This is NOT my theory... this is from an old member of MJKIT. Annie I hope you dont mind that I posted this....
I think today is a great day to start typing and posting my theory. Many people are loosing hope and getting upset with all the news that we are being flooded with.
However, I don't think it's time to loose all hope yet. The only thing we have to do is find out a way to fit a hoax death within this mess and I think I came up with just that.
However, let me tell you that the theory right now is in my head only so I need to sit down and type away.
I'm not being mysterious on purpose but it's going to take me several posts and it might take me more than one sitting to finish it. Please be patient!!
Relax and enjoy!
DISCLAIMER: Feel free to comment between my posts, but let me warn you about a thing: I'm not going to defend my theory. It's my story -based on my feelings, beliefs and research- and I stick to it. In a way it's my closure and it comes from my heart, so I don't have the energy or intention to argue over it. If you love it and gives you hope, I will be extremely happy. If you don't buy it, it's completely ok but I won't try to convince you.
EDIT AUGUST 31ST 2009: Just to let you know, I compiled the chapters of my theory in the following blog: blog has nothing new or different from what I posted here. It only has the advantage that is free of distractions if you want to read the theory in one sitting. I will post the next chapters here first.
WHY I CAME UP WITH THIS THEORY: as days went by from MJ's "death" I became increasingly annoyed at the so called clues given by mysterious posters, strange twitter messages, alleged Michael's secret My Space site and so on. I began to hate the emotional roller coaster and my skepticism became stronger everyday.
At the same time, being the rational person that I normally am, it was very hard for me to completely ignore what was being reported in the mainstream media. Of course I was not going to believe the carrot addiction story, but I couldn't disregard the main story lines (court probate, autopsy, LAPD & DEA investigation, search warrants, etc.).
You can argue that I could just accept the "death" as a fact and move on, but because in my heart I feel that MJ is still alive, I simply can't let go. I can't stop, I won't stop.
So, I'm faced with an intellectual challenge... my mission is to explain the death hoax with the premise that everything (or almost everything, because many stories are contradictory) reported in the press is true.
My motto for this theory is Sherlock Holmes' observation:
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
Consequently, I voluntarily and specifically choose to ignore JCC clues, twitter comments, Peter Pan's My Space and all the speculation surrounding the ambulance picture, UCLA no official comment, Michael attending his own Memorial as Hat Man or Blond Lady, the non existence of Dr. Murray, etc. (all things I deem impossible or very hard to prove/debunk) and I go along with what is reported in the media and / or said in interviews.
In a nut shell, this is the go to theory in desperate times. As circumstances surrounding the case become more real, what can I think / concoct to still believe in a hoax?
BELIEFS I BASE MY THEORY ON: MJ seems to be one of the most mysterious people in the world. It looks like nobody has the whole picture of who MJ is. Stories vary from vegan & health nut to hopeless druggie, happy prankster to sad & depressed, hyper & energetic to being at death's door, sweet and innocent to manipulative and dominant...
Therefore, I need to make some decisions. As I don't know him personally (sniff), I will go with my best guess and my gut feeling.
This is what I think about MJ in order to "build" my theory:
- He might not be a health nut but he is certainly NOT a hopeless druggie.
- He can be happy, sad, energetic, tired and everything in between depending on his mood and how much stress he's under.
- He might sometimes use the sick / ill excuse as a manipulative tool.
- He can be sweet and innocent but above all he's shrewd, clever, sharp, astute. Intellectually he's way ahead of most people.
- He's an unbelievable business man.
- He loves to entertain, surprise and shock people.
- He takes great pride in his career and legacy.
With Michael, you think know but you don't. And I mean this in the best possible way.
ONE LAST DISCLAIMER: I will get carried away typing this theory out. I tend to fall in love with my own thought process (LOL).
If at some point I state an opinion that offends somebody, I apologize in advance, but let me say that nothing I will say comes from a bad place and no harm or disrespect is intended at all.
Additionally, any wild and outrageous accusations towards any characters in my theory come from my crazy mind. I don't have any insider information at all on any level. I just have a vivid imagination.
WHY MJ WANTED TO HOAX HIS DEATH: MJ wanted to make the world a better place. He wanted to be child like, pure and innocent. He wanted to stop all the injustice in the world, with the power of his song and dance. He felt he was born to fulfill that destiny.
Unfortunately the world turned its back on him. He was mocked, ridiculed, wrongfully accused, scammed, taken advantage of, cheated on, etc. over and over again.
BAHRAIN, IRELAND & DR. TOHME TOHME: MJ traveled to Bahrain not just to escape from the hoopla in USA, but to make connections that could help him if and when he decided to fake his death. What better place to look for help than an Arabic Nation after having been almost taken down by the USA government?
About this period of his life we can only imagine and speculate. He could have gotten a new identity, passport and residency or not (I'm not too worried I don't need really need this for my theory).
Later on he had a fall out with the Prince of Bahrain, who consequently sued him. So he may have gotten nothing out of it OR the lawsuit is the perfect way to cover up the fact that he was helped out in constructing his new identity. It works either way.
An important connection he made in this period of his life is Dr. Tohme Tohme. A shady financial advisor of unknown origins. We are all very weary of him. He seems suspicious. But, if you were going to hoax your death, who would you turn to? Mary Poppins? Obviously not!
Dr. TT is a key element in the financial aspects of the hoax. MJ will need money after hoaxing his death. He's not going to work at Mc Donald's for minimum wage. He needs to put away a few hundred million dollars in untraceable accounts. He needs to find a way to do a reverse "money laundry" operation (instead of making illegal money legal, Dr. TT will make his legal money untraceable). Funny that around this period rumors about huge debts and inability to make payments on time start to rise...
Once that part of the plan was secured, MJ moves to Ireland. A peaceful farm in the middle of nowhere. He didn't choose this location for nothing. He wanted to get a taste of what life is like when you are completely out of the spot light...
WORLD WAR II, POLITICAL DECOYS AND SETTING THE PLAN IN MOTION: Around the time of the trial, MJ developed an obsession with WWII and its symbols. He went to court wearing WWII medals and arm bands which caused quite a stir. However his obsession had nothing to do with anti-Semitism, not at all. His obsession had to do with the most important key of his death hoax. A tool that was used and perfected in WWII: the political decoy.
A political decoy is a person employed to impersonate a politician, in order to draw attention away from the real person or to take risks on their behalf. This can also apply to military figures, or civilians impersonated for political/espionage purposes.
The political decoy is an individual who has been selected because of their strong physical resemblance to the person they are impersonating. This resemblance can be strengthened by plastic surgery. Often, such decoys are trained to speak and behave like their 'target'.
The practice of decoying is essentially little different from the profession of celebrity lookalike, in which people mimic famous entertainers whom they resemble. The only difference is that the 'lookalike' presents an acknowledged artifice. The decoy must conceal his or her imposture from the 'audience'.
Perhaps the most famous political decoy, soldier M.E. Clifton James successfully impersonated General Bernard Law Montgomery ("Monty") for intelligence purposes during World War II.
Take a looksy.
The Real Monty
The Fake Monty
Image what can be done with today's advances in cosmetic procedures, prosthetics and makeup effects? All that MJ needs to do is find the person with the right physical characteristics who's willing to take his place...
In the meantime, MJ is chillin' in Ireland. "What a beautiful and peaceful life this is", he thinks.
PS: I encourage you to do some research on political decoys. It's a VERY interesting topic. You'll be surprised.
POLITICAL DECOY FOUND, TIME TO MOVE BACK TO THE STATES: At some point in the year 2007, the political decoy is found. A man similar to MJ in general physical appearance, with a life threatening illness of slow progression and maybe a pain medication addiction initiated contact with MJ. He's a few nips and tucks away from resembling MJ to a t. However, the cosmetics procedures should be done far in between due to his failing health.
The full extent of their pact will remain forever unknown, but MJ made sure he was well rewarded for his services. This man had nothing to loose and was actually glad his impending demise would not be in vane.
All MJ needed now was a few doctors on his side to provide the political decoy with medical care and cosmetic alterations. His best connections in the medical field are in USA, so he relocates in Las Vegas with his decoy that I'm going to call "Jack London". To hide this man's identity and protect his own reputation all medical records and drug supplies for MJ and JL are registered under various aliases. A carefully concocted net to prevent the world from knowing the truth.
Around this time in his life we start to see a lot more of this, simply because most of the pictures are of Jack London hiding his cosmetics procedures and/or coping with his illness:
For the rest of 2007 and most of 2008, MJ life remains mainly uneventful. He decides to have some fun for the remaining of his celebrity status and starts attending parties and social events more than ever. He also takes care of his children and does a lot of shopping.
On the second semester of 2008, JL condition worsens. He doesn't have much longer to live. Maybe a year, a year and a half, with the best medical care. Some snooping nurse at a clinic tips Ian Halperin for a few hundred dollars. "MJ has a life threatening illness and he's not going to last long", she says.
MJ's next step of the plan needs to get started a.s.a.p.
He wants to check out in style, with a bang, on top of his game. He doesn't want to be a has-been, he wants to be remembered in all his glory...
TIME TO CONTACT AEG: MJ doesn't want to just die. Just dying is for regular folks and he's a mega star.
He wants to die at the top of the world and it's time to organize a comeback and soon. The biggest show in history. Maybe even break a Guinness record.
He also thinks that this way is going to be easier on the fans. They will remember him at the top. They will be so glad he had that last taste of owning the universe before dying of natural causes. "Poetic justice", he thinks. And smiles...
Promptly, he contacts AEG and tells them he's ready for a comeback, but he wants to do it NOW. Also, he tells them he wants a reality show type movie made of the auditions and rehearsals, a multimillion dollar budget for the shows, 3D technology, wild animals on stage, the best dancers, musicians and technical crew, lavish costumes, outstanding choreography, special effects, etc. etc. etc.
He also wants to launch a line of clothing and, if he has enough time, he might direct and produce a short film or two.
MJ basically wants to be everywhere and do everything, and AEG is overwhelmed. They never handled a mega star like him, but they can't afford to lose him (by the way, that's why he chose them, because he wants to be in control). Consequently, they agree to MJ's demands and get to work. Most of what they do is sloppy and poorly planned, but for MJ there's no turning back. JL might not live long enough.
AEG has only one demand: they want to insure the concerts and Lloyds of London will only agree to do so if MJ goes through a thorough medical examination. This is no biggie for MJ, he's in great health but he knows it would look suspicious when he "dies" of natural causes less than a year later and he does not want to be involved in any kind of insurance fraud. Therefore, he takes a preliminary examination with Dr. David Slavit, a Doctor he knows well. He's not really crooked but has no problem in letting certain things slide. He just leaves out a few details, like vitiligo spots and scalp burns, small enough to not be an impediment in a clean bill of health but maybe big enough for Lloyds to cancel the policy (if needed). MJ knows AEG is going to make millions anyway.
By the end of 2008 / beginning of 2009 MJ's concerts are in motion. Everybody wants a piece of the pie and creepy characters surface everywhere...