well, Doctor Death, this is judging someone without knowing them. i'm not a fan of Shaheed either (i do like him but not fanatically), but somehow his tribute didn't feel like he was trying to get fame from Michael's name to me. i haven't watched the movie so i don't know if my opinion changes after watching it. and i agree with simalves, Shaheed has always been a great dancer and he is already known as one of the great dancers of bollywood. he was not trying to be Michael Jackson cause no one can ever be Michael Jackson. it was just a tribute performance.
BUT, i do know some other celebrities from bollywood who DID tribute songs only for fame and money. i'm not gonna mention their names but being their friends on some social networking sites i got to know they actually didn't even feel sad when MJ supposedly passed, rather they were tweeting and facebooking about their own music and stuff, and i didn't even see a single RIP status message and they are now making tribute songs for him. gathering all the bollywood stars in one music video can NOT make you not guilty when you've already have made jokes about the man who you are now paying tribute to.
as for Shaheed, i don't have any contact with him so i don't know him personally AT ALL. he could really be a fan of MJ and he could also be paying this tribute just to show off. innocent until proven guilty so i'm gonna stay in the positive side. :)
and simalves, thank you SO MUCH for the video. :D