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February 16, 2010, 06:25:19 PM
"Fans Against Karen Faye"
Thats a new page on FB, Fans are calling her out on some of the things she has done & said on Facebook!!!!!  :o
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Its All For L.O.V.E

February 16, 2010, 06:43:24 PM
do you have a link to it? i cant seem to find it!
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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DiscoTopic starter

February 16, 2010, 07:23:08 PM
Quote from: "MJFAN7"
do you have a link to it? i cant seem to find it!

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Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Its All For L.O.V.E

February 18, 2010, 04:58:46 PM
i found this very interesting and agree with what someone has written there.  


I dont trust her at all.  Its a gut thing.

Some people might be surprised over her actions recently, but as a longtime fan of Michael Jackson, I am not surprised at all. This is the REAL Karen. She has done this for a time now and it is sickening. Karen openly talks and insult the Jackson family, Grace, Raymone, Joanna Thomae, Zaldy, Kenny Ortega, Travis Payne, Randy Phillips, Shana and many others, but when we want to question her, she goes ballistic?

Karen goes under the name Karen FAKE on many Michael Jackson boards. Her name is banned there and many fans and owners of MJ boards dont like this woman at all. Go and be a member of the boards and search for her name and you will see what fans have to say about her, not so nice stories let me tell you! And these are fans who have been in the fan-community for a long long time and have met with her. The own er of the biggest fan board lashed out against her recently for her actions. Owners of other boards have also shared their not so pleasent meetings with her. In may 2009 we found out that Karen was back to work with MJ and she had created a facebook site. From May to June 25th, Karen nearly had 100 friends on her FB. Fans on the boards couldnt give a rats ass that she was back and noone was sending her friend requests. Look at the number now, she got 5000 friends . Doesnt this say a lot? The ones who added her after MJ died have no idea what this woman has done before. They are clueless and they are “new fans”. Here is just one of endless stories of her shared by a longtime fan.

“Personally I hope Karen isn't hired by Michael ever again. I never knew her personally but I know someone who did and lets put it this way infront of the camera she would speak nicely, behind it was a totally different story. Some fans may think otherwise and everything but also the way she treated some fans was just plain wrong. I remember X off of MJJF and how she got treated and spoken too and for someone to do that, I don't understand how anyone would want to hire her, least of all Michael.”

Now, lets discuss the real Karen Fake.

1) Karen Fake, Randy Jackson, Taunya Zilkie (girlfriend of Randy Jackson at that time) were managing Michaels official site MJJSOURCE during the trial. These three people ended up scamming the fans. They charged 49,00USD and 89,00USD for a package of some goods. Myself and many other never recieved any package, nor did we get a refund. Neither did we get an apology. The fans told Michael about this and he immdeiately shut down the page and fired Karen Fake. Then Karen Fake blamed him for the mess. This is the post Karen Fake wrote about the incident with the site: “I understand all the anger with the fans, but we have done everything in our power to live up to all the promises Michael has made. If he does not fulfill his promises…there is nothing we can do. We were Michael’s voice, but if he doesn’t wish to speak or pay the bills for MJJsource, there is nothing we can do.”

Exactly what promises could MJ have made when he was fighting for his life? Epic fail ms Fake. Not to mention, they did not only scam the fans, but they were doing this when MJ was fighting for his life. Disgusting.

2) Michael Jackson fired ms Fake in 2005. Me and many other fans were outside the gates of Neverland and saw her and Taunya leave the property just 15 minutes after the verdict was in. We were later told that she and Taunya was asked to leave the property. Why else leave just 15 minutes after the verdict? Karen says that she was out of contact with MJ for four years. Dont forget that Michael came back to the states in december 2006. That means that MJ had been away from the US for 18 months. He was back living in the States but never called her back. During this time, Michael did have apperances that would require a make-up and hairstylist. He appeared on the VMAs 2006 in London, he invited a crew from Access Hollywood to Ireland in 2006, he went to James Browns funeral in 2006, he went to Japan for the the fan appreciation party in 2007, he were promoting Thriller25 and did a photoshoot for L'UOMO Vogue and Ebony magazine in 2007. Karen Fake did NOT work on any of these projetcs, because she was not called back. Period.

1) How come Karen can post personal information about Michael and everyone seems to be okay with it? Karen was posting under the name Turkle on MJJF before. Her posts was mainly about Michael and she was sharing personal information about him. She sold him out in life, and now in death. Classy woman! Ms Fake have been obsessed with MJ. She would reveal how she used to sit in MJs lap while doing his make-up and she told us that she unfortunately hadnt kissed him or seen him naked. This is not a profesional behaviour. She slams Grace for “leaving her husband to take care of someone elses kids”. Karen seems to forget that when she just got married, she left her husband for several months to go and work with MJ on the tour. Karen dislikes every woman that have in some way been connected to Michael Jackson. Doesnt this tell you something? She is a jealous woman, an obsessed woman! Karen Fake doenst know every detail of MJs personal life. She doesnt realize that everytime she claims MJ was not invovled with the named women, she is really feeding the rumours that he was gay.

1) Karen Fake and Joe Jackson got into a heated argument during the trial. Joe Jackson found out that Karen was running her mouth about him on the boards and he called her out. That is right, Karen was not only talking about Michael at that time, she were talking about his family as well. Karen never learns, she knows the fans cares for the family much more than her and if she says something to the fans, you bet the fans will tell the family. Do you see the pattern guys? Karen have done this, giving away information about the family and MJ, to the fans for a long time now.

She has said and described the Jackson family as crazy and dysfunctional.
She told that Joe Jackson is an angel compared to Katherine now and that Katherine have gone all crazy. Such a nice friend to speak like that off your friend and clients family, right? Puh-lease!

We have always been taught to believe and stick to the facts. The autopsy that were released stated MJs weight as 136p and no pain-killers were found in MJs system. What is Karen going to do now? She have been running her mouht claiming Michael was on drugs. These facts proves it wrong. We stick to the facts during the trial and should do it now as well. Michael Jackson was the one who taught us not to speculate, but to stick to the facts. These facts proves her wrong and we should end all speculation.

We all know that she is feeding Roger Friedman with stories. Karen Fake admitted herself (months ago on her facebook) that she recently have started to communicate with him. This is such a betrayal. He has written so many awful stories about Michael Jackson before and Karen Fake now gives him information? What a friend she is! We all know that she is the one giving him stories about Grace. We are not stupid.

She has attacked Grace, Raymone and Shana. She has accused Grace and Raymone of drugging Michael and control him. Stop belittle Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson made Raymone the general manager of MJJproductions in 2006. Michael Jackson was very much aware of his business. Karen accuses these women from keeping her away from Michael. Michael called the people he wanted to call. As a matter of fact, when he was living aborad, he invited the Lesters to celebrate Christmas with him in Bahrain, he met with Chris Tucker in Dubai, he met with Michael Lee Busch in Ireland and he called Liz Taylor, Mickey Rooney and many others often from Bahrain. Is she gonna blame them as well and say they didnt have MJS best wishes at heart? That they, Liz Taylor, Chris Tucker, the Lesters, ignored his abuse and thats why Raymone and Grace wouldnt mind him seeing or talking with them? Dont also forget that MJ went and met with Shana e year ago at her house. LOL

She claims that AEG brought Kenny Ortega and Frank Dileo back. MJ has worked with Kenny for two world -tours . If this is the case, how dont we know that AEG also brought her back? She claims that MJ personally called her back. Kenny and Frank also claims that MJ personally called them back. So, are they lying? What do they gain on lying and why would they lie about that? Dont forget that Michaels hair-stylist Lynda Parnish (he replaced Karen with Lynda Parnish, LOL) was going to work with MJ on the tour, but all of a sudden Karen shows up.

Karen is mad at AEG for not speaking the truth about MJs health. What Karen seems to forget is what she wrote on her facebook during rehearsal time. She posted that MJ was great and had only uplifting words back then. If that is not the case, then why did she then lie to the fans before June 25? Here are two post she wrote in May 2009.

Karen Faye Kissinger
“running into all the MJJ tour alumni...and meeting all the newbies too. London is going to be AMAZING!!!! THIS IS IT!!!!!!”

“Karen Faye Kissinger
Michael was amazing today… He sends his love and appreciation to all of you. THIS IS IT”

She claims that Michael was forced to do the tours because he was financial but this is her first post on facebook after Michael Jackson passed.

“Karen Faye Kissinger
I know how painful it is to loose this beautiful man....I can barely speak, but I must share with you his reason for getting on stage once again. It wasn't for money or to relaunch his career...it was to send the message that we must HEAL THE WORLD, before it's too late. He wanted to let us know that we have a four year window to get it right, to start walking the highest path, or we will loose the earth.”

“Karen Faye Kissinger
I want you to know he was full of love for all of you. He was looking forward to making everyone smile, and unite in these difficult times...to make the world a better place.”

“Karen Faye Kissinger
he was working so hard...and he was so happy when I left him on Wednesday night...this is so difficult”

Now, whos bad? Some fans that have been around Michael for a long time reached out to her because they were concerned about his health. She on the other hand asks them to be quite about it for his sake. She silenced the fans because deep inside she thought MJ would be able to do this. Karen has confessed on her facebook already that MJ rocked and were great on his last rehearsals. It is the same rehearsals we have seen in the movie, and it is during the same time period the fans reached out to her, but she shut them down. Maybe Karen also thought MJ would do this because this is MJ for god sake. That is why she needs to stop blaming KO and RP, what if they all also thought that MJ was gonna be able to do this? We have also seen Karin bitching about that she wasn’t credited in the movie or in the OPUS book. LOL.. She is on a mission to boycott the movie and the executors and the TII crew and then gets mad because no one acknowledged her work. And isnt Karen an enabler as well? She have talked so much about how she knew MJ was taking drugs for years, then what did she do about it? Nothing.

The pictures from FL that she posted on your facebook and then blamed the fans when they got leaked is beyond hurtful. Karen Fake is not naive, she has been in the game for a time. She knows that fans quote her off of her site. Prior to the pictures, Karen was telling everyone to be aware because the media was lurking.. and YET she goes and publish the pictures on her facebook. She is to blame and not the fans or whoever that sold them. People who have called TMZ have been told that the original owner sold them to them. That makes you wonder. I hope the rumours are true that Katherine took her off the list from visiting MJ. I mean, it was indeed a LONG time since she visited Michael. LOL

She deletes everyone that is not agreeing with her. And she asks fans to spy on each other and then to report to her if someone is suspicisous. How low can you be to actually ask the fans to do this and the fans that are doing it, they are brainwashed. MJ would never have wanted this. Karen doesn’t do anything either to stop some people from attacking other. She is encouraging it.

The worst thing are all the personal information she has revealed of people close to MJ. Karen told fans on her facebook that Prince have vitiligo. Karen have been telling fans that Grace has slept with Jermaine. Karen have told the fans about Joanna Thomaes and MJs relationship and her sexuallife.Why is she out there telling strangers about other peoples privatelife? She is acting like a 17 year old schoolgirl bitch. This doesn’t concern her or the fans. She is gossiping about other people in an evil-spirited way and people have been hurt. Is it fun for Joanna to know that Karen said the things about her to 5000 people? Karen Fake needs to stop with this. What has Graces or Joannas sexuallife to do with "seek truth and love for MJ" as she constantly claims? Karen Fake is is acting like a 17yr old bitch when she is gossiping like that.

Look at this person guys! If this was someone else close to MJ doing this, no one would have accepted it, but because its Karen Fake, then it is Okay I guess. Would you approve of a friend of MJ feeding Mr Friedman with information? Would you approve of a friend of MJ to reveal Prince medical condition? Would you approve of a friend of MJ to steal money from the fans? Would you approve of a friend of MJ to say his family are crazy and dyscuntional? NO! You wouldnt!

Im glad that many many fans knows this woman and what she have done in the past. Its just up for the new fans to see it as well. I advice everyone who wants to know about her too search her name on the MJ boards and see what fans have written about her! These are fans that have been in the fan community for a long time.

The last thing. Fans have sent e-mails writing that Karma is a bitch when the pages got deleted. Yes, Karma is a bitch becaue you know what? I know that many people that are fed up with this woman have actually saved an copied the comments Karen have made of the Jackson family and of Grace. They are thinking of sending it to Grace and to the Jackson family. As you read this, Genevieve Jackson, Brandi Jackson, Jermaine Jackson II, Randy Jackson JR, Austrin Brown have maybe received the quotes Karen have made of their family. Im not sure if they have sent it to them yet or if they are, but I do know that they are thinking of sending the quotes. Isnt it fun for them to know what Karen have been telling thousands of fans of their grandmother and their uncle? LOL.

And maybe Grace have received the quotes Karen have made of her.
So, Karen Fake should stop running her mouth because Karma just bite her ass again!
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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February 18, 2010, 05:13:36 PM
Quote from: "DancingTheDream"
i found this very interesting and agree with what someone has written there.  


I dont trust her at all.  Its a gut thing.

Some people might be surprised over her actions recently, but as a longtime fan of Michael Jackson, I am not surprised at all. This is the REAL Karen. She has done this for a time now and it is sickening. Karen openly talks and insult the Jackson family, Grace, Raymone, Joanna Thomae, Zaldy, Kenny Ortega, Travis Payne, Randy Phillips, Shana and many others, but when we want to question her, she goes ballistic?

Karen goes under the name Karen FAKE on many Michael Jackson boards. Her name is banned there and many fans and owners of MJ boards dont like this woman at all. Go and be a member of the boards and search for her name and you will see what fans have to say about her, not so nice stories let me tell you! And these are fans who have been in the fan-community for a long long time and have met with her. The own er of the biggest fan board lashed out against her recently for her actions. Owners of other boards have also shared their not so pleasent meetings with her. In may 2009 we found out that Karen was back to work with MJ and she had created a facebook site. From May to June 25th, Karen nearly had 100 friends on her FB. Fans on the boards couldnt give a rats ass that she was back and noone was sending her friend requests. Look at the number now, she got 5000 friends . Doesnt this say a lot? The ones who added her after MJ died have no idea what this woman has done before. They are clueless and they are “new fans”. Here is just one of endless stories of her shared by a longtime fan.

“Personally I hope Karen isn't hired by Michael ever again. I never knew her personally but I know someone who did and lets put it this way infront of the camera she would speak nicely, behind it was a totally different story. Some fans may think otherwise and everything but also the way she treated some fans was just plain wrong. I remember X off of MJJF and how she got treated and spoken too and for someone to do that, I don't understand how anyone would want to hire her, least of all Michael.”

Now, lets discuss the real Karen Fake.

1) Karen Fake, Randy Jackson, Taunya Zilkie (girlfriend of Randy Jackson at that time) were managing Michaels official site MJJSOURCE during the trial. These three people ended up scamming the fans. They charged 49,00USD and 89,00USD for a package of some goods. Myself and many other never recieved any package, nor did we get a refund. Neither did we get an apology. The fans told Michael about this and he immdeiately shut down the page and fired Karen Fake. Then Karen Fake blamed him for the mess. This is the post Karen Fake wrote about the incident with the site: “I understand all the anger with the fans, but we have done everything in our power to live up to all the promises Michael has made. If he does not fulfill his promises…there is nothing we can do. We were Michael’s voice, but if he doesn’t wish to speak or pay the bills for MJJsource, there is nothing we can do.”

Exactly what promises could MJ have made when he was fighting for his life? Epic fail ms Fake. Not to mention, they did not only scam the fans, but they were doing this when MJ was fighting for his life. Disgusting.

2) Michael Jackson fired ms Fake in 2005. Me and many other fans were outside the gates of Neverland and saw her and Taunya leave the property just 15 minutes after the verdict was in. We were later told that she and Taunya was asked to leave the property. Why else leave just 15 minutes after the verdict? Karen says that she was out of contact with MJ for four years. Dont forget that Michael came back to the states in december 2006. That means that MJ had been away from the US for 18 months. He was back living in the States but never called her back. During this time, Michael did have apperances that would require a make-up and hairstylist. He appeared on the VMAs 2006 in London, he invited a crew from Access Hollywood to Ireland in 2006, he went to James Browns funeral in 2006, he went to Japan for the the fan appreciation party in 2007, he were promoting Thriller25 and did a photoshoot for L'UOMO Vogue and Ebony magazine in 2007. Karen Fake did NOT work on any of these projetcs, because she was not called back. Period.

1) How come Karen can post personal information about Michael and everyone seems to be okay with it? Karen was posting under the name Turkle on MJJF before. Her posts was mainly about Michael and she was sharing personal information about him. She sold him out in life, and now in death. Classy woman! Ms Fake have been obsessed with MJ. She would reveal how she used to sit in MJs lap while doing his make-up and she told us that she unfortunately hadnt kissed him or seen him naked. This is not a profesional behaviour. She slams Grace for “leaving her husband to take care of someone elses kids”. Karen seems to forget that when she just got married, she left her husband for several months to go and work with MJ on the tour. Karen dislikes every woman that have in some way been connected to Michael Jackson. Doesnt this tell you something? She is a jealous woman, an obsessed woman! Karen Fake doenst know every detail of MJs personal life. She doesnt realize that everytime she claims MJ was not invovled with the named women, she is really feeding the rumours that he was gay.

1) Karen Fake and Joe Jackson got into a heated argument during the trial. Joe Jackson found out that Karen was running her mouth about him on the boards and he called her out. That is right, Karen was not only talking about Michael at that time, she were talking about his family as well. Karen never learns, she knows the fans cares for the family much more than her and if she says something to the fans, you bet the fans will tell the family. Do you see the pattern guys? Karen have done this, giving away information about the family and MJ, to the fans for a long time now.

She has said and described the Jackson family as crazy and dysfunctional.
She told that Joe Jackson is an angel compared to Katherine now and that Katherine have gone all crazy. Such a nice friend to speak like that off your friend and clients family, right? Puh-lease!

We have always been taught to believe and stick to the facts. The autopsy that were released stated MJs weight as 136p and no pain-killers were found in MJs system. What is Karen going to do now? She have been running her mouht claiming Michael was on drugs. These facts proves it wrong. We stick to the facts during the trial and should do it now as well. Michael Jackson was the one who taught us not to speculate, but to stick to the facts. These facts proves her wrong and we should end all speculation.

We all know that she is feeding Roger Friedman with stories. Karen Fake admitted herself (months ago on her facebook) that she recently have started to communicate with him. This is such a betrayal. He has written so many awful stories about Michael Jackson before and Karen Fake now gives him information? What a friend she is! We all know that she is the one giving him stories about Grace. We are not stupid.

She has attacked Grace, Raymone and Shana. She has accused Grace and Raymone of drugging Michael and control him. Stop belittle Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson made Raymone the general manager of MJJproductions in 2006. Michael Jackson was very much aware of his business. Karen accuses these women from keeping her away from Michael. Michael called the people he wanted to call. As a matter of fact, when he was living aborad, he invited the Lesters to celebrate Christmas with him in Bahrain, he met with Chris Tucker in Dubai, he met with Michael Lee Busch in Ireland and he called Liz Taylor, Mickey Rooney and many others often from Bahrain. Is she gonna blame them as well and say they didnt have MJS best wishes at heart? That they, Liz Taylor, Chris Tucker, the Lesters, ignored his abuse and thats why Raymone and Grace wouldnt mind him seeing or talking with them? Dont also forget that MJ went and met with Shana e year ago at her house. LOL

She claims that AEG brought Kenny Ortega and Frank Dileo back. MJ has worked with Kenny for two world -tours . If this is the case, how dont we know that AEG also brought her back? She claims that MJ personally called her back. Kenny and Frank also claims that MJ personally called them back. So, are they lying? What do they gain on lying and why would they lie about that? Dont forget that Michaels hair-stylist Lynda Parnish (he replaced Karen with Lynda Parnish, LOL) was going to work with MJ on the tour, but all of a sudden Karen shows up.

Karen is mad at AEG for not speaking the truth about MJs health. What Karen seems to forget is what she wrote on her facebook during rehearsal time. She posted that MJ was great and had only uplifting words back then. If that is not the case, then why did she then lie to the fans before June 25? Here are two post she wrote in May 2009.

Karen Faye Kissinger
“running into all the MJJ tour alumni...and meeting all the newbies too. London is going to be AMAZING!!!! THIS IS IT!!!!!!”

“Karen Faye Kissinger
Michael was amazing today… He sends his love and appreciation to all of you. THIS IS IT”

She claims that Michael was forced to do the tours because he was financial but this is her first post on facebook after Michael Jackson passed.

“Karen Faye Kissinger
I know how painful it is to loose this beautiful man....I can barely speak, but I must share with you his reason for getting on stage once again. It wasn't for money or to relaunch his career...it was to send the message that we must HEAL THE WORLD, before it's too late. He wanted to let us know that we have a four year window to get it right, to start walking the highest path, or we will loose the earth.”

“Karen Faye Kissinger
I want you to know he was full of love for all of you. He was looking forward to making everyone smile, and unite in these difficult times...to make the world a better place.”

“Karen Faye Kissinger
he was working so hard...and he was so happy when I left him on Wednesday night...this is so difficult”

Now, whos bad? Some fans that have been around Michael for a long time reached out to her because they were concerned about his health. She on the other hand asks them to be quite about it for his sake. She silenced the fans because deep inside she thought MJ would be able to do this. Karen has confessed on her facebook already that MJ rocked and were great on his last rehearsals. It is the same rehearsals we have seen in the movie, and it is during the same time period the fans reached out to her, but she shut them down. Maybe Karen also thought MJ would do this because this is MJ for god sake. That is why she needs to stop blaming KO and RP, what if they all also thought that MJ was gonna be able to do this? We have also seen Karin bitching about that she wasn’t credited in the movie or in the OPUS book. LOL.. She is on a mission to boycott the movie and the executors and the TII crew and then gets mad because no one acknowledged her work. And isnt Karen an enabler as well? She have talked so much about how she knew MJ was taking drugs for years, then what did she do about it? Nothing.

The pictures from FL that she posted on your facebook and then blamed the fans when they got leaked is beyond hurtful. Karen Fake is not naive, she has been in the game for a time. She knows that fans quote her off of her site. Prior to the pictures, Karen was telling everyone to be aware because the media was lurking.. and YET she goes and publish the pictures on her facebook. She is to blame and not the fans or whoever that sold them. People who have called TMZ have been told that the original owner sold them to them. That makes you wonder. I hope the rumours are true that Katherine took her off the list from visiting MJ. I mean, it was indeed a LONG time since she visited Michael. LOL

She deletes everyone that is not agreeing with her. And she asks fans to spy on each other and then to report to her if someone is suspicisous. How low can you be to actually ask the fans to do this and the fans that are doing it, they are brainwashed. MJ would never have wanted this. Karen doesn’t do anything either to stop some people from attacking other. She is encouraging it.

The worst thing are all the personal information she has revealed of people close to MJ. Karen told fans on her facebook that Prince have vitiligo. Karen have been telling fans that Grace has slept with Jermaine. Karen have told the fans about Joanna Thomaes and MJs relationship and her sexuallife.Why is she out there telling strangers about other peoples privatelife? She is acting like a 17 year old schoolgirl bitch. This doesn’t concern her or the fans. She is gossiping about other people in an evil-spirited way and people have been hurt. Is it fun for Joanna to know that Karen said the things about her to 5000 people? Karen Fake needs to stop with this. What has Graces or Joannas sexuallife to do with "seek truth and love for MJ" as she constantly claims? Karen Fake is is acting like a 17yr old bitch when she is gossiping like that.

Look at this person guys! If this was someone else close to MJ doing this, no one would have accepted it, but because its Karen Fake, then it is Okay I guess. Would you approve of a friend of MJ feeding Mr Friedman with information? Would you approve of a friend of MJ to reveal Prince medical condition? Would you approve of a friend of MJ to steal money from the fans? Would you approve of a friend of MJ to say his family are crazy and dyscuntional? NO! You wouldnt!

Im glad that many many fans knows this woman and what she have done in the past. Its just up for the new fans to see it as well. I advice everyone who wants to know about her too search her name on the MJ boards and see what fans have written about her! These are fans that have been in the fan community for a long time.

The last thing. Fans have sent e-mails writing that Karma is a bitch when the pages got deleted. Yes, Karma is a bitch becaue you know what? I know that many people that are fed up with this woman have actually saved an copied the comments Karen have made of the Jackson family and of Grace. They are thinking of sending it to Grace and to the Jackson family. As you read this, Genevieve Jackson, Brandi Jackson, Jermaine Jackson II, Randy Jackson JR, Austrin Brown have maybe received the quotes Karen have made of their family. Im not sure if they have sent it to them yet or if they are, but I do know that they are thinking of sending the quotes. Isnt it fun for them to know what Karen have been telling thousands of fans of their grandmother and their uncle? LOL.

And maybe Grace have received the quotes Karen have made of her.
So, Karen Fake should stop running her mouth because Karma just bite her ass again!

wow!  :shock:  grrmgrmm sorry to disturb but what did Johanna Tomae did to/with Michael?
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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February 18, 2010, 05:41:16 PM
@DancingTheDream: I completetly agree with you, I profoundly dislike KF and it's a gut thing, but also because she's always bashing people and promoting to be agressive and attack persons that she doesn't like. She's always encouraging comments to KO telling him that they hope he dies and that he's a murderer and all that s**t. She's very low and I hope wherever MJ is realises now the kind of person he had close to him, or maybe he already knew from before.
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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DiscoTopic starter

February 20, 2010, 12:10:06 AM
Quote from: "jonnysgirldangerous"
@DancingTheDream: I completetly agree with you, I profoundly dislike KF and it's a gut thing, but also because she's always bashing people and promoting to be agressive and attack persons that she doesn't like. She's always encouraging comments to KO telling him that they hope he dies and that he's a murderer and all that s**t. She's very low and I hope wherever MJ is realises now the kind of person he had close to him, or maybe he already knew from before.

I'm thinking Michael knew, this woman thinks by showing some pictures that she can fool fans, She was an employee & thats that!!!
Michael would be so sad to know she is causing a divide among HIS fans, the woman seems to think she has fans?!?!?!? WTF??? :shock:
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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Its All For L.O.V.E

February 27, 2010, 09:08:08 AM
so nice of michael to shut it down cos fans told him she was taken money he is soooooooooo nice please come back soon ;)
Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
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