Ah, spring. I don't have any allergies, so they don't bother me ...
But spring means it's almost summer, and almost summer means summer job for me. And summer job means LOTS of tree saplings, and planting and rooting out and and ... Sigh. I know it's good and important job we do, you know, making one tree five trees and stuff, but it's so tiring. And it kills my back ... And my legs ... And I'm so pale and I don't want to burn I need to use this big, black hoody for 8 hours under the sun. And if it's raining everything is wet and cold.
Our family owns this sapling... um, place, don't know what it is in English. That's why I need to go there every summer and no-one else wants to go there, because it's pain. xD So I'll be alone this year, too. Well, I don't mind, alone is good. Michael will be with me when I listen to my iPod. : D
I love countryside, but I hate countryside. Um. That didn't make sense.