Uri Geller about a breaking news event. Michael? MUST WATCH

Started by katy (MJFAN7), April 05, 2010, 01:26:11 AM

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katy (MJFAN7)Topic starter


sorry if this has been postd, i searched everywhere in New posts, etc.  :oops:

He stresses it an awful lot!! Could it be Michael?!  :o  :?

أملي هو فيكم.


Yes, it could be Michael. o.o

Eva R

I don't think Michael will come. He always talks like that so people will watch his show next week. And it will be breaking news, but All the people in the Netherlands know that person? You would think if its breaking news, all the people in the world would know that person.
Probably someone is coming like Patricia Paay!! hahah (for the dutch people ;))

Love is animals
Love is the answer
Love is respect
Love is Michael
Love is my message!!

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