
Oxygen Therapy Vocalists Google search weirdness

Started by bec, February 16, 2010, 03:33:42 AM

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I swear I have heard somewhere that some vocalists breathe straight oxygen in the belief that it is good for their singing voice and vocal cords.

And we all know Michael was reported to have oxygen tanks in his bedroom on 6-25, with every article about this subject ASSUMING that this is a sign of propofol use and Murray's guilt.

So I thought maybe searching for a reference for oxygen therapy for vocalists I did this Google search:

"oygen therapy vocalists"
http://www.google.com/#hl=en&q=oxygen+t ... ba7015c9c3

The results were not helpful for my research topic but as I read through them... well, you tell me if you notice anything weird.

Top result: http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/fly ... vocalists/
Which take you a page that says this:
Quoteflyingrose/vocalists  Last seen: 25 months ago
Rose is a 53 year old woman from Waxahachie, Texas, USA

Welcome...I've been expecting you.You may want to click those orange thingies at the very bottom of the page next to the word comments. One subscribes you to whatever I post and the other subsribes you to comments made, I presume by others. I put here what is most important and links to others who do good works.There is much more filed by subject. Use the drop-down box that usually defaults to Entire Blog to find all posts on any particular subject. Please share what you find here with your friends, family, and other networks. Namaste, Rose

Second result, same blog different page: http://www.stumbleupon.com/stumbler/laz ... n-therapy/
Quotelazarst/hyberbaric oxygen therapy  Last seen: 26 hours ago
lazarst is a person from USA

"...More than four hundred years ago a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives. So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you then I would suggest you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me one year from tonight...we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot. People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people. Strength through unity, unity through faith!..." - V - No No Keshagesh! - Listen - I'm the Resister - 911 Vendetta - Economic Crisis 2009 - Pendulum

What the F?

so I go back and click the next entry.

Third entry: http://www.tchain.com/otoneurology/diso ... aring.html
QuoteHearing loss is very common, especially in the older population. This page provides a general overview for the diagnosis and evaluation of hearing loss.

Ok by itself, not weird. But it reminded me of the "fist in my ear" earpiece scene from TII and this thread explaining how its metaphorical:

Back to Google search thinking i must be crazy and I'm just looking for connections now.

4th search result: http://www.thefreelibrary.com/VACATIONI ... a083858446
QuoteVACATIONING IN VIRTUALVILLE``Really?'' you ask excitedly, already heading out to the garage for your steamer trunksteamer trunk
A small trunk originally designed to fit under the bunk of a steamship cabin.
..... Click the link for more information.. No, not really. This is a Web column, not a travel column. We don't ``really'' do anything. It's all ``virtual'' around here.

Ok cmon now.

Fifth entry: http://www.winthrop.org/newsroom/public ... page2b.cfm
Is about HBOT or Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy (ring a bell?) as experimental therapy for a serious deisease called Glioblastoma.
QuoteIt is the hope of these Winthrop physicians that the addition of HBOT will not only redefine the current standard of care for newly diagnosed GBM patients, but will also positively impact patients' quality of life and median survival rates.

"Glioblastoma is a deadly disease, but if we can use a beneficial therapy such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy to improve patient outcomes, then we are doing a great service to our patients," said Dr. Haas.

Hmm. Obscure but famous reference to Michael punking the media in the 80's. Still, probably just looking for connections now.

6th entry. http://www.prenticeminner.com/updates.htm
QuoteFriday May 16, 2003 10:30am 05/16/2003 10:30 adds to 5+1+6+2+3+1+3= 21 or 3(7)sLittle P.T. went home to be with the Lord. His little heart was not able to maintain the battle with Pompe's disease any longer. He died peacfully at the hostpital in Prentice's arms as Prentice sang to him.

I'm like ok that's morbid. A blog about a termanlly ill kid and the last entry is he dies. I scrolled down.
Second to last entry:
QuoteThursday. April 24, 2003
Dear Family and Friends:
Things are looking great for PT. He is home, and is adjusting really good to home nurses, Bill and his Dad. Dr. Sherman is determined to get PT help in getting the enzyme he needs, and should have to help him with his recovery. He has asked me to get in touch with my state Representative, Mr. William Lacy Clay (US House of Representatives).

Quote from Dr. Sherman Letter to me:

Please try to get in touch with Representee William Lacy Clay (US House of Representatives) to see if he can be helpful to PT in getting ENZYME to treat him fairly. They should not be avoiding him just because he has more severe disease. They should not pass over him and just discard him. It is a kind of denial of his rights to equal access to new medical treatments that are being developed. They are only offering this to children and infants with minimal involvement but that is just part of the spectrum.
They should be required to test it and provide it to all children throughout the whole spectrum of Type II Glycogen Storage Disease.
Would you please take a moment to call and or write or e-mail to his office asking him to help me and my son on our Miracle Journey.

Phone number is: Congressman Clay First District Missouri...202-225-2406, ask for Congressman Clay or his administrative assistant Harriot Grisby. Please do it as soon as possible as to sooner the better we can get help for PT....
Love You,
Prentice and Lil PT

Monday February 3, 2003
St. Louis Today posts news article about Little P.T.

Read it here.
Experimental therapy is dying boy's only hopeBy Deborah L. Shelton Post-Dispatch

They Don't Care About Us...
... ok this is getting officially weird.

7th search result: http://www.helium.com/items/1208667-mai ... cal-health
QuoteWhat should I eat and drink if I want to take care of my singing voice?
Drink plenty of water to keep the vocal folds hydrated. Lots of water bottles all over set in TII

Some lozenges and throat sprays advertise pain-killing anesthetic agents. While this sounds like a perfectly lovely idea, these products simply mask the symptoms of your illness or vocal strain and make it more likely that you could overuse and damage your voice. Instead, try a glycerine-based lozenge, or a hard sour candy, since it is the formation of saliva that naturally lubricates the throat and vocal folds when you swallow. Michael pictures with suckers/lollies

Ok interesting, maybe.

8th search result: http://www.answers.com/topic/joe-williams
Biography on balc singer born Joeseph who changed his name to Joe, who came from modest beginnings in an urabn environment to rise to the top yet didn't achieve proper recognition until after his death brought about by hospital administered drugs. Ironically, the hospital released this man so high on drugs, he forgot to take his oxygen with him and died:
QuoteWilliams was hospitalized for treatment of breathing problems in Las Vegas. When he left the hospital he was reportedly disoriented from his medication. Williams walked about two miles without his oxygen tank before collapsing on the street. He died on March 29, 1999. His manager, John Levy, told the press that Williams had a history of respiratory difficulties, but had always recovered with the assistance of oxygen and other treatments.

Ok wow. This is offically weird.

Why would all these entries be the top 8 search results for "Oxygen therapy vocalists"...



February 17, 2010, 01:19:20 AM #15 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

OMG, I love video games- and on the 24th I too was reading about MJ video games!! Oh my gosh, this is so weird!I agree

Quote from: "jacilovesmichael"

He's alive. Totally. Has to be. Nothing else makes sense. I agree with the comment about killing a lot of birds with one stone. It's all really interesting and I'm not sad anymore, just anxious to see what happens.

Quote from: "bec"

I do have a feeling what we are doing is a game, with the forums and the clues and such, and I do have the feeling it's by design. I feel this way more and more as we progress. I agree about the many birds concept, Jacksonologist.

I agree with you jaci, 100%. Nothing else makes sense besides hoax followed by comeback.


I agree with you both, as well, especially what's bold in Jaci's post- no "autopsy" or anything like that affects me any more, I'm just dying to see what will happen next. Yesterday made a week since the Murray "court" stuff, and lately I've been getting the feeling that MJ is getting closer and closer.. But this is so weird how the very days before the 25th I was all into reading and loading vids about MJ's video game connections and now this..! Heck, it's a long story, but if it weren't for a video game I wouldn't even be here on this board right now, as a proud Michael Jackson fan!

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