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The owner of the agency had someone in the hotel section of the Mirage Casino, that would call whenever Mr. Jackson would leave the hotel at night, this type of thing is a standard operation. [no big deal] The agency would often have a person waiting near a known exit, just sitting in their car. [we used radios, not cell phones] I put in many hours doing just that, when I was an apprentice. [but not in 1993, I had moved beyond this work]....this will come out, a Jackson family representative has replied, in an email sent to me, that they know most of this already.....The only reason it is not, "out yet", is because it says too much about Michael Jackson being gay, but His gay life style [or bi?] will be part of the murder investigation being carried out by the family.....Don't believe me?...OK, just wait and see.
Yes that is possible....He would use the VIP elavator...but it still is possible...but why would He do that?....but I see your point.
Sorry I didn't know that names were not to be used on this forum....I use my real name most of the time..... like all people in film production, I can't hide that easy.....I did see the English Michael Jackson Nevi, I think that is the name, and he said he was a decoy for Mr. Jackson, many times....This must be part of this sites topics.
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