Jacksons implicate Illuminati/Freemasons in MJ death

Started by QuirkyDiana, February 14, 2010, 08:27:50 PM

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'The Jackson family has stated they believe Murray was an accomplice in an evil cabal, possibly connected to Freemasons and the Illuminati cult, and plot against Michael to drug, control and murder him for monetary gain'






I just posted a thread about the Illuminati trying to kill Michael, with a link to a video on youtube someone made about them controlling him (sony) & then shows him speaking out about the evil in the industry & EVERYTHING, that being the reason to try to kill him, he knew too much & was exposing them. Check it out.



If it is true that Michael told his mother he was afraid of being poisoned, and he knew of the conspiracy I do not think has been referred to a doctor who gives drugs and anesthetics, and I think it would hire a doctor mason.
Michael escaped from all these people who wanted to assassinate him. I do not understand, is that by Dr. Tohme in hospital with Jermaine 8-)



[truthsuntold ยป Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:58 pm

sorry to post the obvious but the jackson family accusing dr murray as been connected to they who must not be mention is funny as the BIG J jackson is a member himself so think about what does J get out of this by accusing the doc? does he intend to accuse the doc to take the focus away from himself to bluff us into believing the he isnt a mkd master/b]

Ok, how do you know if Joe Jackson is a mason also?



Conrad Murray is a freemason.  It'sPROUDLY & BOLDLY stated on his attorney's website!

Craig Harvey is a freemason.

Chief William Bratton is a freemason.

Jesse Jackson is a freemason - and we haven't heard a word from him!

Al Sharpton is a freemason - and we haven't heard a word from him either!

Firpo Carr is a freemason and he is telling us the whole story at his website for those who have been paying attention.  Sadly, every week when he lists a new article, he deletes the previous weeks' article so unless you were following from the very beginning you will not get the whole story.

Michael is alive.  He is hiding in a grave until his trials and tribulations are over.  Like Lazarus, Michael is asleep (propofol) and like Lazarus, Michael will be resurrected.  He had a lot of legal help to pull this off and there are some criminals going down in the process.  Michael will be back!



Could b true, i mean they have done alot of heinous things, and mj hasnt surfaced yet? so could be be a possiblity until we see Mic in the flesh  :?  

With Such Confusions Dont It Make You Wanna Scream!!

Bee Bee


I haven't read most of the replies, but the page doesn't exist (anymore). And the official website of the People magazine is people.com and there is nothing about this.

If you'd only come to me, my heart wouldn't be full of sorrow
But now all I can do is hope and pray that you'll come to me



I heard that Michael is said to have come out of a coma recently:


and other pages (meletrik).

What do you guys think?  Could the coma story be a part of the hoax?  I have looked for a report of Michael coming out of a coma, but I couldn't find it.

In order to heal the world, we must each have unconditional L.O.V.E. for everyone.  Unconditional L.O.V.E. in each of us will lead to true and lasting inner and outer peace and true and lasting freedom.  Love never fails.  Pursue love.  1 Corinthians 13]




Quote from: "FITA"

I heard that Michael is said to have come out of a coma recently:


and other pages (meletrik).

What do you guys think?  Could the coma story be a part of the hoax?  I have looked for a report of Michael coming out of a coma, but I couldn't find it.

Went to the link but didn't see anything about the coma on the site.



It's probably further back on the thread by now.  Meletrik said she saw something here, on MJHDI, about Michael coming out of a coma; and I wanted to know if there was any more information regarding that story.

In order to heal the world, we must each have unconditional L.O.V.E. for everyone.  Unconditional L.O.V.E. in each of us will lead to true and lasting inner and outer peace and true and lasting freedom.  Love never fails.  Pursue love.  1 Corinthians 13]





In all my years of following celebrities, Michael Jackson has received by far the most recognition after his "death" than quite possibly in life. Again, It's extremely difficult to make assertions and follow reasoning without substantiated claims, but to be honest, I think there is a fine line between factual evidence and hope. of course, we all want Michael to be alive, but our job is to help verify the claims and clues to help sway our personal opinions and not get bogged down by the illegitimate irrelevant material which pertains to the hoax. I've previously stated this once before, and I'll again reiterate the same sentiments. USE YOUR HEAD AND NOT YOUR HEART.   After michael returns, we can all use our hearts, but this is simply an in depth investigation that could quite possibly span years, so please know the facts from fictitious garbage. At this stage, anything written in the media or press, and even the so "called" family of the Jackson's could be very well false, so it's important to assess all the necessary variables when dealing with this sensation. Again, this is just a simplistic reminder to all those who wish MJ to return, but as we all know, its important stay level headed, especially for this hoax-death.

Another issue that I find particularly interesting, is the fact that many on this message board still refer to michael as cute and sexy, which, of course there is NO problem with expressing your affection towards michael, love is infinite, but we need to stay focused and not comment on every little picture that arises, and look deeply to investigate. Because, well all know, when your attracted to someone, sometimes we have a tendency to not think clearly and this gets in the way of logical reasoning and thinking. Again, you can express these feelings, but make sure it doesn't get in the way of investigation purposes. Every little bit of help is recommended,  but focus is the key term. so please open your mind and take things into perspective. This isn't going to get any easier so we really need to be on the ball with these findings.

Coming soon to a trial near you; MJ: the resurrection



The domain of the cited articles is up for sale:

Create your day. Create the most astounding year of your life. Be the change you want to see in the world! L.O.V.E.
"I am tired, I am really tired of manipulation." Michael Jackson, Harlem, New York, NY, July 6, 2002
******* Let's tear the walls in the brains of this world down.*******

Time to BE.



i believe the illuminate/freemasons are a part of this. it's so obvious i remember an interview with michael jackson and discussed about how his songs are toping the charts in various countries except for the united states, following that by stating that a certain someone(s) is behind the reason why and he refused to go any further with that statement...

I think he was going to expose the truths on his tour but they killed him so he couldn't



Katherine addressed them yesterday on Oprah "They did it because he was around children always, and I'm not going to mention names, they KNOW who they are."

Also Jackie's new song says a lot, the lyrics are unmistakable. This can't be ignored by the opposers anymore.



Have to read this later.

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