Official back & Front thread

Started by looking4truth, February 08, 2010, 08:08:44 PM

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BACK is a member of the MJJC message board which is one of the largest Michael Jackson fan club message boards.  In 2005 and 2006, he posted some interesting posts that refer to this adventure we are on right now. I just want to pick out some of the posts that stand out. However, you can check out all of them HERE: ... light=back.  A HUGE thanks goes to Pammy for taking the time to posting all of these. Please look at the dates and times of these posts.

One of his most popular posts was of the New 7 Day Theory, which was posted by BACK on June 25, 2006 in response to a thread about 2Pac and his seven day theory. The comparison between 2Pac and Michael was recently mentioned on TMZ ( ... other-day/). These posts may be hard to comprehend at first. However, it is one of the most convincing pieces I've read from an "informer". Please look at the date and time and also note the mention of Mystery777, another member on that same board that folks thought to be MJ. Here is a post from that member:

Here is the theory:
Here is another screenshot that's in reference to his 7 Day theory:

After June 25th, BACK posted a conclusion of sorts about his theory, which makes references to Jesus, Archangel Michael, Evan Chandler and also this being 20 years in the making: ... 937-25.htm (screenshots are towards the middle of the page. If you wish to just read the text only, you can go to the first page of the thread)

The conclusion may make some people a little uncomfortable and indifference towards BACK but please continue to read. You may disagree with him on some things but other things cannot be denied. For instance, this post about This is It:  and this post about one day of simmering: ... 252610.jpg. Haven't we heard MJ say the word "simmering" quite a bit in the movie, This is it? I have also written a post about how the TII post could be connected with the three sevens MJ wore in the movie HERE: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3635.

Are these posts just mere coincidences?  It's up to you but I think we all know how we feel about coincidences.

Here are a few other interesting posts from BACK:
Not a comeback but a TAKEOVER: ... ver161.jpg
Check your future history books:
The King is BACK:
Media Failed: (Even mentions Harvey Levin, that lawyer that runs TMZ...hmmm...)

Some members believed/believe that he is MJ himself. I am not too sure of that but I do believe that he is "in the know".

And do you notice a certain catch phrase in his posts? Keep Watchin? Listen closely @ 00:18 of the official preview of TII: (Thanks to members at the old board for finding that). And remember what TMZ folks said to some of us hoax believers when confronted about the R.I.P. list? Keep watching! (viewtopic.php?f=48&t=4896)

So sometimes my dear believers that are losing faith after today, we have to look BACK to move FORWARD. :)

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January 03, 2013, 10:39:34 AM #16260 Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 10:40:08 AM by leilani81

This statement means that WMA will be in Spring? between March and June??


It is with deep regret that we have to announce that World Music Awards is postponed until 2013 due to several logistic and immigration issues. Several of our international performing acts have been unable to get work permits so we are asking for your comprehension at this difficult moment and promise to give you all a great world class show this coming Spring

"One of the definitions of sanity is the ability to tell real from unreal. Soon we'll need a new definition.
"Alvin Toffler


  Hello evrybody,  HAappy New Years. All this talk about WMA is very interesting. Because looking at fronts message, referring to the the part about seeing him of late, that fits the WMA picture perfectly,the curtains being parted, I mean the picture says so many words. If you looked at the slide show that's was on the official site, all the the artist were basically in performance, except for Michael, who was just walking politely through parted curtains...

Also I looked up the WMA, to learn a bit more about it, and have learn a bit more. It was founded by Prince Albert II of Monaco, who happens to be good friends with Michael. This award show is usually held in Monte Carlo. Though when it is not held in Monte Carlo, it was held in 2004 Las vegas,  then 2005 california, then 2006 London england, went back to Monte carlo in 2007 and 2008, no WMA in 2009,  :smiley-vault-misc-150: and returned 2010 in Monte Carlo. It hasn't been one since. Until this expected Spring.... all of those places it occurs are places where michael has strong connections. He's very respected at this award ceremony, He has 16 awards totally, the most of any male artist, mariah Carey tops him with 17. BUt since he's been dead to the world for 3 1/2 years it would be weird to put him as a ad for the upcoming awards how. I'm not complaining I love seeing Michael everywhere possible, but strange of them to do that.  Maybe we should pay close attention to Monte Carlo as well. Its about to get real interesting...


So I've come to the realization that I'm okay with the fact that BAM hasn't happened yet. It keeps the hoax going and I've just realized how much of a grip it has on me. I was in the ER last night with chest pains and tingling in my limbs, and the only thing I could think about was the straight bars on the stretcher from the autopsy photo and how the bars on the stretcher that I was on were curved. I leaned over the side of the stretcher to see if I could figure out the name of the manufacturer and sure enough it was Stryker! The nurses were looking at me like I was crazy because I was taking pictures of the stretcher. :icon_lol: I will post the picture later; I'm having some issues with my Internet connection.


Quote from: StrangerInCalifornia on January 03, 2013, 03:47:38 PM

So I've come to the realization that I'm okay with the fact that BAM hasn't happened yet. It keeps the hoax going and I've just realized how much of a grip it has on me. I was in the ER last night with chest pains and tingling in my limbs, and the only thing I could think about was the straight bars on the stretcher from the autopsy photo and how the bars on the stretcher that I was on were curved. I leaned over the side of the stretcher to see if I could figure out the name of the manufacturer and sure enough it was Stryker! The nurses were looking at me like I was crazy because I was taking pictures of the stretcher. :icon_lol: I will post the picture later; I'm having some issues with my Internet connection.

Oh no, I hope you're okay? Are you feeling better now? About looking at the stretcher you were on, that's funny. MJ's hoax has had such a hard-core effect on us all!

Kiwigon, welcome, and great first post!
From things I've read seems many didn't even think it was going to go ahead, even with the Sandy Hook and Visa excuses.
One comment from Stevie Wonder was,  "I saw that coming."  :icon_lol:
But MJ knows Prince Albert well, and he could be in on the hoax, so who knows what's coming!!


Quote from: leilani81 on January 03, 2013, 10:39:34 AM

This statement means that WMA will be in Spring? between March and June??


It is with deep regret that we have to announce that World Music Awards is postponed until 2013 due to several logistic and immigration issues. Several of our international performing acts have been unable to get work permits so we are asking for your comprehension at this difficult moment and promise to give you all a great world class show this coming Spring

IDK but I find it very fishy that WMA and BAM has been canceled due to last momment complications so if WMA have been postponed until next Spring and they are gonna give us a great world class show, does it mean MJ is gonna be there?  :affraid: I can't imagine another better great world class show though!  :icon_bounce:


Quote from: Kiwigon on January 03, 2013, 12:13:15 PM

Hello evrybody,  HAappy New Years. All this talk about WMA is very interesting. Because looking at fronts message, referring to the the part about seeing him of late, that fits the WMA picture perfectly,the curtains being parted, I mean the picture says so many words. If you looked at the slide show that's was on the official site, all the the artist were basically in performance, except for Michael, who was just walking politely through parted curtains...

Also I looked up the WMA, to learn a bit more about it, and have learn a bit more. It was founded by Prince Albert II of Monaco, who happens to be good friends with Michael. This award show is usually held in Monte Carlo. Though when it is not held in Monte Carlo, it was held in 2004 Las vegas,  then 2005 california, then 2006 London england, went back to Monte carlo in 2007 and 2008, no WMA in 2009,  :smiley-vault-misc-150: and returned 2010 in Monte Carlo. It hasn't been one since. Until this expected Spring.... all of those places it occurs are places where michael has strong connections. He's very respected at this award ceremony, He has 16 awards totally, the most of any male artist, mariah Carey tops him with 17. BUt since he's been dead to the world for 3 1/2 years it would be weird to put him as a ad for the upcoming awards how. I'm not complaining I love seeing Michael everywhere possible, but strange of them to do that.  Maybe we should pay close attention to Monte Carlo as well. Its about to get real interesting...

Welcome Kiwigon and thanks for sharing after reading your post I am sure that WMA's delayed has something to do with Michael or at least I hope so.


Quote from: leilani81 on January 03, 2013, 10:39:34 AM

This statement means that WMA will be in Spring? between March and June??


It is with deep regret that we have to announce that World Music Awards is postponed until 2013 due to several logistic and immigration issues. Several of our international performing acts have been unable to get work permits so we are asking for your comprehension at this difficult moment and promise to give you all a great world class show this coming Spring

Do you think MJ will be there?......Someone also told me that if Michael will comeback, he'll Bam before June 25, maybe this??IDK...just my opinion


MJ's Bam will be it's own event. He doesn't need to ruin anyone else's big event by overshadowing all other artists who are slated to receive awards or perform at an event.

Are you entertained?


Quote from: bec on January 03, 2013, 09:15:46 PM

MJ's Bam will be it's own event. He doesn't need to ruin anyone else's big event by overshadowing all other artists who are slated to receive awards or perform at an event.

I agree. I was thinking maybe there'd be something about MJ at the event that could be connected to the bams day... maybe a clue...  :icon_question:
'Money...Lie for it Spy for it Kill for it Die for it They'd kill for the money Do or dare'


 :-[ oopps sorry bout that!....hhmmm.....maybe one of the jackson family will participate there! :penguin:


January 03, 2013, 10:01:55 PM #16270 Last Edit: January 03, 2013, 10:11:14 PM by Kiwigon

thanks for the welcomes, I've been following the hoax since 2009, I was completely heartbroken at the fact Michael wouldn't be with us, it tore me to pieces. I was at work when it happened toppled over with disbelief, whilst my phone goes off in a rage with text and calls from everybody I knew. The radio (I worked in the JFK post service building) playing Micheal Jackson "don't stop til you get enough" in the background. I had already made arrangements for the night to make an extra $1000 dollars off the books, so pulling myself through this arrangement was excrusiating, my mind wasn't there and everywhere I turned was Michael, his music his face on TV. While i stood stranded in the middle of the street at 11pm that night, a car rolls pass playing the same song, and I knew something wasnt right. June 25 2009 I was getting ready, making money, by any means, because in July I was going to be flying to Europe for a months stay, I just knew I was going to see Michael during my last leg of the trip. It was a tour through Europe starting in switzerland, going through several other countries Germany France to name a few, and it ended with a 7 day stay in London. He made those speeches about this being it, and I was going to be there while it was it. Sadly, I didn't get that chance to see the king of pop, as I walked the streets of London, alone with no familiar faces those last 7 days the feeling of England was so hurt and sad,. Again Michael everywhere as if he were their king, their prince, his posters and logos right next to the queens, he was the only familiar face, like family almost, heart broken and just plain devastated. I bought a few magazines, posters, large ones too, I struggled to get those home unscaved lolz, but it hurt, for a long time. But knew, it was odd there was no funeral, not much of any explanations, what was going on! I got back to the states, and information started to roll in and that's when i became a believer.

Also I would like to add, that I too believe the WMA is just a circuit for more information. Big information. Don't think BAM will actually happen at an award ceremony but there are so many clues pointing to the WMA being an iceberg to a titanic like hoax, if you know what I mean.definetly a program to be paying close attention too, as we look closer into the clues given. When it all goes down, I think it'll be going down fast.that would also go perfect with the 4 years to get it right, spoken from the king himself. Can't get any better than from the king himself...

suspicious mind

Quote from: StrangerInCalifornia on January 03, 2013, 03:47:38 PM

So I've come to the realization that I'm okay with the fact that BAM hasn't happened yet. It keeps the hoax going and I've just realized how much of a grip it has on me. I was in the ER last night with chest pains and tingling in my limbs, and the only thing I could think about was the straight bars on the stretcher from the autopsy photo and how the bars on the stretcher that I was on were curved. I leaned over the side of the stretcher to see if I could figure out the name of the manufacturer and sure enough it was Stryker! The nurses were looking at me like I was crazy because I was taking pictures of the stretcher. :icon_lol: I will post the picture later; I'm having some issues with my Internet connection.

you just gave me the best laugh i've had from here in a while. so glad your ok
"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be shrewd as serpents and as innocent as doves."  

Why not just tell people I'm an alien from Mars? Tell them I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight. They'll believe anything you say, because you're a reporter. But if I, Michael Jackson, were to say, "I'm an alien from Mars and I eat live chickens and do a voodoo dance at midnight," people would say, "Oh, man, that Michael Jackson is nuts. He's cracked up. You can't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth."


Quote from: bec on January 03, 2013, 09:15:46 PM

MJ's Bam will be it's own event. He doesn't need to ruin anyone else's big event by overshadowing all other artists who are slated to receive awards or perform at an event.

I kind of disagree, because he overshadowed Farrah Fawcett's death and didn't suspend his plans, I don't really think anyone can really say what Michael would or would not do, when or how he will BAM, guesses are one thing but to state with surety he would not is another and no one but those in the know with Michael can do/say.

Also if he bam at the end, it would make no difference regardless to BAM before or after the date of the event... on his own stage and date or on a worldwide event... it will still overshadow all celebrities no matter what or when...

"One of the definitions of sanity is the ability to tell real from unreal. Soon we'll need a new definition.
"Alvin Toffler


Quote from: leilani81 on January 03, 2013, 10:28:04 PM

Quote from: bec on January 03, 2013, 09:15:46 PM

MJ's Bam will be it's own event. He doesn't need to ruin anyone else's big event by overshadowing all other artists who are slated to receive awards or perform at an event.

I kind of disagree, because he overshadowed Farrah Fawcett's death and didn't suspend his plans, I don't really think anyone can really say what Michael would or would not do, when or how he will BAM, guesses are one thing but to state with surety he would not is another and no one but those in the know with Michael can do/say.

Also if he bam at the end, it would make no difference regardless to BAM before or after the date of the event... on his own stage and date or on a worldwide event... it will still overshadow all celebrities no matter what or when...

"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly." ~ Lanston Hughes


Quote from: leilani81 on January 03, 2013, 10:28:04 PM

Quote from: bec on January 03, 2013, 09:15:46 PM

MJ's Bam will be it's own event. He doesn't need to ruin anyone else's big event by overshadowing all other artists who are slated to receive awards or perform at an event.

I kind of disagree, because he overshadowed Farrah Fawcett's death and didn't suspend his plans, I don't really think anyone can really say what Michael would or would not do, when or how he will BAM, guesses are one thing but to state with surety he would not is another and no one but those in the know with Michael can do/say.

Also if he bam at the end, it would make no difference regardless to BAM before or after the date of the event... on his own stage and date or on a worldwide event... it will still overshadow all celebrities no matter what or when...

Farrah Fawcett didn't plan to receive a great deal of media attention and acclimation for her achievements on 6/25/09. Apples n oranges.
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