Latoya confirms Prince has Vitiligo like his dad

Started by Chance, December 11, 2009, 09:46:18 PM

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Michael Jackson's eldest son Prince Michael has inherited his father's rare skin condition, according to the King Of Pop's sister La Toya.
The late Thriller icon suffered with vitiligo, a condition which causes depigmentation in patches of skin - making the pop star change colour.
And La Toya Jackson reveals the singer passed the disorder down to his 12-year-old son.
She says, "Vitiligo is on my father's side and Prince has it, too - on his arms and chest."



December 16, 2009, 07:40:09 PM #15 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

:o why are we doing this again it is mjs son so why should we worry if he has vitiligo or not ,i dont care if anyone agrees with me or not but i think the children should be left alone like kindof reminds me of a tabloid sorry if i offened anyone but that is how i feel


December 16, 2009, 08:00:31 PM #16 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

If it is true that Prince truly has vitiligo it will only be a matter of time before the world sees it with their own eyes----the disorder is obvious and very difficult to conceal.

Michael Supporter
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~Mahatma Gandhi


December 16, 2009, 08:19:16 PM #17 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

The poster of this thread meant no harm as I am tiredly saying again. I was hurt by the tabloid remarks. Michael spent time in the sun until his condition completly took away his safety to do so. It is a hereditary disease and though 1 in 200 have was not that common in peoples minds until Michael,and THERE ARE STILL PEOPLE WHO THINK IT IS SOMETHING HE MADE UP! PEOPLE STILL SAY HE GOT HIS SKIN BLEACHED. That is tabloid like behavior. Just because people like me have always wanted to prove people like them wrong does not make us untrue fans. As I said I dont need the proof-Michael does not have to prove to me that he has a skin disorder or that he fathered his own children-even though he did go out on the limb and tell Bashir where PAris was conceived. I believe him and see no reason not to. This post and some like it are shots out to the haters but for some reason it draws members of Michaels own army to present their reasonings that this cannot be so. If it were any one else that had a child with the same disorder as themselves it would not be a question. Michael constantly was trying to rise above ignorance and tell the world he was not of the accusations that he was weird was how he got his children.
Wether any one believes me or not I do defend the children and even though I have friends on here who absolutely do not think he is a biologiical father,I respect them because they don't try to prove that he is everyone has said it does not matter right. It does matter to me though-that anytime anyone says anything celebratory about the kids..."oh look he has his daddys eyes"....or whatever they get attacked.
The kids have already been exposed -they will be fodder for the vultures as they grow older...just like Dianas kids and Lisa Marie was. Sure I could stand back and say nothing while the likes of Klein plant seeds of trash in the already dillusioned publics mind,or I could say hey whats wrong with you do you not have a nose on your face? My entire growing up I defended Michael,I looked things up and I presented to haters...incidently those who wanted to think he was a twisted sicko still will-just like the ones who will not read Aphrodite Jones book.
There was a thread yesterday that caught my eye and I was sadly disgusted with it-"is this proof that Michale was addicted to plastic surgery"...why was that here? There are posts every day about his looks...this was a painful thing for him and he hated it being discussed...the same people who wanted to be crucified on this post because some of us were simply saying "why can they not believe him"..were on that thread talkig about how many surgeries he probably really had.
So yes I went to bed hurt. It hurts me that I put an awful lot into my writing and people dont hear what I am saying. It hurts me that ppl look at a post and dont see its intent. It hurts me that we say we dont argue and then we brow beat ppl with our opinions until they wear down and stop posting. It hurt that maybe what I said was compared to a tabloid when my intentions were to combat the tabloid mentality. It hurts me that he spent his whole life defending himself and it seems he has to do for his own as well.
Here is me -Michael was not an addict,he was not in debt like they reported,he didnt have his skin bleached and he wasnt trying to look like Liz Taylor. He may have gotten with Debbie for the sole purpose of having kids but he really got with her. If we opened our minds and actualy read everything he ever said about it (yes even the rabbi tapes) we may learn how to really stand up for him and his children) The kids are his and they are beautiful...maybe just maybe Latoya said this because she herself was defending those points-the parentage and bleaching. I dont like her but she was with Michael every day during the trial...she was not getting money for that.
Because this is turning into a war post for needless reasons "I am gonna lock it.

Love you more...forever

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