now they captured me again, when writing these lines. His spare but very intense look, I tried to answer with a reassuring smile and He answered my smile so beautiful and sweet that I felt like my heart almost jumped out of my chest.

I was never in my life into something so absolutely sure that he is THE Michael Jackson, as in this moment. Do you understand? I wanted this situation does not destroy him and talk stupid, definitely not. But could not leave me to approach him slowly. His companion was paying but unfortunately already on. With an almost electrified movement, he turned around and both left the pharmacy. I followed and saw his walk, he was firm, slightly springy. Although he looked very delicate but still fit and healthy.

He was a lot bigger than the woman, I appreciate that he was about 1,75-1,80 m tall. The boots Latvians had a 3-4 cm high, a similar Western Boots paragraph.

His hair was shoulder length, jet black, a little stringy. Maybe you know this Martin Bashit interview. When shopping with this reporter was Michael. Similarly, his hair was on this day in the pharmacy.

Of course I looked at me and his "ancient side" nose. So the did not look as if it gets dropped. As alleged by the tabloid press so often.

She was just as often seen, as all fans know it. Spitz and bold at the top. On the one hand (I mean it was the left, but am not 100% sure) on the nose a small round patch was visible. I liked this feminine nose always in him. It fit easily into his beautiful face.

Under other circumstances I would losgestürmt on him to ask him for an autograph. But after everything you know today I wanted to hold back this as a fan, and not only frighten him.

The second time we saw him was just a week later in the parking lot of the REWE supermarket in Bad Malente. We wanted to just go purely as Michael and his entourage of 3 people fled virtually left the market. There were two men there and again the aforementioned lady. They ran very quickly, this time into a black Range Rover. The men stuffed (you must call it that) Michael in the car and then they helped the woman who was with the purchases arrived later in the car. The cart was packed. I introduced myself to my Opel and lit a cigarette in order to observe what has been purchased. One of the men had sat in the car behind the wheel while the other, and the woman all stowed in the trunk.

They were mainly food, but also white wine I could see, and many sweets, especially sweets again as Werther's real, and take two. But M & M's and Bahlsen biscuits.

Watermelon pieces (welded on as a small black tray), several bags Chicken Wings (the Canadian, which are only found in the markets of REWE) rice, apples, but also detergents and fabric softeners have been packed. I let the Rover not blind and I was about 4-5 feet away in the parking lot. My wife had been put back into our car and watched the goings out of there. Our two children were at that day with it and were very disappointed when we told them of our re-encounter with Michael.

The woman then climbed into the car and the second man took away the shopping cart. Suddenly down the back window and shouted to Michael run away a little behind. I could clearly see Michael's voice and it was English. He wanted to chewing gum, which had apparently forgotten as they left the market so rushed. I looked again directly and do not know if he recognized me, but I wanted me and I smiled at him again. This time he gave me his divine wide grin and I could admire its snow-white teeth. He's still beautiful, I thought to myself, and was downright thrilled. My wife was crying with excitement and I had difficulty to calm again. She wanted to see him. But I talked her out immediately. We need to let him alone. We should be thankful he is here in Germany and he wants to have his peace. That we have to accept. Even if it be my greatest wish is this myth to get to know this unexplained androgynous beings closer and personally I must realize that he exists for the public does not want to! What I understand completely and understand.

That's why I have so long struggled with me these "sightings" to make known.

When we asked him then on the penultimate vacation again on Timmendorfer beach in the aquarium met my wife soon toppled out of the shoes. So lucky to have is already the hammer. Because we wanted to visit this aquarium. It was the same with him as companion REWE days earlier in the parking lot. One of the men bought Michael a bag of ice cream. What I found was so sweet to him that he go even unpacked. It was very caring and loving with him. The impressed us a lot. This time we did not see his beautiful eyes. This he had hidden behind his black glasses Aviator. This time he had a bright red Cordhemd to open in front and back, a white T-shirt underneath. He also was wearing black pants. He looked adorable and behaved very easygoing and seemed happy, joking around with his companions. We made the tour of the aquarium as it were, in the wake of Michael Jackson. But they always out to him and the people around him not to close the distance on the fur. The two men had, in fact their eyes everywhere and I am sure that there would be trouble if we had photographed.

The bag of ice cream was probably too much for Michael he gave when he licked the top of his companion, who probably something like a hairdresser had seemed to be, because he always demanded that they should bring him his hair in order. They also did this again and again. She pulled constantly around him. I thought that was so sweet!

After the tour you get automatically a space where you can buy souvenirs, and there was already a school class. Children from 11-12 years. Perhaps 20 in number, we could see almost immediately became nervous and hectic Michael. Not unfounded because the children were very quickly aware of the quartet in and it sounded from all corners MICHAEL JACKSON MICHAEL calls and over again.

One of the men who accompanied Michael said in German that it is not Michael Jackson was. But the body language of Michael told something completely different. He put the Plüschhai and little plush sea turtle in a bag and left the shop quickly.

I have been second to none even the slightest doubt that it is not that person is to Michael Jackson, so I've known these people as "Michael".

What do you think I do not know. But to me there was a need to describe to you our wonderful experiences. I think you enjoy it as well as us. For we, Michael Jackson, this impression he conveyed very clearly now a very beautiful and carefree life.

As we have learned is in hindsight in Bad Malente Kellersee on the good red sands, known from the TV movies "Immenhof. This large property has been sold, so the landlord told us our apartment was, until recently, for 2.5 million euros to a person from abroad who wanted to remain anonymous and unnamed.

You can now much speculation. We definitely know whether or not the Audi or the Range Rover drove to this property. People will think that there will be a quite outstanding double. For this reason, probably as Michael moves relatively freely in public without large panels etc.

No one will dare speak to him directly, because they all know and think that Michael Jackson is death. It came in all media and what is to come is well known, always believed;)

But real, long-Jackson supporters as my wife and I can never make fun of by a double and be it ever so well. We know that only He has that unique appeal, which is not to copy.

What do you guys think?
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: MJ seen in Germany, Bad Malente
April 11, 2010, 01:51:13 AM
:lol:  MJ auf dem REWE Parkplatz...super!!  :lol:  LMAO
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: MJ seen in Germany, Bad Malente
April 11, 2010, 02:02:29 AM
I don't think so...if this person had recognized him...everybody would have and I highly doubt that he can
go shopping at REWE or a pharmacy -accompanied with bodyguards- and no one notices it.

Even if there's a nobody who walks around with bodyguards....everybody is watching it....
and what a coincidence...the person who allegedly saw him has a cellphone with cam...but didn't take pics....

MJ living at the Immenhof...sure  :lol:
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: MJ seen in Germany, Bad Malente
April 11, 2010, 04:18:28 AM
wow look what I googled...
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Its an article from 2006 about MJ about to buy a place in holstein...

My german is not very good, even tho I am from Denmark. could anybody translate it.... this article makes the story about MJ in holstein much more reliable....

edit. here is the translation:

Michael Jackson said in to Ostholstein: New Neverland on Kellersee?
Malente - Will Michael Jackson Squire of Immenhof? What sounds like a PR stunt, there may be no. Yesterday, the pop star apparently wanted to visit the estate Roth sand.

"Michael Jackson is on the way to Schleswig-Holstein": first, it seemed like a premature April Fool's joke. But what transpired from police circles, confirmed yesterday afternoon actually. The self-styled King of Pop, who together with his children, Paris Michael Katherine (7) and Prince Michael Joseph Junior (8) since Friday a longtime friend in Hamburg visited, wanted to do in bright sunshine on a trip to Schleswig-Holstein. More specifically, it should go in a circle Ostholstein Roth sands. First, because the 47-year-old to be an avowed fan of the five still popular "Immenhof" films. Second, because Michael Jackson is a new home away from his sold for 35 million U.S. dollars Neverland Ranch is looking for and the farmhouse together with land, appropriately, just put on sale and was just advertised in national newspapers. The purchase price so far only rumors haunt the country, times of 3.5 to seven million euros, the speech, sometimes by up to 20 million euros. To include stud from men's and gatehouse also 200 hectares of agricultural land.

Supposedly, a visit to the Jacksons have been planned in Hansa Park. While the musician known as a fan of theme parks, had confirmed the rumor, however.

Instead an uproar in the police: At about 12:30 clock were informed the Situation Centre of Ministry of Interior in Kiel and the control center of the police in Lübeck and the police leadership in Eutin by the interior authorities in Hamburg on the celebrity visit. About A 1 should Jackson rolling together in the wake direction Malente. About 50 officers have been rung from the weekend to escort Jacko and shield. Previously there had been in Hamburg tumultuous incidents with fans and photographers before the private home of Jackson hosts Anton S. Niendorf.

But the pop star apparently changed his mind in the short term differently against 15 of the clock trip was canceled, called off the use of the police. Supposedly because the weather in the misty Ostholstein too bad and the entourage of paparazzi is too large.

"Pity," said Mario spice. The 36-year-old lives with his family in the gatehouse of good red sands. "If Michael Jackson had come, I would have cooked him a coffee. Klönschnack For though we would have needed a translator because my English is not too good," says the chairman of "Immenhof" fan clubs. A purchase of the property he would be welcomed: "The purchase price is for the superstar but a joke."
Bastian and Susanne Modrow Peyronnet, LN

Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: MJ seen in Germany, Bad Malente
April 11, 2010, 04:34:45 AM
I don't think it's true and the " Immenhof" was sold to another person...i have heard..

But Joe Jackson was last year a few times in germany....at the north see, in Oldenburg, Carolinensiel.
LaToya says that she comes to Carolinensiel too...

here is one article from September. Joe meat the Konsul of Kongo:
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Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: MJ seen in Germany, Bad Malente
April 11, 2010, 04:40:17 AM
Quote from: "ilprincipe"
I don't think so...if this person had recognized him...everybody would have and I highly doubt that he can
go shopping at REWE or a pharmacy -accompanied with bodyguards- and no one notices it.

Even if there's a nobody who walks around with bodyguards....everybody is watching it....
and what a coincidence...the person who allegedly saw him has a cellphone with cam...but didn't take pics....

MJ living at the Immenhof...sure  :lol:
I second that... Glaub ich auch nicht. Das könnte sich eigentlich jeder ausgedacht haben...
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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"You know, I´m serious, dude!" (Akon) LOL

Re: MJ seen in Germany, Bad Malente
April 11, 2010, 04:52:31 AM
Quote from: "Hopeless"
I don't think it's true and the " Immenhof" was sold to another person...i have heard..

But Joe Jackson was last year a few times in germany....at the north see, in Oldenburg, Carolinensiel.
LaToya says that she comes to Carolinensiel too...

here is one article from September. Joe meat the Konsul of Kongo:
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Well something stranges happen in july 2009. the place wich is actually called  Gut Rothensande.

In july 09 - the 8 I think, there was some kind of auction there and there around 100 guets... then suddenly the whole auction were cancelled, because the whole place was sold to an unnamed person  :shock:
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: MJ seen in Germany, Bad Malente
April 11, 2010, 08:46:49 AM
You cracked me up! :lol:
Does this Rewe also offer other delicacies?
Maybe it´s worth the 8 hour drive to buy my milk there next time...     :P
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: MJ seen in Germany, Bad Malente
April 11, 2010, 09:02:24 AM
Gut Rothensande was sold to : Franz Joseph Stolle.
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Not a Jackson.... :cry:

I don't think there are in germany....but if Michael rearly was there...nobody would believe , because he is "dead"....there are thinking....hehe, a double....and going on...

But Joe was a few times in north germany last year and nobody knows why....this meeting with the konsul....then a press conference in a castle, but he dosn't say more then a few words....an interview wtih the " Bild" and in a talk show...like Jermaine.
One time Joe goes in a school....much ppl are wondering why...

But the last months i not heard about more visits.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: MJ seen in Germany, Bad Malente
April 11, 2010, 09:03:17 AM
How many people do you think mistake impersonators for the real Michael?

Serious question btw.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Remember, It\'s all for L.O.V.E
It was the story of an uncommonly gentle man. Innocence is what he knew. Beauty is what he saw.
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  • Guest
Re: MJ seen in Germany, Bad Malente
April 11, 2010, 11:44:37 AM
Quote from: "NickJ47"
How many people do you think mistake impersonators for the real Michael?

Serious question btw.
Probably pretty many. The fact that some of the impersonators really look similar to him,
and with a bit wishful thinking (which I think is hard to avoid) I think probably most of the people
would think it was him. At least when he still was alive, now I think it's easier for people to just
draw the conclusion that it's an impersonator, because they are so sure he really is dead. But it goes
the other way around too, I think. I think that if he decided to walk the streets of LA today, he would probably get away with it as an impersonator, just because the majority out there is so damn sure he is dead, that they wouldn't question it. Just be amazed with how similar a look-a-like can be. If we then add the fact that no one believes that he would be so stupid to walk those streets if he was alive, then I think he most probably could get away with it. You expect him to be on Ireland, or in Bahrain or wherever, not really in LA.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: MJ seen in Germany, Bad Malente
April 11, 2010, 02:46:18 PM
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: MJ seen in Germany, Bad Malente
April 11, 2010, 03:16:28 PM
well i tryed to look into this and look what i found
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sorry it is german
and i cant seem to find the right words for translating :-/

here is the link for google maps
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Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: MJ seen in Germany, Bad Malente
April 11, 2010, 04:55:42 PM
You know he CAN be out when he wants now. I mean, people who see him would think he is an impersonator, and other people who would be sure it's Michael, and would talk abot it would only be seen as hoaxers, telling a fake story...

So what would happen if Michael was at my own door with pizzas and a horror movie DVD ? I guess I would let him in, and never tell anybody, because...

Would anyone believe me if I say I had a pizza party with Michael Jackson ? It was already unbelievable when he was alive  :lol:  I mean, he really can do it now. Noone would dare say they saw Michael Jackson.  :roll:
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Re: MJ seen in Germany, Bad Malente
April 11, 2010, 05:35:12 PM
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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