okay, so after talking about all this hoax stuff for months, i have figured out why it seems so familiar to me, i remember a while back i watched a Pauly shore movie, and it was about pauly playing himself, but he fakes his death and he sees how everyone reacts the only difference is in the movie everyone was glad he was gone i think cause everyone hated him, im not 100% cause i haven't seen this movie in so long and dont even remember what it was called, but for michael, it makes me think opposite it makes me think about how michael is secretly hiding in disguise (Pauly shore in the movie was in disguise also i think) and he could be anywhere just watching how the world reacts, he could be watching all the people he thought he could trust trying to scam money off his estate now, or he could be watching all those that ebtrayed him kiss up to his ass now and pretend they knew him so well. i felt like posting this ebcaus eit reminded me of that movie, i dont remember what it was called thou, it might have been where's pauly or something similar to that or not :P
aha found the movie :)