
Have you guys read this article updated - forgot the link?

Started by hesouttamylife, March 17, 2010, 04:27:32 PM

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hesouttamylifeTopic starter

"Don't stop this child, He's the father of man
Don't cross his way, He's part of the plan
I am that child, but so are you
You've just forgotten, Just lost the clue."

MJ "Magical Child"
Still Rocking my World...
   and leaving me Speechless!

"True goodbyes are the ones never said

hesouttamylifeTopic starter

I get angrier and angrier the more I read this.  I'm going to have to be pro-active here and e-mail this SOB a little piece of my Whacko Jacko mind :evil:   I am boiling :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

"Don't stop this child, He's the father of man
Don't cross his way, He's part of the plan
I am that child, but so are you
You've just forgotten, Just lost the clue."

MJ "Magical Child"
Still Rocking my World...
   and leaving me Speechless!

"True goodbyes are the ones never said

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