Michael said goodbye

Started by tinker_bell, December 05, 2009, 09:36:50 PM

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tinker_bellTopic starter

December 05, 2009, 09:36:50 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

So it is my turn to join those who think Michael is not coming back. As much as it is painful to think that we lost him or better say - lost a sight of him, I find strength and hope in thinking he's free now. Free from the pressure and spotlight, free from idolizing love and irrational hatred, free from being haunted everywhere he goes, free from being larger than life and free to finally have a life. He gave all he could give, he was performing for over 40 years of his life, for most of his life he was the undisputed King of Pop, legend and superstar, he reached the heights no one ever reached before and he paid an enormous price for that. I truly believe he enjoyed this life as much as he could, doing what he loved most: creating, perfectionizing, helping other people, giving them hope, sense of awakening, taking them to the land of dreams and magic and speaking to their hearts. He really had it all... and he really made the world a better place.

I think the answer was in front of us all along, given by Michael himself. He said goodbye in March, I really think so now...

"I love you so much. Thank you all. This is it. I just want to say these, these will be my final show performances in London. This is it, this is it and when I say "this is it" it really means this is it because erm...I'll be, I'll be performing the songs my fans want to hear. This is it, I mean, this is, this is the final curtain call okay? And, erm...I'll see you in July and ... I love you. I really do. You have to know that, I love you so much, really, from the bottom of my heart".

And it explains so many things... The movie made 'for the fans' instead of R.I.P., Michael's messages throughout the movie (heal the planet, it's all for L.O.V.E. – the movie was made out of love as a final gift), TMZ knowing significantly before what was going on back on June 25, family and kids acting too calm (they obviously know Michael is alive and it was his decision to leave).

And he really thought of everyone: his family and children would be financially safe (as they come first), and his fans, ho come second, would hear the songs they wanted to hear and see him performing again, and not just some thousands of lucky ones who could go to the London shows, but millions of people around the world.

That is really the Final curtain for the King of Pop, who he is no more (he still is for the world though). 50 years... is a significant date and an appropriate time to start a new life. We probably would never know what his life would be like from now on... unless he changes his mind one day!

And this particular  hoax... in Dave Dave's words  - is just a hoax, a necessary technical means to realize and formalize the plan. People may have different opinions on that. Some would find it 'unnecessary' (like Kenny Ortega), to some it would come as a 'surprise' (like to Michael's brothers) and some may just refer to it as a 'sad occasion' (as Lionel Ritchie). But after all it was HIS decision, and he always did what he wanted. As for us... it's an adventure, a great adventure, isn't it? :)


~A serious face is not yet an indication of intellect. All stupid things in the world are done with that exact expression. Smile, gentlemen, smile!~  


December 05, 2009, 09:49:41 PM #1 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I'm sorry, I just hate reading these. Things you (ALL) say on these 2 topics, I feel alot of times, but there is way too much going on with this to come to any conclusions yet for me. I just cant see Michael WALKING AWAY form the thing he has done for 45 years. His heart was ALL his children and music. To just slip away and never do anything with music again just does not make sense to me. And the biggest for me...I cannot see him wanting to raise his children from behind a curtain and making themfake his death for the rest of their lives. My honest opinion is , if he does not come back, then he is really in Gods arms.


December 05, 2009, 10:00:37 PM #2 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

That was very hard to read, although a big part of me feels the same way.  Like he said "what more can I give"  His gifts to this world will never be duplicated, and if Michael was the man I believed him to be, I'm sure in his own private way, will always be there, even if its not in front of us.  Its funny, before 6/25 I didn't consider myself a fan, and really still don't, but something strange happened to me on that date.  I wanted to know this man.  Read about his life, how he felt about things, his music, his video's, etc.  To this day, I still don't know why.  What I do know now is that I would have been honored to know him.


December 05, 2009, 10:10:32 PM #3 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I respect your thoughts.
BUT o2 was staged, so was the rehearsals, to many coincidences eventually become non coincidences and actually mean something, the dave dave being michael(he was) and all the millions of clues leads me to believe he will reveal all of this, the best is yet to come.

Or else i wouldnt even be here.

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If he\'s not alive then we are all dead!


December 05, 2009, 10:43:58 PM #4 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I hate reading these, too, hope. But here's my thoughts on posts like these: You can analyze and try to explain what you think Michael would do until your eyes and ears bleed. But if you didn't know the man personally, you have no idea whatsoever what he would do.

Every stranger's opinion about his actual or hypothetical actions are just speculation, and speculation will get you nowhere when it comes to trying to figure out a complicated person like Michael, who had an even more complicated life. The facts and reality are what matter most. Unfortunately, we believers don't have access to the facts we need, and probably never will.

I don't know if Michael is coming back or not, and I'm not going to spend any time trying to predict whether or not he's coming back. However, I truly hope he does because I don't believe he's dead and I also think life will eventually be much better for him if he returns (really, I do).

But if he doesn't return, that won't necessarily change my opinion about him still being with us. Of course, if I had known him personally before June 25, I might be singing an entirely different tune. But I didn't. So, all I can do is wait, see what happens, and keep my fingers crossed that we see him again someday when the world is prepared to be kinder to him. And I do still think that's a possibility.


December 05, 2009, 10:57:08 PM #5 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

The world treated him so badly, why would he want that again at the age of 51?  Even the interview with Dr. Klein he said the last time Michael was there, he went around and said "goodbye" to everyone in the office, which he had never done before.  I think Michael has had enough of the lime-light.  God only knows he doesn't need the money or the torture they put him through.  I am older also, and I think you reach a point where other things are much more important.  I think Michael has reached that point.

tinker_bellTopic starter

December 05, 2009, 10:58:19 PM #6 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I'm very sorry for a disappointing topic... I'm just trying to find a closure and until i really see a poof of him being dead, I will always believe he's still on this Earth. But when i look at things alltogether now I  start to think most of them signal 'no comeback'... Too many projects launched for the near few years (tributes, live shows, Thriller world tour etc.), those would make no sense if Michael returns.

God knows i wish with all my heart he returns, but like so many already mentioned, that would mean hell breaking loose fo him, his children, his family and friends.

Neither do I want to make hollow predictions, I'm just trying to find a peace of mind... In the last few  months I can't  sleep, I can't think of anything else but this and it's devastating. I cannot even cry anymore and, oh boy, i really want to sometimes. I don't regret anything though, I indeed got to know a man i never knew before - beautiful and unique. And that will stay with me forever. But I'm just horrified to be forever stuck in 'Dead or alive?' rollercoaster  :cry:


OMG, your avatar scared the cra* out of me!  :o

~A serious face is not yet an indication of intellect. All stupid things in the world are done with that exact expression. Smile, gentlemen, smile!~  


December 05, 2009, 11:04:32 PM #7 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "tinker_bell"

I'm very sorry for a disappointing topic...

badkolo: OMG, your avatar scared the cra* out of me!  :o

tinker_bell, your post is in no way disappointing. Saddening, yes, but not disappointing. You have every right to express your feelings, and I apologize if I said anything that made you feel you shouldn't.

My point is that if you didn't know Michael personally, you can't possibly know for certain what he would do. Therefore, speculating about a comeback is probably not the best use of your time. But if you believe he won't return, then that's what you believe, and nobody can prove that you're wrong because it's how *you* feel.

And I agree about badkolo's avatar. Freaks me out every single time. But it is quite distinctive.

Jade Jackson

December 05, 2009, 11:13:34 PM #8 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Lorrie"

I hate reading these, too, hope. But here's my thoughts on posts like these: You can analyze and try to explain what you think Michael would do until your eyes and ears bleed. But if you didn't know the man personally, you have no idea whatsoever what he would do.

Every stranger's opinion about his actual or hypothetical actions are just speculation, and speculation will get you nowhere when it comes to trying to figure out a complicated person like Michael, who had an even more complicated life. The facts and reality are what matter most. Unfortunately, we believers don't have access to the facts we need, and probably never will.

I don't know if Michael is coming back or not, and I'm not going to spend any time trying to predict whether or not he's coming back. However, I truly hope he does because I don't believe he's dead and I also think life will eventually be much better for him if he returns (really, I do).

But if he doesn't return, that won't necessarily change my opinion about him still being with us. Of course, if I had known him personally before June 25, I might be singing an entirely different tune. But I didn't. So, all I can do is wait, see what happens, and keep my fingers crossed that we see him again someday when the world is prepared to be kinder to him. And I do still think that's a possibility.

Thank you so much for writing this, because you put my own thoughts into words.  I just want to take your post, copy it, and paste it to my monitor.  I really and truly feel for people who think it is time to let go, and who think that Michael is either dead or he will never return.  I can feel their pain.  I would go there too, but it doesn't feel right, for me.  I feel so good about everything, really everything, after seeing the movie.  I do think the world is already prepared to be kinder to him, and I do think life will be much better for him if he does return.  Like you, I am keeping my fingers crossed that we see him again some day.  I don't believe Michael said goodbye.  I don't know exactly what he was getting at at the O2 announcement, but I hope I find out.

tinker_bellTopic starter

December 05, 2009, 11:18:45 PM #9 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Lorrie"

My point is that if you didn't know Michael personally, you can't possibly know for certain what he would do. Therefore, speculating about a comeback is probably not the best use of your time. But if you believe he won't return, then that's what you believe, and nobody can prove that you're wrong because it's how *you* feel.

Absolutely agree, but sadly enough whenever we try to explain the reason for the hoax it would all come down to speculation. Maybe it's more productive to focuse on raw facts and inconsistencies, but at the moment it feels like we're going in circles with nothing new to bust us forward. That is why everyday i keep re-reading those facts to support my belief.

I never had a chance to meet him either, all i have is his music, his words and my own heart to love him as hard as i can. It's not enough to understand him, but it's all i got. And it is my heart that tells me he's alive louder than any clue.

~A serious face is not yet an indication of intellect. All stupid things in the world are done with that exact expression. Smile, gentlemen, smile!~  


December 05, 2009, 11:23:30 PM #10 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I am sorta feeling the same way. But one part of me says I don't feel that MJ would do this to his fans. I mean he had millions of fans all over the world. But on the other hand,,,when you have spent your entire life in the spotlight being scrutinized for every little bit of thing you do.. well..... maybe he did hoax his death. To me.. there are just too many inconsistencies surrounding his death. I hate when relatives tell me yeah yeah... just like tupak and elvis!!! I hate that!!!! Because there were not nearly as many inconsistencies with those entertainers as we have with MJ u know? Please! I just wish I knew the truth of MJ. I believe that is what keeps us going . I believe a lot of us on this website have made up our minds on weather MJ is dead or alive . But for me truly I need closure. I am not worried about a comeback. I just wish MJ would give his fans a DEFINITE sign that he is still present u know? We are not expecting him to come back and perform. If I knew (without a shadow of a doubt) that he was alive. I believe I would be more at peace. Forgive me for saying what I am about to say but.......DOes MJ understand how much we are hurting? Does he care how much we are hurting? Not sleeping? Not eating? (and I totally understand why he did it) But I wonder does he ever think u know maybe I need to come out of this or at least give my fans across the globe a sign that I am fine and wanting to enjoy the remainder of my life in peace? IDK just frustrated because I know I will never get over this. NEVER. :cry:  :cry:  :cry:


December 05, 2009, 11:24:46 PM #11 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "lynnandsofee"

The world treated him so badly, why would he want that again at the age of 51? ... I think Michael has had enough of the lime-light.  God only knows he doesn't need the money or the torture they put him through. I am older also, and I think you reach a point where other things are much more important.

There's a good chance that I'm at least as old as you, although I'll never say. :D

Your comment relates to what I was talking about re: the world treating Michael better if/when he returns. With each passing day, more and more people are coming to realize how much he was wronged, how kind and talented he was, and why he did certain things the way he did.

There will always be haters no matter what, even if Michael had never had vitiligo or suffered from the bogus child-molestation allegations or been perceived as "eccentric" (I personally think he's just a very unique person who marches to the beat of his own drummer, like many other creative types, including myself).

However, if Michael's death was faked for a good reason that was out of his control, I think his substantially larger army of supporters will help make the situation less difficult if he returns. And who can say that returning means he'll be back in the limelight?

Maybe the media and fans will eventually leave him (more or less) alone after this ordeal, depending on the circumstances of June 25. Or he could always leave the United States, just like he did before, and live a relatively quiet life in a place that gives him his space, such as Ireland, which he reportedly loves. I'll continue to hope for a positive outcome like one of these scenarios, where Michael can live freely, openly, happily, and with the respect he deserves.


December 05, 2009, 11:32:44 PM #12 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "Jade Jackson"

Thank you so much for writing this, because you put my own thoughts into words.  I just want to take your post, copy it, and paste it to my monitor.  I really and truly feel for people who think it is time to let go, and who think that Michael is either dead or he will never return.  I can feel their pain.  I would go there too, but it doesn't feel right, for me.  I feel so good about everything, really everything, after seeing the movie.  I do think the world is already prepared to be kinder to him, and I do think life will be much better for him if he does return.  Like you, I am keeping my fingers crossed that we see him again some day.  I don't believe Michael said goodbye.  I don't know exactly what he was getting at at the O2 announcement, but I hope I find out.

You are quite welcome, Jade, and thank you for your comment. It makes me really happy to learn someone else shares my belief that life could be much better for Michael and his children if he 's still alive (which I believe, of course) and returns.

All we hear is people insisting how awful it would be if he came back, and I really, truly don't view it that way. I see the nastiness and negativity towards Michael steadily decreasing in many places, while the support and love and number of fans just keeps growing and growing. It's been an amazing and very moving thing to witness, and I hope Michael is somewhere witnessing and enjoying it, too.


December 05, 2009, 11:39:36 PM #13 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "tinker_bell"

Absolutely agree, but sadly enough whenever we try to explain the reason for the hoax it would all come down to speculation. Maybe it's more productive to focuse on raw facts and inconsistencies, but at the moment it feels like we're going in circles with nothing new to bust us forward. That is why everyday i keep re-reading those facts to support my belief.

I never had a chance to meet him either, all i have is his music, his words and my own heart to love him as hard as i can. It's not enough to understand him, but it's all i got. And it is my heart that tells me he's alive louder than any clue.

And that's why I don't try to explain the hoax anymore. Based on the few facts we do have, I've formed my own belief that Michael's death was faked because his life was in serious and immediate danger. Other than that, I don't try to determine the who, what, where, why, and how.

We'll know when those details are revealed, if ever, and in the meantime, I won't waste any effort going in circles about something I don't have sufficient resources to figure out. I hope you at least hold on to your belief that Michael is alive, even if you are convinced he won't return. As I've said, it's your right to believe that if that's how you really feel. Things may be different tomorrow too.


December 05, 2009, 11:47:13 PM #14 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "mjboogie"

To me.. there are just too many inconsistencies surrounding his death. I hate when relatives tell me yeah yeah... just like tupak and elvis!!! I hate that!!!! Because there were not nearly as many inconsistencies with those entertainers as we have with MJ u know? Please! I just wish I knew the truth of MJ. I believe that is what keeps us going . I believe a lot of us on this website have made up our minds on weather MJ is dead or alive . But for me truly I need closure. I am not worried about a comeback. I just wish MJ would give his fans a DEFINITE sign that he is still present u know? We are not expecting him to come back and perform. If I knew (without a shadow of a doubt) that he was alive. I believe I would be more at peace. Forgive me for saying what I am about to say but.......DOes MJ understand how much we are hurting?

I agree with everything you've said, and if he's alive, I do believe Michael realizes how much his fans and supporters are hurting. That's one reason why I would never discount the possibility that he may return if he's still alive.

The time would have to be right, though. If his death was faked to prevent imminent danger, sorting out that situation comes first, and it would obviously take a lot of time because of the agencies and serious issues involved. All we can do is be patient and, if it floats your boat, investigate the hoax.

Now I'm done taking over tinker_bell's post. Apologies for intruding, tinker_bell, but this is a great thread. Thanks to everyone for sharing your thoughts.

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