Janet Jackson on Tyler Perry's talk show

Started by AvaMarie, March 24, 2010, 10:11:43 PM

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AvaMarieTopic starter

March 24, 2010, 10:11:43 PM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

First I didn't know Tyler Perry had a talk show. But anywho Janet Jackson was on and they were talking about Why did I get married too. And Tyler mentioned how she got inspiration from Michael's death when she was doing some fight scene. And Janet said this time that she was in New York leaving on her way to Atlanta. But my question is didn't she tell Robin Robert's she didn't leave New York until the next day when she found out? Are Am I remembering wrong?


March 24, 2010, 10:54:58 PM #1 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

The first and original report from Janet was that she was working on the set of Why Did I Get Married 2 when she received the news and Tyler Perry backed that up by stating how the atmosphere on the set changed as soon as the news came in. Then when she interviewed with Robin she said that she was in New York and got the call that morning. Michael's death was reportedly at 2:26 p.m. in California and East Coast time (NY or GA) would have been 5:26 p.m. I also remember this time very well because I had literally just walked in the door from work and that was the first thing I heard on my TV (my husband was watching the local Fox News here). Now she is saying that she was in NY and on her way to Atlanta. I swear I wish someone could tell a story of what happened that day that didn't contradict with their previous story.

I, as a fan, can remember exactly where I was and what I was wearing that day. I'm sure many of you can recall information for yourselves that doesn't change as to where and what you were doing when you heard the news. So now I must ask, if we, as fans, can recall this information so vividly why can't Michael's family? You know I have always been taught that the trouble with lying is that you always get caught because somehow you will never be able to tell the same story twice and you will begin to contradict yourself and have to back-peddle to cover up mistakes you have made.  Am I the only one that thinks that this seems to be happening a lot to those involved in this particular story?

I close my eyes just to try and see you smile one more time
Its been so long now all I do is cry
Cant we find some love to take this away
Cause the pain gets stronger every day
Cant you see I dont wanna walk away


March 24, 2010, 11:11:18 PM #2 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "kdkennedy74"

The first and original report from Janet was that she was working on the set of Why Did I Get Married 2 when she received the news and Tyler Perry backed that up by stating how the atmosphere on the set changed as soon as the news came in. Then when she interviewed with Robin she said that she was in New York and got the call that morning. Michael's death was reportedly at 2:26 p.m. in California and East Coast time (NY or GA) would have been 5:26 p.m. I also remember this time very well because I had literally just walked in the door from work and that was the first thing I heard on my TV (my husband was watching the local Fox News here). Now she is saying that she was in NY and on her way to Atlanta. I swear I wish someone could tell a story of what happened that day that didn't contradict with their previous story.

I, as a fan, can remember exactly where I was and what I was wearing that day. I'm sure many of you can recall information for yourselves that doesn't change as to where and what you were doing when you heard the news. So now I must ask, if we, as fans, can recall this information so vividly why can't Michael's family? You know I have always been taught that the trouble with lying is that you always get caught because somehow you will never be able to tell the same story twice and you will begin to contradict yourself and have to back-peddle to cover up mistakes you have made.  Am I the only one that thinks that this seems to be happening a lot to those involved in this particular story?

The family's reaction and multiple accounts of where they were is what keeps me believing that Michael is alive and I sure hope it's true. That isn't happening much if you're a fan :)  Every fan who knows where they were, what they were doing, and how they felt stand up and be counted! (I'm standing up).
I'm proud to be a child of God and a member of MJ's Army of L.O.V.E.
"Press coverage of my life is like [watching] a fictitious movie...like watching science fiction. It's not true." ~Michael Jackson (2005)

"You should not believe everything you read. You are missing the most important revelations". Craig Harvey 3-15-2012

AvaMarieTopic starter

March 24, 2010, 11:26:45 PM #3 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I doesn't make any sense why she can't get her story straight about where she was. First she was on the set, then she was in New York, now she was in New York on her way to Atlanta. I remember listening to the Steve Harvey Morning show when Tyler Perry was on the and they asked him was Janet on the set when she found out and he said yes. Now he said when he heard the news he called her when she was on her way to the set. Wth


March 25, 2010, 12:13:18 AM #4 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Voice for the silent

I'm with you standing up tall & proud..... I can remember exactly where I was when I heard the news of Michael's "passing".  I was at the county fair and they actually made a PA announcing the news.Can you believe that?


March 25, 2010, 01:50:12 AM #5 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "AvaMarie"

I doesn't make any sense why she can't get her story straight about where she was. First she was on the set, then she was in New York, now she was in New York on her way to Atlanta. I remember listening to the Steve Harvey Morning show when Tyler Perry was on the and they asked him was Janet on the set when she found out and he said yes. Now he said when he heard the news he called her when she was on her way to the set. Wth

Yeah that is kinda weird.  If she was on the set wouldn't Tyler be there too since he is the director?  So why would he have to call her.  Couldn't he have just spoke to her in person?  Maybe she left the set immediately before he had a chance to talk to her.  Who knows?  But on the interview with Steve Harvey Tyler says that she was on the way to the set.  Either she was on her way or she was already there. It can't be both that's for sure.  The stories contradict. I know he said on his talk show tonight that they were filming a scene in the NY airport and there were a lot of extras and he knew something happened because the whole vibe of the set changed.  He said it was like everything was in slow motion something like that.

Game Player

March 25, 2010, 06:36:48 AM #6 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Oh Jan, I'd say get your story straight but I think it's your job to not.

There\'s a man, who plays the game of life so well...


March 25, 2010, 08:28:09 AM #7 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I remember exactly where I was!! I was preparing to sing the NATIONAL ANTHEM at an event in our city...I pretty much had a mental breakdown when I heard the news, and didn't think I was going to be able to pull it together enough to sing. But I literally asked myself what Michael would do in that situation...and my heart told me he would STAND UP and put his emotion into his performance. So that's what I did. That was the last time I sang our national anthem, and I did not sing it for our country, I sang it for Michael!

And that was before I knew about the hoax and everthing he is trying to expose about the media and government. Kind of ironic!

But yes I agree.. there's no way Janet doesn't remember where she was. Either every family member has a serious case of memory loss or they have trouble keeping their made up stories straight  :D

What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare. It isn't. It's the beginning.


March 25, 2010, 08:54:30 AM #8 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

The most eerie fact about it is that I felt painfully anxious and paranoid an evening before I got the news. And with the time zone differences, the anxiety took place right at the same time MJ was taken to the hospital. THIS is the only thing that makes me keep coming to the fact that MAYBE Michael is really gone.

I remember everything exactly. It was a beautiful morning, I felt very optimistic and happy. I turned on my computer and went to the news sections, which read: "Grief: Michael Jackson was found dead!" I thought it was a joke! I completely ignored it. I went to a forum I go to and everyone was talking about Jackson's death. I was like: this is real? I went back to read the news and there was like ten articles about him. My heart was so heavy, I couldn't even tell the news to my sister, because I didn't want to cry in front of her. Then she switched on the TV (not a news channel) and there was a music video of MJs in which I saw my chance. I shouted to my sister: "He's dead!" She understood what I meant and was like: "really?" God, that was horrible. Then I saw the VH1 tribute: various clips about Michael Jackson's music videos and then white text on black background: We will never forget you." I ran to the balcony and just burst out crying.

"No one should judge what I\'ve done with my life. Not unless they\'ve been in my shoes every horrible day and every sleepless night." ~ Michael J. (1995)


March 25, 2010, 09:42:26 AM #9 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Unfortunately, The Jacksons were taught to lie at a very young age. Remember when Mike was corrected about his age not being 10 but 8 and he went with it? And Janet is also no exception; countless times the family members each have lied on camera. Therefore, this does not surprise me in the least. You can tell when Janet and Mike lie though by there body language, all wide smiles and shift in the eye.

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