Does this look like a real pharmacy to you?

Started by THE JACKSONOLOGIST, November 23, 2009, 10:43:29 AM

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November 23rd, 2009 11:15 am ET

Does this look like a real pharmacy to you? This is why this "address" cannot be legally verified as ever having had a business license.

And this that I posted on the LKL thread...

   November 23rd, 2009 11:10 am ET

@ all

This is my only post for this morning. None of this makes sense because none of it is real. Let's start with the ambulance footage which everyone who has "investigated" it knows it is a "FACT" that is was shot twice. The funeral was shot "twice" if you have investigated it, you know that. Remember the garbage cans in the ambulance footage, how they were highlighted? How the cameras focused on them? It's all garbage. Garbage pick-up at 100 N Carolwood Drive is on Wednesday, not Thursday. There were garbage cans at the funeral, the cameras focused on them. It's all garbage. At Dr. Murray's child support hearing, the cameras zoomed in and focused on the "garbage" can. Have you ever seen anything like that in a courtroom? Where the cameras zoom in and focus on a garbage can? And zoom in and focus on "money" that was paid in cash? Have you ever seen child support paid in "cash" across attorneys tables? Want to know why they zoomed in on the money? Because it was fake money. Here is a close-up shot of the money.

It is Gilda on the money. If you will investigate this instead of "taking what you see at face value and believing it" you will find this out for yourself. Mike played Gilda's husband in the movie who faked his death.

Everything going on that we are seeing is garbage. That is why all the focus from the very beginning has been on "garbage." Mike said everything you read about me is "garbage." This is his payback. And when he returns, no one can be angry with him about anything. From the get-go, everything was "fake." The ambulance "pic", the ambulance footage, the Memorial pic that said "I'm alive", the Movie playing Gilda's husband, the funeral "liberian girl" photos only, and so on and so on. So when he comes back, those who believed all of this "garbage" will only have themselves to blame because you have not done what he spent his life telling you to do which was not to believe all "the garbage" written and told about him.




@Banessa well said, I agree 100% with you. This just seems too staged and fake. I don't buy any of it.

"The greatest education in the world is watching the masters at work."


Quote from: "yaya"

wow...this is all just so crazy! he's right; nothing about this is real.

The whole lot of them could have used some of Michael's editing and scripting before they actually took to the stage.  They surely do look a lot like amateurs.  Missing every step.  Missing every beat.  A real host of unusual suspects.
"Don't stop this child, He's the father of man
Don't cross his way, He's part of the plan
I am that child, but so are you
You've just forgotten, Just lost the clue."

MJ "Magical Child"
Still Rocking my World...
   and leaving me Speechless!

"True goodbyes are the ones never said




I'm laughing hard about this. Is that for real?  :lol:

I\'m only human



It's getting weirder and weirder by the day. :-)
One word did stand out to me.... AppLIEd!
It seems almost childlike, the way the sign is on the window.



Because it was fake money. Here is a close-up shot of the money.

It is Gilda on the money

This part does not seem true to me. The U.S. 100 dollar bill has Ben Franklin on it.
If you fold it a bit in your hand and turn this upside down... you will see the same as in the above link.

I tried to get the link to open up in a new window..if not, sorry.



Is this some kind of joke?... that doesn't look real at all... looks more like a scene from 'Who framed Roger Rabbit'... none of it makes sense and just seems too surreal!

Does any of you guys know if there were fans waiting for Murray outside his clinic? I can't believe noone showed up to greet him....

~A serious face is not yet an indication of intellect. All stupid things in the world are done with that exact expression. Smile, gentlemen, smile!~  



I do agree with the post from LKL. I have seen a youtube video about it. It does make perfect sense. I have never seen a pharmacy look like that one. I feel that's a set up. Also, they said that MJ owed over $100,000 at a pharmacy. How on earth would a pharmacy let someone run up a bill that high? MJ's former PR said he did pay it, but she said it wasn't over a 2 year span. Like Dr. Murray said "Troot will prevail."



look like a abandon building with letters on it ... Not a Pharmacy , unless you are complete stupid :shock:  :lol:  :D.  

*Sweet Sweet Earth Angel A.K.A. Michael* -
Please Comeback ..... We Love You!

* - email me Michael!* - check me out !

Happy Feet


:D . Thank you because that just made my day :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  Is that the address of the pharmacy from the search warrant or the old building it was in?

Happy Feet

Quote from: "Banessa"

Unfortunately, I have seen Pharmacies that look like this one, in Los Angeles. Certainly not the type of pharmacy I would get something if I needed to...but there are many shady looking pharmacies all over down town L.A. And it wouldn't surprise me if there are a few around Vegas, Texas and other states, especially if the pharmacy being photographed is located in the urban areas.

This doesn't mean I don't think it could be fake, of course there is always the possibility, of it being a FAKE Pharmacy, just like I believe Murray is a fake Doctor. ;)  For me there is still nothing that proves this is a REAL case and this picture adds to the list of inconsistencies and shady/odd things!  ;)

I read in an article though (will find it) that Applied Pharmacy moved into a new building in 2007 or 2008. Can't remember which one. That was the address on the search warrant. Apparently the new one the moved into was more "state of the art" so yeah that doesn't match that description here.

Happy Feet


Here it is,  just scroll down to the heading "Latest Review of Applied Pharmacy", supposed to be state of the art facility according to this, err...not a throw together sounding signage type of pharmacy :) ... armacy-svc



why can't i see the pic of the pharmacy? :?

Alem (Thetruth)


Dont we have any here from Las Vegas that could check that place out and most importantly find out the actual adress? lol that would be mindblowing to me...

All he wanted was the mountain high
Beyond these boundaries,he wanted to fly
In nature\'s scheme,never to die
– MJ



I have to admit, it doesn't look like a real pharmacy to me at all.

"You\'ll never make me stay, so take your weight off of me, I know your every move, so won\'t you just let me be, I\'ve been here times before but I was too blind to see, that you seduce every man, this time you won\'t seduce me.."
[size=150]I Love You So Very Much MJ, You Are My Life <3[/size]



the more i look at it the more i laugh i work in a pharmacy and there is no way in hell i would work in that one :lol:  :lol: