R.I.P. ME! Nightline 03/09/10! Replaced Michael's segment!

Started by lovemj4everandever, March 09, 2010, 10:51:01 PM

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ALL DAY LONG IT WAS ADVERTISED THAT TONIGHT WOULD INCLUDE MORE OF THE THREE STOOGES (THE THREE BODYGUARDS) INTERVIEW ON NIGHTLINE!  BUT...instead they showed a segment called  R.I.P. ME about people going through the ritual of  "pretending to be dead" in order to get a new lease on life!  :lol:  :lol:   :lol:

Talk about sending a MESSAGE ABOUT THE HOAX!  They advertised Michael's segment and then did a "switcharoo" to R.I.P. ME!     :lol:  :lol:  :mrgreen:



Quote from: "Loes"

Quote from: "mjssoulmate"

Quote from: "Loes"

WOW, that's freaky ...  :o

I'm really confused now, because how is it possible these people know about the hoax?
Are they perhaps also doubting his "death" and play a little game of their own?

But when are we going to see part 2 of the interview then?

You can watch part 2 on ABC.com

Also watch the "Little Janet" segment.  Very interesting!


But now I'm confused again ..  :lol:
I thought they send the RIP ME instead of the interview part 2.

Well it was bedtime long ago here, so I read this tomorrow again ..  ;)

Oké thanks for the links mjssoulmate, I watched the interviews tonight ...  ;)
(also thanks to the other responders ...  :)  )
Now I have one more question, because I want desperatly to understand what happened ...  :D

Am I correct that the 2 interviews + the little Janet segment were on Good Morning America?
But was there also supposed to be an interview on Nightline then?
(now I realize thats a different show ...  :roll:  evening ofcourse)
So they told the viewers the bodyguards would come on Nightline, but instead they showed the RIP ME-item?

Pfff, hope you understand me and can make that clear to me ...  ;)

It's very important for me to understand, because if I'm correct now, then IMO it's a very big clue.

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