Its strange this was posted. The night of the Murray day in court. I was thinking about Michael and just trying to remember his face and the thought came to me (Do I really know what he looked like. And I wondered could someone actually have fooled the TII Dancers with an impersonator with features that close to his.
IDK....maybe I'm tweeking now with all the online investigating of the hoax. But the questions came, Do we really know or remember exactly what he looked like. I mean, there are so many impersonators and there are so many different faces of Michael. I'm aware of the fact that all of us can look different in various pictures, but in some of these pics. which are supposed to be Michael, features look different that should not change with position, lighting and age. I've seen pics. of him with totally different shaped eyes, a completely different smile, teeth than what I thought I remembered. I also remember Michael having very distinct eyes. Even his father said there were many MJ impersonators in TII.
I believe that many pics. we've seen that we truly believed were Michael, just wern't! So, I don't know about the name Barry Shaw, but I think it is possible that there is an impersonator or impersonators who looks so much like Michael that its possible to fool even his own family without exposing certain birthmarks. Michael is financially able to
pull anything off. We can argue the point, but we don't know him well enough to prove it for sure without doubt.
Also, just to clarify! E. Cassanove USED to look exactly like Michael, but not anymore!
See for yourself. E. Cass as Michael Jackson starts at 14:52 ... list.jhtml
For some reason unable to upload the video but it can be seen at this link.