Illuminati Signs in 1791. Declaration of Human Rights

Started by Sabrina, April 10, 2010, 05:26:51 PM

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SabrinaTopic starter

I just found out  that on the Declaration of Human Rights made on 1791 after French Revolution there is the Illuminati Symbol. i am really shocked guys, this declaration made my country France and many others countries in the world, this declaration made by french did make Democracy in Europe and around the world
How long do they exist ? ... omme_2.jpg



Oh yeah I went to the Musée the other day and I saw that , I was shocked because I forgot how it looked like LMFAO i was like WTFFF

Sorry in french :  Fondée le 1er mai 1776

Je pense qu'ils sont a l'origine de la revolution française d'ailleur , enfin çe n'est juste  que mon opinion hein

edit : sur wikipedia    "De nombreux mythes et théories du complot ont prétendu que l'ordre survécut à son interdiction et qu'il serait responsable, entre autres, de la Révolution française, de complots contre l'Église catholique ainsi que de la constitution du Nouvel ordre mondial."

If they could love like you and me, imagine what the world could be.


Quote from: "Sabrina"

I just found out  that on the Declaration of Human Rights made on 1791 after French Revolution there is the Illuminati Symbol. i am really shocked guys, this declaration made my country France and many others countries in the world, this declaration made by french did make Democracy in Europe and around the world
How long do they exist ? ... omme_2.jpg

No, no. I believe this is the sign of Trinity. I know it looks a lot alike the one you see on the one dollar bill -but it has a different meaning though it's the same symbol. The Eye of Providence has many uses among others in the Old and New Testament as the Eye of God and Trinity.
It's easy to get confused with symbols as a lot have different uses and meaning in different cultures, religions or societies.  :) I believe on the French declaration it's a sign of God. It is not the Illuminati.

And you ask how long the Illuminati existed - J. Adam Weishaupt founded the society in 1776.
"Imagination is more important than knowledge" ~ Albert E.

SabrinaTopic starter

Quote from: "TinkerbellStardust"

Quote from: "Sabrina"

I just found out  that on the Declaration of Human Rights made on 1791 after French Revolution there is the Illuminati Symbol. i am really shocked guys, this declaration made my country France and many others countries in the world, this declaration made by french did make Democracy in Europe and around the world
How long do they exist ? ... omme_2.jpg

No, no. I believe this is the sign of Trinity. I know it looks a lot alike the one you see on the one dollar bill -but it has a different meaning though it's the same symbol. The Eye of Providence has many uses among others in the Old and New Testament as the Eye of God and Trinity.
It's easy to get confused with symbols as a lot have different uses and meaning in different cultures, religions or societies.  :) I believe on the French declaration it's a sign of God. It is not the Illuminati.

And you ask how long the Illuminati existed - J. Adam Weishaupt founded the society in 1776.

Sign of God ? I'm not  christians so what do mean the sign of Trinity ?
ROFL ah bon ???? In Wikipedia they talk about conspiracy
iam confused

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