Quote from: MJonmind on January 30, 2012, 06:15:29 PMSarahli, I do find your post intriguing.
I agree that MJ is the one to lift that veil of understanding these mysteries, including Revelation. Six more signs to go--can hardly wait!
Front's pics in that particular post--- Vastness of space (galaxies), pi in its infiniteness, birth of the new man (immortal), 12:21 (the end of the this age) before the thousand year reign of Christ, and "Truth will prevail = Time".
Thank you MJonmind. I have been thinking a bit more about all of this and in view of the recent developments some of the things Front said can have a new, more complete meaning:
Thinking about Pi, it relates to a circle's circumference, so I thought about the Earth:
Front said: "Just as the Earth is sure to rotate on its axis, the resurrection of a true King will indeed proclaim Hi(s)Story"
Immortality = Infinity = Pi
Front: "p.s.s. Did you know that the peacock is an ancient symbol of immortality? some Historical Romanesque and Byzantine churches are adorned with peacocks reflecting this significance of incorruptibility. One might even say............INvincible! also, did you know that the butterfly is symbol of Resurrection? [...]"
This also makes me think of what The Sign said in his post, that there will be no more death on Earth, that people will not grow old.
Front: "the resurrection of a true King will indeed proclaim Hi(s)Story...and the truth shall be heard in ALL corners of the Earth."
This also links to the 1st Sign about the second coming.
Front: "The sun will rise again, bigger and brighter, emblazoned in gold"
This could be a reference to the Ark of the Covenant.
Front: "Momentarily, the world will quake, for there will be a cosmic shift in "dogma"
This is probably referring to Armageddon, the lifting of the veil in order to reveal the truth and a new way of thinking.
Front: "and so the Theory of 7 continues................."
Again in light of recent revelations we are now at the beginning of the first of 7 signs, we have been talking about the 7th Sabbath day and the 7 day Adventist church has been mentioned.
I have found a video about a former Illuminati who is now a 7 day adventist. I still have to watch it entirely, but I think it can be interesting to see how and why this person has changed. It kind of represents the turning of the pyramid upside down 666 into 999.
"Only those who have been diligent students of the Scriptures and who have received the love of the truth will be shielded from the powerful delusion that takes the world captive. By the Bible testimony these will detect the deceiver in his disguise.To all the testing time will come. By the sifting of temptation the genuine Christian will be revealed. Are the people of God now so firmly established upon His Word that they would not yield to the evidence of their senses?"