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I worry for the children
Mrs. Clinton said “We see that the government in Iran, the supreme leader, the president, the Parliament, is being supplanted and that Iran is moving towards a military dictatorship.”
This is a crazy world we´re living in, as you can be in war and not even notice it...And here, we would be hypocrite if we were talking about Mike´s message and don´t care about this fact, wouldn´t we. A pitty that we can do very litte but...There´s nothing that can be done if we rise our voice as one.But we need lots of AWAKENING still... innocent people are dying.We´re starving and sending troops... and nobody says anything. :cry:
You know what bugs me the most, that is that when you tell people about all of this they have an ''I don't care'' attitude towards it. I cannot understand that people don't want to know or see the REAL TRUTH they rather stay in the fake illusion ''they'' are creating. People really need to wake up before it's too late, that is something I worry about alot.
It's much easier to close ones eyes and pretend it's not there. Especially when it's not on our own soil or if it's not our loved ones putting themselves in harms way.
Of course we've been at war by those that want to destory our way of life and our freedoms. And sometimes you have to fight to protect those freedoms we all enjoy and for justice. And yes, sometimes war is ugly and sometimes unavoidable.
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