My sweet "ANGEL"I dont know what exactly you are doing rigth now,I dont know if you are sleeping,smiling,cryng i dont know.... but God knows.The one and only that gave you life knows exactly what are you doing and knows how are you feeling rigth now.He loves you more than anyone.YOU are his messenger in this world my''ANGEL OF LOVE''.Dont give up!.I know that God its going to give you that strengh that you need.I have this feeling that you are reading all the ''LOVE MESSAGES"that we write for you.I love you M.J.and....I know you are going to give us a big sign of you,i know.You are so special... God gave you a lots of talents but specially a ''BIG''heart.We are all in your heart... but you are also in our hearts too.I "LOVE YOU"my ''ANGEL OF LOVE''and you are going to be allways in my heart,come back ''BABE''.We are waiting for you always for ever:LISETTEA10MJ.