"Illuminati self expose themselves to a certain extent. Tey believe sympolism gives them power. This is why buildings, movies, cartoons and games are full of masonic symbols".
First of all we need to read and understand that masonic and illuminaty ARE DIFFERENT ORGANIZATIONS, with different purposes, belief. The Illuminati is not a well-known organization. It is believed to be not only a secret organization, but subversive as well. The idea that Freemasonry has a connection to the Illuminati is pure myth[/u].
Read: http://www.masonicfax.net/illuminati.htm
"Our minds are more powerful than you think". Exactly. Why should I believe that Michael's mind was/is not more powerful? Why should I believe that Michael was killed but not just escaped from illuminaty where we have bunch of evidence that Michael is alive.
If someone whoever makes those kind of videos not well self educated to know that illuminaty and masonry is not the same in the first place, then the whole idea built on that wrong info equals to zero.
Here it is :
Freemasonry is connected to the Illuminati ???
The Illuminati is not a well-known organization. It is believed to be not only a secret organization, but subversive as well. As we will soon show you, the idea that Freemasonry has a connection to the Illuminati is pure myth.
The "Illuminati" was a name first coined in the Early Church. It signified those who submitted to Christian baptism. Those who were baptized were called "illuminati" or "illuminated ones" by the Ante-Nicene clergy. Those who were given instruction for baptism in the Christian faith had an enlightened understanding of the truth.
The founder of the Illuminati, was a Bavarian named Adam Weishaupt. He originated his organization in 1775 (about three centuries after the first known documents about Freemasonry were discovered.) As early as the late 18th century the Illuminati were being accused of conspiracy against world governments. A professor of Philosophy in Edinburgh, Scotland made these accusations against the Illuminati:
"Their first and immediate aim is to get the possession of riches, power, and
influence, without industry; and, to accomplish this, they want to abolish
Christianity; and then dissolute manners and universal profligacy will procure
them the adherents of all the wicked, and enable them to overturn all the civil
governments of Europe; after which they will think of farther conquests, and
extend their operations to the other quarters of the globe, till they have
reduced mankind to the state of one indistinguishable chaotic mass." (www.Masonicinfo.com)
The Enlightenment was being largely to blame for the American and French Revolutions and was definitely a threat to the Catholic Church because it was desperately trying to hold onto its power in Europe. Both Freemasonry and the Illuminati were promoting newfound freedoms that made the Church very nervous.
The present day Illuminati organization is seen as being an instrument of the devil and man men who are bent on a one-world government. Melvin Sickler's web site posted the following:
The Illuminati are elite men, those on the top, who control the International Bankers to control, for evil purposes, the entire world.
Their agentur (not found in the dictionary) are bred, educated, and trained to be placed behind the scenes at all levels of government. As experts and advisers, they mould government policy so as to further the secret plans of their masters. They lure people away from God by offering them money, the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Those who direct the Illuminati are against Christ and for Satan. They always remain in the dark, unidentified, and generally
unsuspected. They use all peoples to serve their diabolical purposes. They divide to conquer, supplying arms and money to both sides,
instigating people to fight and kill each other, in order to be able to achieve their objectives. They foster the terrorism of atomic warfare and
deliberately cause world famine. Their primary goal is to form a one-world government to have complete control of the entire world, destroying all religions and governments in the process."
The Illuminati is seen by many who believe in a conspiracy theory, to have been the instrument of every war that has been fought in last 200 years. Some writers have said that the killing of J.F.K. was a plot instigated by the Illuminati. One writer claimed that Microsoft is must another tool of the Illuminati.
Although the Illuminati order was independent in the beginning, it was grafted, at selected points, onto Freemasonry, like a fungus. Then on July 16, 1782, at the Congress of Wilhelnsbad, Germany, the order was given the reign of control over Freemasonry on a worldwide scale. (The End Days Web site)
Listed below are some of the goals of the Illuminati according to the conspiracist. All of these goals are in direct opposition to the goals of Masonry.
The Illuminati follow 7 main goals:
1.Abolition of all national governments.
2.Abolition of all religions except Satanism.
3.Abolition of the family.
4.Abolition of private property.
5.Abolition of inheritance by high inheritance taxes.
6.Abolition of patriotism.
7.Creation of the world government under the United Nations controlled by the Illuminati. (The End Days web site)
The conspiracy theorist believe that in the final phases of the conspiracy there will be a dictator who will lead the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, all the Communist, and a group of millionaires and billionaires who have thrown in their lot with the conspiracy. Everyone else is going to be a part of a slave society.
What about the connection to Freemasonry?
Weishaupt was initiated into the Lodge Theodore of Good Council (in Munich) in 1777, which was a year after the Illuminati was formed. While part of the Masonic organization for a very brief time, he had very little influence on it.
The celebrated anti-Mason, John Robison wrote the following:
"In the (London) Monthly Magazine for January 1798 there appeared a letter from Bottiger, Provost of the College of Weimar, in reply to Robison's work, charging that writer with making false statements, and declaring that since 1790 'every concern [sic] of the Illuminati has ceased.' Böttiger also offered to supply any person in Great Britain, alarmed at the erroneous statements contained in the book above mentioned, with correct information."
In 1875, Weishaupt lost his professorship and was banished from his country. He reportedly moved to Gotha where he died in 1811. The Illuminati, for all practical purposes was dead and gone. Any connection that every existed with Freemasonry, which was almost zero, ceased to exist. It only exists in rumors and conspiracy theories.