Official back & Front thread

Started by looking4truth, February 08, 2010, 08:08:44 PM

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BACK is a member of the MJJC message board which is one of the largest Michael Jackson fan club message boards.  In 2005 and 2006, he posted some interesting posts that refer to this adventure we are on right now. I just want to pick out some of the posts that stand out. However, you can check out all of them HERE: ... light=back.  A HUGE thanks goes to Pammy for taking the time to posting all of these. Please look at the dates and times of these posts.

One of his most popular posts was of the New 7 Day Theory, which was posted by BACK on June 25, 2006 in response to a thread about 2Pac and his seven day theory. The comparison between 2Pac and Michael was recently mentioned on TMZ ( ... other-day/). These posts may be hard to comprehend at first. However, it is one of the most convincing pieces I've read from an "informer". Please look at the date and time and also note the mention of Mystery777, another member on that same board that folks thought to be MJ. Here is a post from that member:

Here is the theory:
Here is another screenshot that's in reference to his 7 Day theory:

After June 25th, BACK posted a conclusion of sorts about his theory, which makes references to Jesus, Archangel Michael, Evan Chandler and also this being 20 years in the making: ... 937-25.htm (screenshots are towards the middle of the page. If you wish to just read the text only, you can go to the first page of the thread)

The conclusion may make some people a little uncomfortable and indifference towards BACK but please continue to read. You may disagree with him on some things but other things cannot be denied. For instance, this post about This is It:  and this post about one day of simmering: ... 252610.jpg. Haven't we heard MJ say the word "simmering" quite a bit in the movie, This is it? I have also written a post about how the TII post could be connected with the three sevens MJ wore in the movie HERE: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3635.

Are these posts just mere coincidences?  It's up to you but I think we all know how we feel about coincidences.

Here are a few other interesting posts from BACK:
Not a comeback but a TAKEOVER: ... ver161.jpg
Check your future history books:
The King is BACK:
Media Failed: (Even mentions Harvey Levin, that lawyer that runs TMZ...hmmm...)

Some members believed/believe that he is MJ himself. I am not too sure of that but I do believe that he is "in the know".

And do you notice a certain catch phrase in his posts? Keep Watchin? Listen closely @ 00:18 of the official preview of TII: (Thanks to members at the old board for finding that). And remember what TMZ folks said to some of us hoax believers when confronted about the R.I.P. list? Keep watching! (viewtopic.php?f=48&t=4896)

So sometimes my dear believers that are losing faith after today, we have to look BACK to move FORWARD. :)

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@Gina...There is no negativity thread here anymore.
I am sorry that you are going through the terrible ordeal of having to watch your mother in law suffering. I know it is not easy. I have nursed my Father at home also.


@bec, of course I don't, I'm not new to this but have never been a real fan. Not before, not after the 25th of June. I have always loved his music but nothing more than that. It just feels differently after that terrible day. I worry about him a lot and my worries first brought me to his official website, then to twitter, then to his fans blogs and then I found out there was a hoax site. So I have read a lot. Not as much as your all here, cause you are professionals and you are into this daily, sharing your thoughts and ideas that I just adore you all for. but I'm not. Iam mostly just reading, trying to analyze a situation or new information and trying to form my own opinion that often differs from yours ( not exactly your own bec, Im talking about all of you, the collective, cause most of you share the same thoughts and ideas ). but when its the same Im so glad and happy, really. So, to answer your question, I cant say I'm new to this as much as I cant say that I know everything like you. What I meant by him leaving his children was that I know that they live with their grandma and other relatives now and not with Michael while when he was around he was always with them, each day and night. Just that. When it was still 2009, I thought that maybe he also secretly lived at the house with them but now, after all this time I don't think so anymore. Then I thought he might communicate with them through twitter, Facebook or anything else but then I thought that knowing Michael and his maniacal love and care for his children I really think its just impossible cause he would be so against Paris to be on twitter and tweeting her true feelings and whats going on in her family out. I know, many thought it was a PR move, but had he ever made pr moves using his own children when he was around? As far as I know, he was or still is so against it. He always talked about privacy and never even showed his gf to the world. Why would he change so radically now? Just because he wants to play the best game ever? I find it really hard to believe. Making his daughter an actress and helping her any way possible is one thing, but making her fighting with her own aunt publicly, for example, is completely other thing. She's still a child, right? She's not even 16 yet and do you really believe he would do that to her? That's just one example of what I have said before, why news like that makes me very sad. Maybe you see it as a game too, but I just can't and Im truly sorry about that, Michael, but even if you really do that I will never understand that. But who I am after all.
Bec, maybe you are right, and Michael will get tired of this game soon. I hope he's entertained....But that little realistic or insecure person inside of me will never believe that. Somehow he feels Michael is a very good person.

@curls, thank you so much for your really nice words. Love this forum.

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you....


October 03, 2012, 01:05:57 PM #13652 Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 01:09:29 PM by SimPattyK
Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 12:45:02 PM

[...] I really think its just impossible cause he would be so against Paris to be on twitter and tweeting her true feelings [...]

How do you know for sure that those are "her true feelings"?
How can you know for sure that it's always only Paris posting from that twitter account?

Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 12:45:02 PM

[...]had he ever made pr moves using his own children when he was around? [...]

But they were all too little back then.

Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 12:45:02 PM

[...] but making her fighting with her own aunt publicly, for example, is completely other thing.

How do you know for sure they were fighting for real and not just putting a show for the media and also sending a message of family "weakness" to the sharks out there, just to make them do the wrong move!?

Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 12:45:02 PM

She's still a child, right? She's not even 16 yet

Not really. Between the age of 13 and 19 she's a teenager, a more mature human being than just a child.
But Blanket is still a child, probably that's why we haven't seen him so much around  :icon_e_wink:

Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 12:45:02 PM

and do you really believe he would do that to her?

Do what to her? You make it sound like it's an abuse or something horrible...

Does Paris look to you like a girl forced to do something she doesn't like?
Did you hear her say that she always wanted to be like her dad?
Did you hear when Paris said that she wants to become an actress and she loved doing "improves with her dad" when she was younger?
Can you imagine for a second that maybe, just maybe, she is simply acting, doing a role?
Did you hear when she says she can fake her tears at any time, ever since she was Blanket's age?


@SinPattyK, like I've said, I don't know anything for sure. Those are just my thoughts and feelings and nothing else. But you do sound as you really know everything. Are you a Paris' friend or you know her family personally? Cause if you are and you do, you are such a great source of correct information. :th_bravo:

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you....


@Gina....oh sweetie, I am so sorry to hear of this news.  My heart aches for you and your family.  I will pray that God will see your mother in-law and your whole family through.
Amazing things happen in world of cancer these days.....doctors truly have come such a long way.  I will look around for the correct area to post your worries.  When someone is hurting, it makes no difference where you post....not to me anyways.  I am always here if you just need a virtual hug or shoulder.  Please know we care much, and send lots of love.

Love, blessings and prayers to you always,


October 03, 2012, 01:25:42 PM #13655 Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 01:27:20 PM by SimPattyK
Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 01:17:17 PM

@SinPattyK, like I've said, I don't know anything for sure.

Well by the way you expressed yourself in all your previous messages, you did sound like you were very sure, like you knew him.
For ex.:
"I thought that knowing Michael and his maniacal love [...]"
"[...] I really think its just impossible"

Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 01:17:17 PM

But you do sound as you really know everything.

Oh no, I don't "sound like I know everything". Go and re-read my message. You will notice that I used words like MAYBE and a lot of question marks! I asked you a lot of questions, that for some reason you avoid to answer.

Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 01:17:17 PM

Are you a Paris' friend or you know her family personally?

No, I am not and I don't need to be. Everything I know can be found by anyone else on the Internet.
Have you done your research?

Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 01:17:17 PM

you are such a great source of correct information. :th_bravo:

Google and Youtube are the sources of information.
Go there and find the truth yourself.


Unfortunately, the first thing that Google says is that Michael Jackson is dead. So that isnt the source of correct information. I thought you were..
I need to try with YouTube. Thank you.

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you....


October 03, 2012, 01:36:57 PM #13657 Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 01:44:39 PM by SimPattyK
Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 01:34:40 PM

Unfortunately, the first thing that Google says is that Michael Jackson is dead.
So that isnt the source of correct information. I thought you were..
I need to try with YouTube. Thank you.

Well yeah, they also said it on TV: "Michael Jackson is dead."

Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 01:34:40 PM

I thought you were..

If you think that me or anyone else is here, to 'inform" (spoon-feed) you, then you're wrong.
Nobody is here to convince you nor to "inform" you.
You want the truth? You want "good information"? Ok. Go find it yourself.
That's what most of us did.


Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 01:34:40 PM

Unfortunately, the first thing that Google says is that Michael Jackson is dead. So that isnt the source of correct information. I thought you were..
I need to try with YouTube. Thank you.

The first thing that google says is that Michael jackson is alive

I`m alive and I`m here forever!


Quote from: SimPattyK on October 03, 2012, 01:36:57 PM

Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 01:34:40 PM

Unfortunately, the first thing that Google says is that Michael Jackson is dead. So that isnt the source of correct information. I thought you were..
I need to try with YouTube. Thank you.

Well yeah, they also said it on TV: "Michael Jackson is dead."

Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 01:34:40 PM

I thought you were..

If you think that me or anyone else is here, to 'inform" (spoon-feed) you, then you're wrong.
Nobody is here to convince nor "inform" you.

Why did you suggest Google search then if you knew it wasnt saying the truth?
And I thought at least one person, Mr Front/Michael is here to inform us? Was I wrong about that also?

I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you....


October 03, 2012, 01:46:25 PM #13660 Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 01:47:44 PM by SimPattyK
Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 01:44:14 PM

Why did you suggest Google search then
if you knew it wasnt saying the truth?

LOLL that^^ is your conclusion. Not mine!

Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 01:44:14 PM

And I thought at least one person, Mr Front/Michael is here to inform us? Was I wrong about that also?



I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you....


October 03, 2012, 01:51:42 PM #13662 Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 01:52:09 PM by SimPattyK
Quote from: Felix on October 03, 2012, 01:48:22 PM

Why is he here then?

I'll give you my opinion on that, some other time...
Maybe... meanwhile, you manage to find the answer yourself...  :icon_e_wink:

Good luck in your quest for truth!

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some work to do.


Yes felix we all are entitled to our own feelings and "opinions". I share some of what you wrote here, well the two of which I've seen hehe.
As the world knows it, Michael is dead. He had a burial, he hasn't been seen since and his family keep saying he is dead.

The only reason why I am even considering that he might be alive is for a very few posts I accedently seen here from TS and Front talking about announcements and a few other things.

Things of which I know are true. But since Michael died it should not be a possibility... but at the same time they are many who will speak, if.

I've seen also the thingy with the turtle necklace around the neck of the guy in a pic front posted, and it did get me cursing in my head because I know the connection and I know of some of who are in those circles... and I know what they are doing and it made so much sense when he wrote making magic and chillin in turtle island (something like that).

I know! There is a big differnece between belief and knowing.

So for those reasons I began opening up, well more of accepting that maybe he is alive.
But not for the reasons so many here tend to believe. I will continue staying in the background once more  for now.


Love is the Solution to Everything.


Quote from: GINAFELICIA on October 03, 2012, 12:09:46 PM

Where is that negativity thread? I can't find it. I've just received the worst news - my mother-in-law has cancer. We are all so scared. Don't know what to do.
For a month or so my husband has bad dreams and keeps telling me he has the feeling that something very bad is on  the way.
Please move this post in the right thread.

I am very sorry what of your mother, I know what it feels like.

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