
2000 Watts

Started by Mj5StarChick, March 10, 2010, 07:20:31 AM

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I wanted to know if ANYONE understands the meaning of the lyrics for this song :?
I mean it could have a simple meaning but then again idk so here ae the lyrics and if u come up with anything please let me know :D

2000 Watts Lyrics:

Bass note, treble, stereo
control, how low you go
Just enough to make your juices flow
Press play, don't stop, voltage, too hot
You feel I'm real
I'm everything you need, so
tell me what's the deal
2000 Watts, 8 ohms, 200 volts, real strong
Too much of that, fuse blown
Be careful what you say don't overload
2000 Watts, 8 ohms, 200 volts, real strong
Too much of that, fuse blown
Be careful what you say don't overload
3D, high speed, feedback, Dolby
Release two or three, when I reach I
can go 'til I hit my peak
Compact steelo, chico, D-Lo, highpost lady
Shorty really wanna be there for me
 [Ad Libs]
 [Chorus out]



July 01, 2010, 07:38:29 PM #45 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "MJFAN7"

I've always been torn between this song being about sex , or MK ULTRA.. :?

what is MK ultra???


July 01, 2010, 07:50:02 PM #46 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I never knew what the song was about I thought it was about music and film just goes to show I didn't stop and think and listen


July 01, 2010, 08:00:05 PM #47 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "DancingTheDream"

Quote from: "MJFAN7"

I've always been torn between this song being about sex , or MK ULTRA.. :?

what is MK ultra???


Australian MJ BeLIEver

i know this is an old topic, but i wanted to post as this is a special topic for me personally. as a (once) naive MJ fan, it was my search for the meaning of these lyrics that started my interest in discovering illuminati and gov conspiracy and brain washing... although i am new believer to DH and need to catch up, a few years ago it was learning what thes lyrics were about that instigated my desire to want to learn and be aware about the truth of governments / illuminati and their evil devices. now i am learning the ins and outs of DH - so many song lyrics of mj's that i have always questioned but never understood are coming together.

the scary thing is its not mj, britney, gaga, and others that are just affected. if they are affected and they are infecting our radios, tvs and net with their messages - we are all affected... we absorb it. not only do we absorb it but we are hooked on it. we are all slaves to the evil forces, not just the mediums that they use (the icons of pop culture)

so eye opening. and scary. but we have the power to not be sedate, metaphorical intravenous consumers.

i am so grateful to be learning and discovering DH. it is putting other pieces together about other things i am questioning, outside of MJ. not only am i getting my mj answers, but i am really starting a personal awakening.

People laugh when I explain. And though they may laugh, that doesn't change the fact that it's still the truth.

Michael is Alive
The end of evil is nigh
Trust in God
The righteous will prevail


MJ5StarChic, this is what I was trying to say the other day on a different forum. I dont like it when we bicker and argue, it is boring and wrong on here. Yes of course we are going to have different opinions, but thats just what they are, opinions. Lets keep the faith and the love on here people bearhug


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