Just read the last 30 pages I had missed out on when I went AWOL. Just a few quick comments, will keep them brief as I get that the moment has already passed.
#1 @ FRONT: Cool snippets, THANK YOU SO MUCH they all make me want to get my dance on! Feel privileged to hear them :bearhug:
#2 Neverland fire, (which I was already abreast with) same day as sign #5 (which was news to me) - pretty cool - Nice one Mary! Esp considering content sign 5
#4 I have learned a hell of a lot about Turtle symbolism. :icon_razz:
#5 I am staying right away from crop circle discussion.... LOL
#6 Re: the stalker in the red dress snippets, although I respect MJ fans across the world and hold nothing against her personally, it makes my stomach turn to see repetitive stalking as its not healthy. However it really makes me laugh to think she would have embraced or followed a 'double' on a few occasions, lol
#7 The discussions on time were incredibly interesting and complex, and yet simple at the same time. Time has no beginning and no end. Every time I over think TIME my brain siezes up as its too difficult to wrap my head around... so I just go with the simple, time has no beginning nor end, it never stops and we are just passengers on the stream for a miniscule second for the whole 80ish years that we exist.... yikes, my brain is already starting to seize, so I'll stop there, so not even going to comment on wormhole, parallel universes and time travel, or my brain will explode, LOL.... Ah, the mind boggles.
#8 Discussion on Time in relation to comeback / front, etc.... We all know we are being tested. A test isn't a test when its easy. When things are perceived to be too difficult, too unrealistic, too far fetched, or when much Time (possibly extended beyond expectation) has lapsed, is when we are REALLY being tested. So if, that is how you feel at times, you are having Time doubts, yet you are still here, then pat yourself on the back and be proud of yourself. Because it means you are passing the test. Those who are tested and endure, will enjoy the SWEET taste of BAM so much more than those who fail the test.
#9, AngelGraduatedbyMichael, I hate to do this, but feel compelled. Without wanting to appear like a bandwagoner, I have to say many of your comments in a particular post 20 pages back, made me cringe, but none more than this one:
QuoteI tend to be down-to-earth and I know every man dream of achieving a status where women throw themselves at him, whether it's for his art, sex-apple, money... If I was dating some super-sexy popstar or musician, I wouldn't naively expect him to be faithful. Men are sex predators, they watch porn, and they want to conquer. It's not the groupies who are in control.
I do not want my comments to you to cause a 'thing' between us because I respect every one here at this forum and in the past have enjoyed much of what you post. But just have to say that I found that particular comment above to be incredibly generalistic, fictitious and based on nothing more than a whim or perhaps unhealthy psychological understanding of Men and Sex. It actually is disrespectful not just to MJ but to men in general. It actually makes me concerned that you have an unhealthy view of a man and in specific sex and men combined. It is disrespectful to all the men in your life, because it is such a generalised / pigeon hole comment. You are basically saying it applies to your father, brother, son, uncle, grandfather, nephew, cousin, etc. Also, not all musicians want groupies or have some animalistic uncontrollable view of sex. I know for a fact my husband is not a sex predator, abhors porn because of its disrespect and exploitation of women and couldn't think of anything worse than having sex with multiple women either at once or individually. Just want you to know that I am not having a go at you at all, and hope that this doesn't alter the way we are on the forum. I just really encourage you to alter your view point on men and sex as its unhealthy and not a fantasy of every man. They are not animals with uncontrollable sexual appetite. Although such people do exist, its incorrect to pigeon hole all men including famous musicians, or others who can 'attain groupies' into that basket. Many men in the music, movie, sporting industries as well as multitudes of 'regular guys' (like my man as described earlier) enjoy healthy, satisfying, exciting sexual relationships and experiences with one woman, and that is their fantasy, not what you described. What you wrote is offensive and you should really reconsider your current understanding on men and their sexual appetites.
Half way through writing this to you, I later see you were banned. I'm still keeping this response to you, because no doubt you will be reading as a guest. I suggest working with a psychologist you trust to gain a healthy perception of men, because you may find if you don't you will leave yourself unessesarily vulnerable and it may impact on your own self respect as a woman, as your comments indicate that women have no control and are to be there for men, just as meat to a wolf... incredibly unhealthy, really.
# 10 Loved the Bad 25 Take Over header on FB page - Made my day to see those words, thanks for posting Sarahli :woohoo2: HUGE BACK VALIDATION right there haters!
#11 @ CURLS, I think you are bang on with this and agree with you 100%
QuoteI too agree with much of what you said wishingstar - I've always felt his legacy, his reputation, for his children's sake, is all important and this has always led me to a strong belief in his physical bam - to set the story straight once and for all, and for this monumental feat (aka hoax) to be acknowledged. Without going into details of my opinions on the why's of the hoax, there seems to me no point in the hoax without the bam.
So we have abundant evidence MJ faked his death. We know how much he loves children, especially his own. No way in hell would he leave them the leagacy of Propofol OD / heart attack for the rest of their lives. If we believe MJ's message of L.O.V.E that in itself = Bam. L.O.V.E won't leave things the way they were left.
More importantly wrongs righted must happen. Has to. There are too many people out there still thinking that he is a Ch>>>> Mol>>>>r ..... I say "que Jordy Chandler"
Plus, it has to happen because my street cred is dropping and I've already told too many people about Bam.... (joke)
#11 @ Jono - I missed you guys too! So much!
Quote from: jono on September 28, 2012, 08:31:31 AMGosh, I miss Aussie and Souza in this thread... Where did you guys go?
#12 I think we are in the calm before the storm... So we just need to:

Or in Bec's case (This one esp for you Bec)
#13 @ Wishingstar - I am catching up on a lot of reading which is great, but I may take you up on your offer and PM you in the next couple of days. Thanks hun x
#14 Thanks all for your welcome back messages. Please note I am deleting my FB account soon, just because of time constraints as well as privacy concerns (not with hoax friends, just in general) So if you can't see me anymore that will be why. So the forum will be the place I keep in touch with my hoaxy friends. Thanks for understanding and don't take it personal.