Annie's theory from MJKIT.....

Started by THE JACKSONOLOGIST, February 11, 2010, 10:34:36 AM

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February 11, 2010, 10:34:36 AM Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

This is NOT my theory... this is from an old member of MJKIT. Annie I hope you dont mind that I posted this....

From Annie:


I think today is a great day to start typing and posting my theory. Many people are loosing hope and getting upset with all the news that we are being flooded with.

However, I don't think it's time to loose all hope yet. The only thing we have to do is find out a way to fit a hoax death within this mess and I think I came up with just that.

However, let me tell you that the theory right now is in my head only so I need to sit down and type away.
I'm not being mysterious on purpose but it's going to take me several posts and it might take me more than one sitting to finish it. Please be patient!!

Relax and enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: Feel free to comment between my posts, but let me warn you about a thing: I'm not going to defend my theory. It's my story -based on my feelings, beliefs and research- and I stick to it. In a way it's my closure and it comes from my heart, so I don't have the energy or intention to argue over it. If you love it and gives you hope, I will be extremely happy. If you don't buy it, it's completely ok but I won't try to convince you.

EDIT AUGUST 31ST 2009: Just to let you know, I compiled the chapters of my theory in the following blog:
The blog has nothing new or different from what I posted here. It only has the advantage that is free of distractions if you want to read the theory in one sitting. I will post the next chapters here first.

WHY I CAME UP WITH THIS THEORY: as days went by from MJ's "death" I became increasingly annoyed at the so called clues given by mysterious posters, strange twitter messages, alleged Michael's secret My Space site and so on. I began to hate the emotional roller coaster and my skepticism became stronger everyday.

At the same time, being the rational person that I normally am, it was very hard for me to completely ignore what was being reported in the mainstream media. Of course I was not going to believe the carrot addiction story, but I couldn't disregard the main story lines (court probate, autopsy, LAPD & DEA investigation, search warrants, etc.).

You can argue that I could just accept the "death" as a fact and move on, but because in my heart I feel that MJ is still alive, I simply can't let go. I can't stop, I won't stop.

So, I'm faced with an intellectual challenge... my mission is to explain the death hoax with the premise that everything (or almost everything, because many stories are contradictory) reported in the press is true.

My motto for this theory is Sherlock Holmes' observation:
"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

Consequently, I voluntarily and specifically choose to ignore JCC clues, twitter comments, Peter Pan's My Space and all the speculation surrounding the ambulance picture, UCLA no official comment, Michael attending his own Memorial as Hat Man or Blond Lady, the non existence of Dr. Murray, etc. (all things I deem impossible or very hard to prove/debunk) and I go along with what is reported in the media and / or said in interviews.

In a nut shell, this is the go to theory in desperate times. As circumstances surrounding the case become more real, what can I think / concoct to still believe in a hoax?

BELIEFS I BASE MY THEORY ON: MJ seems to be one of the most mysterious people in the world. It looks like nobody has the whole picture of who MJ is. Stories vary from vegan & health nut to hopeless druggie, happy prankster to sad & depressed, hyper & energetic to being at death's door, sweet and innocent to manipulative and dominant...

Therefore, I need to make some decisions. As I don't know him personally (sniff), I will go with my best guess and my gut feeling.

This is what I think about MJ in order to "build" my theory:
- He might not be a health nut but he is certainly NOT a hopeless druggie.
- He can be happy, sad, energetic, tired and everything in between depending on his mood and how much stress he's under.
- He might sometimes use the sick / ill excuse as a manipulative tool.
- He can be sweet and innocent but above all he's shrewd, clever, sharp, astute. Intellectually he's way ahead of most people.
- He's an unbelievable business man.
- He loves to entertain, surprise and shock people.
- He takes great pride in his career and legacy.

With Michael, you think know but you don't. And I mean this in the best possible way.

ONE LAST DISCLAIMER: I will get carried away typing this theory out. I tend to fall in love with my own thought process (LOL).

If at some point I state an opinion that offends somebody, I apologize in advance, but let me say that nothing I will say comes from a bad place and no harm or disrespect is intended at all.

Additionally, any wild and outrageous accusations towards any characters in my theory come from my crazy mind. I don't have any insider information at all on any level. I just have a vivid imagination.

WHY MJ WANTED TO HOAX HIS DEATH: MJ wanted to make the world a better place. He wanted to be child like, pure and innocent. He wanted to stop all the injustice in the world, with the power of his song and dance. He felt he was born to fulfill that destiny.

Unfortunately the world turned its back on him. He was mocked, ridiculed, wrongfully accused, scammed, taken advantage of, cheated on, etc. over and over again.

BAHRAIN, IRELAND & DR. TOHME TOHME: MJ traveled to Bahrain not just to escape from the hoopla in USA, but to make connections that could help him if and when he decided to fake his death. What better place to look for help than an Arabic Nation after having been almost taken down by the USA government?

About this period of his life we can only imagine and speculate. He could have gotten a new identity, passport and residency or not (I'm not too worried I don't need really need this for my theory).

Later on he had a fall out with the Prince of Bahrain, who consequently sued him. So he may have gotten nothing out of it OR the lawsuit is the perfect way to cover up the fact that he was helped out in constructing his new identity. It works either way.

An important connection he made in this period of his life is Dr. Tohme Tohme. A shady financial advisor of unknown origins. We are all very weary of him. He seems suspicious. But, if you were going to hoax your death, who would you turn to? Mary Poppins? Obviously not!

Dr. TT is a key element in the financial aspects of the hoax. MJ will need money after hoaxing his death. He's not going to work at Mc Donald's for minimum wage. He needs to put away a few hundred million dollars in untraceable accounts. He needs to find a way to do a reverse "money laundry" operation (instead of making illegal money legal, Dr. TT will make his legal money untraceable). Funny that around this period rumors about huge debts and inability to make payments on time start to rise...

Once that part of the plan was secured, MJ moves to Ireland. A peaceful farm in the middle of nowhere. He didn't choose this location for nothing. He wanted to get a taste of what life is like when you are completely out of the spot light...

WORLD WAR II, POLITICAL DECOYS AND SETTING THE PLAN IN MOTION: Around the time of the trial, MJ developed an obsession with WWII and its symbols. He went to court wearing WWII medals and arm bands which caused quite a stir. However his obsession had nothing to do with anti-Semitism, not at all. His obsession had to do with the most important key of his death hoax. A tool that was used and perfected in WWII: the political decoy.

A political decoy is a person employed to impersonate a politician, in order to draw attention away from the real person or to take risks on their behalf. This can also apply to military figures, or civilians impersonated for political/espionage purposes.

The political decoy is an individual who has been selected because of their strong physical resemblance to the person they are impersonating. This resemblance can be strengthened by plastic surgery. Often, such decoys are trained to speak and behave like their 'target'.

The practice of decoying is essentially little different from the profession of celebrity lookalike, in which people mimic famous entertainers whom they resemble. The only difference is that the 'lookalike' presents an acknowledged artifice. The decoy must conceal his or her imposture from the 'audience'.

Perhaps the most famous political decoy, soldier M.E. Clifton James successfully impersonated General Bernard Law Montgomery ("Monty") for intelligence purposes during World War II.

Take a looksy.

The Real Monty

The Fake Monty

Image what can be done with today's advances in cosmetic procedures, prosthetics and makeup effects? All that MJ needs to do is find the person with the right physical characteristics who's willing to take his place...

In the meantime, MJ is chillin' in Ireland. "What a beautiful and peaceful life this is", he thinks.

PS: I encourage you to do some research on political decoys. It's a VERY interesting topic. You'll be surprised.


POLITICAL DECOY FOUND, TIME TO MOVE BACK TO THE STATES: At some point in the year 2007, the political decoy is found. A man similar to MJ in general physical appearance, with a life threatening illness of slow progression and maybe a pain medication addiction initiated contact with MJ. He's a few nips and tucks away from resembling MJ to a t. However, the cosmetics procedures should be done far in between due to his failing health.

The full extent of their pact will remain forever unknown, but MJ made sure he was well rewarded for his services. This man had nothing to loose and was actually glad his impending demise would not be in vane.

All MJ needed now was a few doctors on his side to provide the political decoy with medical care and cosmetic alterations. His best connections in the medical field are in USA, so he relocates in Las Vegas with his decoy that I'm going to call "Jack London". To hide this man's identity and protect his own reputation all medical records and drug supplies for MJ and JL are registered under various aliases. A carefully concocted net to prevent the world from knowing the truth.

Around this time in his life we start to see a lot more of this, simply because most of the pictures are of Jack London hiding his cosmetics procedures and/or coping with his illness:

For the rest of 2007 and most of 2008, MJ life remains mainly uneventful. He decides to have some fun for the remaining of his celebrity status and starts attending parties and social events more than ever. He also takes care of his children and does a lot of shopping.

On the second semester of 2008, JL condition worsens. He doesn't have much longer to live. Maybe a year, a year and a half, with the best medical care. Some snooping nurse at a clinic tips Ian Halperin for a few hundred dollars. "MJ has a life threatening illness and he's not going to last long", she says.

MJ's next step of the plan needs to get started a.s.a.p.

He wants to check out in style, with a bang, on top of his game. He doesn't want to be a has-been, he wants to be remembered in all his glory...

TIME TO CONTACT AEG: MJ doesn't want to just die. Just dying is for regular folks and he's a mega star.
He wants to die at the top of the world and it's time to organize a comeback and soon. The biggest show in history. Maybe even break a Guinness record.

He also thinks that this way is going to be easier on the fans. They will remember him at the top. They will be so glad he had that last taste of owning the universe before dying of natural causes. "Poetic justice", he thinks. And smiles...

Promptly, he contacts AEG and tells them he's ready for a comeback, but he wants to do it NOW. Also, he tells them he wants a reality show type movie made of the auditions and rehearsals, a multimillion dollar budget for the shows, 3D technology, wild animals on stage, the best dancers, musicians and technical crew, lavish costumes, outstanding choreography, special effects, etc. etc. etc.

He also wants to launch a line of clothing and, if he has enough time, he might direct and produce a short film or two.

MJ basically wants to be everywhere and do everything, and AEG is overwhelmed. They never handled a mega star like him, but they can't afford to lose him (by the way, that's why he chose them, because he wants to be in control). Consequently, they agree to MJ's demands and get to work. Most of what they do is sloppy and poorly planned, but for MJ there's no turning back. JL might not live long enough.

AEG has only one demand: they want to insure the concerts and Lloyds of London will only agree to do so if MJ goes through a thorough medical examination. This is no biggie for MJ, he's in great health but he knows it would look suspicious when he "dies" of natural causes less than a year later and he does not want to be involved in any kind of insurance fraud. Therefore, he takes a preliminary examination with Dr. David Slavit, a Doctor he knows well. He's not really crooked but has no problem in letting certain things slide. He just leaves out a few details, like vitiligo spots and scalp burns, small enough to not be an impediment in a clean bill of health but maybe big enough for Lloyds to cancel the policy (if needed). MJ knows AEG is going to make millions anyway.

By the end of 2008 / beginning of 2009 MJ's concerts are in motion. Everybody wants a piece of the pie and creepy characters surface everywhere...


February 11, 2010, 10:42:25 AM #1 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Thank you very much Jacksonologist, this is really appreciated!  :D
I've been wondering for a while if Annie still uses this forum? I miss her posts!


February 11, 2010, 10:45:47 AM #2 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

ENROLLING DR. ARNIE KLEIN'S HELP & RELOCATING AGAIN: By now MJ has everything thoroughly planned. JL –who has already perfected his impersonator skills in terms of voice and gestures- only needs a few more cosmetic procedures to be a perfect MJ and there is only one doctor that has the ability and talent to do so: Dr. Arnie Klein. Although he's officially a dermatologist, his inner circle knows he can do some facial plastic surgery on the side for the right price, of course.

MJ rents a house in Los Angeles to be close to the Doctor he trusts the most and convinces AEG to carry out all audition, rehearsal and production in California.

Just for fun, he demands to train with The Hulk and they agree. Hehe!

For the most part, things are going great. But JL is getting a bit out of control demanding more and more pain medication. MJ doesn't have the heart to say no. After all, the man will be dying in his place. To keep a closer grip on things, MJ knows that at some point JL will move in with them and he has to make sure they won't be caught together in the same room or the hoax plan will go down the drain. He decides that the whole top floor of this house is off limits for the staff. Only he and his children will be allowed to go upstairs, no exceptions.

THE O2 PRESS CONFERENCE: I'll let you in on a little secret... IT WAS MICHAEL AT THE O2 PRESS CONFERENCE!!!

One thing is to plan a death hoax and another is to carry it out. For MJ the truth sank in on March 5th 2009. "This is really it" (I'm hoaxing my death) "This is it"... He couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth.

He was sooooo nervous, he felt so weird. It actually was an out of body experience for him. He couldn't even speak like himself. The teleprompter was off (d*mn AEG and their sloppiness!) and all MJ could do was say "This is it" and hope that the wrong words didn't come out of his mouth next...

To make matters worse, AEG hired the worst photo and video editors in the world. They decided to Photoshop all the footage and pictures and ended with MJ looking like an impostor... ironic maybe?

50 CONCERTS? WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?: MJ and AEG had signed a contract for 30 something shows. They coyly advertised 10, just in case MJ had a lukewarm welcome from fans. When tickets sold in record time, AEG folks went bonkers. Even with their hasty work and amateur O2 announcement, MJ was selling tickets like in the Thriller era. They HAD to book more shows.

MJ loved the idea. He could make another Guinness record. He could beat Prince (the artist, not his son). But he had one worry. He didn't know if JL would last that long and that made him uneasy. He couldn't let him die at the hotel room while he was onstage. What if a hotel maid found him? It would be a scandal! Thus, with the excuse of not wanting to be hotel-bound for such a long period of time, he demanded AEG rented a house in London for him and his children. This way it'd be easier for him to hide and control JL.

By the way, let me tell you now that it was part of MJ's original plan to perform in London. He was to relocate in the UK from the end of June until JL died (hopefully giving him the chance to be at least halfway through his concerts dates). He figured that with the hassle involved in flying his dead body overseas there would be little interest in looking into the death itself, which after all was going to be from natural causes, so no police force would be involved.

Once "dead" he could lay low for a while in disguise all over the old continent (he has a lot of friends he can trust in several European countries) while the media went crazy over the landing of the body, the burial, the will... "OMG! The will, I forgot to update the will, I'm such a dork!" thought Michael. "Ok, I won't worry too much... When JL becomes really ill, I'll call some lawyers and pretend I'm exhausted and about to die and I'll ask them for help in updating my will because I feel my life slipping through my fingers"

In the meantime, Jack London was in more and more pain and sometimes behaving bizarrely. This wasn't something MJ could handle by himself anymore. To make matters worse, Dr. AK messed up a nose surgery on JL and had to rebuild the tip with part of his ear. Now JL had a mangled ear and the nose job wasn't looking great...

JL was falling apart. He needed close medical supervision. Where could MJ find a doctor willing to give up his practice to nurse a crazy dying man and not ask many questions?

CHANGES IN THE HOUSE: As we all know by now, Jack London is getting out of control. It's not the just gay-sexcapades that Ian Halperin later describes in his tell all book, but the increasing drug abuse, failing health and paranoia. He starts to tell people... "They are going to kill me, please help me".

MJ knows this is the time to move JL into his house full time. But nobody (or almost nobody) has to know JL is not MJ...

Around May 2009 he carries out these moves. He fires his staff, gets JL in the house, hires the staff back and tells them the whole top floor is off limits with absolutely no exceptions.

He knows he can't keep an eye on JL all the time on his own so he confides in one person: Alberto "Tippy" Alvarez, his personal bodyguard. Bodyguards are one of the coolest people in the world. They are willing to risk their lives to protect others and they sure as h*ll know how to keep a secret. Tippy is shocked. He can't believe he was fooled in the past and took JL for rides and shopping trips. Because he loves his boss and now admires him more than ever, he agrees to fully cooperate. Whatever is needed from him, no questions asked

The children already knew about JL, but MJ starts preparing them for the future. Prince and Paris are old enough to understand. Prince, as any preadolescent boy, doesn't care too much about anything. He just plays along to make MJ content but dismisses the whole thing as one of dad's weird antics. Paris is daddy's little girl. She is MJ's sidekick. She has his back and she'll do anything in her power to protect this secret. Blanket is very young to understand the whole picture. MJ explains to him that daddy is going to bring JL home because he's very ill and daddy promised to look after him, but he MUST keep the secret ("Cross your heart, hope to die" they say with a secret handshake). He also explains that in the near future daddy will go on holidays on his own for a little while.
"When will that be, daddy?"- Blanket asks.
"I don't know that yet"- MJ replies.
"Will you be back soon, daddy?"
"Of course! But you must always remember how much I love you all."

Shortly after JL moves in with them, he manages to wander off the property one afternoon and encounters "The Followers". JL is sick, thin and frail. He's also high, so he doesn't really know what he's doing. "The Followers" can't believe their eyes. And neither can MJ, who is seeing it all through his bedroom window. He sends Tippy to "rescue" JL a.s.a.p. and realizes he needs a tighter grip on everything. He asks his bodyguards to keep "The Followers" at arms length. He fires more people and hires different ones all the time (Tohme Tohme, Leonard Rowe, Frank DiLeo, Joe Jackson). It becomes a revolving door of people in and out of his life. He also makes the painful decision to keep his family away as well. He hadn't told them about the hoax yet and he can't afford to let them see JL now. It's too risky. He knows La Toya, Tito, Jermaine and Joe could never keep their mouths shut.

These are stressful times for Michael...

DR. MURRAY COMES IN THE PICTURE: Another thing that needed to be addressed fast was 24/7 medical care for JL. A Doctor who doesn't ask many questions and is willing to give up his practice to provide medical care for a sick, paranoid, dying man is needed. Given JL drug abuse spiraling, MJ doesn't want an enabling doctor at his side but needs somebody that can be easily convinced of certain "unorthodox" practices.

MJ remembered a doctor he had met a couple of years ago, while living in Las Vegas. Paris had a cold. MJ, as always when it comes to his children, overreacted and rushed her to the first private practice physician he could find, Dr. Conrad Murray. (Keep in mind that he can't just take his children to a public hospital because people go insane every time he steps out the door undisguised).
What he liked the most about Dr. Murray was that he asked no indiscreet questions. He didn't seem star struck, yet he seemed very respectful and bit fearful in MJ's presence.
MJ was thankful that this random Dr. didn't sell the story "I treated Michael Jackson's daughter" to the yellow press.
In the following couple of years they kept a little bit in touch. MJ called Murray once in while. Sometimes, MJ gets really lonely and just needs to talk to somebody. In one of these conversations, Murray told MJ about his money problems.

Keeping this in mind, MJ calls Dr. Murray and makes him an offer he can't refuse. He will be his personal doctor for a U$D 150.000 a month. Murray, desperate for money and going nowhere with his career can't believe his luck. He says YES without hesitation.
Obviously, MJ can't let him know that he will actually be caring for JL. So he tells Dr. Murray with his little sweet innocent voice: "mmm... well, you know... I'll be a bit of a challenge... I have trouble sleeping some times and I have a bit of a pain management problem... I hope uh uh... that you don't have a problem working with me on that... I'm really worried and I need you to be as discreet as possible because sometimes I'm not really myself..."
At that point Dr. Murray was so excited about the offer he would have said yes to anything. He agrees to help him with his little drug problem and promises to wean him off.
MJ is on a roll now. He found a doctor that would look after JL and keep him at bay with his addiction issues. Best part of all? He'll make AEG foot the bill. This will make things less suspicious when he "dies" because he will be pronounced dead by a doctor appointed by a third party.

Little did Dr. Murray know that he was actually going to be caring for JL. Eventually that became a lot more than he bargained for, but there was no turning back for him. He had already announced he was leaving his practice and he seriously needed the money...

LIVING LA VIDA LOCA – MICHAEL: Now we are in June 2009. Michael's life is frantic. He's keeping the biggest secret of his life while getting ready for the comeback shows. He's a nervous wreck, he doesn't eat much and pops a Xanax or two once in a while. Sometimes he just has to miss rehearsals. It's just too much, too soon.
Many people start to notice this. "The Followers" are on mission and follow him everywhere. He asks his bodyguards and AEG to keep them at bay but they are relentless. They slip notes and letters through Karen Faye, who shares their feelings. This breaks his heart and annoys him at the same time.
He feels he's about to go mad. One moment his insanely happy anticipating what his life is going to be 2 or 3 years from now and the next is about to burst into tears from all the pressure building up everywhere.
AEG and Frank DiLeo can see that something is going on with him, although they have absolutely no idea about Jack London and they've never actually seen him. They go into "business man" mode and decide to do whatever it takes to keep MJ working.
Kenny Ortega adores MJ and pampers him to no end. When he sees Michael getting thinner, he follows him everywhere with chicken and broccoli and makes the silly airplane routine to get him to eat.
By mid June MJ decides it's too dangerous to stay at home during the night. While he's sleeping somebody might creep in on the top floor and realize there are two MJs staying in the house. He decides to spend the nights in an undisclosed location and sneak back in the house in time to have lunch with his children.
More aliases and more disguises. Good thing this is going to be over soon. By the end of June he'll be flying to London. If it wasn't for these incompetent people at AEG that couldn't get production ready for the 8th of July opening show, he'd already be in the UK...
Who said hoaxing your death was easy?

LIVING LA VIDA LOCA – JACK: Poor Jack is not doing any better. He needs oxygen support to sleep at night. He is in more pain everyday and begs for drugs. He's almost bed ridden. He's increasingly paranoid. He talks a lot about getting murdered. Reads the Bible, prays all the time and writes bizarre phrases on the wall. Sometimes, in his delirium, he thinks he is MJ. After all, he's been playing the part for years now. He talks a lot about the children in the world and how sweet and innocent they are.
Almost everyday Dr. Murray spends the night caring for him and adjusting his medication. In the morning, he takes him breakfast and JL hardly ever touches it. After breakfast, Dr. Murray normally leaves the house, but stays on call in case he's needed.
Dr. Murray can't understand how the man he's looking after can have the energy to rehearse all day long. All he sees is frail, sick, old man. In fact, he didn't expect this at all, but he is a discreet and mellow man. He's not the complaining type. He has God on his side and he gets his strength from Him.


ONE LAST NOSE SURGERY & DIPRIVAN: As you know, JL's most recent nose surgery didn't go as expected. Dr. Klein messed up and now needs to fix it. That nose has to look right by the time JL will be boarding the plane to London.
AK tells MJ he won't perform the surgery in his office. He can't risk having the paparazzi or anybody else finding out what he is doing. He convinces MJ to perform the surgery at his house. MJ is not too thrilled with the idea, but reluctantly accepts.
AK has one more request. He won't prescribe the necessary drugs because he doesn't want to be linked with this surgery and wants to eliminate the "paper trail" associated with it. MJ will have to get the drugs from another source, but he doesn't really know exactly how.
AK explains to MJ that he can use any other enabling Hollywood doctor. He describes how Propofol is illegally used in the medical field and helps him write the "script". He tells him that he should ask for Propofol to be used as a sleeping aid, he should explain he already used it back in the day, during the Germany leg of his 1997 tour and he should talk a lot about his insomnia problems.
MJ doesn't have the courage to call a doctor at first. He tests the waters with Nurse Cherylin Lee. She refuses to collaborate but offers her services and leaves her business cards behind. One night JL was feeling really sick, hot on one side cold on the other, one bodyguard found her card and gave her a call to ask if she could do something. She wasn't in California, so she couldn't help much.
Finally MJ, through a net of shady enabling doctors and Dr. Murray himself (who is on a verge of a nervous breakdown, but agrees to anything and everything MJ / JL ask him to do) gets all the medication AK asked for:
- Midazolan
- Diazepam
- Lidocaine
- Propofol / Diprivan
In fact, just to make sure everything was going to work out ok, he orders insane amounts of each drug. He doesn't want AK not performing the surgery because he ran out of one drug. He wouldn't tolerate another setback. The pressure is too high.

JUNE 25TH: At around 01:30 a.m. rehearsals were wrapped for the day. MJ didn't go home that night.

Back at the house, Dr. Murray was asked not to spend the night and CCTV cameras were disabled. All this was groundwork for JL's final nose procedure.

JL was fully prepared for the event. He had an empty stomach and had taken a couple of diazepam to reduce his anxiety. Dr. AK was to perform the surgery at the break of dawn. Dr. Murray would arrive shortly after the procedure was finished to fulfill his daily activities.

Although Dr. Murray wasn't fully explained of what was going to happen that night, he was warned that Dr. Klein might be doing some restoration work on "MJ's" face at one point or another.

Around 06:00 a.m. Dr. AK sneaked in the house and went upstairs. He knew exactly where to go, he had detailed instructions of JL's whereabouts in the mansion. He promptly set the surgical space. The procedure wasn't at all complicated so he wasn't too worried about the fact that he had been up all night having some drinks with a very handsome fellow.

Dr. AK asked JL what drugs he had already taken. "Just a couple of Diazepam, as you told me to", he replied. He conveniently left out that he had been binging on drugs for the past couple of days and that he had a cold he'd been keeping at bay with ephedrine based cold medicines.

Dr. AK gave him some Midazolam first to produce drowsiness and began mixing Propofol and Lidocaine in the IV bag. At this exact moment something went TERRIBLY WRONG. Dr. AK got distracted for a split second and messed up the dosage. As soon as the substance went into JL's body, he went into cardiac arrest. Dr. AK tried everything in his power to bring JL back, CPR, injections to his heart, etc. but everything failed.

After a while, an overwhelming fear took over him. His career would be over if anybody found out about this... He would go to jail... He had to protect himself! So, he covered his tracks as best as he could, wiped all his fingerprints, gathered all his equipment and took off making sure nobody saw him.

Dr. Murray was about to arrive a few minutes later...

DR. MURRAY ARRIVES: Dr. Murray arrives at approximately 10:00 a.m. without knowing what was about to unravel. He greets the staff and goes upstairs where he finds a lifeless JL.
At first, he doesn't realize JL was gone. He thought he was unconscious from drug abuse. At closer inspection, he realizes he's dead, gone, departed, deceased... He can't believe it. He can't accept it. The body is already cold. THE KING OF POP IS DEAD AND THERE'S NOTHING HE CAN DO!!!!!!

Freaking out, he decides to cover his *ss. He knows he's going to take the fall. He's his personal physician after all. He cranks up the heater. He calls his assistants and requests them to destroy all the medical records he has in storage. He calls Dr. Klein and asks "What did you doo? Tell me da troot!!" Dr. AK adamantly denies any implication with the situation and refuses to carry on with the conversation. He hangs up shaking... Dr. Murray is now a loose end...

Back in the mansion, Dr. Murray continues to freak out. Two hours go by like two minutes. He needs to make a decision. It's too late to say he found "MJ" dead. He starts calling out people, at this point he wants witnesses. "Go get Prince", "Get security", whoever, he doesn't care. He's not thinking straight.

He starts a fake CPR maneuver the minute Alberto Alvarez walks in the room. Tippy knows the body is JL, but he's shocked to see he is dead. He didn't expect that. Not so soon. Something about Dr. Murray's demeanor makes him suspicious. He's too out of control. He's a cardiologist. He's supposed to remain calm in a situation like this. Yet, he's freaking out. Tippy calls 911. He remains as calm as possible but he is tense. He cautiously chooses to say "Gentleman".

When paramedics arrive they find a body that's been dead for hours. At first they refuse to continue or initiate any resuscitation maneuvers. They don't even realize the body is "MJ". All they see is a sick, frail, emaciated, old man with a mangled ear and a botched nose tip.

A hysterical Dr. Murray orders them to work on the body. He pulls rank, he says he's a cardiologist and they should listen to him. When everything fails, he tells them they are working on "MICHAEL FREAKING JACKSON, THE KING OF POP, THE ENTERTAINER OF THE CENTURY!!! For f*cks sake, you have to do something!!!"

Paramedics agree to work on the body and carry him to the ambulance in a half *ssed attempt to make it look like there's hope. The ambulance backs slowly (no need to rush with a dead body) and a paparazzo gets the chance of a lifetime and shoots the last picture of "MJ".

Once in UCLA everything is done to protect "MJ's" privacy. As well, everything is done to pretend there's hope. After a futile hour, "MJ" is pronounced. UCLA doctors aren't stupid. They know they've worked on a dead body for an hour just for show. They don't want to be involved any further than necessary so they refuse to release an official statement or give a press conference. Let Jermaine do it, let the janitor do it. They don't care. They just don't want to be involved. They want to get rid of the body as quickly as possible, by helicopter if necessary.

The crowd is gathering around the Hospital. People are hysterical, sobbing, screaming. UCLA doesn't want this hot potato. A fanatical mob is a serious threat. They fly the body out of UCLA as soon as possible. They leave it to the Coroner the task of determining the cause of death.


February 11, 2010, 10:53:33 AM #3 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

THE KING OF POP IS DEAD! THE AFTERMATH – AEG: Jermaine announced to the world that the King of Pop was dead. On June 25th 2009 the world stopped spinning. The world was shocked to the core.

At AEG jaws dropped. They had an "OH MY GOD, THEY KILLED KENNY" moment.
They saw their multimillion dollar business deal disappear right in front of their eyes. They knew people were going to point their fingers at them. They knew they were going to be accused of working him to death.

They needed to do some damage control fast. They had to release some footage and pictures of a healthy happy MJ rehearsing his heart away, moon walking his charm and pizzazz all over the stage before accusations started to arise. So they called their production and editing department. "We need some great footage, stat!" - Randy Phillips pleaded.
They did have hundreds of hours of very nice rehearsal footage, if you can live with the fact that most of it was too dark, taken from weird angles and with a non existent background. It seemed like the camera man had fallen asleep on the job many times.

Because they really didn't have the time to review all the footage, RP was loosing it. "Get me one f*cking minute of good footage!!!"

The editing department did their best and AEG released this:

Granted, they forgot to Photoshop the "S" between MJ's legs. But keep in mind this is the same team that released the horrible O2 Conference pictures and footage. In comparison, they did an outstanding job this time. At least, he looks like MJ.

Unfortunately for them, this release only ignited further speculation from the media and fans so AEG people realized a few pictures and one minute of footage wasn't redemption enough. Therefore, they came up with a backup plan. They wouldn't sleep, eat or breathe until they put up a Memorial show to honor The King of Pop.

THE KING OF POP IS DEAD! THE AFTERMATH – THE FAMILY: Although MJ was planning to hoax his death; he didn't expect to die so soon. Unfortunately, he didn't have time to let his family know about his plans. At the time of the trial some conversations took place about him disappearing for good, but nothing too serious.

At the moment of JL's death, the only family members that knew for a fact that MJ was alive were his three children and they were sworn to secrecy by his dad. He didn't mean for them to have this burden. JL was gone too soon and didn't give MJ enough time to explain his death hoax to other family members he could trust like Mother and Janet. Some could be suspicious, but none knew for sure.

Janet & Toya were worried about MJ's belongings left at the Carolwood drive mansion. They thought paparazzi, crazy fans or opportunists would jump at the chance of breaking in the house and snatch whatever they could get their hands on. Consequently, they hired moving trucks and took everything they deemed of value, either monetary or emotional. When Toya saw the IV stands and other medical paraphernalia along with an open safe where she knew MJ kept a few million dollars and expensive jewelry, she obsessed with the idea that her brother was murdered. Unknowingly, J&T decision to move stuff out the house tampered with the crime scene and that would eventually lead to difficulties in making a case against the responsible parties.

Momma Jackson is strong. She's the backbone of the family. She's a survivor and as such she decided to remain strong for the sake of the children. She copes with pain by keeping herself occupied. And as soon as the will was located, she was on a mission. She would protect her son's legacy and money, making sure any tribute concerts, memorabilia, songs and footage released from now on would be up to his standards. Also, she has big plans about how to handle the money in order not only to secure Prince, Paris & Blanket's future but the family at large. She has a big heart and loves all of its members.

Little by little the children feel more and more at ease at the Encino compound. They are very sad the whole family is grieving over "nothing". Blanket is very young and keeps asking when his daddy is going to come back from his holidays. Paris tries to keep him at bay as much as possible but she's also dying to stop Momma Jackson's pain. Very slowly, very carefully, these clever little guys start hinting the possibility that their dad is actually alive. The Jackson family members who hear these theories are in utter disbelief. They honestly don't know if the kids are in on something or if their grief is so strong that it messed with their heads.

By the time of the Memorial, the Jackson family was a mess. You don't see grief because they are in shock!

They know there's a body, an autopsy, an impending police investigation. They actually saw the body and it looked like MJ. Of course he didn't look exactly like him, because he was dead and went through extensive resuscitation measures. But it kind of looked like him, alright. La Toya even signed the paper work confirming his identity.

On the other hand, the kids -who otherwise are perfectly normal and smart- said time and time again that their daddy is alive. Maybe, just maybe, they are telling the truth.

They feel something strange is going on...

It's time for the Jackson family to investigate further. Smokes and screens are in order...

AUGUST 29TH DISCLAIMER: I love sharing this theory with you all and I love your positive feedback. As I type away I feel my theory becomes stronger. It actually makes more sense on paper than in my head. It's a beautiful ride and I'll share it with you till the end.

I promise I will address all issues. The autopsy, LAPD & DEA investigation, Dr. Murray's possible fate, possibility of a comeback, if I think we'll ever find out for sure, etc. In fact, once I'm done posting I'll let you know we've reached the end and you can ask me about any unaddressed issues and I'll see if I can make them work with my theory.

However, I must ask for one big favor. I need for those who flat out don't share my thoughts and beliefs or simply don't buy my theory at all to keep their opinions to themselves until I finish posting the whole story. Otherwise it becomes utterly distracting and I seriously need to be 'in the zone' to be able to structure my theory as clearly as possible and not get carried away trying to debunk debunkers.

Keep in my mind also that I'm not an native English speaker. It takes a lot of effort on my part to write down these longs posts in a foreign language and make them interesting, cohesive and grammatically correct.

Finally, let me tell you that I MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO POST AT ALL TOMORROW. I have a big presentation at work on Monday and I'll be preparing for that all day long tomorrow.

I promise I will make my next posts worth the wait. I still have a few plot twists up my sleeve.

THE INVESTIGATION LAPD STYLE – THE FIRST 48 HOURS: UCLA couldn't get rid of Jack London's Corpse (JLC) fast enough. They flew it to the Coroner's office faster than you can say "death hoax". Because Dr. Murray and UCLA's doctors refused to sign the death certificate, "MJ's" death became a Coroner's case and the LAPD had to start an investigation...

Actually, the LAPD is a wee bit happy that they got rid of the weird freaky multimillionaire they tried unsuccessfully to frame time and time again.

However, in order to save face, the LAPD decides to hide every trace of gladness and send off doughnut-eating Detective Orlando Martinez to get his *ss off the chair and convince a judge to issue a search warrant. This way, with a judge involved and all, they can pretend they are actually interested in finding out what or who killed Michael Jackson.

Of course Det. Wiggum –sorry- Martinez is more interested in snooping MJ's belongings than actually getting some police work done, so he doesn't seal the crime scene. We all know by now how Janet and La Toya are allowed to go in and out the Mansion as they please, move stuff out of the house and, unknowingly, tamper the scene for good...

Anyway, when Det. Martinez gets the warrant on June 27th he goes to poke around –sorry- investigate the place. According to the official documentation, he found marijuana, two empty cigarette packs, pill bottles containing Temazepan, which can be prescribed for insomnia; a tube containing Benoquin ointment - a prescription generally used to treat Vitiligo; a bottle containing Valisone ointment, which can be used for skin problems; a box of Nystatin, an anti-fungal medication, and Triamcinolone ointment - a steroid for inflammation, allergic disorders and skin conditions, and vials of Latanoprost, which is aimed at reducing pressure in the eye. Most of this stuff belongs to JL, but the police will never know, because Det. Martinez didn't perform a thorough collection of the fingerprints found at the scene for later analysis. In retrospective, Det. Martinez was actually a bit disappointed; he was hoping to find the elephant man bones.

As we all know, for detectives the clock starts ticking the moment they are called. Their chance of solving a case is cut in half if they don't get a lead in THE FIRST 48 hours. Each passing hour gives suspects more time to flee, witnesses more time to forget what they saw, and crucial evidence more time to be lost forever...

And speaking of suspects and witnesses... Where's Dr. Murray?


February 11, 2010, 11:02:07 AM #4 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

THE INVESTIGATION CORONER'S OFFICE STYLE: Back at the Coroner's Office things looked a little better. Medical examiners were more willing to conduct a thorough investigation than the LAPD. Partly because they truly are serious investigators and partly because of the morbid fascination that entails autopsying Michael Jackson body. A thrill that can only be compared to the Roswell Alien autopsy

Without going into too much detail, a basic autopsy procedure involves external examination, internal examination and toxicology tests. If the death is suspected to be from a drug overdose, there's not much left to do but sit down and wait for the toxicology results, right?

However, when we throw in the Michael Jackson factor, things get a bit out of hand and the Coroner - maybe out sheer curiosity or maybe because the body showed no signs of vitiligo and was white from head to toe (which for sure debunks the carrot addiction but raises suspicious of a Benoquin overload) - decided to carry out his own little detailed investigation and started spreading subpoenas for medical records to every Doctor and Clinic he could think of.

Little did the Coroner know that the more medical records he could get his hands on, the more inconsistencies he would come across with his own medical findings from the autopsy. Baffled from all these discrepancies, Ed W*nt*r decides to wait until the FBI confirms identity of the body before he blows any lids and only confides his suspicious to LA Police Chief William Br*tt*n. They are both very concerned but decide to keep their fears under wraps until they get an official confirmation either way. In the meantime, with the excuse of showing respect for the deceased Pop Icon, the body will be kept under lock and key. They can't risk any leakages on the highest profile case they've ever worked on.

Now Jack London's fingerprints are on its way to the Afis Fingerprint Database... Is this the sign of the hoax coming to an end? Is the real Michael Jackson in danger of going to jail? Will the world ever know the truth?

30 HOURS IN THE LIFE OF DR. MURRAY: Dr. Murray managed to sneak out UCLA hospital as soon as JL was pronounced. Not knowing what to do, where to go and who to turn to, he went into hiding to collect his thoughts and regroup.

Although he didn't actually kill "MJ", he seriously screwed up his position by trying to cover up the whole thing. On top of that, he was also guilty of prescribing "MJ" certain legal but controversial drugs under false aliases.

Not knowing exactly what to do, he tried getting a hold of Dr. AK again. He figured that even if he wasn't there that night, he knew MJ enough to be able to offer help or give some insight on what could have gone wrong on the early morning hours of June 25th.

Dr. Klein was well aware that Dr. Murray was the only person that could figure out that JL's demise was his fault and had continually thought of him as the "loose end" in the past few hours, so he decided to offer his "help" in order to get him on his good side and have the upper hand on what Dr. Murray would eventually confess to the LAPD.

With very different objectives in mind, they agreed to meet up at an undisclosed location.

In that meeting, a desperate Dr. Murray was convinced by Dr. AK that, since nobody would believe that he was foolish enough to cover up for a crime he didn't commit, the best course of action would be to take the blame for "MJ's" demise in a manner that would only result in an administrative-code infraction.

Consequently –and because he knew exactly what went down that night and most of the drugs JL had taken and been given- Dr. AK coached Murray in the same way he coached MJ when he told him how to get Propofol/Diprivan. The defense/explanation he graciously constructed for Dr. Murray was fantastic and bulletproof from the technical point of view (a work of art, Dr. AK might say): Dr. Murray should confess to giving "MJ" enough drugs so that combined with certain undisclosed addiction issues could have caused his demise but isolated would have been perfectly legal and within the correct medical range to administer. In short: more drugs, less criminal responsibility for Dr. Conrad Murray (not to mention getting AK completely off the hook).

Care to guess what the star drug in this made up confession was? The non-controlled substance Propofol/Diprivan explained as a sleeping aid! As support for this theory, Dr. AK promised Dr. Murray he would go to LK Live and casually comment how MJ had used this drug in the 90s to help him sleep, as long as Dr. Murray kept this meeting a secret for the remainder of his life.

A relieved Murray left the meeting recharged with the hope that maybe the ordeal he will have to endure wouldn't be as bad as he thought. All he needed to do was follow Dr. AK's suggestions and get a half decent lawyer. His mind wasn't clear enough to wonder why he was so generously helped out.
A gloating Klein left the meeting with a big weight off his shoulders. If things go according to plan, nobody will ever know what really happened to Jack London that night... Nobody will ever know that Jack London even existed... In his mind, only one question remained: where is the real Michael Jackson hiding?

OH GOD HE'S TAKING PROPOFOL: Armed with a made up confession and a semi decent defense attorney, Dr. Murray contacted the LAPD to provide them with vital information to the case. (Not that the LAPD really cared too much at this point in time).

At the meeting with the LAPD detectives, Dr. Murray gave a detailed account of all the "legal" drugs he had administered "MJ" making especially sure that the timetable and dosages he provided were within medical guidelines. Additionally, as Dr. AK coached him to do, he made a point to tell the LAPD that he administered Propofol/Diprivan last to help him sleep because he had serious addiction issues and nothing else would work. (Keep in mind that because Propofol/Diprivan is/was a non-controlled substance, the most likely outcome of this confession would be an administrative-code infraction). Additionally, to make his confession stronger, he provided some physical evidence: the indication of the closet where the police could find the hidden drug stash (by the way, this was another AK tidbit).

What Dr. Murray didn't know was that the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) had been unsuccessfully trying to make Propofol/Diprivan a controlled substance for the past two years. ( ... index.html)

Consequently, as soon as his "confession" went on record, the DEA had a field day. With this high profile case they will be able to make Propofol/Diprivan more difficult to obtain than Kryptonite.

And what Dr. Murray also didn't know was that because the LAPD couldn't care less about investigating MJ's death and didn't do a proper search the first time around, his providing of information about the hidden stash made them very uncomfortable. Now they would have to do a second search at the mansion and LA Police Chief William Br*tt*n was going to get really irritated. From now on, they would have to be extra careful with pretending to care while letting things slide.

For now, Dr. Murray remains a free man. They have to build a solid case first. Something very difficult to do when done on sand...

AND HOW ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE: Let's take a second to recap on the trilogy of involved investigators:

* Coroner's Office: went crazy over autopsying "MJ's" body. Sent subpoenas left and right for medical records that eventually didn't match with the medical findings over the corpse. Waiting on fingerprint results.

* LAPD: didn't really care about the death investigation. With Murray's confession they realized they needed to step up and make up for the botched first 48 hours of investigation. Confidentially, LA Police Chief William Br*tt*n is also eagerly waiting on fingerprint results.

* DEA: couldn't believe their luck. This high profile case would enable them to go on a witch hunt for every enabling doctor, every shady pharmacy and every single aspect of illegal administration of so called legal drugs. Particularly, they will achieve their long time goal of making Propofol/Diprivan a controlled substance.

So, with that in mind... Let's now take a look at things from the DEA point of view... would you let a small thing like fingerprints not matching the corpse become an obstacle in this mind blowing investigation?? You have the opportunity of a lifetime to warn the general public of the dangers of illegal use of legal medication and to catch all the bad guys!! And you have the best shot at this by taking advantage of the fame and stature of one of the biggest stars (if not THE biggest star) of the century!!

Just a quick conference call with the guys that run the National Afis System for a little record switcheroony and nobody would be the wiser. A simple explanation between the top dogs of each agency and the path would be clear to go on an all crazy witch hunt for drug enabling rings, with nothing but the public interest in mind.

As you can now see, MJ didn't pay anybody in the government to keep his secret and he is not in witness protection. His secret is passively being kept in order to push the investigation forward!! But by now it's safe to say that ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE!! (Most likely, not exactly what Liza Minelli meant, if she meant anything at all amidst her drunken haze, but very fitting anyway).

Now we can only wonder what further consequences would entail the fingerprint switcheroony?

NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED: After the fingerprint swap, there's no other option for everybody involved but to go on save your own *ss mode, and this is what went on behind the scenes:

As soon as the Coroner´s Office received the finger print report back, confirming the body ID, although they found that to be very strange, they just decided to detach themselves as much as possible from the case. They would hold off the release of autopsy results as long as they could and every single information provided would be -from now on- as meager and concise as humanly and legally possible.

They had a big scare with the fake coroner video release (the one that MJ jumps out of their van) and, although it was indeed bogus (sorry!), they went out of their way denying it. They want minimal implication on anything and everything MJ related.

When the LAPD received the finger print report back, nothing really changed because they were not suspicious in the first place (have I mentioned before that they don't really care about this investigation?).

However, Chief Br*tt*n was eagerly waiting for these results and couldn't believe his eyes. A secret meeting with the DEA made it very clear that he had to keep his mouth shut and that he wasn't free of sin because his department wasn't doing a great job in the first place. The Chief's first reaction was to resign on the spot. However after careful consideration, he agreed to mum's the word, try to keep his department in shape and graciously resign by the end of October when things would probably have died down a bit, to make it look less suspicious.

The DEA, once the coast was clear, went on a drug related feeding frenzy. Search warrants everywhere, for doctors and pharmacies, looking for drugs, prescriptions, bills, medical records and anything else they could get their little greedy fingers on. Making Michael Jackson dead on paper was actually a small price to pay.

Finally, several meetings with a source close to the Jackson family definitely cleared the path for the massive drug related criminal case to go on. In exchange of allowing MJ's name to be used in the investigation, any findings related to hoaxing his death will be overlooked. This source offered the first proof of good faith by releasing the Pepsi commercial footage mid July, which sadly would forever imprint the idea of a drug addicted MJ in the general public eye. By the end of August, when the decision making members of the Jackson family were finally on board with this agreement, the following statement was released:

(Between you and me: there's no other way the Jackson Family can actually be commending the work of the authorities in the case!!).

Social Security Death Index entries, Estate Probate, Custody Agreements, etc. took place (and will continue to take place) because for all intents and purposes Michael Jackson is dead to the world (at least on paper).

As for the burial... well... it deserves a whole other chapter...


February 11, 2010, 11:04:02 AM #5 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

DEAD AND BURIED?: By the time of the Memorial (July 7th) nobody in the Jackson family knew for a fact that MJ was alive, except for the children. ( ... amily.html)

This time around, things were different. Key members of the Jackson family were already aware that MJ was in fact very much alive but –for obvious reasons- indefinitely in hiding. In the meantime, the world needs to think MJ is gone.

Besides Katherine and the children, I won't list the members of the family (or friends) that know about the hoax. It's not my job to "out" who is genuinely grieving and who is taking advantage of their new found 15 minutes. Actually, there's beauty in not knowing for sure. It'll keep you forever guessing if LaToya's shenanigans are a product of her usual bizarre self or a carefully concocted plan to create diversion to protect her brother.

However, amidst all the smoke and mirrors devised by the family (that can even be amusing at times), there was a particular aspect that kept everybody in the know on the edge of their seats... the fact that at some point they will have to carry out the burial of the body the world thought to be MJ's.

How could they do that? How could they allow the fans visit a grave that didn't really belong to MJ? How could they stop the world from ever finding out the truth? In the quest of finding out the best possible solution, they kept delaying the burial week after week, feeding the public with one off the wall excuse after another.

Finally, it was decided that although a burial was a necessity (how long can you hold it off for without the world getting suspicious?), they couldn't subject the fans to the pain of visiting a fake grave, and opted for a top secret private location for burial of the casket encased in pounds of concrete... After all, we don't want Jack London's corpse to pull a thriller on us, do we?

All that was left to do was an understated (NOT) private (NOT) funeral to lay the body to rest and give the world closure. Just one look at the Private Funeral Program ( ... 090409.pdf) to figure out that they were not saying goodbye to Michael Jackson (the father / son / brother / friend) but to Michael Jackson (the performer). No candid pictures and no personal anecdotes were included.

Additionally, and just to be on the safe side, the family only allowed the live feed to go on until the casket appeared. There was no need to publicly parade JL's casket more than necessary.

The King of Pop is now gone.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's time for Michael Jackson to figure out how he wants to live his new life.

and thats all she wrote...I think her blog is down but this is as far as it goes on MJKIT....pretty cool huh? And this was written between AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER 2009


February 11, 2010, 11:14:01 AM #6 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

What you think about the lions?


February 11, 2010, 11:45:04 AM #7 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Jacksonologist thank you so much!!! I've read it before now, when she was still working on it, but wow to read that all again !!!This is brilliant, i've always thought so! I would like to say "such imagination" but reading this now, with all that has happened since annie stopped writing this i would prefer to call it "insightful"! I hope she comes up with a follow-up on how things will play out now, after all that has happened now. I bet she'd hit the nail on the head!
Annie ,if you're reading here, you did an awesome job on this ,really!!Please come back and tell us what happens next lol!


February 11, 2010, 11:54:37 AM #8 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I hope she doesnt kill me for posting it.... :oops:


February 11, 2010, 12:42:00 PM #9 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I hope she doesnt kill me for posting it.... :oops:

Who Annie?? Nah! If she comes looking i think she'd be happy to see it and curious probably about the reactions to it! I think it's great!


February 11, 2010, 01:02:20 PM #10 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest



February 11, 2010, 01:33:00 PM #11 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

I had read the theory back in August and I thought she might be on to something, but now after all that has happened I think her theory is the most reasonable on out there.


February 11, 2010, 02:26:43 PM #12 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest
Quote from: "mformichael"

What you think about the lions?

I would say this indicates that they OWN FL. No?
Create your day. Create the most astounding year of your life. Be the change you want to see in the world! L.O.V.E.
"I am tired, I am really tired of manipulation." Michael Jackson, Harlem, New York, NY, July 6, 2002
******* Let's tear the walls in the brains of this world down.*******

Time to BE.


February 12, 2010, 02:33:18 PM #13 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Great, Excellent I thoroughly enjoyed that !!  How brilliant she was onto him from the start - It is all very plausable and if she did not hit the nail on the head, she is somehow very close to the truth !!  Keep up the good work, and thanks for re-posting that.

still beLIEve

February 12, 2010, 03:50:21 PM #14 Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Guest

Well yes.... I actually think there has to be another body.... but if things were this way.... I think there is no possible come back.... and I don´t like to think that... :oops:

Da troot will prevail

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