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Quote from: "flory24"Where is Michael?[/size][/color]He's here with me, but shhhhh, it's a secret.
Where is Michael?
I have made a start on a questions list about the hoax......the answers are NOT the issue , so much as to show that there are many questions that we need answers to.PLEASE ADD YOU OWN QUESTIONS and lets see just how many we end up with.....here mine.......1.were there cctv images of micheal arriving at UCLA ?2.WHY have the jackson family NOT said STOP SAYING ITS A HOAX to us.?3.WHY was there a circus on the day of the memorial?4.WHERE was the circus held?5.did any one go to the circus.?6.HOW does martin bashir sleep at night.?7.Is it usual to have an open air funeral that does not start until dark.?8.WHY was the house at carolwood drive emptied so quickly.?9.WHERE are the contents of the house.?10.HAS micheal got a KFC nearby where he is right now.?11.with all the information the public have been given,can the jury remain impartial.?
Reportedly Murray couldn't call 911 right away because there wasn't a land line. So why in the Coroner's Report was it noted that there was a large land line phone next to MJ's "death" bed? Was it not working or something?What were Murray's assistants (LaQuisha and LaQuanda) moving out of his Houston storage locker hours before the "death"? And how is it that the security tapes were missing there AND at Carolwood?Whose limo did Twiggy see going into Carolwood on Sept. 19th? Why was Ben Evanstad there and why did he hurriedly leave when he saw Twiggy (MJHOAXALIVE)?[/b]
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